Syria(Ghouta) 'chemical' attack, is it the worst False flag operation in a history?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by litwin, Aug 22, 2013.


and who is behind of this attack Assad or Wahhabits?

Poll closed Nov 29, 2013.
  1. Assad

  2. Wahhabits

  1. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    If you have the law degree then you surely must know that the UN report is simply not credible.

    The "limitations" the UN team itself put on the credibility of their findings. On page 18 of the report (22 of the .pdf), the UN states [emphasis added]:
    It should also be mentioned that militants still controlled the area after the alleged attack and up to and including during the investigation by UN personnel. Any tampering or planting of evidence would have been carried out by "so called rebels" and surely the Syrian government would not point rockets in directions that would implicate themselves, would they?
  2. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Its from the UN Report, not an article.
  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    You are correct.

    People lose sight of the fact that in the run up to Iraq 2003, when all the supposed WMD "debates" happened and "retractions" by the media and govmnt, that U.S. oil companies had been pushing like hell to get into Iraq.

    The same is true of U.S. and British Petroleum in Iran. And the only path to Iran is through Syria.

    It is also worth noting that the U.S. owns half of BP and why they allowed British govmnt to help censor the truth about the Gulf oil spill.

    This is all just U.S. deception. being carried out by the U.S. politicians on behalf of Big Oil companies.
  4. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    A fraud…a con man…homeland security…security checks…law enforcement officers…For goodness sake Margot, even you should be able to make a logical connection.
  5. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The truth about the oil spill in the Gulf wasn't censored.
  6. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    There is a problem with a lack of news worthy topics in media. Partisan sniping is not educational for example, and simply attacking the messenger without evidence is not conducive to intelligent thought, or entertaining. You should try reading independant writers or educators, take some pointers from, or alternative media or find some ways to make your discussions more engaging.

    The stranglehold of corporate media, paid advertisements and lip service
    for the govmnt in the form of govmt produced news articles and media
    segments has permanently damaged the profession of journalism, and the
    dissemination of ideas from and by the people.

    Be a part of the solution by avoiding hype, packaged news by govmnt
    Elites, corp. entities, and conglomerate controlled messages designed
    for mass public cosumption, and mind molding.

    Rely more on blogs for content: indetendant bloggers, info clearing house, blacklisted news, moon over alabama, washingtons blog, and activism like ANSWER and so forth
  7. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    UN REport ? is it really ?

    Thats what YOU say , Hmmm - now let's see the evidence - show me the proof.

    Do you think you can post a link to where in the report does it substantiate your . allegations.

    Page - chapter - paragraph or precise wording will help to prove that you've actually read the UN report and not simply repeating what your thought controllers told you.


  8. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Rely on blogs?

    My brother worked on the reorganization of the safety audits that BP had been circumventing.....

    Do you know BP's history?
  9. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    those proofs support more my version then Karry's one
  10. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I presume its not a great deal different than Aramco's - but if I'm wrong then I'm sure you'd correct me . (wink)

    One thing I do know , as a very small/tiny - shareholder (an inheritance ) I appreciate the regular
    dividend payments into my bank account without which I wouldn't be able to afford my present lifestyle.

    God bless BP, its Captain + all who steer her (wink)
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    No but it is a fact that most corp. newspapers, radio, and TV
    LIED about the total number of million gallons of oil spilled,
    and the millions of gallons of dispersants used by the Govmnt.

    Thats because it was excised from the news coverage, by U.S. officials and British censors, on loan from BP, to protect the company.
  12. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    But YOU have the real numbers.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Oh puh-leeze, that is such old news I gave you.

    And people expect you to go read some spoon-fed Democrat website, like TruthOut, Huffington, TPM, Democracy Now, or Chris Hedges to get manipulated right back into "the Party" dogma, push-button political faux outrage of the moment like Chick-Fila, or P--sy Riot.

    Hell - Stephen Colbert did two ads at once last nite, holding a Ben and Jerrys ice cream cup while sitting in front of a Breaking Bad poster. Jon Stewart almost got Syria right upon his return, 6 years after shilling for the NWO, Libya and all kinds of White House war crimes. That is why Jon Stewart makes $30 million a year, because is the CIAs, Carlyles, and George Soros beotch !!!

