Teacher Threatened With Fine For Violating Michelle Obama’s Snack Rules

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by JavisBeason, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. ellesdee

    ellesdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Teaching... the only profession for which every Tom, Dick, and Harry with no background or training in education feel they know how to do the job better than those trained to do it.

  2. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    I was at a local poker room in my town earlier this year. A dealer was doing a complicated split pot and every tom dick and harry at the table was saying "do it like this, put xx$ in this pile, xx$ in that pile.... you should change that 500 chip into 4, 100 chips and 4, 25 chips and ....."

    after it was all done, one guy continued saying, "you should have done it this, this and this way"

    I finally said to the dealer..... "I know how you feel, I'm a teacher, every ******** in America thinks they can do my job better than me, too". The table laughed, the ******** that kept running his mouth, finally shut up...... and I lost again, 3 hands later.... lol
  3. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Seems to me that any school principal, at any level, Elementary; Middle or HIgh School, who wastes any more than 2-minutes on some alleged teacher giving her students a piece of candy, is the one with the problem, and not in control of his school. Teacher's have all sorts of kitchen gadgets in their classrooms; small refrigerator's; microwave ovens being the most popular, and although most school rules prohibit these items, everybody in the system looks aside because it is harmless. Obviously, you have never taught school, and had to maintain order and behavior, and still get the subject matter into your student's heads, while using what is now known as positive discipline behavior's. Internal Suspension; Saturday School; External Suspension; Referrals; Parent-Teacher-Administrator conferences, etc. Corporal punishment? Not really effective in school settings, or for that matter at home. Letting your students work in groups; pop up a couple of bags of microwave popcorn while they work; having a candy dish on your desk as small rewards for good decisions - makes sense, usually very effective rewards.

    Besides, in rich neighborhood schools, on those half day teacher planning, early release for the students, hardly any of the kids show up and their parents call them in excused; In poor neighborhood schools, or inner-city poverty neighborhood schools, on those days, most of the student's do show up for school - reason, simple, that free or reduced breakfast, and quick grab and go box lunch at midday, may be the only meals' these youngsters get that day. It doesn't matter whether they are kindergarten kids, middle school, or High School, kids are always hungry, and many of them go to bed hungry, or stay up studying, or on social media far into the night, and arrive at school exhausted - and hungry. Having a quick snack available for them before lunch, or toward the end of the day, good idea, most teacher's I know allow it, many pay for the food items. Microwave popcorn being one of the best snacks for kids.

    The idea that a school principal would have to spent ANY time explaining or dealing with a teacher who handed her student's a candy, or some jellybeans or skittles as a snack, to reward them is nuts. Teacher's generally get only about $200 a years for purchasing extra pens, pencils, eraser's, etc., not exactly a massive output from those $100,000 dollar School Board members and principals to them, and many purchase the stuff themselves, including decorating their rooms with colorful signs, posters, "atta-boy/girl" posters, personal books for reading, etc. You can't teach from your mouth into the student's head, you need to have them interactive with you, and their school mates, or your class will fail. A bite of candy not only rewards but just might keep your student's awake long enough to make it to lunch or the final bell. It is no reflection on the talent's of any teacher who uses it as a reward for good decisions, or classroom attention and behavior. Gawd - should Ronald Reagan been fined for having a huge jar of jelly beans on his Oval Office desk for 8-years? These are kids, many of them bored and hungry. I loved what Scott Walker, Wisconsin Governor said when speaking before an audience in Washington recently. His opening line was classic:

    "Welcome to Washington, D.C., 68.5 square miles surrounded by reality." We don't need the Feds candy police in our schools - shesh..........
  4. Athelite

    Athelite Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Only teachers? How about presidents?
  5. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Your statement again is simply not true.
  6. ellesdee

    ellesdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Okay... presidents, too.
  7. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Naw, only teacher's. Everybody thinks they can do that job better than the ones who trained for it. Want to find out yourself? Apply for a substitute teaching position anywhere in America, any school district, and do about two full weeks handling classes - particularly Middle School. You will be in for one great big freaking surprise, and when you are done doing that - than come into a PF group and tell everybody how easy it is.

