Sandy Hook school shooting is a hoax

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by katsung47, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Take a deep breath and think about what you're proposing.

    You believe:

    1. Information reported by the media doesn't make sense.
    2. The media are a joke.
    3. Any time information reported by the media doesn't make sense, the likely reason is a massive covert operation to deceive people.

    The logical leap you're attempting to make requires a space ship to achieve.

    Picking and choosing which pieces of information reported by the media to believe and which to disregard based on some random bias that only you posses can only lead you to incorrect conclusions. It's called confirmation bias. You choose to believe some parts over others because you want this to be a big lie. You can't deal with something like this being true so in your mind, there must be some other explanation. You need to admit to yourself that some things don't make sense because they just don't make sense, not because there's an active plot to confuse you.

    What I honestly hope you don't realize is this convoluted attempt to make yourself feel better is disgusting and insulting to the people that were actually impacted by this tragedy. If you do realize it, I hope you get help. It in effect calls all those grieving the loss of their children liars, and I can't think of anything more repulsive than turning the victims of this into lying criminals just so that you can sleep a little better at night.

    To get back to reality, you should realize that investigations are not conducted in basements with news clippings ala the Gyllenhaal movie Zodiac. They are conducted with all the evidence available.
  2. Stay_Focused

    Stay_Focused New Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Do I believe that everything from victims, policemen to reporters are staged? Of course not. That is for fiction writers. I didn't even state any conclusion other than sensing something fishy. There are legitimate questions to be asked. Compare V tech and Columbine, which I believe are genuine, with Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook deserves a hell lot of scrutiny.
  3. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Seen any pictures of victims from Columbine?

    VA Tech?


    Did those not happen as well?

    Good God, what stupidity...
  4. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh God, I missed this. Do you realize how perverted this demand is? What makes you this you have a right to invade the privacy of a dead child? How narcissistic do you have to be to think you deserve this to falsify your skepticism
  5. Stay_Focused

    Stay_Focused New Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    You need to open up your mind to another paradigm, Fangbeer. I was just like you some years ago who laugh at "paranoid" because my views were closer to the "experts" and "mainstream intellectual discourse" , but in reality at subconsciouness I realised it is my perhaps false feeling of reassurance of being correct by being in line with authority who has a lot of repect and hence cannot be wrong.

    I learnt my lesson after 2008 financial crisis that logic, evidence and common sense and much more important than blind biasness in favour of respectable figures. Bernie Madoff was a greatly respectable figure, who pioneered the stock exchanged market mechanism and was rememebered by his former clients as a charismatic and godlike investors who draws a unshakable confidence from billionaire investors despite a nobody analyst screaming that Madoff's numbers do not simply add up and all you need is grade 6 math to figure it out.

    Now there are Media Professors smelling rats. Not your typical doom day prepper below ground. Give two opposing ground with equal respect and you will ask more important questions that will lead to more lights.
  6. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    If you were paranoid due to a developed mental illness, how would you know?
  7. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    so what's going on?

    these alex jones idiots are all over you tube trying to make out like most every incident is a false flag attack

    what kind of traction do they expect to get with that? i mean other than with nut cases and idiot kids like the two in the video


  8. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    This is my favorite type of conspiracy conversation. The "I was once a moron like you that couldn't see through the fog". It's all garbage. Fangbeer hit it right on the head, asking to see the bodies of poor children that were doing nothing but going to school is disgusting. You should feel absolutely horrible about yourself. Then to say that WE are in the wrong because you had some "seeing the light" experience that showed you how corrupt everything can be is just pathetic.

    You have no evidence to back up your claims, you just have conjecture. Obviously you don't have children.
  9. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Anyone that believes anything that comes out of Alex Jone's mouth is a moron. That guy is a joke who makes money off of the paranoid delusions of others.
  10. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    when did this become about Obama???:confuse:
  11. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    What a bunch of crap...I am quite aware of how real investigations are handled and also how the press acts in big news stories. The fact that no one in the MSM has reported the involvement of the known criminal whose car was towed from the scene after having guns removed from it is a sure indication that we are being lied to regarding this whole event. Common sense dictates that this was a staged event created for political gain.
  12. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    I made NO demands champ, I was simply responding to another member who asserted that she had seen "images of those dead kids" and accepted them as "enough proof" to make her believe the latest official story in this creepy obviously set up travesty. Learn how to read or just ****!!!

    BTW: Still no comment regarding the fact that a local well known criminal was the registered owner of the alleged murder vehicle. You aren't fooling anyone with your usual canned BS...Cheers
  13. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    it didn't, obama doesn't

    alex jones is the one who makes money off of the paranoid delusions of others

    oh look, another joke
  14. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Wrong again sport...Citizens in the area reported seeing the police arrest another man in the vicinity directly following the alleged mass murder. A car belonging to a local criminal was videotaped being towed away after guns were removed from it by local news people and witnessed by several citizens who were at the scene.

    Then loudmouthed idiot Alex Jones is sent in to discredit those observations by getting behind the mike and in front of cameras acting like the mentally ill, blowhard, ******** he plays on the radio....