  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    To Hell With the Two Party System !!!
    (and Down with Whitey) :smile:

    In news coverage of "the Party," the veneer has worn so terribly thin, whether its the Tea Party or whatever. The meaning of words like "grass roots" or "independant" have evaporated since all the so- called groups receive their backing of the Establishment, big money Elites, in many cases. You know the villians in the 1% ??? Who the hell do you think finances all these ballot measures they try to sneak past you every election? Of course, the rich and big business. The PR has gotten so bad with the public on Progressive Radio, that every election the Democrat hosts like Hartman, Rhodes, Norm Goldman and Mike Malloy must make some lame appeal to "hold your nose" and vote Democrat because the listeners are so disgusted with the surrender of Democrats to massive corp. interests and war machines. Barbara Boxer and Feinstein throwing support to bomb Syria, surely the latter is no surprise, she has always been a war hawk, but the whole Right v. Left dichotomy is nothing but a sideshow. Yes, Mr. Norman Goldman, Mr. Maher. Mr Mike Malloy point the finger at the public for being powerless against the almighty powers of the NSA, the FBI, Pentagon, and endless billions used by the bureucrats, used to squash dissent with their media monopolies and propaganda pounding telescreens, and psychological warfare weapons of the airwaves, backed by gun and truncheon weilding goon squads. Your demoralizing rants blaming the Bible thumpers for your Democrat Party failings, as Fundamentalists make up such tiny minorities in the electorate, and your promotion of the plastic, perpetually superficial journalists sans ethics at MSNBC with their blue/red state maps, are about as phony as the latest poll created by the CFR man Zogby, or some Pentagon bought and paid for conclusion by reached at the Rand corp. on how to make a better squad of bombers. Yes, us illiterate American morons, only half of us who could read during the age of Edgar Allan Poe, we is so ignorant. Yeah, MSNBC are such truth tellers, Ye Gods, even channel surfing by the visage of Olberman at ESPN makes one queasy enough for a trip to the vomitorium. Tune in to Big Ed for the latest Party dogma. Pay those suckers on TV tens of millions more dollars, to tell America there is hope from the decadence of Washington and the hopeless stagnation which is the American economy. Yes, make a donation and subscribe to the Ed Schultz and the Mike Malloy radio show, you'll receive a free fruitcake and a bag of our Hawaiian coffee, while the Democrats deliver America to economic death. Because change is simply a word for campaigns and no original economic thoughts arise from "the Party" that is bought off and corrupted from top to bottom. Hillary is such a Neo-Fascist you'd think that America would be wary to elect another NeoCon posing as a liberal. But it is obvious these Pres. canidates are puppets, actors, doing the bidding of larger NWO entities, like the CFR because they too often allow the multi-national CFR member to call all the shots on Foreign Policy once they are in the oval office. Look at how Obama perfectly mouthed the "Progressive" agenda in all his campaign speeches and then turned into a NeoCon warmonger once he walked into the door of the White House. But this is the fallacy of our fake news Daily Show, computer terminal falsified elections, teleprompt reading robot Presidents, peanut gallery news, and radio commentary, our facsimilie democratic process, our new American fascism.

    Monica Perez, a Tea Party libertarian radio host, was repeating some garbage from Glenn Beck about Muslims wanting to establish "a new Caliphate," Ottoman Empire crap, when discussing Syria and the Obama air strike a few weeks ago, so America had "to watch out for it."Yeah, thanks for covering the Syria isssue, but really, stop watching Fox News and do yourselves a favor if you want to be taken seriously as "grass roots." A funny thing happened when a caller to Monica to attempted to elucidate his view that "Fox News was a front for the G ..."(overnment) before he was cut off by the host, but not until the syllables came out. You can't fool all the people all time, and of course it is the standard excuse these days, that America is going nowhere because "the people are stupid," say so many talk hosts, but not Monica thankfully. Of course, you know the whole Tea Party thing is a GOP marketing/ fund raising device, to appeal to those voters sick of the Christian Coaliton. They'll eventually line up behind Rand Paul in 2016, as mainstream as you can get. Even the stupid news about the 'shut down' and the Tea Party circus to 'stop ObamaCare' is nothing but a circus created for public consumption, to keep the activists engaged since their hero, the COINTELPRO SLIMEBALL, Breibart died. So that the steam of doesn't run out of their Ultra Rich, Daddy War-bucks financed 'alternative' viewpoint political movement, I'm sure they'll want to keep their base tuning into Twitter, Facebook, and ClearChannel, the billionaires propaganda and mass survelliance spyware organs, for push-button agitprop and faux outrage calculated to make the dog salivate and foam at the mouth, since Red State and the "Freepers" Free Republic are about as dead as Ronnie Ray-Gun. But at least you can still read Chuck Norris Op-Eds at World Nut Daily. Pffff.I honestly think we can't go back to electing white people for President anymore, too many milktoast mainstream liars have permanently destroyed White House credibility. It will probably take another African American to restore respectability to the office, a real Dr. King type, in the next election.

