Resources for debunking 9-11 Truth

Discussion in '9/11' started by Ronstar, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I disagree. I think this is worth checking into.
    (5th picture from top)

    I checked the math and it's right. Here's a thread on which I showed the work.
  2. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    your math is all wrong, as are the conspiracy theorist claims. Plane debris was found all over the place, dozens of witnesses saw the plane, some even saw the 'AA' sign as it approached. Debris was everywhere, albeit mostly small pieces as a jet hitting a re-inforced concrete building will disintegrate on impact. Many planes have completely disintegrated when even hitting water at high speeds and numerous have left nothing but small pieces when diving into the ground yet people have a hard time with what happened at the Pentagon. All these conspiracy theory claims have been debunked thoroughly.

    But let me ask you more basic questions which will hopefully show you how ludicrous these conspiracy theories are. If a missile or smaller unmanned aircraft hit the pentagon, what the hell happened to flight 77? Where did this 757 disappear into? Was it shot down? if so, no debris elswhere was ever found? I've even heard conspiracies where the flight safely landed in Chicago O'hare and the 183 passengers gassed! So, i ask, what happpened to this Boeing 757 and it's 183 passengers?

    Were the dozens of eye witnesses in the conspiracy? all the debris planted? Was American Airlines in it too? What about the family members of the two passengers that made the phone calls? I've even heard theories around the CIA recording passenger voices and then making the calls and having full minutes of conversations with family members without them knowing it was faked. I mean...

    Just step back and think for second, how really ludicrous and fantastic these theories are.
  3. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Just saying that doesn't make it go away. Go into some detail.

    I've addressed all of these issue several times on this forum. I have to keep posting the same stuff over and over.

    All of it was plantable.

    There were also witnesses who saw a smaller craft.

    This fits with the scenario that there were plants who lied about seeing the 757 hit the Pentagon and there were others who saw the real plane.

    The people from Popular Mechanics got eaten for lunch by the Loose Change boys.

    Start watching this at the 44:00 time mark.
    9/11 - Painful Deceptions - (Full Length).

    There are several plausible scenarios. Our not knowing which one is the right one doesn't make the mountain of proof go away.

    Start watching this at the 1:38:36 time mark.
    "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (1/3)
  4. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Sorry to say that the mountain of proof points to the 757 hitting the pentagon. You have no proof of a smaller aircraft or missile hitting the pentagon. I'm sorry but i don't buy these fantastic storries around planted plane debris, dozens of witnesses lying, 757 and 183 passengers disappearing, american airlines in the conspiracy and hundreds of people covering it up. You can can believe in these Hollywood worthy scenarios; i choose to live in reality. All your claims are devoid of any evidence even though you think you have evidence. Conspiracy theorists make stuff up and then it gets passed from one theorist to the other as fact, this is rampant. In every complex event, like JFK or 09/11 there are always a few anomalies, residual unexplained or suspicious aspects which you guys use to build up conspiracies. This, in tandem with fabricated lies, passed as fact, is what gives birth to conspiracies. You guys send countless days looking at every little aspect of 09/11, ignore the endless evidence and facts pointing to terrorist and planes and just focus on these anomalies. Anyone and everyone can make up conspiracy theories this way, it's not hard at all. The fact remains that nothing really holds up and has been debunked time and time again. I wish more people would spend time debunking but they have better things to do than pay attention to people making up fictional conspiracies all the damn time.
  5. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    so this clip claims that the pentagon bodies were moved from one morgue to another morgue. SO? If this indeed happened (who knows as conspiracy theorists make up so much stuff) what does it prove? There could be 100 explanations for this, like they were better equipped in Dover or had more space or a ton of different explanations. Yet, you guys latch onto this and use it as 'evidence'. Then, you allege that flight 77 landed in Ohio and bodies shipped to the same morgue? So basically - A drone was remote controlled into the pentagon and a missile fired at it so it would explode at impact so there would be no trace of it. THEN, flight 77 lands in Ohio, 183 passengers blown up...body parts sent to morgue in Dover and it's timed so that it arrives in Dover at the same time the bodies from washington (pentagon employess) arrive.The airport and American Airlines of course, kept all this secret and no-one else noticed, even though it's a 757 jet. What evidence do we have? that bodies were moved from one morgue to another! This is in the first chapter of 'Creating a conspiracy theory' where tons and tons of facts and evidence are ignored and little insignificant events (with many plausible explanations) are used as evidence. This story is really something...
    sure, the people couldn't have made the cell calls. What this little worthless video omits when it talks about the cell phone calls from all 3 planes is:

    1. 64 calls were made, only 2 from cell phones..the rest were from plane phones.
    2. The two cell phone calls made, were dropped because the signal was not good. These came from flight 93 and were entirely possible as they were over a rural area where stations are designed to have a lot more range than in inner cities. Experts do agree that the calls would be dropped eventually and they were...
    3. Replicating 64 calls and duplicating passenger voices using some voice morphing technology would not be able to fool family members as they would notice a change in personality and strange tonality. No technology would fool me if they tried to mimic my wife or brother's voice as they called from a hijacked plane...

    What do conspiracy theorists do? They look for little anomalies to construct a grand theory, even though such anomalies or inconsistencies prove NOTHING. So which one do they latch onto? Barbara Olson's call to Tedd Olson. They orgasm when they see an apparent vagueness or inconstency in Tedd Olson's accounts. They claim that he was vague at first and changed his story later. Hmmm let's see, how many here would not be upset and distraught when finding out that your wife just got killed? first of all, why would he give a sht about how the call was made when he found out she was dead? He later must have cleared things up and the calls are on cell phone records for sure. Also, the plane was flying low when she called so if she had used a cell phone, the call could've been made although it would've probably been dropped. Also, the flight attendant made a call to her mother but we are to believe it was morphed voice technology too

    Let's not forget to mention that the voices of pilots and hijackers were recorded in air traffic controller tapes, all of which would've had to be faked.
  6. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    First of all, you haven't dealt with this issue satisfactorily.
    (5th picture from top)

    It closes the whole case by itself and all you do is tap dance around the issue and handwave. The craft that hit the Pentagon was too short to be a 757. Therefore, whatever hit the Pentagon wasn't a 757.

    ...not according to this.
    "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (1/3)

    Viewers please start watching the video at the 1:38:36 time mark and watch untill the end of part one. Mike12 is leaving out large parts of the story.

    Here's something else that's relevant to the cell phone issue.
  7. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    None of it is relevant....the official story IS,youtube fantasies and posts on that whackjob jayhan's board are in NO way proof.

    And nothing is being left out
  8. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I have, you just ignore what you don't want to face or admit.

    According to who? let me guess - Conspiracy theorists. Why hasn't popular mechanics, MIT, the scientific community or many other credible sources jumped on this? Do you know why? cause everyone except conspiracy theorists knows it hogwash

    ... right, this absolute garbage conspiracy theorist fiction video. So the FBI, cell phone carriers and investigators claimed there were 64 calls but we are supposed to throw this out the window and use a conspiracy theory youtube video as the best source?

    again, all hogwash... There were 64 calls made, Barbara Olson was one of them and no matter how hard you try, you cannot convince anyone that any of this distortion of facts even comes close to being evidence.

    These videos are actually embarrasing, you should post better links man. So the the government sent a drone to hit the pentagon and at impact, blew it with a missile. Simultaneous to this, they routed flight 77 to Ohio, killed the 183 passengers and shipped the bodies to the Dover morgue, ensuring they arrived at the same time the pentagon employees' bodies got there. The FBI, cell phone carriers lied about the 64 cell phone calls; the air traffic controller recordings of the pilot and terrorist voices were faked; voice morphing technology was used to make fake calls to family members without them even suspecting anything; debris of an american airlines plane was planted at the pentagon; the dozens of witnesses that saw the plane were in the conspiracy and so were the airlines, airports and many others.

    This is like the twightlight zone! and people claim Bush was incompetent?? The above only touches on the pentagon part so imagine Bush pulling this off AND the WTC, and flight 93? not to mention everyone covering it up? We all know how past government officials can't stay shut and how the government has failed to cover up much much smaller stuff, like watergate. I don't think even HOLLYWOOD has ever made a movie this fantastic, i think even they would consider this too crazy to put in a movie.
  9. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Those are all good sources.

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