Nizkor propaganda huh? Ok then then lets see the death reports. The Germans kept meticulous records and were visited often by the red cross and hilter permitted it. [66] US forensic pathologist Dr Charles Larsen performed autopsies in 1945 at Dachau and other German labour-camps. He is quoted as saying to a newpaper in 1980: ‘There never was a case of poison gas uncovered:’ But, his biography Crime Doctor (J.D.McCallum, Canada 1979) has him saying that at Dachau ‘a relatively few of the inmates I personally examined were murdered in this manner,’ viz. by cyanide pellets: these were, he reckoned, ‘mercy killings’ only for psychotic prisoners, p.61. [pressured to say, it makes no sense when all it took was a bullet, possibly suicide, that would make sense] [67] He found Butz’ book to be still the best one on the topic, with which one may agree. A Paris court found Faurisson guilty (February 2005) of the crime of Holocaust denial, for affirming on Iranian TV, ‘There was never a single execution gas chamber under the Germans.’ He presided over the Holocaust-re-evaluation conference at Tehran, December 2006. See his excellent lecture there given: [68] The Six Million Reconsidered, Ed W. Grimsted, Hist. Rev. Press 1977. [69] [SIZE=+1]No Documents! [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties, the court had to conclude that it lacked 'almost all the means or evidence available in a normal murder trial' including 'the bodies of the victim, autopsy reports, expert reports on the cause of death, evidence as to the criminals, murder weapons, etc[29].' Far from leading to doubt, this gave to the mythic gas chambers a metaphysical status, doubt of which was forbidden. 'No documents have survived, perhaps none ever existed,' concluded the Holocaust historian Léon Poliakov.[30] [/SIZE] But we do know: and that is IN THE CAMPS, which proves the what other jews who were there reported.
German-born Ernst Zundel came to prominence in the world of Holocaust denial, or what he prefers to call historical "revisionism," in the 1980s, when his Samisdat Publishing company began distributing propaganda like a "Did 6 Million Really Die?" pamphlet and Zundel's own book, The Hitler We Loved and Why . Criminal History In 1985, Ernst Zundel was convicted in Canada of "knowingly publishing false news" in connection with his pro-Nazi propaganda. The conviction was later overturned due to procedural errors. In 1987, Zundel was retried and again convicted in Canada. He served almost two years in prison before the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the law against publishing false news was unconstitutional. In 2007, after being deported by the United States back to Canada and then by Canada back to his native Germany, Zundel was convicted in Germany of 14 counts of inciting racial hatred and defaming the memory of the dead. He was sentenced to the maximum of five years in prison.
I guess reading isn't your strong suit: "I saw with my own eyes that Dresden was an armed camp: thousands of German troops, tanks and artillery and miles of freight cars loaded with supplies supporting and transporting German logistics towards the east to meet the Russians".[38] And once again it was a major industrial and rail center pumping men and material into the Eastern Front. Thanks for playing better luck next time.
Try reading the transcripts its well known that was a rigged court so people who dont know squat about it can quote it! The jewish holocuast is a cover for american and british war crimes, and the canadian court convicted on its own 'UNPROVEN presumption' that the holocaust was 100% bonafide. Jewish Revisionist David Cole [a Jew] in Auschwitz (1992) David Cole in Auschwitz — David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum A young Jewish Holocaust Denier, posing as a believer, puts some hard questions to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. After making this video, a “hit” was put out on Cole, and a reward for information on his whereabouts was issued by Irv Rubin (who years later, was arrested by the FBI for planning to kill a Lebanese-American Congressman.) Fearing assassination, Cole went into hiding. [video=youtube;rJY1vl3ZeiM][/video]
Maybe you should ask the Rothschilds that question. They played a big part in deciding which Jews went to the concentration camps. The criteria of deciding which Jews would emigrate, and which Jews went to the camps was if the Jew was going to able to assimilate into the new country s/he was going to. I read this in a book--a very 'telling' biography about the Warburg family. The Rothschilds funded the Russian Revolution, and was involved in the architecture of the Holocaust.