    Having the best public education available, our classes discussed the bomb, did the hiding under the desk drills, as our fears of nuclear destruction became all too palpable in the 1980's, along with the rest of the country. Our great middle school teacher told us, "There is never going to be a nuclear war, nobody wants to die." We instinctively knew as a class, that this was fear brainwashing, like the domino theory, the red scare, the cold war and the fight against the "commies" was all just games our governments played with our minds to control the herd. Later, we'd read "Hiroshima", "All Quiet on the Western Front," "1984", "Brave New World," "A Farewell To Arms," "Animal Farm," "Farenheit 451" and see the film versions of all these as well. I absolutely freaked when the fifth grade viewed the B/W version of "1984"and the scene of the rat cage finished. Were there really governments in the world where people got tortured and spied on, is what I wondered as a 10 year old. Then, later of course, it became public about Iran/Contra and that secret wars, torture, and illegal mass murder had been going on right under our noses and in decades past. The teacher told us to read a newspaper everyday, and I soon saw a cartoon of CIA agents going thru the garbage spying on Americans opposed to Nicaragua on the OP-ED page. The Contras and Nicaragua were all detailed in the paper, no censorship, secrets, like today in Syria and Libya. No longer can you get truth in a printed page along with your Cheerios. You must now scour thru pages of websites, taking hours and hours, to find the truth on the ground in any particular war. Newspapers telling the truth of foreign policy is a thing of the past. And now the radio has disappeared as well. Many blogs have become state run propaganda organs and so called "alternative media" websites are financed by the 1% robber barons, and war profiteers like George Soros, and the Ford Foundation/CIA like Common Dreams, Democracy Now, the Nation magazine or Talking Points Memo. Radio/TV hosts, many of the former U.S. Government employees or connected to the State, thru "the Party" purge facts down the memory hole like Winston Smith at the Ministry of Truth on a daily basis. It wasnt fiction after all. We go thru the news daily receiving a series of shocks, about our economic plight, our fears of war, races, terror or mass shootings and bombings keeping the Homeland on a pedestal like Big Brother or the President, the savior to deliver us from our oppression, like the next war will supposedly be the one great important step to our ever-lasting National Security, a never realized goal to perpetuate the Permanent War economy we are slaves to, and where Freedom is always an ephemeral state and unattainable place of being, a non-existent nirvana.
  15. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    I rather be "dragged" after western companies then submit to relgious dictatorship like in Iran or the "Game of Thrones" regime in Russia,

    Any other option Im missing ?
  16. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    BP has had difficulty since the early 1960s ........
  17. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    When the USA regime announced its "Red Line" on chemical weapons it was a Green Light to the terrorists to use chemical weapons

    Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad’s regime: U.N. official

    Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.

    Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent

    Read more:
    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
    Not since the 1961 CIA-backed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba incident that precipitated the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, this MoFA report says, has the world been brought closer to a nuclear apocalypse than it has due to Harroun’s actions in Syria on behalf of his CIA and Saudi Arabian “paymasters.”

    What has made CIA operative Harroun particularly dangerous, was his trafficking to Syrian rebels of US captured Soviet era chemical weapon missiles from the former weapons depots of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

    Even worse, in May, this year, Turkish police arrested Syrian rebels caught in the act of carrying weaponized Sarin gas to Syria, and which Russian intelligence agents in this report confirmed were delivered by Harroun from the CIA’s Benghazi arms depot.

    A high-level anonymous official with the Libyan Ministry of Defense who granted an interview to the Voice of Russia this past August further stated that Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan controlled the terrorists groups in Syria and that it was actually Bandar who delivered the chemical weapons from Israel to the Syrian insurgents, and which this report confirms by stating CIA-operative Harroun was the conduit for this transaction too.

    When asked about the Muslim Brotherhood, he stated that since its creation by MI6 in the 1940s it had been under the control of the West and was in fact in no way a religious organization. Under several dictators over the decades the Muslim Brotherhood has become a radical armed force, and which Egyptian main papers have this month been publishing documents proving that Obama himself is not only a member, but one of its main leaders
  18. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    oh My GOd!!!

    By Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times

    and still no reaction from Washington ....
  19. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    The nice Noahide regime in Washington will not go back on their Rabbinic judgment. They will go behind the scenes to sabotage and controvert the evidence if necessary and carry on with their program.
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    here are some more good truth telling blog articles


    Selling War on Syria

    Selling War on Syria | War Is A Crime .org

    Sirte Civilians: NATO Committing Genocide

    Land Destroyer: Sirte Civilians: NATO Committing Genocide

    The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations’ Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel

    The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations? Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel | Global Research

    WAR ON SYRIA-LIBYA scroll down for video reports

    WAR ON SYRIA; US Supported Chemical Weapons Gas Attacks On Libya Civilians In Bani Walid, Then Blocked UN Resolution To Stop It, Kerry & Obama Are Liars : The Jack Blood Show

    U.S. Missiles Shot Down

    U.S. Missiles Shot Down By Russia According to Al Manar TV Of Lebanon | Here Comes The Sun

    Progressives, Tea Party United to Oppose Syria War

    Progressives, Tea Party United to Oppose Syria War « Attack the System

    Authorization for Use of Military Force: a blank check for war without end
  21. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Bosnia´s first post-war census, reviles an other false flag operation
  22. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Odd that you view evidence(that weve not yet seen) from March that rebels used Sarin, somehow proves that Assad didn't use them in August.
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I wondered why so many "Progressive" shows never talked about the illegal Obama wars in Syria and Libya arming Al Queda, or if they did they merely voiced support.

