Sheriff Joe Arpaio research team finds Obama birth record definitely forged.

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by Pollycy, Jul 19, 2012.

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  1. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Great. If you enter "Bigfoot is real" you get 10,100,000.

    It is still an unadulterated, bald faced lie to claim that Hill ever said it was a forgery.

    Too bad nobody on Arpaio's "investigative" committee was qualified to make that determination. Worse... the Cold Case Posse's incompetence on the issue has resulted in nothing less than a complete reversal of the original Birther claims, followed by even more furious backpedaling.

    For almost a full year... from April of 2011 to March of 2012... the resolute Birther position was that the presence of "layers"... any layers at all... were proof of forgery. This was the position that the author of the new Arpaio report, Garrett Papt maintained online for monthsr. It was the position promoted by Mara Zebest in her first "report" on the long form PDF. It was the position vigorously promoted by Karl Denninger in his videos. And it was a position Birther debunkers demonstrated was objectively wrong within days of it first having been proposed by the amateur Birther analysts that popped up out of nowhere after the original Whitehouse release.

    But then at the first Arpaio "press conference" in March the Cold Case Posse jerked Greater-Birthistan into a complete 180 degree reversal. Finally having noticed what everybody else knew for a year (that simple optimization of a flat digital image file into the PDF format does create "layers" after all) a new and different objection was raised to take its place. Suddenly the Birther complaint was not that "there were layers," but that there were not enough layers. The reversal was humorously sterile of any acknowledgment that all the Birther "experts" had had their heads up their collective asses for eleven months.

    But now, in the second Arpaio "press conference" the story has again mutated profoundly. Not once was the pathetic and purely subjective "not enough layers" argument even mentioned. Like the "all layers are proof of forgery" assertion before it, it was hidden in the attic, unacknowledged and unmentioned like an embarrassing step child. Now, the objection has shrunk to "not all layers are created equal." It is the equivalent of what I used to call "The Incredible Shrinking Creation Model" when I used to debate creationists in the 80s. It is an attempt to salvage one last scrap of utility from an argument that was never true, but at least got the rank and file excited. There is no genuine argument here... but the word "layers" has always managed to set Birthers buzzing so it must be preserved in the discussion at all costs.

    Sadly, Arpaio's newest "analysis" is merely the vestigial version of the now debunked (by Birthers) Karl Denninger video and Marla Zebest report. It is ultimately nothing more than an an argument from ignorance. As Nietzsche observed, "'I cannot comprehend it, so it must be incomprehensible.' All fish think like this."

    The analysis fails with this single observation... the "600 tests" they performed are barely dipping their toes in the water. The variables available that contribute to the details of any resulting PDF are simply too many and too diverse to be controlled and accounted for by a mere 600 tests... most of which I get the impression from their paper were actually redundant. There are hundreds of thousands of possible combinations of hardware, software and switches... and they tested 600 of them? Register me formally and transcendently unimpressed. Such an argument does not prove that the PDF is not recreatable. It proves only that Garrett Papit is not competent to recreate it.

    I believe I have already used this analogy elsewhere, but it's a good one so I will repeat myself. What they have done is the equivalent of dropping a fishing line into Lake Meade, reeling in an empty hook ten times, and then declaring the entire lake devoid of fish.

    So, are we gonna play golf? Or are we just gonna (*)(*)(*)(*) around?
  2. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    LOL! If he is so correct, let him file a lawsuit in federal court and face a 6 month prison sentence and $20,000 fine like Orly Taitz did.

    Hey Joe - when you're in jail, don't pick up the soap.
  3. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    You're good, rahl, but not that good. No link? Nothing? Don't worry about it too much... what the hell, it'll be over soon. And like I've said before, a chump like Obama doesn't deserve such loyal, stalwart defenders and true "soldiers" as you of the Obamanite Praetorian Guard are. You are to be saluted for your fidelity and for the energetic retaliations you make so quickly anytime someone dares to question the authenticity and validity of Obama's "credentials". After King Hussein goes home in January, enjoy your well-earned retirement....
  4. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Your the one pushing the lie, Polly. You're the only one here who owes anybody a link.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Why are you passing on this obvious- and discredited Birther lie? Ignorance or willingness to pass on lies?

