Rick Perry Facts via Twitter

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by GiveUsLibertyin2012, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. GiveUsLibertyin2012

    GiveUsLibertyin2012 New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Sleeps with pillow underneath his gun.
    4 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Won Connect Four in 3 moves.
    4 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Danger fell in love with Rick Perry because he flirted with it so often.
    6 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Unlike the current President, Rick Perry never says "let me be clear," because that's already implied every time he speaks.
    7 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    5 fast facts about Rick Perry. Thanks to @TheFix for the #rickperryfacts shout-out at the end. washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special…
    12 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    If Rick Perry had starred in the movie "300", the film would have been called "1".
    16 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The mountains on Rick Perry's Coors Light always stay blue. (via @cpromise)
    17 hours ago
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry's brisket is so good, he has been banned from all BBQ competitions. (via @nvp118)
    16 Aug
    Terry Meiners
    terrymeiners Terry Meiners
    by rickperryfacts
    When terrorists see Rick Perry, they change their occupation to terrifiedists. @rickperryfacts
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Rick Perry invented the cell phone.
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Noodling. RT @BrandonKiser: In Texas, Rick Perry made killing a catfish with your bare hands legal. #RickPerryFacts #alsoTrue
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Well, that was fast. RT @RasmussenPoll: GOP Primary: Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13%... tinyurl.com/RR3766
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    BREAKING- Rick Perry discovered Ben Bernanke buys picante sauce made in New York City. And also prints too much money.
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Be sure to scroll down the page at nationalreview.com (@NRO) to see the #rickperryfacts slideshow.
    16 Aug
    Wilson Vier
    WilsonCVier Wilson Vier
    by rickperryfacts
    @rickperryfacts sounds like a box-office smash yfrog.com/h0ppcsvj
    15 Aug
    Anthony Smith
    tonysmith515 Anthony Smith
    by rickperryfacts
    When Rick Perry shoots the breeze, he kills it. @rickperryfacts
    15 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry grew a full head of hair at the age of eighteen. Seconds.
    16 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The mere sight of Rick Perry brings on contractions in pregnant women. (via @David_J_Sanders)
    15 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Can play violin. With a piano.
    15 Aug
    TexasJobsTruth TexasJobsTruth
    by rickperryfacts
    #RickPerryFacts: Obama started smoking again immediately after @GovernorPerry announced his bid. @rickperryfacts
    15 Aug
    Ben Smith
    benpolitico Ben Smith
    by rickperryfacts
    I asked Perry whether he's armed today. He declined to say. "That's why it's called concealed."
    15 Aug
    Joshua Treviño
    jstrevino Joshua Treviño
    by rickperryfacts
    As President, Rick Perry will protect the Secret Service. (Take that @rickperryfacts!)
    15 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry can lead a horse to water and make it read his emails out loud. #horsewhisperer
    15 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry made the Chick-fil-a cows write "eat more beef." (via @GraceBeatrice)
    15 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry can never tell a bad joke. You just never got the punchline. #yourfault
    15 Aug
    David Burge
    iowahawkblog David Burge
    by rickperryfacts
    If Rick Perry is elected, he will return the oceans to their dangerous pre-2009 levels #TheMoreYouKnow
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry secretly discovered the Higgs boson 32 years ago. He was unimpressed. (via @HalfHandle)
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Rick Perry recruited "Walker, Texas Ranger."
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    An Eagle Scout, Rick Perry can start a fire with dental floss and water.
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry wore cowboy boots and Levi's when he beat Carl Lewis in the 100 meter dash. (via @cliff_berry)
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry was originally slated to play Leo DiCaprio's role in "Titanic" but was fired because everyone knows he would have saved everyone.
    14 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Darth Vader wishes he was Rick Perry's father. (via @ggreenie)
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Smile brought kitten back to life.
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Spilled milk cries over Rick Perry.
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry, not Patrick Cox of Tax Masters, will solve your tax problems.
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The state of Texas has a bumper sticker on its truck that says "Don't Mess with Rick Perry." (via @TheRightDuff)