    Is This The Evil Face of COINTELPRO ???

    A partial list of CIA funded "Progressives"

    FAIR, (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Counterspin radio show)
    The Progressive magazine,
    Working Assets Radio
    Democracy Now!
    Mother Jones
    Pacifica Radio
    The Nation
    Z Magazine

    The Nation Magazine and the CIA

    The Most Revolutionary Act » The Nation Magazine and the CIA

    CIA on Campus
  24. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    MEMRI Special Dispatch

    October 1, 2013 Special Dispatch No.5463

    Leading Egyptian Journalist Haikal: Egypt, All Other Arab Countries Produced
    Chemical and Biological Weapons; German Scientists Helped

    Following are excerpts from an interview with senior Egyptian journalist
    Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, which aired on CBC TV on September 19, 2013:

    Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV:

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "In the 1950s and 1960s, attempts to end the
    nuclear arms race began. Countries that already had nuclear arms decided to
    make do with what they had, and all the other countries, which found it too
    difficult to join the nuclear arms race, believed that the production of
    chemical and biological weapons was the poor man's way to deter the nuclear
    countries. This was especially true with regard to the Arab world. Not a
    single Arab country refrained from producing chemical and biological

    Interviewer: "None of them?"

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "Not a single Arab country refrained from
    producing and maintaining an arsenal of chemical weapons."

    Interviewer: "Including Egypt?"

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "Yes. The production of chemical and biological
    weapons was easy. It was all based on German scientists who fled Germany
    [following WWII]. Some of them had knowledge of nuclear energy, like Dr.
    [Wolfgang] Pilz, who came to us for a while, and then started working on
    missiles and moved to China."

    Interviewer: "This was in the 1950s?"

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "In the 1950s and 1960s. Since obtaining nuclear
    energy was so difficult and expensive, and since we all more or less know
    that Israel has nuclear weapons, all the countries, down to the very last

    Interviewer: "So they produced it at some point, but does this continue

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "All the countries produced it, and they all
    realized after a while that they could not benefit from keeping large
    stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Qadhafi had them. Everybody
    did. Syria has them.


    "I believe that it does not bother Syria too much to get rid of those
    stockpiles of chemical weapons, which it has realized – as the whole world
    has realized – that it cannot use."

    Interviewer: "But when [Al Assad] agreed to hand over his chemical weapons,
    he acknowledged that he has such chemical weapons..."

    Muhammad Hassanein Heikal: "But everybody has chemical weapons."


    © 1998-2013, The Middle East Media Research Institute All Rights Reserved.
    Materials may only be cited with proper attribution. About MEMRI | Contact

    IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
  25. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I watch RT constantly and I've never seen or heard a guy on their with a Russian accent. Don't you find that curious? All Americans and Brits. Now thats fishy, aye?

    RT is no good and untrustworthy, and in fact, I'm convinced that Russia Today is black propaganda, a channel ascribed by name to a foreign power, but is ACTUALLY AMERICAN CIA CONTROLLED. The "alternative" and sometimes anti-war viewpoints shown on there are allowed so that the U.S. Counter Intelligence can keep tabs on and control anti-war dissenters by planting CONTROLLED ASSETS in the blogosphere and in 9/11 Truth by emphasizing certain bad activists to discredit the Left. Notice how Russia Today promoted Alex Jones, Birthers, Tea Party (clearly Astroturf groups) and false 9/11 Truthers who claimed the WTC and Sandy Hook attacks were done by Israel, with virtually no proof but the often repeated "Dancing Israelis on 9/11" they constantly repeat ad nauseum.

    I almost couldn't believe it and was appalled to hear on Al Jazeera that many people in Gaza do not have running water. Thats absolute enslavement. Why don't we hear truth like this in American TV/Radio?

    Its weird, just like that "Arab" channel Al Jazeera was started by Israelis ...

    "Al-Jazeera was conceived by two French-Israeli personalities, the David and Jean Frydman brothers, after the assassination of their friend Yitzhak Rabin. According to David Frydman [1], the goal was to create a medium where Israelis and Arabs could discuss freely, exchange arguments and get to know each other, considering this was prevented by the war situation thereby frustrating any peace prospect."

    Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and the triumph of televised propaganda

    Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and the triumph of televised propaganda


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