yeh we get that, its the cover story, in other words a lie. [66] US forensic pathologist Dr Charles Larsen performed autopsies in 1945 at Dachau and other German labour-camps. He is quoted as saying to a newpaper in 1980: ‘There never was a case of poison gas uncovered:’ So here we have churchill admitting and the newspapers reporting the bombings to be terror bombings and you are claiming the purpose was really because there was a military camp? For real? Yeh it was also a military prison camp! I survived the bombing of Dresden and continue to believe it was a war crime Victor Gregg As a prisoner of war held in Dresden, I still suffer the memories of those terrible events and my anger refuses to subside Then came the evening of the 13 February, 1945 – 68 years ago this week. I was a prisoner of war held in Dresden. At about 10.30pm that night, the air raid sirens started their mournful wailing and because this happened every night no notice was taken. The people of Dresden believed that as long as the Luftwaffe kept away from Oxford, Dresden would be spared. The sirens stopped and after a short period of silence the first wave of pathfinders were over the city dropping their target flares. As the incendiaries fell, the phosphorus clung to the bodies of those below, turning them into human torches. The screaming of those who were being burned alive was added to the cries of those not yet hit. There was no need for flares to lead the second wave of bombers to their target, as the whole city had become a gigantic torch. It must have been visible to the pilots from a hundred miles away. Dresden had no defences, no anti-aircraft guns, no searchlights, nothing.
No unequivocal facts for which you have no rebuttal. Those who were selected for immediate death were not registered at the camps let alone issued death certificates. They did not register or issue death certificates for those who were exterminated, however, they left plenty of other documents proving that people were not being registered and immediately killed upon entering the camps. The following letter shows that a cremation capacity of 80,000 at Auschwitz alone was not sufficient: Transcription TOPF An J.A. TOPF UND SÖHNE Erfurt, den 8.9.42 Abteilung D IV Unser Zeichen: D IV/Prf./hes In Sachen: Reichsführer SS, Berlin-Lichterfelde-West. Betrifft: Krematorium-Auschwitz. Vertraulich! Geheim! 8.9.42 Herr Obersturmführer Krone ruft an und erklärt, dass er zum Brigadeführer Kämmer bestellt sei und über seine Be- sichtigung des Krematoriums in Auschwitz, von der er gestern zurückgekehrt sei, zu berichten habe. Aus der Anlage in Auschwitz wäre er nicht klug geworden und wollte sich des- halb genau informieren, wieviel Muffeln dort zur Zeit in Betrieb seien, und wieviele Öfen mit Muffeln wir zur Zeit dort bauen und noch liefern. Ich gab an, dass zur Zeit 3 Stück Zwei- muffel-Öfen mit einer Leistung von 250 je Tag in Betrieb seien. Ferner wären jetzt in Bau 5 Stück Dreimuffel- Öfen mit einer täglichen Leistung von 800. Zum Versand kämen heute und in den nächsten Tagen die von Mogilew abgezweigten 2 Stück Achtmuffel-Öfen mit einer Leistung von je 800 täglich. Herr K. erklärte, dass diese Anzahl von Muffeln noch nicht aus- reichend sei; wir sollen noch weitere Öfen schnellstens liefern. Es ist daher zweckmäßig, dass ich am Donnerstag Vormittag nach Berlin käme, um mit Herrn K. über weitere Lieferungen zu spre- chen. Ich soll Unterlagen über Auschwitz mitbringen, damit nun endgültig einmal die dringenden Rufe verstummen würden. Den Besuch für Donnerstag habe ich zugesagt. Translation TOPF To J.A. TOPF UND SÖHNE Erfurt, September 8, 1942 Department D IV Our Mark: D IV/Prf./hes In Matters of: Reichsführer SS, Berlin-Lichterfelde-West. Concerning: Krematorium-Auschwitz. Confidential! Secret! 8.9.42 Herr Obersturmführer Krone calls to say that he was summoned to meet with Brigadeführer Kämmer and to report on his inspection of the crematorium in Auschwitz, whence he had returned yesterday. He could make nothing of the facilities at Auschwitz and wanted therefore to inform himself on how many muffles are in operation there at this time and how many ovens with muffles we are building there and are still to be delivered. I told him that at this time 3 double-muffle ovens are in operation, with a capacity of 250 per day. Further, currently under construction are 5 triple muffle ovens with a daily capacity of 800. Today and in the next few days, 2 eight-muffle ovens, each with a daily capacity of 800, will come on consignment, redirected from Mogilew. Mr K said that this number of muffles is not yet sufficient; we should deliver more ovens as quickly as possible. Thus, it is appropriate that I come to Berlin Thursday morning in order to discuss further deliveries with Mr K. I should bring documents on Auschwitz with me, so that the urgent calls can be finally silenced once and for all. I have agreed to the visit for Thursday. The question is how many people were actually