The absurdly unfeasible problems with "no-planes" on 911

Discussion in '9/11' started by Betamax101, Jul 17, 2023.

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Which option makes the most sense?

  1. 1. Crash the planes as claimed.

    7 vote(s)
  2. 2. All of the list below in total secrecy.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    @Kokomojojo would you indulge the viewers of this thread with your explanations for the massive list of things required, for this insane plan to be a reality?
  2. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    I dont engage anyone in meaningless naive hypotheticals, especially the denialists that misrepresent my statements and positions and some even go so far as to deny hard evidence based on their naked opinions...
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Tell you what, I will go this far and this is where it stops in a completely nonsense ultranaive thread like this.

    Here is PROOF they can and will do exactly what the OP claims is unfeasible, if you want more details dont ask me ask them, they are the orchestraters not me.

    Operation Northwoods


    Operation Northwoods memorandum (13 March 1962)[1]
    General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who was in charge as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

    Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, and would be used to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force planes,[2] a fabricated 'shoot down' of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[3] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]

    Fidel Castro had taken power in Cuba in 1959 and began allowing communists into the new Cuban government, nationalizing U.S. businesses and improving relations with the Soviet Union, arousing the concern of the U.S. military due to the Cold War. The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming the Cuban government for terrorist acts that would be perpetrated by the U.S. government.[1]

    To this end, Operation Northwoods proposals recommended hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of false evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:

    The desired result from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.


    Origins and public releaseThe main Operations Northwoods proposal was presented in a document titled "Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba (TS)," a top secret collection of draft memoranda written by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).[1] The document was presented by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on 13 March 1962 as a preliminary submission for planning purposes. The Joint Chiefs recommended that both the covert and overt aspects of any such operation be assigned to them. The previously secret document was originally made public on 18 November 1997, by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board,[8] a U.S. federal agency overseeing the release of government records related to John F. Kennedy's assassination.[9][10] A total of 1,521 pages of once-secret military records covering 1962 to 1964 were concomitantly declassified by said Review Board. Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf

    Anyone that reads the whole document will discover that the only thing thats changed between the cuban affair and 911 is the target.

    Which of course blows this unfeasible nonsense right out of the water.

    There I commented, and now you can admit it is in fact feasible.

    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  4. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Talk about totally naive. Taking over planes and hurting Americans is the tiniest tip of the insane iceberg! And this was a proposed plan that never happened.

    There's the small matter of all the other totally needless things!
  5. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    What's a denialist? Somebody who denies batshit? What statements have you ever made that the batshit-deniers have misrepresented? What hard evidence have you EVER presented?
  6. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    right here

  7. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    That's a proposal to do the terrorism bit, not the moronic no planes batshit.

    Well apart from the whole thread you haven't addressed!

    Operation Nutwood - leaked documentation (allegedly) of a preliminary meeting!

    "Evil-Gubments-'R'-Us". Follow-up preliminary meeting number 17 - the top 3 evil-murderers are hooking up once more.

    Shadowy figure 1: Guys I've dug out the Northwoods documents and want to proceed!
    Shadowy figure 2: What's the codeword boss?
    Shadowy figure 1: We're calling this one "Four-planes".
    Shadowy figure 2: Excellent, great name boss, why?
    Shadowy figure 1: Well, we've got some volunteer Arab suicide bombers who are hijacking and crashing 4 planes.
    Shadowy figure 2: Sounds expensive boss could we try and do it without any planes? Use the cash to have some vacations?
    Shadowy figure 1: Now there's an idea. Should be dead easy and not expensive at all!
    Shadowy figure 2: Gotta change the name though, it's a dead giveaway. We have to release the papers in due course.
    Shadowy figure 1: How about Operation Nutwood?
    Shadowy figure 3: Works for me! Brandy anyone?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  8. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Yes! Finally an appropriate title for this OP/thread and all similar posts.

    Another clear case of facts don't matter! :omfg:

  9. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    But surely you read that properly? It's quite clearly a parody and a name for the moronic "no-planes" claim. My comedic abilities could obviously be improved - I thought Operation Batshit too obvious.

    You haven't posted any that are relevant, read the reply!
    "Taking over planes and hurting Americans is the tiniest tip of the insane iceberg! And this was a proposed plan that never happened."

