Give me a break. I think the scenario described in the video to which I linked in post #49 is very plausible. The viewers can watch that and the rest of the video and read your analysis and come to their own conclusions.
NO! I damn well won't give you "a break"! To suggest the military would a) be instructed to mass murder innocent Americans and b) be prepared to carry this out then c) keep quiet about it knowing that this is some government bullshit that has murdered thousands of citizens is the biggest crock of batshit imaginable! Will you stop this spam "the viewers will decide" crap!? You failed miserably to objectively analyse what I just posted and you completely avoided it! 1. HOW does your stupid spammed video suggest they diverted the plane? 2. Does it suggest the plane is still under pilot control? 3. What bullshit reason does any pilot divert a plane and why the hell would they even do this!? 4. "Bogus calls from the ground"? Also makes zero sense. These passengers had ample time to call their relatives and tell them they were being diverted /landed. NONE did. EXPLAIN WHY THEY DIDN'T! 5. EVERYONE is calling home to say they are going to be safe if there is some diversion plan going on. NONE of this makes sense. Who executes all these people and burns their bodies!? And don't you dare arm-wave that away. US military would never agree to this no matter what! 6. All that above I just detailed is not a simple thing to carry through. Planes and passengers need disposing off. Crash sites need 757 plane parts distributed, the DNA etc. The calls and crew comms. need to be consistent. 7. How in any insane world does a group get together and agree this moronic strategy, hundreds of times more difficult than simply crashing the plane!? Why are you afraid to answer these and/or change your opinion on this matter!? I've seen your ludicrous Pentagon "evidence" which boils down to you believing a couple of witnesses and ignoring everyone else.
Of course a typical soldier wouldn't obey such an order. A few people at the top would look the other way though if the CIA wanted control over part of a military base for a limited time for a classified reason they couldn't disclose to them.
So now the CIA would do the things you concede the military wouldn't!? The same applies. @Scott WHY ARE YOU AVOIDING THAT ENTIRE POST! Where is your logic and critical thinking? Even conceptualizing this crazy scheme is grounds for committal. You think they huddled secretly around a desk and came up with such a ludicrous idea? One orders of magnitude more complicated than what happened.
There are numerous terms used for self labelling by conspiracy theorists. "Truther" or "truth seeker" being a couple of the more grandiose descriptions. This thread details quite specifically MAJOR problems with there being any deviation from the 4 recorded planes on 911. For me a PROPER truth-seeker will explore these issues, logically, objectively and honestly and will then conclude accordingly. Not one single person debating this sub-forum has remotely addressed any of the posts in this thread and what answers have been given are absurd, irrelevant and do not adequately answer anything.
Pretty much everyone claiming 911 had a plane or 2 or 4 missing have failed to address anything in this thread. How come? It's like EVERY conspiracy. The claims are made but conceptualizing it and filling in all the actual details, highlights the problems. The numbers involved become astronomical and the complications are so absurd that this wouldn't even be considered by any rational person.
Active duty soldiers a century ago killed a number of their "brothers in arms" who were protesting in Washington DC, the notorious Brown Shoe Army incident. National Guard soldiers killed 4 Dead in Ohio. The claim that soldiers won't kill their fellow countrymen is a false claim. Milgram and others demonstrated how that works.
What a pathetic, PATHETIC comparison. It's borderline insulting. What YOU are suggesting is that the US military is instructed to calmly and pre-emptively execute innocent people from a passenger plane as opposed to a highly charged incident!
You mean your research technique is exhausted by "googling it"? This "notorious" incident and you can't even find it? Does it not make you question its relevance at all? Comparing a very isolated incident A CENTURY ago! with ordering current US military to execute innocent plane passengers? And still, nobody has answered how they got the damn plane to divert and land with nobody phoning a relative or no ATC involvement, no radar data etc? It's all so very ridiculous.
You know that's all been addressed in this video. Watch it between the 1:37:30 and 1:54:5 time marks. September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)
I know it hasn't. I think you need to google what the word "addressed" means, because it doesn't mean some random batshit in a stupid 5hr video. You couldn't find the "notorious" and irrelevant incident from a century ago and instead of offering an answer to this below, using simple sentences and descriptions...... "Does it not make you question its relevance at all? Comparing a very isolated incident A CENTURY ago! with ordering current US military to execute innocent plane passengers? And still, nobody has answered how they got the damn plane to divert and land with nobody phoning a relative or no ATC involvement, no radar data etc?" spam that pathetic video for the 100th time!
My bad, it was the Bonus Army protests and it was 1932 1932: U.S. Army Kicks U.S. Veterans Out of Washington | Mental Floss
And now you have the correct name for this totally irrelevant crap - so what? This is really quite nauseating that you can even compare this event to a hypothetical batshit scenario of no-planes! There is simply no comparison between a police man shooting at rioters and having the US military line up to murder innocent people exiting a plane! WIKI: "When the veterans rioted, an officer (George Shinault) drew his revolver and shot at the veterans, two of whom, William Hushka and Eric Carlson, died later.[21][1]"
I wouldn't compare what happened in Washington in 1932 to the idea that random soldiers would be capable of disposing of the passengers on airliners that landed at military bases. They'd need some special people to carry that out; they'd probably find a few in the CIA. They wouldn't have much trouble finding such people but they couldn't be typical soldiers.