    Why are we not being informed about how that car and guns got to the scene of the murder or what, if any involvement that the registered owner had in these murders? Have you seen the taped interview with the coroner in this case? He acts like a complete giggling lunitic who has a gun trained on his head. There are also reports from Russian Intel sources stating that the alleged shooter's mother was a CIA operative involved in some kind of video game mind control project, "Hunger Games". I'd like to see these types of details examined in depth by the press....Cheers
  15. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    show me that video

    the coroner isn't the one acting like a lunatic and i didn't see him giggle

    russian intel huh, very funny

  16. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Google it champ...

    Something is up for sure.

    I don't buy the lone shooter theory. (Again!)

    It is also possible that Adam was kidnapped at the house, his mother was killed and guns taken during the kidnapping.

    Off to the school, where we have reports of multiple shootersThe young Lanza is killed and left to be framed up. It is most convenient that both him and his mother he resided with are dead

    Dead men tell no tales.

    The narrative can then be created.

    Playing into two agendas
    gun control and ..... mental health 'care' ie: testing and drugging the populace...

    This whole thing stinks to high heaven. Of course there will be no pesky trials in which the evidence can be tested for veracity. The perp is dead....Those autopsy photos will I surmise never be made public record...Nice neat little package....Cheers
  17. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    i did and there's nothing like what you said

    yea, you're off you're rocker
  18. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Woman Claims Her Daughter's Photo was used for a Sandy Hook Shooting Victim


    Published on Jan 2, 2013

    Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Allison Wyatt does not exist. Her photo was stolen from her mother's Flickr page. The girl's name is Lily Gaubert and she is alive and well.
  19. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    The picture you show of "Lily" is not the same as the one of Allison Wyatt, the victim.

    Here is the information about the REAL picture of Allison Wyatt, and it was taken in July 2012, not in August 2009 as the mother of Lily Gaubert says about the OTHER picture that may (or may not) have been mistakenly used on facebook by someone

    Get a life!
  20. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    and a brain
  21. hooleydooley

    hooleydooley New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    When one poster makes the comment "Aren't the images of those dead kids enough proof?" it is fair for another poster to reply "I have not seen any images of dead kids, has anyone seen them?" without being attacked.

    There are no images I have seen, and I have done extensive searching, the children were supposedly removed from the school in the middle of the night with nobody noticing.

    Those of you who think it is insensitive to the kids to investigate the veracity of the the multiple stories we are being told about the event, should think about how disgustingly the children have been treated should the (now) official version be true...

    Such as that there was no adequate medical response to multiple children being shot, why didn't a dozen or more ambulances storm the school desperate to save as many as possible? Or did all the media just happen to miss all the ambulances at the school while focusing on all the ambulances parked a km up the road at the firehouse?

    What about being outraged that the kids, after being denied emergency medical treatment, were then treated in a most undignified manner by having autopsies done in a school crime scene, instead of at a proper morgue under proper conditions.

    Why no outrage at the mistreatment of the children if the official story is true? Is it because this would raise issues that are valid in questioning if the mass shooting even occurred?
  22. Stay_Focused

    Stay_Focused New Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    I have questions and I personally don't care about the children bodies or what so ever. V Tech and Columbine shooters are all exhibitionists who wanted to shock the world. They usually have the perception of injustice inflicted upon them and aim to seek "revenge". Sandy Hook shooter intention seemed unclear and his CPU was reported to have been cleaned up. This is a first case of chooting directly at children, and a first case of unclear intention of the shooter? Was he bullied by the victims like what many of the former shooters claimed to have gone through? Probably not by a 3 year old I think.

    I have not seen through the fog. All I see is fog here. It just doesnt make sense.
  23. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Maybe I missed em, but what images are conclusive? All I have seen is ambulances, actors pretending they are the parents, actors pretending they are doctors. Dind't see any blood anywhere or bodies...or is that to gruesome for us to "witness"? seems just like Bin Laden, they buried him at sea before anyone could confirm if it was really him....out of respect for the muslims of course! Man the american government are so nice to us, protecting our eyes from gruesome pictures
  24. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Let me make sure I have this twisted logic from your posts and your link straight.

    1. The "reporters" in the so called main stream media are a joke.
    2. They are relaying what you call "the official story."
    3. They told you that the car belonged to the suspect.
    4. They told you a weapon was found in the car.
    5. They told you Rodia was / is a criminal?


    1. No one in the media reported it.
    2. The fact that no one reported it is important
    3. Rodia's record forced him to be a psy op agent with a mission to pretend to kill bunches of kids and then the whole thing was blamed on someone else so that Rodia could get off Scott free, but he left his car there with guns in it thus exposing himself to police who ran his vehicle plate because they were not in on it. Then the police didn't mention that no kids were dead in the school because they were reading from a script because they were in on it...
  25. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    How insulting for you to mock someone's behavior during the extreme stress of losing a child to a murderer. Are you a parent? Would you want images of your horrifically murdered child scrutinized by a public that most certainly contains morons who would complain that blood splatter patterns prove that the murder of your child was faked? What do you really have to gain by seeing that?

    You have no clue what you are talking about and you're flat out wrong.

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