dying from typhus. It is known from camp registration records that there were about 404,000 registered prisoners in the camp during its 4 1/2-year existence. [27] In 1989, the Auschwitz Archives in Moscow were opened for the first time since the Soviets liberated the camp in January 1945. These archives contain thousands of documents which survived destruction by the camp authorities when they fled the advancing Soviet forces. Among the items discovered were the Auschwitz Death Books. These books contain the death certificates of registered prisoners only. Nonregistered prisoners who were killed upon arrival did not receive a death certificate. The death books are incomplete. They contain the certificates of 68,864 registered prisoners who died from August 1941 to December 1943.There are no books for 1944 or periods prior to August 1941.They are either missing or were destroyed. Also, there are a number of missing books for the period August 1941 to December 1943. However, each book contains between 1400 and 1500 entries. [29] By interpolating 1500 entries into each missing death book we can arrive at approximately 80,000 deaths of registered prisoners for 1942 and 1943. [30] Dr. Tadeusz Paczula, a former Auschwitz inmate, was in the camp from 1940. He also kept the death registries for registered inmates. He later testified that for the two years following the summer of 1942, about 130,000 names were entered into the death registries. [31] Nevertheless, the nearly 69,000 death certificates available afford researchers the opportunity to see exactly what was killing registered prisoners. It is now known on the basis of these certificates that very few prisoners died from typhus. [32] They show that only 2060 of the 68,864 deaths were from typhus. While typhus can be lethal, it need not necessarily be so. Lucie Adelsberger, a Jewish prisoner and camp doctor, got typhus, was quarantined, and resumed her duties after recovery. [33] Similarly, Ella Lingens Reiner, a German doctor, who was also a prisoner, contracted typhus and survived. [34] One of the early Auschwitz memoirs, written in 1947, recounts an episode with camp doctor Josef Mengele, later to become known as the "Angel of Death" for his medical experiments. Mengele was disturbed about the typhus epidemic. The former prisoner wrote: "Alas, typhus epidemics did rage in the camp, but at this time we had comparatively few victims. The same day he [Mengele] sent us a large quantity of serum and directed mass vaccinations." [35] Petro Mirchuk, a Ukranian prisoner, wrote that a delousing in August 1942, the worst month of the epidemic, "eliminated the epidemic and the billions of fleas and lice ceased to exist." [36] Now if only 130,000 people were even granted death certificates at Auschwitz then why would they need a crematoria capacity of more than 80,000 per month? It makes no sense. The highest number of registered inmates at Auschwitz ever was in 1944 at 92,000 with only 404,000 registered for the camps total 4.5 years of existence, so are you seriously going to argue that they needed a cremation capacity of more than 80,000 per month with 6 double muffle Gusen style ovens at Aushwitz with a 26 body capacity for each muffle (26 x 2 x 6 per hour) which comes out to 312 bodies burned per hour, if people were not being registered and were in fact immediately killed upon entrance to the camp? That to put it mildly is absurd. And while we're at it perhaps you can explain to us all where the 5.5 million Jews went to between the 1939 and 1949 World Almanac Census on the global Jewish population? 1941 15,748,091 1944 15,192,089 1947 15,688,259 1948 15,688,259 1949 11,266,600 Note: all numbers after 1938 were estimates based on the 1939 census no new census was taken until 1949. Ah Red Cross lies now, it's like shooting fish in a barrel here. Dear Madam, We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your letter of 12 April concerning the victims of the Second World War, together with the enclosed booklet. We did already have a copy of this document, which is not the only one of its kind. Indeed, the ICRC and several National Societies, in particular, the American Red Cross, have received a great deal of correspondence on this matter. The booklet in question supports its false allegations by two abridged quotations taken from two documents published by the ICRC: "Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities dueing the Second World War" (3 volumes) "The work of the ICRC for civilian detainees in German Concentration Camps" (1 volume) These two documents, which we are sending you under separate cover, contain the basic information which the ICRC possesses on the victims of the Second World War. