Sandy Hook massacre never happened

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by hooleydooley, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    A small sample of smoking guns that show the Sandy Hook shooting to be a staged event which did not include the massacre of children.

    1) The father of one of the child victims, Robbie Parker, is seen laughing when he doesn't realise he is on camera, then composes himself to get into character and act grief ridden


    For a longer version, including the absolutely moronic coroner (who also laughs a lot) see here: (or do your own search)

    2) Sand Hook is supposed to have between 450 and 600+ students depending on the source, yet the entire evacuation of the school is only captured by one (embedded) photographer in three photographs showing only a few dozen students in total.


    If you think the girl in the middle looks genuinely upset, she's not, they were, quite bizarrely, told to keep their eyes shut all the way to the firehouse and that is the most likely reason she has that look on her face.
    Photographs 1, 3, and 6 in the link below are all that any camera captured of the entire evacuation process, notice no police vehicles or ambulances in the school carpark of a mass shooting? Just two photo's of the same one ambulance parked up the street with ambo's strolling down:

    Why did no other cameras or helicopter footage capture anything of the mass evacuation process?

    Where are all the other hundreds of students?

    3) No photographic evidence of a mass assembly inside the firehouse, the only photo I can find is a tweet taken at 11.36am and it shows a few kids and some adults standing around. It should have been packed with kids at that time.

    4) Why no emergency medical response to a mass shooting? In none of the photo's or video footage are ambulances seen at the school, nor are medical personnel seen rushing to help the victims. There are 2 photo's from the same (embedded) photographer that show some ambo's strolling towards the school but this is at least 40min after the shooting (see above).

    Why did medical personnel set up triage at the firehouse and just wait for the injured to be bought to them(1)? Who attended the shooting victims? Who pronounced them all to be dead? Who decided none could be revived?

    5) Why were the autopsies carried out at the school? Some of the victims (we are told) were shot in the face which means that proper identification would require disrobing, cleaning, weighing, measuring, all identifying features noted... all very standard procedure in any autopsy. Why didn't they take the children to the proper venue which would be the sanitised city morgue to carry out the autopsies.

    Instead they did the autopsies at the school, and then supposedly whisked the kids away in the middle of the night without anyone noticing.

    Most of you, unfortunately will just dismiss this as just cherry picking amomalies but the truth is that nothing at all stands up to any scrutiny WRT Sandy Hook, like the vague 911 calls, including one where "0936 Units responding at Sandy Hook School. The front glass has been broken. We're unsure why." which puts someone at the scene, at the time of the shooting, yet (impossibly) unaware that there is someone firing hundreds or rounds inside the school.

    All the first hand eyewitness accounts I have seen so far are more indicative of a staged event rather than a real shooting, with none relating what would be expected when over one hundred bullets are being fired in their vicinity. Some are only aware of the shooting because of what they hear over the intercom system.

    only one girl relates that she heard sirens (and she gives two interviews, one where she doesn't relate any sirens, and one where she says "nothing much happened, we heard an ambulance and then the police came"), none of the others I have seen so far relate to hearing sirens and they first acknowledge police when they walk in the room, or bang on the door, or hear them on the roof.

    This makes me think that the (embedded) police were already on site before even the first fake shot was rattled off over the intercom system, and everybody went into drill mode from there.

    This is not only a massive fraud, it is one that stumbles at every hurdle with the script having to be re-written over and over, and while the public is certainly becoming more aware of the perpetual fraud being thrust upon them, unfortunately the vast majority still lap up whatever they are told, no matter how many different versions they are forced to swallow.

  2. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Someone made a brand new account to post this garbage. This is post number 1.

    I think it's tragic that some people are so unable to come to grips with reality that they have to believe that the murder of 20 children and 7 adults was completely fabricated and has tricked a global audience...
  3. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    You can add yourself to list of people that make me sick speaking ignorantly about this tragedy...

    - - - Updated - - -

    You can add yourself to list of people that make me sick speaking ignorantly about this tragedy...
  4. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    I notice that as usual you do not challenge any of the OPs assertions but make another of your canned non responsive crap statements. Do you really think anyone buys your weak BS?
  5. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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  6. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    Glad this is "hiding" in the conspiracy theory forum!

    It is indeed one of the weirdest (and most insensitive) conspiracy theory I have ever read!

    Or is this a joke? :eyepopping::disbelief:
  7. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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  8. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    It's certainly no joke, I started looking at the evidence when someone brought the possibility of a second shooter to my attention, I was actually quite shocked when ALL the evidence pointed towards a complete fabrication in which no kids were murdered.

    Of course, you should not believe what I say, but rather do the research needed to make your own conclusions, I have merely given some of the reasons that led me to the conclusions I have come to.

    Either do your own research or put your faith in the media to inform you what is really happening, I have done my own extensive research and I am 100% confident that it was a staged event.

    If you look at nothing else google "Robbie Parker" to see an actor laughing before delivering his lines, he is not a grieving parent.

