State trooper who told off Inslee over vaccine mandate dies from COVID

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Arkanis, Jan 31, 2022.

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  1. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Kind of like the fools who take the vaccine, then get Covid, and still claim they are vaccinated against it.
    Or like the fools who only think their vaccine (which doesn't stop you from getting or spreading Covid) is the only treatment and think every other alternative is fake science.
    Or like the fools who don't know that having Covid gives you better immunity than the fake vaccine
    Or like the fools who knowingly ignore every other countries results and studies just so they can profess they are right

    We have seen a lot of fools, haven't we
  2. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    It's from the CDC:

    I purposefully didn't post the link, because I knew that you would attack the data as B$, because you don't like what they show. Now, of course, you'll also claim the CDC data are B$.

    Must be easy to live in the mentally lazy RW conspiracy bubble. No facts required.
    clennan and WalterSobchak like this.
  3. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Says the guy who pretends studies in the highest Pfiser vaccinated country in the world (88%) and the largest real world study, showing what is actually happening to people supported by John Hopkins, doesn't come anywhere close to replicating the bullshit spread by the left. But you will KNOWINGLY ignore anything that doesn't fit in your bubble.
    We know.

    Funny how thee graphs knowingly leave out data that collapses these theories. When you can produce the line that shows unvaccinated who already had the virus, you let us all know. Until then you can swallow all the out of context fake graphs you want to all by yourself.
    Or how these graphs can't be replicated anywhere else on the planet.
    And more so how you will knowingly ignore every other study out there just so you can push more fake leftist BS.
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Could be .. but the number you are looking for is 95% dead had at least 1 or more comorb -- the average being 4

    This is an important calculation so pay attention -- this leaves 5 out of 100 - no comorb. 9 out of 10 who die from covid die from pneumonia but Pneumonia succeptibility - Athsma and so on --- weakened immune response in genearal not a comorb.

    This leaves us with 5 out of 1000 dead -- who "Might not have been comorb - immune compromised" Obese are 75% .. which takes us down to 1.25 per 1000 "Might" be a healthy person

    What are the odds of someone dying from covid ? Call it 50% of US population have now had covid .. use 900,000 deaths even though this is likely double the amount -- roughly half dying "with covid" rather than from.

    330 million x 1/2 = 165 million - out of which 900,000 dead ~ 1 in 180 people (real number more like 1 in 400 but use the worst case senario)

    So using ridiculous numbers which way overstate death ~ 1 in 180,000 are your odds of dying from Covid.

    Remember the deaths were mostly from Delta/Alpha and previous. if we as asking what are odds of healthy person dying from Omicron .. its more like 1 in 500,000. .. and even less for a male 16-29 - healthy and even less for one who has had covid - has natural immunity.

    If you want to check .. please find me 330 males - healthy 16-29 - who died from Covid in the US = never mind that many who previously had covid..

    Odds of getting myocarditis from the vax for this age group ? 1 in 10,000 (double vaxed)
    Now if you get vaxed again (assume double ) chances of Myocarditis increases to 1 in 5000.

    Over a lifetime .. happily jabing every year .. 3rd time 2500, 4th time - 1250, 5th time 625, 6th time 313 . and so on

    The idea that this vax is super safe for all individual is a big lie .. the risk of myocarditis from vaxing once is 50 times greater than death from covid.
  5. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Would this be the same CDC with their FDA approved medications that just pulled the approved Zantax off the shelf after finding out for the last 10 years they have been causing cancer in thousands of people that have generated over 4 billion in settlements thus far? This would be the same Zantax that had to go through the study process for 8 years before being FDA approved but your 8 month approved vaccine couldn't possibly have any drawbacks?
    Is this the CDC you are so confident of?

    You seem to be an easy sell. You don't even question the fact that they knowingly leave out date and you promote your graph like its the last word. Has it become that easy to fool people these days? No questions asked? You just take it as gospel and will take at face value everything you are told because it has the CDC stamp of approval? You're an easy target, aren't you.

    You take a graph using only two parameters when you know there are 3?
    Unvaccinated who never had Covid
    Unvaccinated who already had Covid

    But as long as you can have a graph that fits your idea, then all's good, huh. Are you really that easy to fool? Really?

    You don't find it odd that the largest real world study on the planet with 88% Pfiser vaccinated supported by John Hopkins with over 2 million people in the study have results that don't come close to what you are panning out to others? You just decided that your graph and the CDC can only be the only explanation or the only explanation you will except?

    Did you ever even stop and think there were millions in the US infected a year before these vaccines were distributed?

    Did you know if they included the line for unvaccinated pre infected people it would be BELOW your vaccinated line as there are millions more unvaccinated pre infected than their are vaccinated?