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide you with the figures you are seeking, since the ICRC has never tried to compile statistics on the victims of the war and has never certified the accuracy of the statistics produced by a third party. In fact, the basic aim of the ICRC is to come to the aid of victims of armed conflicts and not to act as a commission of enquiry or a statistics service. With regard to the figure of 300,000 victims quoted on page 28 of the document you sent us, on 19 January 1955 the newspaper "Die Tat" published an article (of which a photocopy is enclosed) giving figures for the victims of the Second World War, including that of 300,000. As you will see upon reading this article, first, the figure of 300,000 was not given by the ICRC and, secondly, it refers only to the _German_ victims (Jews and non-Jews) of the concentration camps. The authors of the booklet have therefore doubly falsified their information, by claiming that the figure relates to all the Jewish deportation victims and by naming the ICRC as its source. Finally, for your information, we are sending a copy of the ICRC information bulletin "The ICRC in Action" of 12 December 1975, the last page of which mentions the work of the ICRC in concentration camps. We hope this information will be of use to you. Yours faithfully, s/ R. Gaillard-Moret Head of Documentation and Dissemination Nizkor replies: Rumors of gas chambers could not be verified because the delegates were expressly forbidden from visiting the Auschwitz Krema, where the gas chambers and cremation facilities were. They were taken only to those parts of the huge complex which housed prisoners who were not to be exterminated. Some Allied POWs were held in Auschwitz, in reasonable conditions, but they knew about the gassings and mentioned them to the IRC delegate. For example, former SS-Untersturmfuehrer Dr. Hans Münch confirmed this in his testimony at the International Nuremberg Trial (Trial of the Major War Criminals, 1948, Vol. VIII, p. 313-321). He said: I repeatedly witnessed guided tours of civilians and also of commissions of the Red Cross and other parties within the camp, and I was able to ascertain that the camp leadership arranged it masterfully to conduct these guided tours in such a way that the people being guided around did not see anything about inhuman treatment. The main camp was shown only and in this main camp there were so-called show blocks, particularly block 13, that were especially prepared for such guided tours and that were equipped like a normal soldier's barracks with beds that had sheets on them, and well-functioning washrooms. Ironically, this policy of not showing extermination-related facilities is also confirmed by the IHR itself, though unwittingly. In the "Lüftl Report," supposed expert Walter Lüftl mentions a memo to the commandants of the concentration camps. According to Lüftl, it reads: The bordello and the crematories are not to be shown during camp visits. These installations are not to be mentioned to persons visiting the camp... Lüftl goes on to comment: Apparently, then, everything else could be shown and mentioned to visitors. Logically, then, a gas chamber, if one existed, could be shown and talked about; otherwise, it would have been included in the prohibition. Since we cannot assume that the SS ever showed a [homicidal] gas chamber to the inspectors of the International Red Cross, it is permissible to conclude that none existed. Lüftl, who is supposedly an expert, is not even aware that the term "crematories" refers to the cremation complexes, which also housed not only the ovens but also the gas chambers. Unwittingly, he has presented evidence against his own case -- for why would it be necessary to hide the cremation complexes from the Red Cross unless something were happening there that the Red Cross should not see? The "Lüftl Report," is available on-line in a textfile on Nizkor, or as a web page at the IHR's web site. Search on the text "Red Cross". And here we go, Dachau was not an extermination camp it was a concentration camp, all of the extermination camps were in occupied territory in the East the extermination camps were Aushwitz II (Birkenau), Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmo, Treblinka, and Majdanek Learn your basic (*)(*)(*)(*)ing history and then get back to me pal I have neither the time nor the inclination to educate you on the most simplest of historical points.
Once again and for the last time Dresden was defended by anti-aircraft emplacements, it was an armed camp, and it was an industrial and rail center fueling the Nazi war machine in the East. And I have not failed to notice that you have completely failed to condemn the unprovoked terror bombing of Warsaw which sparked the war to begin with resulting in even more casualties than that of Dresden! Why would that be pal? The city authorities at the time estimated no more than 25,000 victims, a figure that subsequent investigations supported, including a 2010 study commissioned by the city council.[14] Overall, Warsaw suffered approximately 25,800 civilian deaths, with 40 percent of the buildings in the city were damaged and 10 percent of the buildings destroyed.