I actually feel sick at the thought that you could believe that. In fact, it makes me seriously wonder what kind of a conspiracy theorist would entertain such a ludicrous idea. It is so incredibly simple (if the "ebil Gubment" were involved) to just let them do their thing! Option 1: Hijackers crash plane(s). Option 2: Let's set the scene at "Ebil-Gubments-R-Us". Preliminary planning meeting where the top 3 evil-murderers are hooking up. The basic premise of 4 hijacks has been established, now what: Shadowy figure 1: Right, so once we've got control of all 4 planes, fly towards New York and hit both WTC towers, the other two to Washington DC and hit the Pentagon and The White House. Shadowy figure 2: No. I disagree. I think we should use bombs. Nobody will notice. Shadowy figure 1: Ok, so doesn't that kind of complicate it a bit? There's some dead smart "truthers" out there, they just "see things". Shadowy figure 3: I think we should use military planes instead. Shadowy figure 1: Sorry guys, surely we're needlessly complicating this? Shadowy figure 2: No, not at all. Piece of cake. Shadowy figure 1: Well now.... Now we have to involve countless numbers of people to dispose , of the actual planes! Burn it up and distribute parts all around Manhattan/Washington etc. Including a plane engine! HEY, why don't they just PRETEND to corroborate the serial numbers!? We have to coerce all the eye-witnesses. Dozens of different videos have to be fabricated and the people involved coerced! Numerous live transmissions have to have magic overlay/composites when the target is moving! We have to involve a team to blow up the building/launch the missile/other plane whichever batshit alternative is suggested! We need a team to take down light poles etc. We gotta dig out a crater in Shanksville and spray DNA and plane fragments everywhere. We need a team of psychopathic demolition experts - they must be invisible to others, gain access to both WTC buildings somehow and plant magic explosives that pull the exterior of the building INWARDS! Enormous "thermate-cutters" need to be installed! How big do you figure just one would need to be to cut one column? We have to dispose / murder all the passengers, dismember some of them and scatter their DNA all over the crash site! Now we have to get actual passengers to fabricate(really!) their audio transcripts and phone calls! On the WTC there are 47 columns just on the inner core. So how many charges do you figure to rig the whole building? We need to coerce the emergency workers in case they see remains of one of these magic cutters, there would need to be a considerable number of them. We have to get them designed and built and delivered without anyone noticing. There can be no paper/electronic trails for any money, materials, staff payments etc. for these machines. These things would need loads of specialist parts built. Hopefully there are no staff wondering why they are building thousands of these huge thermite cutters? Plus none coming forward after the event and going "hang on a minute"! Then we need to get god knows how many people to commit to invisibly planting them, knowing they are going to murder thousands of Americans! Shadowy figure 2 and 3: Sorry boss. We're just not thinking straight. You're right it's totally insane to even consider. But what the hell, let's just do it. Shadowy figure 1,2 and 3: High fives everyone. Shadowy figure 2: Boss, boss, I've got it. Why don't we install some cannons in the building, then we can fire off all the engine bits into the streets. Shadowy figure 1: Works for me, dead easy to install, let's do it. Where's my brandy? Posted by way of showing how absurd the planning meeting would have gone, surely, SURELY any one can see the major issues here?
I agree with that reasoning, but maybe we're being overly optimistic. Milgram demonstrated, and others too, how humans can be manipulated into egregious acts against their fellow man. As to 911, there is circumstantial evidence suggesting that many of the 'passengers' and 'crew' were placed into some sort of Witness Protection Program. They were not killed, they were given new identities. Significant numbers of the listed passengers were employed by companies that comprise the military industrial complex. Many of the listed passenger names did not appear on Social Security's 'death index', the list of those who died and whose family received SS death benefits and such.
Folks, just look at how ridiculous it can be to get wrapped up in this absurd batshit. The simple, let them board and crash the planes now becomes this hogwash above. As convoluted crap goes it's at an all time new level! Who can possibly believe they would even conceive this? Evil recruiter 1: So passenger 1, new identity and loads of money. Just have to be ok with mass murdering a few thousand Americans. Passenger 1: Yep, count me in. Repeat over and over and hope none of them say no.
It staggers me as a logical and reasonable person that there are people who think this insanity is "plausible". I simply don't believe anyone actually thinks that, I wouldn't rule it out that they are deliberately disrupting and provoking just for kicks.
It seems that the best way to be a "seeker of truth" is to hold an anti-official position and then actively avoid at all costs, anything that shows it to be total batshit. Nobody has honestly responded to this, or the post above. Surely this has been considered? Surely when arriving at an idea that is off-the-scale ridiculous it's imperative to consider everything necessary for it to occur?
The bloviating irony and hypocrisy. Not one single thing in the OP is even MENTIONED in that duplicate no-plane crap thread! I missed any answer to this MUST-DO list.
We've had leaked documentation (allegedly) of a supplementary meeting! "Evil-Gubments-'R'-Us". Follow-up planning meeting number 86 - the top 3 evil-murderers are hooking up once more. Shadowy figure 1: Things are moving along magnificently, we've got the 4,371 items in place all ready to go, we've got the 1,272 actionable items all nearing completion so why has this meeting been called? Shadowy figure 2: Boss, my cousin Cletus has just passed his junior video assessment and wants to do one of the clips. Shadowy figure 1: No problem, he can do the one we're setting up from a view of the magic hushabooms explosion-stuff from the Brooklyn Bridge. Shadowy figure 2: Excellent, he won't screw it up he read all about perspective on the internet. Do you want anyone to check it before we release it? Shadowy figure 1: Nah. Who cares, nobody will notice. Shadowy figure 3: Brandy anyone?
By a simple search, it appears this batshittery about no-planes has been pushed for over a decade on this forum. This thread itemizes the fundamental problems never mentioned. It's like every single conspiracy but about 50 times worse. The claim is made, rebuttal ignored. Defend it at all costs whilst the majority of problems, before it even gets off the ground, are invariably totally ignored. This thread has detailed the obvious stuff (there are dozens more not mentioned) and it is beyond absurd. Create impossible to do list. Then action it? The "flat-Earth" of 911 conspiracy theories.