    Obama's attorney never said that the BC was a forgery- purely a Birther lie- so why are you passing on lies? What is your agenda that you are so willing to promote lies?
  6. Day of the Candor

    Day of the Candor Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    So, you are a self-appointed expert who decides who is qualified to analyze the Arpaio committee's results of the research on Obama's BC? Got any proof that YOU are qualified to analyze them or their work or anything else for that matter? I mean, who the hell are YOU? I didn't notice any links to any proof in your post or in rahl's post either except for liberal partisan blog crap, and if we on the Right use opinons as facts, you Obama lovers reject them totally. You guys claim to be so smart and so intelligent and so qualified to criticize "birthers" but its interesting how you rule that everything Obama has claimed about his past is absolutely true, but everything that his critics question him about is always stupid, racist, unqualified, retarded, and on and on. Nothing in the world is that "black and white". Who do you think you're fooling?
  7. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    YOU made the claim not me. the burden is all yours. We both know you're not going to back up your claim, because we both know she never said it.

    your constant whining about "praetorian guard" is a pathetic deflection. you know the birthers are full of (*)(*)(*)(*), you know the issue of his eligibility has been settled.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    So in essence- you just dont' care that the statement is a lie- you are just happy to promote it.

    Rather sad.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    There are many legitimate critics of Obama- who have legitimate criticisms of his policies and actions.

    But Birthers are not legitimate critics- Birthers are willing to lie- as seen by Pollycy's post- that is a pure Birther lie. Birthers are williing to repeat the most ridiculous claims just so long as it is opposed to Obama. Birthers start from the position that Obama is not eligible and just search for proof of why he isn't.

    How do I know that the birth certificate is legitimate and that Barack Obama was born there?

    Because the real experts have said so- not a posse of Birthers who had previously published Birther articles claiming to be experts- the real experts- the Directors of Health of the State of Hawaii have confirmed that Barack Obama was born there. The State of Hawaii has also politely told everyone that Arpaio is a nut and completely off base- and pointed out how wrong he and his gang of misfits were.

    The State of Hawaii has no clear bias- but Arpaio- and his Birther posse do. Zullo signed a book deal with Corsi- prior to starting the 'investigation'- Corsi who had already written one Birther book. Zebest had already written a prior article claiming Obama's BC was a forgery.

    There is a reason that no one is taking Joe's claims seriously- it is because he has not made any serious claims.
  10. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Absolutely. Just as the fake Birther "experts" on the Cold Case Posse are self appointed... when in fact they are hopeless amateurs with no qualifications whatsoever. The difference is that I didn't spend a year being completely wrong and eventually have to admit it.

    Yep. For eleven months, every single one of the fake Birther "experts" insisted that the existence of any layers at all meant the certificate was forged. During that entire time, I was on record on this forum and in the paper I wrote debunking Zebest that layers were in fact the ordinary result of digital optimization. After 11 months with their heads up their collective asses, even the Birthers finally admitted I was right in every detail of my analysis.

    That alone shows my analysis to be more informed, competent, and technologically correct than theirs.

    Now my formal qualifications are also as good as or better than that of any of the Birther "experts," but that is neither here nor there since the relative quality of our work speaks for itself.

    The guy who was right for almost a full year while the Birther "experts" were wrong. Who the hell are you?

    Too bad that "liberal partisan blog crap" proves not just that Arpaio's team is incompetent, but that they are flat out liars and frauds. We caught them lying through their teeth, faking evidence and committing fraud. The proof is all there. Perhaps you should take a moment or two to catch up.

    You think we reject the facts, and yet you embrace demonstrated lies. Even in the worst case scenario, that would make us both factually and morally superior to you.

    It really, really, really sucks to be a Birther.
  11. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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  12. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Blog, blog! Slog through the bloggy bog and the hyperlib fog. And, no focus on the alleged forgery! Just diversion away from the topic, with no proof but boggy blogs. All hail Obama's Praetorian Guard! Adolf Hitler's SS Leibstandarte had nothing on these guys....

    As I've said before, guys, and please believe me... at this point I don't really give a (*)(*)(*)(*) where Obama was born! Sure, it mattered a lot back in 2008, and he should have been vetted thoroughly. But the whole process was just slopped through because American hyperlibs had the blood-scent in their nostrils and they sensed that the moment had come when they could actually get a radical Socialist elected to the Presidency of the United States. They knew they could beat RINO McCain, so they pushed Hillary to the curb with lies, and forged ahead! It isn't going to happen again.