    Did you know that vaccinated individuals are 13 times more likely to be hospitalized and 20 times more likely to be re infected than pre infected?
    Did you know pre infected have much higher immunity than vaccinated?

    Its a free country and you can swallow all the fake graphs your heart desires. In the mean time, most will educate themselves on the real world data and not just fall on their swords because they found an out of context graph on the CDC website.

    Which will you be?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    And you would likely be wrong - but we don't have any information so hard to tell.
  7. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    'Mad' Mike Hughes dies after crash-landing homemade rocket
  8. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    None of which is any of your business. PS... My wife works for a major hospital, and their numbers did go up, but now they're crashing back down. Crisis over.

    Horseshit. I myself "bothered people" (which is what they're there for, BTW) and "hogged up" an ICU for 4 whole months right as Covid was starting. Nobody had ever heard of it when I went in, and it was THE top headline every day after I "woke up". Talk about a mind f**k!

    The point, however, is that we rugged individualists (of which I am one) use healthcare when needed. And man, do I have good insurance. A million dollar plus plus bill went away with a co-pay of $200.
  9. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Are you referring to people who oppose the authoritarian commands of a tyrannical government??


    Splendid. I hereby command you to undergo a gastric bypass surgery because you weigh too much and it's a strain on the healthcare system. I also command you to undergo kidney transplant surgery because there are many people on dialysis who could use your nice healthy kidney, and you only need one of them to live anyway... I also hereby command you to undergo lung transplant surgery because there are many people who suffer from cystic fibrosis who could benefit from it. --- Do you agree to these terms?? Oh wait, it doesn't matter, since the all-knowing authoritarian tyrannical government has spoken. You MUST submit to the will of the all-knowing authoritarian tyrannical government OR ELSE!!!

    So, what's this about the "freedom of choice" "nonsense" again??

    "We did stupid **** in the past, so we should do even stupider **** now"... Yeah, no thank you.

    Anti-mandate is NOT anti-vaxx... At least take the time to learn what the ACTUAL position is instead of attacking a strawman of it...

    I see that the Democrat Party effort to get people to view their freedoms as selfish is working on some people...

    Not a dodge... that's what it's about. It's about my body my choice... Remember that chant?? Or does that chant only (falsely) apply to murdering unborn children?

    ... by commanding them to undergo invasive medical procedures against their will?? By denying them life saving treatment because they haven't received the most recent of an indefinite amount of COVID jabs?? Quite a funny way to show "care" for your fellow humans, eh??


    ??? Not sure what you are talking about, let alone what this has to do with anything...

    Idk... How can people be so stupid as to wash their car with gasoline?? How can people be so stupid as to fill up plastic grocery bags with gasoline? How can people be so stupid as to pull an electric vehicle up to a gas station and spend numerous minutes trying to refuel it there? Lots of people do lots of stupid ****.

    Agreed! That's why I am here telling people that COVID tyranny is stupid, that believing that masks can stop viruses is stupid, that believing that erecting plexiglass barriers at grocery stores (and elsewhere) makes any sort of a difference is stupid, and etc etc...

    What "paranoia"?? What I speak of (and what many other right wingers speak of) is ALREADY HAPPENING. That's not paranoia; that's warning people of the dangers of continuing down the same road.

    Enjoy your authoritarian government tyranny... enjoy being a slave to the government... enjoy all of your freedoms being eroded away from you...
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  10. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Bullshit. I never played around with stats of the death rate. Why are you lying about what I said?
    And your mishmash of fact and fantasy is completely ignorant of reality.
    There are good treatments and quackery. The right loves the quackery, and several people died drinking bleach after the orange dotard opened his ignorant mouth.
    clennan and Quantum Nerd like this.
  11. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    You're right, I don't. But I do know that as of a couple of weeks ago, Fauci, et, al, and the entirety of the US Government, too, announced that paper and cloth masks were useless, and that we should all immediately switch to N95 or KN95 versions. Nevermind that in roughly March of 2020 they specifically told us NOT to use those in order to save them for healthcare providers, all of a sudden, they are the only helpful thing.

    Meaning, as I said, that we spent this ENTIRE TIME, since roughly March of 2020 until a few weeks ago arguing over, in some cases LITERALLY fighting over, and definitely getting Nancied everywhere people had the balls to go without masks, for absolutely no reason whatsoever because those cloth/paper masks were declared by the powers that be to be useless!!!

    I wonder if it makes you mask Nazis feel silly now? Eh, who am I kidding, y'all don't care a whip, as demonstrated by your post here.
  12. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    True!! I've actually seen numbers that say it's potentially as high as 98%!!!