    The most hilarious part about it is that the "evil ones" are so inept , they leaked the "blueprint":rolleyes:

    Not quite. Your ridiculous "factoid" details plans from 60 years ago for the US to use planes! Did you not see how that doesn't work for Operation Batshit?
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  10. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Operation Batshit! Deny-all-the-Facts!

    Thats an even more appropriate title for this little drama show.

  11. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Operation Nutwood - leaked documentation (allegedly) of a preliminary meeting!

    "Evil-Gubments-'R'-Us". Follow-up preliminary meeting number 18 - the top 3 evil-murderers are hooking up once more.

    Shadowy figure 1: Guys I've called this meeting after number 2 raised an issue. The floor is yours number 2.
    Shadowy figure 2: I'm not happy with the code word boss.
    Shadowy figure 1: Well we're fabricating four planes, and it's completely nuts, what's wrong?
    Shadowy figure 2: I like the name boss, but we've a duty to the country to make it more accurate.
    Shadowy figure 1: I'm open to suggestions.
    Shadowy figure 2: I was thinking of a combo.
    Shadowy figure 3: Yeah boss, that'll confuse the investigative "truthers". (laughter ensues for a minute or so).
    Shadowy figure 2: How about Operation Moronically Impossible Batshit ?
    Shadowy figure 1: That's a bit of a mouthful number 2.
    Shadowy figure 2: Ahaa, but we are the men in black, so it can be Operation MIB! Get it!
    Shadowy figure 1: That is hilarious. Even those wily seekers of truth won't work that one out!
    Shadowy figure 1: How's that bridge video coming along from Cletus? If it's any good he can do a few of them!
    Shadowy figure 2: Nearly done boss there's a few errors but nobody will notice!
    Shadowy figure 1: Excellent, I love working with professionals.
    Shadowy figure 3: Large brandy anyone?

    Regarding "denying facts", no-planers contradict a whole barrage of things believed by the 911-truthers who know there were planes. Then again there are quite a few sub-groups (a dozen or more alternatives) that all contradict each other's so-called facts! This whole "911 conspiracy" has not one of them defining a complete coherent story tying it all together.

    The idea recently proposed is that the US (daft enough to release details!) took an old proposal (Northwood) and went with it. It was actually a false-flag using our own planes to attack America.

    However, to make it more interesting (one can only suppose), they didn't actually USE any damn planes.

  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Its too late to backpedal and attempt to bail out of the FAILED indefensible narrative "unfeasible".

    This thread is a massive failure, proven by the Official US Governments Joint Chiefs of Staff et al.

    This is what we always see in posts designed around naive ameteur drivel that tries to match wits with the pros in the US think tanks!

    I think I will start a list of all the hand waving errors and important ignored facts and other crazy **** I see out here made by believers used to create speculative unproven false narratives.

    This thread is proof the facts are meaningless to believers and its all about presenting false drama based fanciful narratives.


    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  13. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    There are words but none of them mean anything. Just gibberish.

    The entire thread contents have been ignored. Complete evasion as is so very often the case and loads of diversionary noise.

    Bafflingly, a shelved proposal about using US planes as weapons against Americans, was used as some crazy-ass justification for concocting a moronic plan WITHOUT any planes! I would say you can't make this horseshit up, but clearly you can.

  14. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Operation Batshit it is. For the insane fantasies highlighted in this thread - totally ignored as they have been, every time they have been raised.
    Not really. I don't use my ears to read gibberish.