    Or, have a look at the first photo's from the scene:

    These photo's are the only ones that show the evacuation process, if you look at all the photo's pointing towards the school you will not see one emergency vehicle, not one ambulance in attendance at a mass shooting? The photos which shows an ambulance further up the road is taken later in the day as attested to by the people casting noticeable shorter shadows than in the evacuation photo's.

    The evidence is overwhelming for anyone who takes the time to look.
  9. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    What do you mean, "as usual"? You just registered!!!!

    Smells like someone needs to do laundry.....

    More generally: this thread is an example of the effects of brainwashing in the conspiracy culture. Every tragedy or unexpected event is suspect or has sinister over tones. I truly believe if most of the people caught up in this took a step back or took a break, they could see how utterly bizarre such "theories" are as see them for the scams they are.

    However the people I have no sympathy for are those who promote the scams and benefit from them. They know they are spreading vicious lies and exploiting the gullible.

    The theory that this event was fake had to be started by one of these conartists. jack4freedin has just fallen for the con like so many.
  10. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    While I can't speak for jack4freedom, I can tell you that I came to the conclusion that this was a completely staged event through my own research, and, what's more, I was actually shocked when I found that all the evidence pointed to a staged event.

    I simply don't believe anything the media tells me about any event without researching it for myself, they have outright lied to me on too many occasions. If I don't research it for myself, I don't form opinions or comment on it.
  11. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Which of the people involved have you spoken with?
  12. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    You can research things for yourself without having to speak to people, you can look at the photographic and video evidence, you can look at he eyewitness testimony to determine if they fit the story....

    You seem to be saying that because the reporters and police are 'on the scene' they should be believed no matter if they change from one story to another, or if what they are saying doesn't make sense, or doesn't fit the photographic and video evidence...
  13. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Yeah, you can do that, but you end up with an incomplete picture and a warped sense of what happened.

    I didn't say people have to be believed no matter what. What I'm saying is you can't pick and choose what to believe from those sources because when you do you're employing your own confirmation bias to make the determination.

    The media (your only source of information) made a lot of mistakes on this in their rush to be first to present new information. Now, investigators that have actual access to direct evidence need to clean up the mess they created. Inexperienced keyboard cops only serve to confuse things even more. Without access to the actual evidence in the case, there's no way for them to accurately determine where the media had made a mistake, and where the media was accurate. But that doesn't prevent them from wild claims like, no photos of ambulances mean no ambulances, or no photos of bodies mean no bodies.
  14. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Well ambulances are parked out in the open and would be pretty hard to miss with all the cameras and helicopters that were there. It is inaccurate to say they weren't there at all, they were parked up the road at he firehouse where all the highly trained EMT's were twiddling their thumbs rather than attending to the shooting victims.

    No photo's of bodies is more understandable except when one looks at the reasons given for them not being removed from the school, such as deciding to do the autopsies at the school instead of removing the victims to a morgue. When such a breach of procedure occurs it is valid to ask why, and it is valid to ask if there even was shooting victims because the emergency medical response to a mass shooting seems to be virtually non-existant.

    Another thing that is hard to miss is hundreds of kids being evacuated, so when there is only three staged photo's showing two dozen kids in total, one has to ponder the impossibility of all the cameras and helicopter video footage missing hundreds of children evacuating the school.

    So now we have no ambulances attending the shooting scene directly, no bodies being removed, no mass evacuation, hmmmm, something fishy seems to be going on here in addition to the multiple false stories the media is feeding us.

    And don't think those are the only anomolies, the more you look the fishier it gets.
  15. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Typical psychological control. They let you imagine the scene they told you. Either it is dead children or dead Bin Laden.



    Attached Files:

  16. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    you're comparing a crime in which we have all the bodies to the assassination of bin laden?

    that's the looniest one i've seen yet, here's an eye-witness that was on the scene:


    more reports from witnesses at the scene:

    The events in another first-grade classroom remain uncertain, with varying accounts attributed to the surviving children. Teacher Victoria Leigh Soto was reported to have attempted to hide several children in a closet and cupboards. As Lanza entered her classroom, Soto reportedly told him that the children were in the auditorium. Several of the children then came out of their hiding place and tried to run for safety and were shot dead. Soto put herself between her students and the shooter, who then fatally shot her. Six surviving children from Soto's class crawled out of the cupboards after the shooting and fled the school. They and a school bus driver took refuge at a nearby home. As reported by his parents, a six-year-old boy in Soto's class fled with a group of his classmates and the children escaped through the door when the gunman shot their teacher.

    Anne Marie Murphy, a teacher's aide who worked with special-needs students, shielded six-year-old Dylan Hockley with her body, trying to protect him from the bullets that killed them both. Paraprofessional Rachel D'Avino, who had been employed at the school working with a special-needs student for a little more than one week, also died trying to protect her students.

    School nurse Sally Cox, 60, hid under a desk in her office and described the door opening and seeing Lanza's boots and legs facing her desk from approximately 20 feet away. He remained standing for a few seconds before turning around and leaving. She and school secretary Barbara Halstead then hid in a first-aid supply closet for up to four hours, after calling 9-1-1.

    Custodian Rick Thorne ran through hallways, alerting classrooms.

