Oh, science isn’t saying man is destroying the plant, only warming it up. Its the politicians use science improperly to scare the masses into behaving like asses and voting them the power to control every aspect of their lives from what light bulb to use to how to drink pop, to how much meat to eat, to how many miles to drive, to many breathes to take, to how much lumber to cut, to how not to kill mosquitoes. It’s bogus bullshit from blathering bubble brains. I know one thing for sure, the next climate change won’t be global warming, it’ll be an ice age. And we are going to need all the energy and heat we can produce.
So one want to save "future generations " but kill thousands of people today for vanity, narcissism? Lack of cheap fuel?
I proved satellites were never mentioned in the article you said that said 30 countries launched satellites. But nice deflection from your BS.
The issue isn't trivial. There are several serious sources of CO2. You can't form a rational strategy while considering only one source or one factor.
You're in a panic about light bulb technology and straws!!! When in the history of mankind would you have had it so good? Whether/when there will be another ice age will be something humans of the future will have to deal with. We can tell them how - switch to fossil fuel, eat a whole lot of cows, burn the forests, switch to incandescent builbs, buy a coat. Of course, people will absolutely hate that.
They were actually kind of right. Surfur-based aerosols do have a significant effect, and research today even confirms that some of the stuff we release is cooling the planet. Smog does have a proven cooling effect and have very harmful in many other ways. However what other scientists pointed out was that CO2 emissions and the heating from that far outweigh any cooling from aerosols. We also started implementing regulations on pollution that reduced their effect on the climate. But if we hadn't been releasing CO2, and didn't implement those air quality regulations, we would have probably entered an ice age. The ice age people were wrong because they ignored CO2. About 10 years ago I heard climate deniers claim that we were entering a cooling trend that might lead to an ice age. This is because temperatures stopped rising for a few years in the early 2000s, and they thought that this was the beginning of a cool down because of a cooler sun. Unfortunately they over-estimated the impact of changes in solar irradiance while ignoring CO2 and they were also wrong. Don't make the same mistake. Don't ignore CO2. As you can see from the below chart, the difference in heat from the sun and aerosols are far out weighted by our greenhouse gasses.
Prove it ..why no link? Scientists Underestimated How Bad Cow Farts Are Sam LemonickFormer Contributor Science Animal farts and poop are major contributors to global warming. It turns out we might have been underestimating just how much. New research finds that previous estimates of methane emissions from livestock were off by as much as 10%. The new calculations take into account changes in the ways people are using and keeping livestock. Methane is a natural byproduct of digestion, made by that microbes in an animal’s gut that breakdown and ferment the food we eat. A gas, methane is a principle component of farts, though it’s not the one that makes them smell—sulfur-containing molecules are the biggest culprit there. methane is a big contributor to the greenhouse effect, helping to trap heat within Earth’s atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide usually gets the blame for global warming, but methane is about 85 times more powerful when it comes to trapping heat, although it breaks down faster than carbon dioxide. Now, a new calculation of methane produced by cows, swine and other livestock shows we may have underestimated their inputs. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Joint Global Change Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy say the previous figures, which served as a basis for the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, were off by 11%.
You guys are missing the whole point—the purpose of science is not to frighten the human soul into hysteria; it’s to educate, not to indoctrinate nor manipulate. All this data may be gold to scientists, but for a normal man who just wants to use fossil fuels to take his grandchildren to Atlantis, it’s useless, irrelevant, and boring. And science is never a justification to provide cover to dogmatists loading the governments’s gun and pointing at that grandfather’s head ordering by force, “No. No. No. You can’t do that no more”. If human existence requires slavery, humanity can rot in hell.
I don’t want to save Mankind, Humanity, any generation. I only want to live my life pursuing my own happiness. I suggest the rest of you start doing the same and stop being a bunch of Shmoos and Moochers. "The shmoo (plural: shmoos, also shmoon) is a fictional cartoon creature created by Al Capp (1909–1979); the character first appeared in the comic strip Li'l Abner on August 31, 1948. The popular character has gone on to influence pop culture, language, and even science. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmoo For all you Moochers, the adorable politically incorrect Betty Boop
Humans are not rational animals and are famous for doing nothing and procrastinating simply out of comfort. The way dentists get people to act in their own self-interest is to show them the data and then in horrifying detail let them know what the consequences will be. And yes, that will involve showing people data and evidence, may involve emotional discomfort and fear, and will require that they get up and make decisive decisions outside of their comfort zone. Sorry about that.
This doesn't dispute anything said by science. In fact, you appeal to science here - which has a unanimous answer to the questions of whether we're warming and whether humans are the primary cause of that warming. Did you look at the chart above?
Hmm. Can't learn from a toothache? Well, that's stupid. Can't think, but show the data and all is well? That's contradictory. Dazzle them with data, rule them with fear.
The job of a dentist is to tell people the truth about their mouths and to show them accurate data that says what is going on. Sometimes the truth is unpleasant and can make people fearful, but its still the truth. Fear helps motive us to act and fix problems, and we often won't act without emotional drive. Now we shouldn't manipulate people with fear, but we should present the facts as they are, even if they are brutal, inconvenient, and fearful.
And that justifies Bloomberg pointing a gun at my head telling me how much sugary pop I can buy, sell, and drink? Because dentist have scientific data? Very short-sighted—chaining Liberty is far more dangerous to one’s health than a 32 ounce cup of Coke, including white lines. Science is not a moral justification for tyranny, and any attempt to do so is a betrayal of the creative mind, ie., reason. And that is the ultimate goal of the apocalyptic climatologists, the destruction of the creative mind.
All Bloomberg did was limit the size of soda cups. If you didn't like it, you could just order two cups. It was a silly law, but it isn't going to end liberty forever. These issues are different from climate change. Climate change impacts the whole world for millions of years, while your soda habit only impacts you.
Like banning straws, and plastic bottles, and incandescent light bulbs, spray deodorant, and asbestos, and DDT, and CO2, and fossil fuels, and on, and on, and on, until you feel like your mind is trapped in a Kurt Vonnegut nightmare when you’d much rather be in a Robert Heinlein novel, say Stranger in a Strange Land.
I’m responsible for me and mine; you take care of you and yours. We’ll get along fine, as long as you keep that fkn government gun out of my fkn face. If Humanity’s survival depends on my sacrifice, it can rot.
I don't usually use straws anyway. I just drink from the cup. Straws are pointless. Just get a water filter. The water is actually a lot better and far cheaper. Just use LEDs. They are far cheaper and last a lot longer. For heaven's sake, just use the stick. I don't want to smell your deodorant. Isn't that poisonous? You know that stuff has been getting into our food right? We also have effective alternative pesticides that don't have the negative impacts. You really want humanity to carry out a large-scale climate change experiment with CO2 that will last for millions of years? Maybe we should fully understand the impacts before we do this.