lol, David Cole who completely recanted all of his holocaust denial as the lies that they were and in antithesis to neo-Nazi conspiracy theorists is alive and well living under the assumed name of David Stein: This statement is given in an attempt to set the record straight about my current views regarding the Holocaust and Holocaust denial. As anyone who follows the subject of Holocaust denial knows, from 1991 until 1994 I was well known in the movement as a Jewish Holocaust denier [a self-described "revisionist"]. For the last three years I have no longer been associated with this movement, having realized that I was wrong and that the path I was taking with my life was self-destructive and hurtful to others. I have spent the last few years in silence on the subject of my time with the denial movement, a silence caused mainly by my shame at what I had done with my life and my desire to distance myself from that life. However, in that shame-induced silence, it has now been brought to my attention that I have not gone as far as I should have to make a clear and complete public statement in order to set the record straight as to where I stand. It is my great hope that this statement accomplishes that task. I would like to state for the record that there is no question in my mind that during the Holocaust of Europe's Jews during World War Two, the Nazis employed gas chambers in an attempt to commit genocide against the Jews. At camps in both Eastern and Western Europe, Jews were murdered in gas chambers which employed such poison gasses as Zyklon B and carbon monoxide (in the Auschwitz camp, for example, the gas chambers used Zyklon B). The evidence for this is overwhelming and unmistakable. The Nazis intended to kill all the Jews of Europe, and the final death toll of this attempted genocide was six million. This atrocity, unique in its scope and breadth, must never be forgotten. During my four years as a denier, I was wracked with self-hate and loathing, a afact that many of my critics were quick to point out. Indeed, this self-hatred was obvious to most, but I was too blind to see it. The hate I had for myself I took out on my people. I was seduced by pseudo-historical nonsense and clever-sounding but empty ideas and catch-phrases. When my eyes were finally opened, thanks to several good, kind friends who had refused to give up on me even when I was at my worst, I was horrified at what I had done. My instinct was to flee and never look back, but I now understand that I owe it to the people I wronged to make a forceful repudiation of my earlier views. I also owe a very large apology, not only to the many people I enraged, and to the friends and family I hurt, but especially to the survivors of the Holocaust, who deserve only our respect and compassion, not re-victimization. Therefore, to all of the above people, let me offer my most humble and very, very sincere apology. I am sorry for what I did, and I am sorry for the hurt I caused. And just as I must set the record straight concerning my views, it is also incumbent on me to set the record straight regarding the video "documentaries" and media appearances I did from 1991 to 1994. These "documentaries" are merely videotaped garbage filled with self-hatred and pseudo-intellectual nonsense. My "media appearances" were nothing but an embarrassment. My glazed look, specious reasoning, and talking-in-circles during my talk show appearances would have hopefully alerted any astute views that this was a man not in touch with reality. It has been brought to my attention that Bradley Smith is still using one of my videos in advertisements he is running on college campuses. Therefore, I would like to make these additional points: This video is being advertised without my consent, and I denouce this video as being without worth. Bradley Smith is no historian, and denial is no "historical field." Students on college campuses should look elsewhere to find out about the Holocaust. To these students I would say, look to books like Professor Raul Hilberg's "Destruction of the European Jews," Leni Yahil's "The Holocaust," and Lucy Dawidowicz's "The War Against the Jews" for correct information. If your school library doesn't stock these books, have them order copies. Do not pay any attention to any "David Cole" videos, except to rightly denounce them as frauds. I am thankful for being given the opportunity to make this statement. This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly, even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the widest possible distribution. This statement is the most current and accurate compilation of my views, and it supersedes any previous writings, videos, or statements. It is my hope that there will be no more confusion as to where I stand. I thank you for letting me set the record straight. [/s] David Cole Subscribed and sworn to before me on January 5, 1998. [/Mary Stewart] [Notary seal] Hollywood conservative unmasked as notorious Holocaust revisionist Republican Party Animals operator David Stein says he is really David Cole, and that he still holds controversial views
More lies and fakery, here he is in a 2014, unrecanting! LMAO [video=youtube;hjA4OSQXcNk][/video] Published on Apr 25, 2014 Journalist Joshua Blakeney interviewed David Cole, the Jewish Holocaust Revisionist who recently rejoined the historical revisionist community after spending sixteen years operating under the alias David Stein, a mainstream holocaust consultant and organizer of parties for members of the Republican Party. Relevant links include: Like I said you really arent very good at this Cole explains in these series of interviews how the believers were shown to be liars.
Why are you posting propaganda? The canadian supreme court overturned the decision. R v Zundel [1992] 2 S.C.R. 731 is a landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision where the Court struck down the provision in the Criminal Code that prohibited publication of false information or news on the basis that it violated the freedom of expression provision under section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [h=2]Background[/h] In 1985, Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel was charged with "spreading false news" by publishing a pamphlet entitled "Did Six Million Really Die?" in Canada, contrary to s. 181 of the Criminal Code. Section 181 states that "[e]very one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment". At trial, Zundel was convicted. However, on appeal the case was sent back for a new trial due to a procedural error at trial in admitting evidence and instructing the jury. He was re-tried in 1988, and convicted again. The judgement was upheld by the Court of Appeal, and Zundel appealed to the Supreme Court. The issue before the Supreme Court was whether s. 181 of the Code infringed "the guarantee of freedom of expression in s. 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and, if so, whether s. 181 is justifiable under s. 1 of the Charter." [h=2]Opinion of the Court[/h] Justice Beverley McLachlin, writing for the Court, found that Zundel did violate section 181. The book was examined, and the court concluded that it "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities." However, section 181 violated section 2(b) of the Charter. Kelsey noted that section 2(b) protects all expression of a non-violent form, and as such, the content itself is irrelevant (section 2(b) is content neutral). The protection provided by the Charter includes expression of minority beliefs even where the majority may find it false (Morais 2001). The imposition of imprisonment for expression has a severely limiting effect on freedom, beyond reason. McLachlin further found that it could not be justified under section 1 of the Charter as the restriction on all expressions "likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest" was far too broad.
