Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2012-2016 : $602,700 Households, 2012-2016: 309,548 Persons per household, 2012-2016: 3.07 High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2012-2016: 91.1% Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2012-2016: 33.4% In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2012-2016: 61.3% In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2012-2016: 58.6% Median household income (in 2016 dollars), 2012-2016: $77,161 Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2016 dollars), 2012-2016: $32,194 Total employment, 2016: 359,766 Population estimates, July 1, 2017, (V2017): 988,650
359,766 988,650 359766 is 36.389622212107% of 988650 What does this mean? It means I might not know how to read this properly : 61.3% of 359,766 = 220536.558 58.6% of 359,766 = 210822.876 the difference is = 9713.682
Often working in the public sector, an employee of the civilservice is basically employed by the government to impartially implement their policies and laws. As a result,civil service employees often work in areas that highly affect people's everyday life (e.g. health and education). Those positions that are non-civil service are filled in coordination with the Bureau of State Employment (BSE) in the Governor's Office of Administration.
Is a College Degree Required for a Federal Job? Page updated 4/17/2018 Education Requirements for Federal Employment Approximately 60 percent of all federal workers do not have a college degree. The level of education required for federal jobs is dependent upon the position applied for. Each job announcement lists needed skills and abilities including education AND/OR work experience. Work experience, in many cases, can be substituted for a BS college degree. For example, in the Administrative Management career fields, 3 years of general work experience can be substituted for a 4-year course of study leading to a bachelors degree. Most are unaware of this conversion.
WASHINGTON — Americans with no more than a high school diploma have fallen so far behind college graduates in their economic lives that the earnings gap between college grads and everyone else has reached its widest point on record. The growing disparity has become a source of frustration for millions of Americans worried that they — and their children — are losing economic ground. College graduates, on average, earned 56% more than high school grads in 2015, according to data compiled by the Economic Policy Institute. That was up from 51% in 1999 and is the largest such gap in EPI's figures dating to 1973. Since the Great Recession ended in 2009, college-educated workers have captured most of the new jobs and enjoyed pay gains. Non-college grads, by contrast, have faced dwindling job opportunities and an overall 3% decline in income, EPI's data shows. "The post-Great Recession economy has divided the country along a fault line demarcated by college education," Anthony Carnevale, director of Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, said in a report last year. College grads have long enjoyed economic advantages over Americans with less education. But as the disparity widens, it is doing so in ways that go beyond income, from homeownership to marriage to retirement. Education has become a dividing line that affects how Americans vote, the likelihood that they will own a home and their geographic mobility.
Employment-population ratio - Total Percent of civilian working-age population 54.4 Employment-population ratio - Men Percent of civilian working-age population 60.2 Employment-population ratio - Women Percent of civilian working-age population 48.9 Labor force participation rate - Total Percent of civilian working-age population 58.6 Labor force participation rate - Men Percent of civilian working-age population 65.1 Labor force participation rate - Women Percent of civilian working-age population 52.4 What is Employment-Population ratio: The employment-to-population ratio is a macroeconomic statistic that indicates the ratio of the labor force currently employed to the total working-age population of a region, municipality or country. It is calculated by dividing the number of people employed by the total number of people of working age.
If the 54.5 percent ratio was acceptable world round, that would mean that only around 50 percent of the total Earth Population, of working age, ability, would actually be working. So half are workers, and the other half are not.
In the US the labor force participation rate is 62.7% which is the number of those working, and those not working but looking for a job, and over age 16..which is I believe around 160 million total Americans. Of the total US population of ~325 million this says one-half of Americans are in the workforce and one-half are not. What determines sustainability of the USA; ability to produce food, availability of water, availability of affordable energy, an economy that provides opportunity to all citizens, a well functioning government, forward-thinking, investment in the future, maintaining a moral and civil compass, establishing solid world allies...
are taking into account that in nearly any population half the population is either to young or too old to work?
yeah education is the answer but many people don't want to hear that, they want their high school only $30+ per hr assembly line job which hardly exist anymore...if trump was alive a hundred years ago he'd be promising wagon wheel and barrel makers their jobs back, but technology moves on...
Its funny. I was looking up government jobs I was qualified for and its pretty astounding. However I'm not interested in any of them so I will continue to wait tables until I get my masters in education and become a lowly teacher. Pretty sad when I could be making over a 100k working for the CIA.