    As for President? Anybody who thinks they can run this nation has to have an ego the size of the State of Texas. How educated or experienced a candidate happens to be is no guarantee as to how well he - or eventually a she - can or will be successful in the position. You would have to be stone cold stupid to want to tackle the job of the Presidency. I wake up with problems every morning - bills to pay - kids and grandchildren to deal with - school - school costs - mortgage, etc., all the things we were promised as kids growing up in this country.

    A President? Doesn't matter how good or bad the population thinks they are, and 50% will approve and 50% will disapprove throughout the majority of their administration. Obama's approval rating this month is merely 43% vs. 50% disapproval for 7-years. About right, in the George W. Bush, Jr. range for the same time, about 10-points below the Reagan approval rating at this time into his administration. But - imagine - instead of the normal housekeeping duties we all have as citizens - jobs, careers, kids, bills, family, etc., he goes to bed with ALL the world's problems on his mind, and wakes up and is briefed all over again on ALL the world's problems, plus a few more that developed overnight. That's everyday, 24/7/365, for 8-years !!!! A wonder most of them don't just "check-out" and go play golf? Give me a break. Has to be the absolute worst job in the world despite the perks. To top it off - this latest one, Obama, is protected by a Secret Service detail that apparently can't stop people from standing on mega-busy Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., and firing bullets through the third floor living quarter's of the White House. Probably because they are out partying all night, or holed up with prostitutes in hotels. The latest one was agents in the Hay-Adams Hotel, which overlooks the White House. Been to DC hundred's of times - I KNOW that the Hay-Adams doesn't rent rooms by the hour. So in addition to all the problems of the country and the world on your brain 24/7, you have to worry some nut might off-you, or your family, as this country has a dark undercurrent of assassination in its history.

    Teacher's? Yea, every parent thinks they can do it better, or there always is the old line "Those that can't do teach." Try it and find out for real sometime.

    President's? I can't imagine anybody ever wanting that position, or the average citizen, well educated or not, holding down the fort at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for 8-years running. No matter what they do, most of the world will object...............
  8. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    I have worked at a couple of different schools over my 15 years.

    innercity for 3
    middleclass rural
    a school that had everthing from ghetto to rich country club kids....

    often, the middle class parents who have degrees themselves, usually on par with teacher pay in the area, feel they all could have been teachers, but chose something else.... so that makes them an expert

    upper class parents sometimes look down on teachers because they are more educated and think they could easily do our job

    lower class ones, if you actually meet the parents, often base their epertise on school because they went to public schools for 16 years, and thinks that makes them an expert.
  9. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I work for a nationwide company that provides a lot of classroom training, and what they typically do after lunch is put bowls of candy on the table because the little bit of extra sugar keeps people attentive and engaged. I can say this is a common practice with many large companies.

    But if rotten teeth and diabetes concerns you, then I guess I can count you as being in favor of banning the purchase of all candy and sweets using food stamps.
  10. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Why did she give the kids candy? Candy causes cavities. Candy is empty calories and maybe the parents do not give their kids this type of candy. What kind of candy was it? Was it natural or loaded with artificial crap? If she could not come up with a better idea for a reward than sugary candy as one rewards a horse with a lump of sugar, maybe she needs further education herself.

    BTW, OP...this really has zero to do with the FLOTUS...jeez!
  11. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    yall act like giving a wrapped candy is akin to taking them to a pound bag of skittles each every day. We're talking about a wrapped candy, or a few skittles, or M+M's.... I'm not talking about enough to ruin their dinner or in place of a meal

    Oh the horror of of a worther's original....

    again, intrinsic rewards when kids are doing what they should, encourages others to do the same (if they value a piece of candy like most kids do)