    13 Aug
    Bill Helmich
    Billhelmich Bill Helmich
    by rickperryfacts
    Rick Perry already traveled to the future,won the election, and saved America now he is just waiting for us to catch up @rickperryfacts
    13 Aug
    Erik Telford
    JoeTaxpayer Erik Telford
    by rickperryfacts
    Rick Perry doesn't run for the presidency, he pile-drives it into submission. @rickperryfacts
    13 Aug
    Sidney the Dinosaur
    sidneydinosaur Sidney the Dinosaur
    by rickperryfacts
    @rickperryfacts Iran's desire for nuclear weapons isn't to destroy Israel, it's out of fear of Rick Perry.
    13 Aug
    Paul Nehlen
    pnehlen Paul Nehlen
    by rickperryfacts
    #RickPerry 's x-rays come back in Red, White, and Blue @rickperryfacts
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry is too big to fail.
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry can unslam doors. (via @jianyc)
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The teleprompter reads off Rick Perry. (via @schiller713) #iastrawpoll
    13 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The Most Interesting Man in the World doesn't always vote, but when he does, he votes for Rick Perry. (via @SchroederDW)
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    RT @Newsweek: In six words, What are your thoughts on Texas Gov. Rick Perry? // Governor Rick Perry framed Roger Rabbit.
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Rick Perry out. It failed miserably.
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Steve Jobs lives in constant fear that Rick Perry's computer will crash.
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry used a cloth-covered 1952 Piper Super Cub plane to "community organize" back in the 1980s. dld.bz/ak88B
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    There are signs when you enter Texas warning the bears not to feed Rick Perry. (via @BrentTeichman)
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry can strangle you with a cordless phone.
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Notice who wasn't in power during the Great Depression? #justsayin #rickperry
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry's toothpaste doesn't have baking soda in it. It has gun powder in it. (via @BrentHyatt_NC)
    12 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry's urine can be used as bear repellant. It can also be used to seal a cracked radiator. (via @hankfahnert)
    11 Aug
    Ryan Fazio
    ryanfazio Ryan Fazio
    by rickperryfacts
    Rick Perry wins debates he doesn't even attend. @rickperryfacts
    11 Aug
    Carrie Dann
    CarrieNBCNews Carrie Dann
    by rickperryfacts
    Question to all candidates about @GovernorPerry: "Is he outsmarting you?" Boom.
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Tip for candidates in the #gopdebate wild card segment. If you get stumped, the correct answer is always... you guessed it... "Rick Perry."
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Electing Rick Perry is the best unemployment insurance plan. #jobcreator #gopdebate
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Rick Perry opposes gay marriage, if only to spare gays the misery the rest of us have to live through. #sadtrombone #compassion #gopdebate
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Double retweet RT @john_mcguirk: Tonight Rick Perry will sit in his chair and watch the Republican VICE Presidential debate. #rickperryfacts
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry Facts
    rickperryfacts Rick Perry Facts
    Attorney General Holder? Hardly knew her! #gopdebate
    11 Aug
    Rick Perry FactsAbout @rickperryfacts

    more @ http://twitter.com/#!/rickperryfacts
  2. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    So, he's the Chuck Norris of politics?
  3. GiveUsLibertyin2012

    GiveUsLibertyin2012 New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    EWErickson Erick Erickson
    by rickperryfacts
    What do Rick Perry and Obama have in common? They both inherited credit ratings from George W. Bush. Perry raised his, Obama lowered his.
    7 Aug
  4. GiveUsLibertyin2012

    GiveUsLibertyin2012 New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    seriously,get a sense of humor
  5. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    It's funny, because what I said was funny, but you try to say it's not funny.
  6. FactChecker

    FactChecker New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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  7. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    It was funny because the Rick Perry comments are obviously modeled on the Chuck Norris Facts meme.
  8. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Wait I got one. You know how he was praying for rain? Rain prays for Rick Perry.
    Doug_yvr and (deleted member) like this.
  9. theunbubba

    theunbubba Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    RT@Bainstrain: Chuck Norris learned everything he knows from Rick Perry#strongarm
  10. theunbubba

    theunbubba Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    There you go!
  11. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Rick Perry doesn't accept Stimulus money, stimlus money just wants to be around him.

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