Hah, I remember previous threads about the topic, the usual suspects argued with me This is from year ago: Zer0lis said: About him not being reelected, he did change the constitution to be able to run again, so he can change it again. He is what he is, a dictator. I can bet he will stay in power until his death. ---- He is a dictator because he changed the constitution to stay in power because he does not allow political opponents because he controls all the media thought his cronies in the circle of power. He is a dictator because he ruled Russia for freaking ~30 years and counting. No matter if people love him, there are rules in check for democracies. He is a dictator for ****.ting on the dreams of russians to have a true democracy with power constraints. --- It's his constitution for the making, not the peoples, not for them. He will change it again to keep or increase power. It's a matter of time. He is not balanced by any other power. He has absolute power. He removed the safeguards of democracy. It will haunt Russians in the long term immensely. Putin might be great, the next one, the one after his death, will have absolute power, he made sure of it, and might not be that great. I couldnt care less, the russian will get what they voted for, but sadly it will affect you or me.
Seems the PF crowd is not interested but hey, when was the last time you remember the Russian PM cabinet resigned?
Putin is a dictator. As with all tyrants, his days are numbered. Unfortunately another thug will take over. Sometimes life is a btch.
Pres. Vladimir Putin said he will not seek another term, and has appointed Mikhail Mishustin, the head of the Federal Taxation Service as the new Prime Minister. "... As the head of the Russian tax service he’s been a tremendous success. Revenues have risen by around 20 percent under his watch despite only a 2 percent rise in the tax burden itself. Indeed, only last year the Financial Times dubbed him the “taxman of the future” for his role in rebuilding Russia’s tariff collection system into one of the most advanced and efficient in the world. No mean feat in a country where tax avoidance was once, pretty much, a sort of national sport..." https://www.rt.com/op-ed/478381-russian-government-resignation-mishustin/
When Putin took over, Sharon Tennyson who knew him said there was no way he would be able to handle the tough governors and oligarchs who were pretty much running everything - and stealing everything. Well he did, and at the time a centralized government and a strong president was needed. There was a time when he suggested to the Governors to read works by some Russian philosophers over the Christmas holidays. It was probably so they would develop pride in the values and standards that are uniquely Russian, rather than being influenced by outside sources. I guess he feels now that the time is ripe for a greater balance in government, so he's decentralizing it. If he left office without doing it, there might have been a lot of chaos afterwards. Good for him!
Putin is probably good for Russia and if most of the people want him give the people what they want . It should be none of our business. After the fall of the USSR we were not a constructive force in helping Russia. Because the interests of our elites were not the best interests of Russia and her people. I think putin saw that and went to work. And of course like all rulers they want to remain in power. Sometimes that is the best thing . I dont know where this idea comes from that Putin wants to conquer western Europe. That is communist revolution fear. Like any nation they demand national security and we dont want them to have it. And that is crazy and dangerous. Given Russia has a history of being attacked and invaded this bears on the minds of the Russian people. That we wage economic war on Russia who still has nukes aimed at us just shows our foreign policy was created by psychopaths .
Yes .. it was in a pool party with 10 young women .. only me and him. Would you like further details ?
Well, unless it was Ayn Rand, an uniquely American/ Russian Philosopher, he’s wasting his time. Ayn Rand: “When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I first heard the Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I perceived that this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it could lead to nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies, promises and pious platitudes. This was the reason for my opposition to Communism then—and it is my reason now. I am still a little astonished, at times, that too many adult Americans do not understand the nature of the fight against Communism as clearly as I understood it at the age of twelve: they continue to believe that only Communist methods are evil, while Communist ideals are noble. All the victories of Communism since the year 1917 are due to that particular belief among the men who are still free. http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/communism.html Somehow, Putin doesn’t strike me as a Hugh Akston more like a Mr Thomas, or maybe a Weasley Mouch.
Vladimir Putin said he will not run after 2024, so you're wrong. Actually he might be planning to leave sooner. Who knows! What Putin wants to do, is prepare Russia for the transition when he leaves by dismantling the strong presidency that Yeltsin introduced with American support, and put in more checks and balances in the government. What he doesn't want is to have his achievements destroyed by a self serving leader financed from abroad. Here are some of the suggestions made by Vladimir Putin that will probably be voted on by the Russian people. 1 - The Prime Minister will have more power. 2 - The President will not be allowed to serve more than 2 six year terms. 3 - The role of the State Council, which is an advisory board consisting of heads of the Russian regions and members of the Presidential administration, will increase. 4 - A president of Russia, has to have lived in Russia for 25 continuous years before taking office, and never held a foreign passport or residency permit.
Russian government resigns This sounds to me, like an internal coup, headed by Putin as a way to circumvent the Russian term limits on political power. Putin wants to be dictator for life.
Ah, Putin, Russia’s Mother Theresa or Thomas Jefferson? I’d say more like Billy the Kid. Hey Putin! Where you stashing that cash? And how did you get it? By looting your betters, like Khodorkovsky? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_
I'd like for you to be right on this, but I suspect Putin's declaration that he'll not run for election after 2024, means he wants to be promoted to permanent leader for life WITHOUT BEING REQUIRED TO RUN FOR ELECTION AGAIN. I find the sudden resignation of the entire Russian government to be suspicious. It sounds like a Putin plan for an internal coup. I hope I'm wrong.