    First grade teacher Kaitlin Roig, age 29, hid 14 students in a bathroom and barricaded the door, telling them to be completely quiet to remain safe. School library staff Yvonne Cech and Maryann Jacob first hid 18 children in a part of the library the school used for lockdown in practice drills, but on discovering that one of the doors would not lock, had the children crawl into a storage room as Cech barricaded the door with a filing cabinet.

    Music teacher Maryrose Kristopik, 50, barricaded her fourth-graders in a tiny supply closet during the rampage. Lanza arrived moments later, pounding and yelling "Let me in", while the students in Kristopik's class quietly hid inside.

    Two third graders, chosen as classroom helpers, were walking down the hallway to the office to deliver the morning attendance sheet as the shooting began. Teacher Abbey Clements pulled both children into her classroom, where they hid.

    Laura Feinstein, a reading specialist at the school, gathered two students from outside her classroom and hid with them under desks after they heard gunshots. Feinstein called the school office and attempted to call 9-1-1 but was unable to connect because her cell phone did not have reception. She hid with the children for approximately 40 minutes, before law enforcement came to lead them out of the room.
  17. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    This appears to be your assumption, as I don't see anything to back that up. You've posted a few photographs, which fang proved only viewed a third of the total parking lot, and they don't really seem to support what you're claiming. I have, in a different thread, produced statements by EMT's stating they were outside the doors. When the sweep of the building was done by law enforcement, after the first (and as far as I know, only) shot victim to survive had already been carried out. They weren't twiddling their thumbs, they were told that due to the fatal damage inflicted by the weapons, that the job was one for the coroner.

    I might have missed your source for this, but can you relink it again? I have done multiple searches using several different criteria and am finding no records that full autopsies were performed in the actual school. By full autopsies I mean the stripping, cleaning, etc. Like I said, I might have missed it, but I can generally track it down to whatever 9/11 or anti-jew website it comes from. I am not finding much in this case.

    You're saying that the EMT's were held out of the area, but that reporters were in there snapping pictures the whole time? I don't think so. By the time the reporters got there and starting taking shots I would guess most of the students were evacuated already. The pictures we see are of the last few classes finally getting approved to leave. The common reaction for times like that are to run like hell or hide in the best possible spot for as long as possible. Did you see evacuation pics for Colorado or any of the other shootings we've had? Was it more like people running like hell?

    We do?

    According to sources:

    So what you're saying isn't entirely true, is it? Do you have any evidence to directly refute that?

    According, again to that same source:

    You are correct, there was no mass evacuation, but that appears to be by design. Doesn't it?

    There is something fishy here, there is no doubt about that. It's fishy that CTists are trying to make connections using, what they know to be, initial reports during the most confusing time.

    Well, I just showed that your "anomolies" (learn to spell anomalies by the way) are nothing more than conjecture. I would hope it gets more fishy, it's not fishy at all right now.
  18. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    None. Which of the people involved have you spoken with?
  19. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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  20. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    So you have this theory that the event didn't take place as you were told, and you haven't spoken to anyone involved? Why not?
  21. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Seems like the only people we have heard from are actors like Robbie Parker who was pretending he was a father of a dead kid...gee I would love to talk to him but I bet I would not be allowed too!
  22. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    seems like you're blind - post #16, page 2
  23. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    This is a perfect illustration of the way a paranoid person dismisses reality. It's real easy to think someone's a liar if you never talk to them, or even listen to what they have to say. Some folks go so far as to deny that witnesses are even real people.

    They are real people. They can be contacted. You just don't want to because then you'd have to reconcile what they say with what you think.

    Personally, I think it's vile to vilify a father who just lost his child. But if you believe that he's not even a real person, I suppose it's a lot easier to be content with it.
  24. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    With the caveat that, as you pointed out, they don't actually try to contact and confront the "agent".

    Often this is where the conartists and the conned can be distinguished. Someone who knows "Sandy Hook is fake" is a con will be too terrified to follow through with their scam; they know the consequences of harassing grieving parents. But someone duped might not show that restraint and can find themselves in jail or on the receiving end of a restraining order.

    It'll be interesting to watch how it plays out. Unfortunately, even if a fanatic is arrested for acting out, the real con artists will probably stay in the shadows and escape responsibility for starting this garbage.
  25. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    watch the video of her family and friends, at the link, and tell me the sandy hook shooting didn't happen

    School to be named after Victoria Soto

    Nneka Nwosu - 15 Jan 2013

    STRATFORD, Conn. (WTNH) -- The Stratford Town Council Monday approved a proposal to rename a local school for a teacher killed in the Newtown school shooting.

    HoneySpot Elementary School will be named after Victoria Soto, a 27-year-old Stratford resident who died trying to shield her students from the gunman.

    Stratford Mayor John Harkins made the recommendation. There was applause after the unanimous vote.

    "I am happy that the town was able to come together and pass this and I feel honored that my sister's name will stay alive and she will never be forgotten," said Jillian Soto, Victoria's sister.

    Soto's family was present for the vote which came after an hour of public comment from residents.

    "An elementary school in memory of Victoria Soto is a wonderful thing to do," said one man.

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