>>>MOD EDIT Off Topic Removed<<< Yeh it was also a military prison camp! I survived the bombing of Dresden and continue to believe it was a war crime Victor Gregg As a prisoner of war held in Dresden, I still suffer the memories of those terrible events and my anger refuses to subside Then came the evening of the 13 February, 1945 – 68 years ago this week. I was a prisoner of war held in Dresden. At about 10.30pm that night, the air raid sirens started their mournful wailing and because this happened every night no notice was taken. The people of Dresden believed that as long as the Luftwaffe kept away from Oxford, Dresden would be spared. The sirens stopped and after a short period of silence the first wave of pathfinders were over the city dropping their target flares. As the incendiaries fell, the phosphorus clung to the bodies of those below, turning them into human torches. The screaming of those who were being burned alive was added to the cries of those not yet hit. There was no need for flares to lead the second wave of bombers to their target, as the whole city had become a gigantic torch. It must have been visible to the pilots from a hundred miles away. Dresden had no defences, no anti-aircraft guns, no searchlights, nothing.
Holocaust deniers are imho some of the most dispicable and disgusting scum on the planet and in all honesty should be rounded up, put into camps, and well... I'm sure you get where this is going. Would serve them right. By the way. Calling out the state on actual real bull(*)(*)(*)(*) and believing retarded ass bull(*)(*)(*)(*) are 2 different things.
By all means. Be proud of what you are. Self confidence is a good virtue. But at the end of the day you're still a fool. Your ancestors must be very proud. Especially the ones who survived so they could live to see creatures like your fellow 9/11 truther berate them and call them liars and deny the unimaginable horrors that they endured.
Do you deny the Holocaust because it is an example of what Christians did to Jews because of religion. Killing the Christ killers, so rather than own up to it you pretend it never happened?
Speaking of fools, only a fool would believe I have any control over what others think or do. I don't have any "fellow 9/11 truther" and only a fool would believe that those who don't believe the US government's official fairy tale share the same brain. Do you share the same brain as your "fellow 9/11 liars"? Very little has changed since the atrocities of WWII, today we have the atrocities of the endless war on terror, a genocide that's being perpetrated under pretext of a government fed fantasy. "We tortured some folks" - Barack Obama. No, many were tortured, some to death. Some were tortured into signing confessions they weren't allowed to read. And those statements were key to the 9/11 Commission Report, a piece of Nazi style propaganda. In Nazi Germany, the vast majority of Germans followed the lock step mentality of the Nazis who fed them lie after lie. In America, we have many Americans who follow the lock step mentality of the MIC/MSM who feed them lie after lie. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. - Joseph Goebbels
bob, I never asked that exact question. It was a typical labor camp that was also used to house prisoners of the state. Mystery surrounds letters praising Holocaust denial video Officials deny watching ‘David Cole in Auschwitz — A Jew Questions the Holocaust,’ Holocaust denial video that suggested Jews were not exterminated by gas chambers at the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp mysteriously received flattering praise in letters from the offices of one U.S. representative, a Maine state representative and a high-ranking policy adviser ... more > By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro - The Washington Times - Monday, October 13, 2014 A Holocaust denial video that suggested Jews were not exterminated by gas chambers at the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp mysteriously received flattering praise in letters from the offices of one U.S. representative, a Maine state representative and a high-ranking policy adviser to the president of Hungary who now works for NATO. A fourth letter from a U.S. representative acknowledged receiving the video, but only described it as “informative,” and returned the video to the sender. The Washington Times reached three of the four individuals whose offices sent out the flattering responses, and, in all three cases, officials denied having actually watched the video and offered apologies. [HR][/HR] SEE ALSO: Anti-Israel activists stage ‘blood bucket challenge’ at Holocaust memorial [HR][/HR]They suggested that a secretarial staff member probably sent the response not knowing the actual content of the video, wrongly assuming it was a conventional analysis of the Holocaust. The 1992 documentary in question was produced by David Cole, a then-22-year-old American researcher who is Jewish, and Bradley Smith, who in 1987 founded the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. The video, “David Cole in Auschwitz — A Jew Questions the Holocaust,” quickly became a hallmark film in the Holocaust denial community and has since been treasured by deniers partially because of Mr. Cole’s Jewish heritage, which they say gives credence to his claims being, as one letter stated, “objective.” A Washington Times investigation revealed that admirers of Mr. Cole’s sent VHS copies of