    Do you know what that means? It means if you get yourself vaxxed, as I have (though not because any government busy body told me to), you have nothing to fear from the unvaxxed, so there is no reason at all to keep bringing them up. Let them be free, as they ought to be, to be unvaxxed if that is what they choose for themselves and go about your business. But that means there is literally no reason to go about shaming those few who actually do die after making that choice. Sure, it's sad for them, it's sad for their families, but it's not for you unless it happens to be someone you personally know.

    So, carry on and leave people alone to make their own beds however they choose.
  13. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I do. But that is completely different than government telling them they have to.

    That said, I have never, ever been asked by an employer (except the US Army) to take a vaccine, and I wouldn't put up with it. I would be happy to inform them that I am vaxxed and boosted, but if they demanded proof, well, they'd be hiring someone other than me, a position I would take out of principal. In the past, I have also refused to take drug tests, despite knowing I would pass them. It's just my own personal expectations of any potential employer, that they recognize the fact that when I'm on MY time, it's MY time, and now with the Covid thing, if they don't trust me enough that they demand written (though trivially easy to forge) proof, then they don't trust me enough for me to work there.
  14. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    You managed to ignore every single sensible point that Giftedone brought up and continue to parrot and fling the same tired left-wing labels onto him.

    Attacking strawmen is not intelligent discourse.
  15. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Do lefties have to celebrate the death of every police officer?
  16. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Like you said, you are free to walk away from your employer for any reason, so where's the beef?

    That is another example where employer can ask something of their employees, and they have the freedom to walk away. My employers have mandated them, and I don't know anyone who resigned over it.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  17. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I don't know if you missed it, but about a week or two, good ol Fauci and his other government cronies announced that the efficacy of the cloth and paper masks we've all been wearing (or in some cases, not) for the past 2+ years is nil. Which means we've been wearing silly little things on our faces, creating sharp political divisions in our country, in some cases getting into literal, physical fights, and creating Nancies left and right for absolutely NO GOOD REASON. The official story as of now is that if it ain't an N95 or KN95, it's useless. The more you know...
  18. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    cause they choose to not get vaccinated, and they died, the ultimate price for a mistake
  19. clennan

    clennan Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Oh, you mean the non peer-reviewed study based on records, with no control group, no consistent test protocols, basing it conclusion re natural immunity on 257 people? Boy, that's a high standard of proof, not! Incidentally, it's not "supported by Johns Hopkins." I've come across a Johns Hopkins prof who cites it favorably - speaking for themselves, not Johns Hopkins - and a review which provides a neutral summary, with no opinion.

    Graphs about deaths show deaths. Graphs about hospitalizations show hospitalizations. Real people, real events.

    As for a line on the graph of people who are unvaccinated and previously infected, do you mean you want to see how many of the dead or hospitalized were unvaccinated and previously infected? If not, do you mean previously infected and not dead or hospitalized? If not dead or hospitalized, why would they be on a graph of the dead and hospitalized?

    Regardless, it would have no impact at all on these actual hospitalizations and deaths. Nor the fact that the rates for both are much higher for the unvaccinated, which possibly includes those who have been previously infected.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  20. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    275 Fully Vaccinated Massachusetts Residents Have Died Of COVID-19 In 1 Week :eekeyes:

    What did Biden say about stopping the spread?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  21. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    My beef was, and is, with government mandates, and with people who have lost sight of what it means to be an American by such a large margin that they not only believe in government mandates, but that they spend their time here and elsewhere shaming people for not agreeing with them, and doing what they say.

    Employers can do what they wish, but as I said, I wouldn't work for one that required documentation instead of just taking my word for it.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  22. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    You seem to be completely forgetting about your post #8 within this very same thread.

    WHENEVER VACCINATED PEOPLE DIE: Oh, well, ummmm, the vaccine just tries to train the immune system... The actual fight is still up to the immune system and sometimes it loses the battle... There's also a plethora of other reasons (comorbidities) as to why a person might lose the battle.

    WHENEVER UNVACCINATED PEOPLE DIE: The only reason they died is because they declined to get vaccinated... They paid the price for their mistake to not get vaccinated.

    I suggest that you review over your very own words and try to dig deep into your conscience and figure out what is wrong with them... and figure out just how illogical they are.
  23. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    nope, one person (vaccinated) grabbed the life preserver and still drown... the other refused it and drown..... big difference

    I suggest you reread post #8 and try to understand it better
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  24. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Vaccines are not life preservers.

    I suggest that YOU reread your own post #8 and realize that what you are saying about unvaccinated people is completely nonsensical.
  25. WalterSobchak

    WalterSobchak Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Says someone who peddles fear of voter fraud which has actually been proven to occur 0.00004% in the History of our elections in the USA. LOL
    clennan and Surfer Joe like this.

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