It is that angle that have some people so scared they will believe in anything anyone tells them as long as it includes...."After you will keep on living." Now here is the thing....Consciousness seems to be created as greater than the sum of it's parts thus a case for actual spirituality can be argued and as well Energy cannot be destroyed only transformed.....but as to what happens after death it is anyone's guess. But here is the other thing....a Spirit that no longer has the needs and concerns of a physical body will not be hankoring for that literal....Mansion in the Sky. AboveAlpha
Never has been and never will be as we have proven it to be a fact as the American Academy of Sciences proclaimed Evolution to be a proven fact due to irrefutable proof based upon the Atomic and Molecular Genomic evidence. AboveAlpha
It's curious to me that all this argument requires creativity, yet there can be no creation, but only the bare facts.
If you wish to challenge me once again, I can only agree, because your posts have proven to be most droll and uncreative, though infinitely more intelligent and educated.
That's the problem with basing oneself on experience , they led you come to incorrect conclusions ,what you have felt or experienced is on fact Nature on your sense organs .what you call god is in fact is Nature or the movement of the universe, which nothing including capitalist Society on Planet Earth is separate. Ever since scientific endeavour and knowledge , god has been in retreat, he used to be the Sun and moon and stars, and the ocean , each with its own God, where is he now, somewhere before the big bang ,hasn't been spotted for at least 14.5 billion years and counting , or he doesn't exist at all , its just your feelings ,not god. You and your particular Individual feelings doesn't disprove science ,nor does it prove god. If science is correct as it is proved to be , then sorry ,14.5billion years says NO GOD, can't argue with the historical record of the Known Universe.
The process of infinity happens after death as in Life , the gravity of the mass that constitutes the body remains for eternity.Energy and Mass cannot be destroyed only transformed one into the other.What happens is accelerated decay, and breakdown into recycling by the Planet.
How do you define "evolution' in this case? The theory(s) involved dont get proved. People tend to use the words "evolve', "evolution" and, "theory of evolution" as interchangeable. There certainly are scientific cases to be made against this or that aspect of the various strands from genetics etc, that comprise the grand "theory of evolution".
Lol, religion's retreat in the face of scientific endeavors? I don't think so. Scientific thinking is just one human behavior. Has science discovered solutions to many problems that religion inadequately solved? Ofc. But has the human activity of scientific thinking replaced the human activity of religion in all aspects, or even appear to be doing so? I don't think so. Science isn't replacing religion anymore than science is replacing the human activity of entertainment. Science isn't the solution to everything! So far, in the wake of tragedies like that in Newtown, science still doesn't have much on religion (at least for most people). Oh, your country sent you to the desert to kill and/or watch many people dye gruesome deaths, only to return to your fellow citizens who don't seem to give a F about the nastiness you witnessed? The only thing science has to offer to these people is prozac and xanax. Religion, imo, is a much better tool to cope, and I definitely see that in my fellow vets. Imo, people like you are arguing for a retreat of religion in the face of science, in areas in which science has yet to provide humanity with better solutions. There are other fields of human activity that don't involve using the scientific method, such as entertainment. I believe these activities have purposes. You don't get science without them, because you don't get science without society.
Chemical evolution happens; the Miller-Urey experiment proved it, last millennium, just before the sexual revolution.
Depending on just what is meant by "chemical evolution", of course it happens. Where the heck else does one get new genes, proteins etc.
Well! then how come this Calcium chloride here dont evolve into into no sodium dithionate, huh? gotcha.
Special pleading is no substitute for a sound line of reasoning. Simply because two chemicals don't evolve according to your satisfaction, is no reason to deny and disparage Nature. The Miller-Urey experiment proved chemical evolution happens in a manner that can be duplicated in a lab.
I didnt in any way suggest that it does not. I would suggest, tho, that a person not bother bringing up the M-U thing.
If you are addressing this to me instead of to the possible creo-lurker who may be convinced against all odds, you are as behind the curve as your citation of M-U. LY got it, try being a bit more nimble with the brain-bone there, pard!
All good theories make predictions. What makes them "big" vs. "small" is purely an arbitrary value judgement.
The Miller-Urey experiment had nothing to do with "chemical evolution." Molecules behave as they behave according to invariant natural law. All other things being equal, they do the same thing, the exact way, every time.
Good to put in that qualifier, about all other things being equal. in the lab, chemicals have the ammoying habit of not doing what they were supposed to!
More accurately, chemicals have the annoying habit of not doing what we want them to do. That's usually our fault.
People didn't evolve from apes - that's an outdated view - people and apes both evolved separately from a single common ancestor There's as much evidence for it as there is for relativity or any other establish scientific theory There's as much "evidence" for literal, young earth creationism, as there is for the "flat earth theory": - - - Updated - - - I can't see talking snakes, supernatural trees, ribs turning into people, people living to be 900 years old, etc People didn't evolve from apes, apes and humans both evolved from a single common ancestor.