    In this thread, I wanted to see what kind of reaction there would be to a committee's research into the matter, specifically, of whether or not Obama's long-form birth certificate was a fraudulent software-constructed file and forgery or not. And then, as the discussion expanded to include Obama's own attorney, Alexandra Hill's admission that the copy of the BC was not genuine, I wanted to see how this would be treated, since it is spot-on topic. And it turned out to be exactly what I expected: an angry gush of the usual invectives and insults thrown against "birthers" by Obama's Praetorian Guard, with no proof, and very little else. So, on to November. If it takes a little longer to get rid of the hyperliberal PR creation we've known as Barack Obama, so be it.

    OK, start the music up again and everybody get your glasses refilled. You boys in "the Guard" have fun! The Allies won't be in Berlin for a few more months and you may as well enjoy yourselves.... Cheers! :xd:
  13. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    The officials in Hawaii are not document experts. This has been mentioned before, but close-minded libs don't consider it important. Sickning!
  14. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    why do you continue to post lies? you know full well that his attorney never said any such thing. You were directly challenged to provide her statement, and you ran away, only to repeat the lie again.

    this is why birthers are ridiculed. there's nothing left to do at this point.
  15. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    the issueing authority, the department of health, is THE HIGHEST DOCUMENT AUTHORITY regarding hawaiian birthcertificates. there is none higher. and they have told you, repeatedly, that his birth certificate is authentic.
  16. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    So you got the reaction you wanted when you lied about what Alexandra Hill said?
  17. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Actually the officials of the State of Hawaii's Department of Health are the only document experts on Hawaiian Birth Certificates that actually count.

    Birthers just create their own 'experts' and stomp their feet and demand someone listen to them.
  18. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    The officials in Hawaii just make the documents, and they're not experts, but Sheriff Joe is? The right is going bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy I think
  19. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I continue to post links and you continue to refuse to post any links of your own. Sheriff Arpaio's research committee released its findings, and your only refutation is to curse them because they did so, while stating nothing substantive about their findings.

    Nevertheless, one last time, here is one last link to this Hill story: This will settle nothing for you or the rest of the boys in the "Guard", of course, but as I said, I don't care where Obama was born at this point. I don't even care if he was born... if he was teleported to Hawaii directly from hell, that's fine with me.... The only important thing now is to clean all the Socialists, including your King Hussein, out of the government by next January, and that is coming.
  20. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    Then let's see your sources, Wong. You have yet to produce them. Until you do, my one source is superior to all of your posted lies.
  21. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    all the link you provided said was that she said it was a forgery. there is no transcript of the hearing, nor is there any video of the hearing. So, again, why do you continue to post lies? you know full well his attorney never said any such thing. You were challenged to provide a link to her statement, but you ran away, only to repeat the lie again.

    this is why birthers are ridiculed. there's nothing left to do at this point.
  22. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Run away, Polly. Run away. You are taking the word of proven liars over the proof of their lies... which is pretty much a statement on the position of every Birther ever.

    You paint the word liar in scarlet over your own forehead by doing do.

    And our reaction proved to be consistent with our past reactions. We showed that there is no evidence of forgery, and the the promoters of the claim are dishonest. Start another thread and we'll show the same.

    And now you are not merely passing on lies, you are inventing new ones of your own. The response was actually to challenge you to prove your claim (which even Birther Lawyer Apuzzo has labeled a lie)... and you ran away like a bunny rabbit who just saw a shotgun.

    I often wonder what it is that inspires Birther to create threads, the only possible outcome of which are to demonstrate their own despicable character, dishonesty and incompetence. But they never disappoint.
  23. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    They don't have to be. They are by law the ultimate authority on the authenticity of the documents in their care. Their word is in fact the only thing (and the indispensable thing) that makes those document authentic at all.

    Your comment is about as stupid as saying the officials of the US Mint are not counterfeiting experts. Guess what... it is still impossible for them to issue counterfeit money by definition.
  24. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Here let me fix that for you. You really meant, "I continue to post lies and you continue to refuse to post any lies of your own. "

    That has pretty much been the difference between the Birthers and the "Praetorians" since August of 2008.
  25. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Hi Wong... hey, whatever you're drinking, when the sun rises on Wednesday, November 7th, I suggest you have a lot of it on hand. It's not going to be a happy day for you, Obama's "Praetorian Guard", or any of the rest of the hyperlib clan. It's OK. Really. None of you in the Guard want to discuss the results of the committee's findings, and so the discussion ends. You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe what I believe. That's one of the few nice things that remain about being a citizen of this country. Now, be at peace. The country is going completely insane and whether each of us is really "right" or "wrong", it is important keep calm.... Peace. :wink:

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