Surviving The Tobacco Industry

Discussion in 'Survival and Sustainability' started by delade, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Countless numbers of research has shown that cigarette smoking has greater possibilities of causing 'cancers' than not smoking cigarettes. Signs, Commercials, no Smoking posts, CDC, The Surgeon General and many other top Officials have adamantly stood behind this 'finding'.

    'The Marlboro Man', in the early Commercials of Marlboro cigarettes, died of Lung Cancer and after his death, the autopsy showed that it was due to his own smoking of the cigarettes he was advertising that caused the cancer. After this finding, the research to associate lung cancer to tobacco accelerated. The Tobacco Industry was penalized and fined and was found 'guilty' of intentionally manufacturing cigarettes so that they, the cigarettes, would be 'addictive'. The Courts found the Tobacco Industry guilty of intentionally 'adding' nicotine to cause addiction to the smokers. Millions and Millions of dollars was paid for the Law Settlement.

    The advertisements read, 'cigarettes kill'.

    Everyone believes that cigarettes are tobacco rolled and boxed to be sold in the marketplaces. Pre-made rolled cigarettes is what is known to many as 'cigarettes'.

    Although tobacco does contain natural nicotine in its leaves, it may NOT be the nicotine which causes the cancers. And although the 'tar' from cigarette smoking may cause other illnesses, the 'tar' which is produced by the burning of the tobacco is the residue of combustion. When any organic life, such as tobacco or leaf, for that matter, is burned, the residue of the combustion is 'resin' or the sulfuric left overs from the combustion. And a reason why there is 'sulfur' residue is because the soil from which it grows from contains sulfur.

    However, putting these aside, nothing has been said to another very important aspect of tobacco.

    Tobacco, raised and cropped on Tobacco Farms, needs to be cultivated just like any other cropped plant life. Examples of cropped life can be everyday vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, melons, gourdes, etc....

    And just as each vegetable, fruit, leafy green, melon and gourde farm needs fertilizers and pesticides, insecticides and herbacides to keep the 'produce' from being eaten by living insects and worms and such as well as keeping the undesired 'weeds' from killing off the plants and shrubs, the tobacco farms need to keep the same requisite to the tobacco crop so that the tobacco leaves will not get eaten up by such insects and creatures nor be overtaken by other unwanted plant life.

    And it is within these 'cides'; pesticides, insecticides, herbacides, that the carcinogens are found within. Yet no mention of such 'cancer causing' agents has been mentioned in media or advertisements. The only mention is, 'cigarettes kill'.

    Such incomplete advertisements cause the 'unknowledgeable' to become afraid and reserved towards other humans who may have knowledge.

    An example of how the lack of knowledge can cause fear and trepidation towards others can be found in this.

    In mass media, whether it be in The United States or in Europe, the News Anchors often use the term 'Jihadists' to refer to 'terroristic' acts. However, they are not being correct towards Islam by their uses of the word 'Jihad'.

    Jihad is not a war.
    Jihad is not killing.
    Jihad is not force Conversion

    Jihad is, in a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), refers to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.


  2. Old Man Fred

    Old Man Fred Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Life is incredibly complicated.

    I have a buddy who's doing his PhD in physics, and it turns out I don't have the slightest clue what gravity is. I know that it exists and influences my life, but I can't explain the quantum mechanics of space time that produces it.
    jay runner likes this.
  3. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Tobacco contains Nicotene, and where you came to the conclusion it is not a carcinogen is beyond me.

    The carcinogen effect is not only from smoking Tobacco, chewing Tobacco once thought safe, is thousands of times more likely to cause cancers of the entire areas of the mouth and throat and esophagus etc....

    In my time in Medicine, I saw the ravages of smoking on the Human body, post Mortem or Autopsies as most people call them, and I remember one in particular of a young women in her 20s and she looked 40, her face and stained claw like hands more like talons.

    Her lungs and heart were shriveled and looked like bad roads, with many lessions and clotted areas and much internal pathology.

    She had been smoking since her 12th birthday according to her family.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    There are studies which prove that smoking does not cause cancer.

    What it does is increase the risk to those that are predisposed to it in the first place.

    If you don't have the genetics susceptible to it you won't ever get it.

    Put a spend fuel rod from a nuclear plant in front of 10 people and they will all get radiation poisoning, that fuel rod causes radiation poisoning. Its proven.

    Take 10 smokers of the same rate and only 3 of them may get cancer.

    Smoking doesn't cause anything.
  5. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Smoking doesn't cause cancer.
    Not one case of cancer associated with marijuana.

    Nicotine causes cancer.
    Snuff. Chewed. No pyrolysis required.

    One molecular study I read sometime ago was how nicotine
    activates dormant genes associated with malignancies.
    That is why nicotine use decreases survival of nearly all cancers I know of.

    Moi, M.D. ret :oldman:
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
  6. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    There's been some interesting scientific conjecture that fresh tobacco may be less much less cancer-causing than dried and aged tobacco. Apparently the same curing process that brings out the flavor also results in oxidization of the nicotine into carcinogenic nitrosamines.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018

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