    "A" skittle probably won't work as well in a middleschool setting, but like I said earlier.... give a kid a piece of gum, even a sugar free kind if that's your beef......and that kid will follow you into war

    you and I both go to work for an intrinsic reward...... would you go to work if they didn't pay you?
  12. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    My point is that there are much more urgent topic to start a thread about. This is such bull (*)(*)(*)(*)!
  13. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    You would think taking money from teachers would be important to progressives. Guess not. Progressive abandon blacks now teachers too. Nice.
  14. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    No, lack of proper dental hygiene causes cavities.
  15. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    you can't complain about lack of student performance if you continue to neuter teacher's abilities to run a classroom, or in your case, turn a blind eye to it because you don't see the big picture.
  16. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    It's a piece of candy, it shouldn't even be a story. As for paddling, that worked a helluva lot better than doubled homework... Doubled homework is gay, getting paddled was unforgettable.
  17. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    I chuckle when people say paddling doesn't work. Corporal punishment changed millions of kids from lefthanded to right handed up until the 50's. I don't think left-handed needs fixing..... but handedness is a tough thing to change.... and it absolutely was.
  18. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I was in school two decades ago, you're wrong.
  19. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    If you think obesity comes from a piece of candy a day, I have bad news for you.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I don't think that at all. I do, however, applaud the first lady for her effort to increase focus on the diet/health of our children.
  21. ellesdee

    ellesdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Thanks for your advice.
  22. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I went to Catholic school. There was no behavior a ruler across your knuckles couldn't fix. When a nun addressed us or when we spoke in class we had to stand up. Does that respect even happen these days? And there was never, ever a thought about cursing in class or dissing a nun. A tough and rigid school can set a kid up to succeed or fail for the rest of his life.
  23. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Why doesn't she fight to drive the price of junk food up and lower the price of healthy food? I'm sick of paying $5 for a pound and a half of fresh honey crisp apples or Bartlett pears, or $5 per pound for 75% lean hamburger meat and then walk past Twinkies and Ding Dongs in a family sized box for $2.00. It's no damn wonder poor people are fat bodies. I just bought enough food to last three people a week that are on a no sugar, no bread diet and spent $150 at wally night before last.
  24. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I didn't mean to be offensive. I've been paddled and I've had after school detention. I would have taken after school detention any time over my 6'5" principle beating my arse with a wooden paddle. The double work was what I, and everyone else, would hope for if we got in trouble because it was nothing compared to the alternative. I farted in Chemistry class during a test once and ran the whole class out, I was thankful to get after school detention. All I had to do was write a 1,000 word essay on methane gas.
  25. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    "wus"-ification of America.

    I can't attest to what happens in a Catholic school as I don't work in one and have never attended one..... but I can tell you, I'm about to call a parent here in about an hour because his child threw a fit yesterday, during the awards ceremony where he didn't get an award, His parents want to know why he didn't get an award. And when I said "he threw a fit..." I mean, a top of his lungs, screaming, "I HATE THIS SCHOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!, STUPID AWWWAARRDDDSSSSS RRRAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!" kind of fit. I got him out of the auditorium and to my room before it blew up.... I could see it coming..... but in my room, he was kicking tables, chairs, yelling, etc.

    More issues of "every child gets a trophy" mentality. He was upset that he took off work to watch his son get an award and he didn't get one. Sorry, I just told you when the awards were, not that your child was or wsan't getting one.

    He is also upset that he percieved that his son was the only child in my special needs class that didn't get one. Well, that's not exactly true either as their were other kids that didn't get an award, too, but they were absent.

    hey, too bad so sad.... crap happens in life. Had I given him an award as he started screaming, it would have stopped immediately.... just like if I let him play on the computer instead of doing math.... but I refuse to do that.

    30 years ago, his behavior gets corrected the moment he associates an ass beating follows a tantrum.... nowadays, you are forced to praise the rest of the class for not tantruming.

    The said child didn't get into treasure box at the end of the day due to his behavior. He tantrumed again. I rewarded the class that behaved, he didn't behave....

    of course, it's no wonder he acts like this when his parents are upset that I didn't give him an award he didn't earn.

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