Oh, so you've spoken to the reporter? I thought you said you were too far away to speak to anyone. You're not just leaping to conclusions again are you? Ambulance professionals are not capable of securing an area, defending themselves against attackers, or defending others from attackers. Unless you've spoken with someone who told you otherwise I don't see any logical reason to believe they weren't simply following procedure. They are not allowed in an area that is not secure. If they were still clearing the building, they would not have been allowed inside. You're also wrong about who can pronounce people dead. The confusing lie in your belief that a person has to be declared legally dead before the decision to terminate intervention can be made.
Originally Posted by jack4freedom You have no access to evidence either, champ. All you have is a bunch of conflicting stories from the proven liars and obfuscators who run the US media. As usual, another bullcrap, non reponsive post....Cheers
Autopsies done at the crime scene ? The bodies of little children taken to a make shift morgue ? The whole area cordoned off with barbed wire ? Autopsies are done at crime scenes in the USA ? Dunblane has a 100 year secrecy order on much of the Police evidence. And within Dunblane sits an International paedophile Investigation .........closed to the public domain for 100 years.
You do realize that those little 6 year old bodies were hit by explosive bullets (as many as 11 for some kids) that totally tore up those tiny bodies. What did you want the coroner to do? pick up the scrap, put it in a bag and piece it back together in a more "formal" setting? These were not 200 lbs bodies hit by ONE bullet. . .they were (at most) 35 to 40 lbs bodies hit by as many as 11 explosive bullets. Do you need another picture? Why do you think it took so long to "clean up" the carnage?
NO, the police cannot begin clearing the building until they are satisfied it is secure, the EMT's on the other hand could be let in as soon as the section where the victims are is secure. You are making pathetic excuses for the children not receiving proper emergency medical attention, and the reason you are doing this is because the lack of a medical response to a mass shooting is a smoking gun that the shooting never occurred. LOL, so who made the decision to "terminate intervention" at Sandy Hook? Who inspected each and every shooting victim to determine none could be revived? Intervention has to be initiated before it can be terminated, wouldn't you agree? Every medical first responder account I have read says they were kept out of the school, the Newtown ambulance corps say not one of their officers went into the school, so once again, who attended the shooting victims?
,223 is not "explosive" The damage is caused by the bullet's ability to transfer momentum. Autopsies are done at crime scenes everywhere.
Do you have a reference for "explosive bullets"? And yes, the victims should have been put into body bags and transported to a proper venue for the autopsies. They have to be stripped, washed, photographed, weighed, measured, all identifying features noted... anything other than a "formal" venue, ie: a hospital or state morgue, is a disgrace.
I am only asking a question . I have no theory nor any conclusion. We were told that all the funerals were with open caskets.
Ooh look. More evidence you have no idea what you're talking about. Securing a building is CALLED clearing a building. Once the building is cleared it's safe for civilians. Did you really mean to say that the police can't begin securing a building until they are satisfied that it's secure?
You're not an EMT are you? You're not interested in believing me. Why don't you ask one? Do you think they send every ambulance to a dead person code 3?
NO, autopsies are always done in a morgue. ME's might do an examination at the crime scene, but stripping and washing the body? No way. Here's a couple of links: http://science.howstuffworks.com/autopsy4.htm
We're not talking about full autopsies here. A full autopsy was not required. The cause of death was evident. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triage
And the make shift morgue ? And then if as you say the children were unidentifiable why the open caskets ? Cause of death is not the only reason for performing autopsies is it though ?
I take it you meant to write "Did you really mean to say that the police can't begin evacuating a building until they are satisfied that it's secure? In which case the answer is yes. (specific to a shooter scenario) It's why they practice a lockdown rather than an evacuation in the case of a shooter, everyone remains in their lockdown positions until police tell them it's safe to leave.
LOL, one of the links (with quote) I supplied was about forensic autopsies, the link you counter with is about triage and doesn't even contain the word "autopsy". An internal autopsy may not be required, an external one certainly was.
Yes. . .most seem to have been "open caskets," which probably means that the FACES were not badly damaged. . .but what about the bodies? Each kid was hit by a minimum of 3 to 11 bullets, that are known as "the work horse" of the American military.
I want to ask something of all the conspiracy theorists on this thread Let us, for the sake of argument, say it was your child at the school that day and she/he was one of the victims. Now you google the net looking for stories and find this thread How would you feel?