Here is a Scientist stand out!
There are numeros cases where that just plain doesn't even START to work. You're just declaring yourself to be a sociopath. I hope you have the honesty to live in some wide open portion of Wyoming, or whatever.
From your cite: "The solution is always the same, and it involves handing over power to the government." But, that didn't come from Curry. It came from the author, who clearly has his own opinion that he sees as more important than what Curry actually says. More directly, scientists identify and measure how our universe works. They DO NOT hand over power to the government. Our government gets its power from the people, not scientists. Curry makes some good points about scientific process - outlier ideas do have a harder time getting past review, for example. And, she does think that the warming we're seeing isn't as signficant as almost all other climatologists do. But, this article shows serious bias added by the author rather than showing interest in improvements proposed by Curry.
There are numeros cases where that just plain doesn't even START to work. You're outing yourself as a sociopath, and I can only hope you live in some remote location where your problem won't affect the well being of others.
Quit the hyperbole , the paris accords didnt/wouldn't accomplish anything except transfer of wealth, Take New Zealand for example all it's doing is buying carbon credits to continue to use fossil fuel The earth has been getting warmer since the last ice, glaciers have been receding since 18,000 years ago. It's been natural variation and we dont know how much man has been contributing since the Industrial revolution and deforestation
Curry destroyed Michael Mann at the last congressional hearings on climate change, you should look up and watch those videos. Judith had to retire from Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute because of the AGW cult and before you say she gets money now from fossil fuel, a bunch of colleges do also. And this is as hypocritical as you can get Top US universities use offshore funds to grow their huge endowments Paradise Papers show 12 major universities and colleges invest in Cayman Islands hedge fund pumping cash into fossil fuels
I see, living your life and using your Liberty to pursue your happiness is psychopathic. And when were the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights rescinded? “...unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That’s been replaced? By what? We, the majority, piss on your rights? Society requires obedience? Won’t work, but will fill a lot gas chambers.
You denounce New Zealand when Trump is working to INCREASE our carbon emissions through several mechanisms - promoting coal, totally unfounded political attacks on wind energy, legal assault on CA actions on car emissions, etc.??? I don't know what all New Zealand is doing, but I will point out that carbon offsets increase the cost of fossil fuel, thus using capitalism to reduce its use. By using capitalism, the move away from fossil fuel will be most significant where fossil fuel is actually needed the least - one of the serious advantages of capitalism! Beyond that, you are carefully picking and choosing results from science in an attempt to discredit ... SCIENCE!! Do you really think that makes sense?
Curry certainly didn't change the results from the field of climatology. Besides not "destroying Mann", contests like that are meaningless. And, you've got nothing on universities.
Ah, Capitalism means no government interference in the free market, Carbon Offsets are the exact opposite.
No everything I know is correct Tell us what's wrong with this data? I will give you a hint a 100 years ago we had no data from the southern hemisphere, so how could anyone logically assume the earth verage raised a 1/2 a degree?
She made such a complete fool of herself not even the GOP running the hearings could save her, though try they did.
Your own chart shows a number of red dots in the southern hemisphere, you need to get your eyes checked.
4 of them? You dont know much about statistics do you?. Once again they are saying Da earth rose a 1/2 a degree in a 100 years... How the heck could it be possible when they had few temperature stations, using Thermometers and comparing it to day with digital, satellites and Argo temperature bouys in the oceans.. It's pure B.S.