hey hats why dont you and candy go for a utube head to head debate against steam roller gage! how about it? We can set up for you!
its a business contract. yer supposed to be the turn-on-me around here. how many died in nam? I suppose their parents took it upon themselves to send them to their deaths. Who has the nukes?
Bump for truthers? You've not even addressed my point! You ignored it.. Acknowledging the argument would have also bumped the thread. So give it a go now.. You are outraged about books being sold as non fiction when you don't think they are factual and people profiting. So, the publishers of the 9/11 commission report also sell unsubstantiated speculation as non fiction, and make millions of profit from it. Are you outraged at them as well?
Wow, a tax denier, too! That's cool, I haven't seen one of you in years. Let me guess... The 16th Amendment was never ratified? There's no statute that says you have to pay an income tax? Wait, wait, I got it, the income tax only applies to foreign income... Right? LOL This is in no way relevant to my post. In absolutely no way. It's not even a response.
You said you have a problem with it.. If the problem isn't so bad as to reach the level of "outrage" then I'm sorry to misinterpret you. So you have a problem with that behavior and will call it out when you see it.. That much you did say. So albeit not a problem towards the level of outrage, I guess a minor irritation perhaps? Nevertheless, regardless the magnitude of this feeling, do you have the SAME level of irritation towards the 9/11 commission report publishers who do the same thing?
Well, any word on what book had GWB outside of school posing for pictures? You didn't make it up did you?
If I thought they were doing what Gage is doing, yes it would bother me and I would be vocal about it. They finished their work, packed up and went home. I am satisfied with the majority of their findings. Gage continues to sell the same lies, even after being shown his errors. In my opinion, he is disrespecting some of the people who risked and gave their lives.
So the only difference you actually pointed out isn't a difference at all. First of all, the publishers of the 9/11 commission report CONTINUE to sell it and profit from it even to this day, just like Gage, AND the errors, ommissions and unsubstantiated heresay in the report has already been shown but they still CONTINUE to sell it as fact and profit from it. So you haven't shown a difference between the actions of Gage and the 9/11 commission report publishers (the publishers not the commission itself) at all.
Can you attend Gage's lectures and get his materials for free? Do the publishers of the 9/11 Commission Report tour the world on the money of the faithful? Do they send out weekly newsletters begging for money and demanding an increased income?
So the members aren't making money off their actions So Gage continues to make money off of his actions. You've shown the difference yourself. Thanks fellow shill.
What members? The commission members? Can you not follow a simple conversation? I was referring to the PUBLISHING COMPANY, they ARE making money, to the tune of millions. He raises money for an organization via soliciting donations, something MANY organizations do, and is not illegal. If you have any proof he's pocketing the donations for personal profit, by all means let the authorities know!
Again, fundraising is a common occurrence with many organizations.. I don't think those help starving African children campaigns have the facts straight, and I don't agree.. In fact feeding them makes the problem worse; what they need are condoms.. Nevertheless I don't feel irritated nor are they doing anything wrong, I don't have to give them money if I don't want to and all donors are willing.
That is, of course, your choice. I personally believe that Gage is disrespecting victims and first responders by actively profiting on lies and deception. As an example, he's parading his wares at Conspiracy Conventions instead of Engineering and Science professionals. Meanwhile he raises money on the premise of informing said professionals and getting a Congressional inquiry. I will continue to point that out when he does it, in the hopes of sparing the gullible people who might send this snake their money. I've done the same with televangelists who (in my opinion) fall into the same category. That is my choice.
You got proof that money is finding its way into his personal pockets and not just the books of his organization?
As head of the non-profit, he takes a salary from it. IIRC, last year his salary was $75,000 'plus expenses'.
Source This is the report of the non-profit from 2009. (2010 is not yet available) You'll have to register to see the whole report, but registration is free. The total revenue for 2009 $344,570. Salaries topped out at $107,417. Gage's personal salary: $75,450 All expenses are picked up by the company.
So Gage thinks the U.S. Government conspired to kill thousands of Americans, so that "they" could take away our freedoms and kill thousands more in two foreign wars, and somehow this conspiracy results in billions in profit for the conspirators, and despite all this, he trusts those same people so much he gives them all of his personal information, including his salary and address, and openly tells them he's advocating their prosecution and downfall from power. To short-story it: Gage thinks this conspiracy kills thousands for profit and got away with it because of their power and acumen. Gage seeks to have the conspirators caught and punished. Gage is perfectly comfortable giving (or selling) those same conspirators and anyone else who asks this information, plus his personal identifying information. And no 9/11 Denier sees that they're being duped by "leaders" like this?
You know Hannibal, it looks like Gage made a career out of this.. Is this taking the (*)(*)(*)(*)? I think so a bit.. Can't disagree with you by a very wide margin on that now.. But a fool and his money soon part, and such happens with naive donors.. But it's their choice. Yeah he's made a bang tidy little annual salary, but, don't forget the publishing company that made MILLIONS shifting speculation reports about 9/11, and by comparison, they sold a lot MORE snake oil than this guy's trying to peddle.
I would want to see where Gage makes these claims. As far as I've ever seen, Gage believes in the controlled demolition theory and also advocates for a new investigation, however I thought he stops short when it comes to levying such specific accusations.
The 9/11 Commission Report is bullet-proof on the major points. Scientists tell us that YOU can't quote one major inaccuracy in the report. Not one. Have a nice day. Any word yet on the name of the book that claimed Bush posed for pictures outside of the BTW school? Didn't think so.
And? So what? The company that published the 9/11 Commission report was a government contractor, contracted to publish text that was sent to them for printing. They would have published it regardless of what it said. They had no motivation (or ability, for that matter) to do anything other than print what was given to them. Your argument with respect to that report is a complete non-starter. They would have printed 500 pages of nothing but ampersands, if that's what the government supplied them with and told them to print. Dicks like Gage, on the other hand, only make money if they print something that will sell. Umm... He believes in the controlled demolition "theory" - as you said. Therefore, he believes a government conspiracy killed thousands of Americans... Therefore, my point is entirely correct: He believes the government killed thousands of Americans in a secret conspiracy and got away with it, and yet he has no problem giving every detail of his life to these same people, merely so he can avoid tax liability.
I firmly support any attempt by Richard Gage to make an income, as long as it doesn't involve designing buildings for a living. Effin hack.