his documentary in the mid-1990s to political officials in the U.S. and abroad, and, in at least four instances, letters were sent back — from the offices of U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, former U.S. Rep. John E. Baldacci of Maine, Maine state Rep. Alvin L. Barth and Zsolt Rabai, a foreign policy adviser to then-President Arpad Goncz of Hungary. In the first three instances, an Oregon man named Gregg Clemmer sent the video. An opaque response sent back to Mr. Clemmer and purportedly signed by Mr. Baldacci flatly said, “Thank you for the tape sent to me regarding the Auschwitz concentration camp. It was a very informative production. I am returning your tape, following office policy. I appreciate the opportunity to view it. Thank you again.” Mr. Baldacci, a Democrat who later served as governor of Maine, told The Times he had no recollection of the video, and described any form of Holocaust denial as “disgusting.” In contrast to Mr. Baldacci’s flat response, the letter sent from Ms. Kaptur’s office offered more dramatic praise, saying, “Thank you for sending me a copy of David Cole’s video. Mr. Cole has obviously invested a great deal in researching his subject, and I admire his tenacious curiosity. Again, I thank you for sharing this documentary with myself and other members of Congress.” The reply from Mr. Barth was handwritten and said, “Dear Mr. Clemmer, thank you for the video. It does raise some valid and interesting points. Have you considered court action to get the video aired?” The reply from Mr. Rabai, the Hungarian political adviser, was written to Mr. Cole’s co-producer, Bradley Smith, and said, “Thank you sending us your documentary video about the Auschwitz concentration camp. I was impressed by the objective and logical way David Cole spoke about the Auschwitz gas chamber. Congratulations!” Steve Fought, a spokesman for Ms. Kaptur, said that the still-sitting Democratic congresswoman did not watch the documentary or write the letter. “I’ll be honest with you: We apparently let one slip through the cracks,” he said. “Back in 1995 this office received about a hundred letters a day. Most offices now average about a thousand a day and around a quarter [of] a million a year. It’s very hard to keep up. We try to add a little flavor to these letters sometimes to make a response sound personalized, and I think that’s what happened here. “We made a mistake, but no one ever watched this video, and no one would ever say anything to deny the Holocaust,” Mr. Fought said. Mr. Barth is now retired and could not be reached for comment, but Mr. Rabai was so concerned when The Times sent him a copy of the letter sent from his office that he watched Mr. Cole’s full documentary so that he could comment on it. He said that both he and the former Hungarian president “were deeply touched by the tragedy and human suffering caused by the Holocaust,” and later added that although he answered much of the foreign mail, books and videos that came to his office, he rarely had time to analyze what he had received. “We tried to answer all mail coming in and personalize them as much as possible so, at least myself, I tried to have a quick look at the summary of a book, a few pictures of a video and make a reference to it.” He expressed regret for not issuing what he called “a proper answer on the statements of this video.” Bradley Blakeman, a former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush who also served on the board of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, said that the letters reveal what he described as “a serious problem on the Hill that needs to be addressed and corrected.” “All of Capitol Hill has surrendered their authoritative voice to a bunch of inexperienced interns who don’t know what they’re talking about,” Mr. Blakeman said in a telephone interview. “In this case, U.S. congressional offices surrendered their voice to the Holocaust denial community and empowered it by doing so. These letters are out there now, and they can be used to validate the documentary. If elected officials allowed their staff to mail out these letters without ever watching the video, then they were grossly negligent.” Mr. Cole himself said that he does not think Mr. Baldacci watched his video, but he does believe someone in Ms. Kaptur’s office did because of the specific language of her response. “I feel certain that whoever wrote the Kaptur letter — be it Kaptur or a person acting on her behalf — saw the video,” he told The Times. “If you receive a video about Auschwitz, and you just want to fire off a simple form letter thank you note, you’d say something like, ‘Thank you for the video. The Holocaust is a terrible chapter in history and must never be forgotten. Thank you for your efforts to further the cause of remembrance ‘ “But my documentary was specifically about my ‘tenacious curiosity’ in relentlessly grilling the Auschwitz State Museum staff regarding the evidence for gas chambers. One would only know that the video was about David Cole and his ‘tenacious curiosity’ by watching the video.” Mr. Cole told The Washington Times he is not a “Holocaust denier” and that he “loves Israel” and is “staunchly pro-Zionist.” He rather describes himself as someone who had a fascination with history and wanted to explore “anomalies” he felt were unclear. He said he was inspired to make the film because the Soviets — not the Americans or British — liberated Auschwitz, and history has proven that the Kremlin often engaged in what he called “Soviet deception.” He emphasized that he believed it was important for historians to continue distinguishing what may have been postwar Soviet propaganda and the truth, since emotions were running high in the aftermath of the war. Aaron Breitbart, a senior Holocaust researcher at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, confirmed that the Soviets did in fact inflate the original death toll at Auschwitz, but added that Jewish historians have always criticized the numbers that came out of Russia. He says the real numbers about Auschwitz do not change the conclusion that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. “The 6 million figure is based on the lower numbers and always has been,” Mr. Breitbart said. He said that he did not believe Mr. Cole’s film valuable, opining that Mr. Cole “not only did a disservice to history, but to himself affording the denial community a Jewish voice.” While Mr Cole may have done the Jewish community a disservice, he is a hero for serving truth. Bob th e pictures shown below are actual pictures mostly from auschwitz, some like th epools and what not from surrounding camps. The workers as you can see at osewica had in many cases better working conditions than we had here 50 years ago. I am surprised that you do not find it odd that no mention is made of gas chambers in any of the letters sent home. The old heavy set woman and the man in the straw hat never left the camp and if they are still alive I am sure are still living there. . There is a reason the matrix was such a popular movie: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo? No. Why not? Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. I know *exactly* what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? The Matrix? Do you want to know what it is?
Lol so he recants and then unrecants, wtf ever, doesn't change the fact that every single claim he has ever made has been completely debunked, he is a fraud.
It was an defended city, an armed camp, an industrial and rail hub, and a legitimate military target. Again I notice you have not even attempted to refute a single one of the numerous unequivocal facts I have presented nor have you condemned the siege of Warsaw and the first terror bombing campaign in the European theater conducted unprovoked by the Nazi filth.
Seems you have all your unequivocal facts totally (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up. Like I said there was no base in dresden, and the large barracks that was a few miles away from dresden went UNTOUCHED from the bombing. On February 13 and 14, 1945, British bomber planes commenced an air attack against Dresden, creating a vast firestorm below.[7] During the first phase, 244 Lancaster bombers dropped high explosive and incendiary bombs aimed at the center of the city.[8] American B-17 bombers followed the next morning, to destroy the city's railroad marshaling yards.[7] While much of the city was in ruins, the Bundeswehr's main military museum and most of the other military buildings in the Albertstadt survived the bombing of Dresden because of its location on the city's outskirts.[4] The building withstood World War II attacks on Germany and continued to be used as a military museum until it was closed in 1989. It re-opened again in 2011 and provided a new way of presenting military history. The exhibition concept and design was developed by HG Merz. The Albertstadt is a neighborhood of Dresden, Germany. It was named after Albert of Saxony, who initiated the building of this suburb. At that time it was the biggest coherent barrack complex in Germany. Today, the Military History Museum of the German Federal Armed Forces is located in one of the former military arsenals. Although the major military center of the region, the district was not specially attacked in the 1945 allied bombings and it suffered only marginal destruction. Geography Location Albertstadt is located in Northern Dresden, is around three kilometres from the city center, Innere Altstadt. It is surrounded by Radeberger Vorstadt, Antonstadt and Leipziger Vorstadt in the south, and Dresdner Heide, as well as Heller in the north. Albertstadt has around 2600 inhabitants. With 7,55 km², it is one of the largest neighborhoods in Dresden, and it has a low population density of 351 people per square meters. So all this (*)(*)(*)(*) about a military base in dresden given as justification for the scorched earth bombing burning close to 1/2 million german civilians is just that (*)(*)(*)(*).
What do you think of this source that I posted in post #34? I'm not saying I simply believe it. I'm just saying that a piece of paper can be found that says anything we would like to hear. Everybody finds a document that says what he or she wants to be true and posts it as proof. How do we know which documents are bogus? We have to look at stuff that is a lot harder to obfuscate such as these analyses. Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - HD (full) (English Subtitles)"Judea+Declares+War+on+Germany"+&sm=12
When I drink too much coffee, I make typos. I wanted to say "You'll respond to my post". Anyway, if Ronstar doesn't respond, he's obviously not a sincere and objective truth-seeker. He has a foregone conclusion and ignores anything that doesn't go in the direction of his foregone conclusion. As he obviously has this defect, nothing he says is to be taken seriously.