    Here ARE the insane fantasies - modified slightly and added to:
    • We have to dispose / murder all the passengers, dismember some of them and scatter their DNA all over the crash site! Or some witness protection scheme that doesn't involve their families.
    • Their families must be convinced of their death and have memorials, legal action for compensation etc.
    • If there are no Planes - we MUST involve countless numbers of people to dispose of the planes. It's not really a debate point. It MUST occur.
    • Now all the planes are burnt and there are parts all around Manhattan/Washington/Shankesville. We need somebody to create all that evidence, bits of planes, in various states of combustion, including a plane engine, landing gear.
    • The team to plant these parts must do so invisibly. There are a lot of people in attendance so it has to be done covertly and quickly. This includes dumping an engine a short distance from the WTC!
    • How many to get all the luggage and scatter this around the area?
    • Useless strawman arguments about "missing" serial numbers - why don't they just PRETEND to corroborate the serial numbers!?
    • There are a considerable number of eye witnesses, people who took photographs etc, videoed the crashes. - they MUST be coerced or happy to commit mass murder!
    • Dozens of different videos have to be fabricated!
    • Numerous live transmissions have to have magic overlay/composites when the target is moving! For reasons given this is impossible.
    • We have to involve a team to blow up the building/launch the missile/other plane whichever batshit alternative is suggested!
    • We need a team to take down light poles etc.
    • We gotta dig out a crater in Shanksville and spray DNA and plane fragments everywhere.
    • We need a team of psychopathic demolition experts - they must be invisible to others, gain access to both WTC buildings somehow and plant magic explosives that pull the exterior of the building INWARDS!
    • Enormous "thermate-cutters" need to be installed! How big do you figure just one would need to be to cut one column?
    • We have to dispose / murder all the passengers, dismember some of them and scatter their DNA all over the crash site!
    • Now we have to get actual passengers to fabricate(really!) their audio transcripts and phone calls!
    • On the WTC there are 47 columns just on the inner core. So a quite a massive number of charges to rig just one building?
    • We need to coerce the emergency workers in case they see remains of one of these magic cutters, there would need to be a considerable number of them.
    • We have to get them designed and built and delivered without anyone noticing. A company must do this.
    • There can be no paper/electronic trails for any money, materials, staff payments etc. for these machines. These things would need loads of specialist parts built.
    • Hopefully there are no staff wondering why they are building thousands of these huge thermite cutters? Plus none coming forward after the event and going "hang on a minute"!
    • Then we need to get god knows how many people to commit to invisibly planting them, knowing they are going to murder thousands of Americans! This is a specialist job and the mechanism to recreate demolition experts is absurd!
    • ATC tracked these planes. We need to fabricate the signals or coerce the people involved!
    • We have to fabricate the black box data and/or coerce the analysts who view it.
    • We have to fabricate the National Guard plane witness accounts.
    • For the Pentagon, we have to rig the explosion. Plane parts must be deposited really quickly, without any of the soon arriving staff, emergency services seeing any of this happening.
    • For Shankesville blow out a crater and dig in pane parts then scatter untold pieces of plane parts around the area.
    • For no planes taking off (and yes, THAT moronic suggestion was made!) this is a whole new level of crazy.
    • These are scheduled flights so the Airport data between departure airport and arrival airport must be (no idea here!) fabricated or some ridiculous crap.
    • The planes DID exist, the airport system logs them being boarded so that crap must be somehow faked!
    • The tickets sold must be somehow faked, the passengers arriving/not arriving/whatever!
    • The company supplying cleaners who clean these planes must not log it or fake logging it to get paid - or some insane coverup!
    • The catering company who load up the food for these planes must not log it or fake logging it to get paid - or some insane coverup!
    • The local airport control system that puts them in the air - ATC - MUST fake this crap?
    OK, that is enough.

    At any level, the insanity to conceive that big pile of Bovine Excrement, to get it authorized, to plan it (massive numbers), to engage each section of people to do their little bit (massive numbers), to orchestrate it smoothly (massive numbers) with zero errors. Absolutely NO ERRORS whatsoever (other threads have examined and disassembled this blundering horseshit). Well folks there is a word for that, often used erroneously, but in this case it understates the whole thing by a considerable margin:

  15. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Well folks in support of my post 78 proving the government is both willing and capable, I posted another incontrovertible inconvenient proof of how ridiculously laughable the notion of "absurdly unfeasible problems with "no-planes" on 911" really is and like the other thread, it was deleted.

    Believers straight up deny inconvenient facts and replace it with strawman drama, enjoy the fantasies!

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Any takers for post #89?
  17. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Let's take one of the most ridiculous of these additional batshit claims. Now this isn't a strawman. One of the people who claim Operation Batshit took place said that there weren't any planes in the first place! This was a regular flight.
    • The catering company who load up the food for these planes must not log it or fake logging it to get paid - or some insane coverup!
    So at the heart of this insane side claim is the involvement of United Airlines who MUST be complicit. This is their plane, it is regular and it MUST have the necessary turnaround work as it comes in from (almost certainly) Los Angeles. The sanitary systems need replacing, the plane needs a clean, the booked catering supplies need loading. There are baggage handlers, ground crews to do refuelling etc, boarding staff and teams to put the flights on message boards and calls.

    It's all so very, very moronic. yet still it persists.
  18. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    • The local airport control system that puts them in the air - ATC - MUST fake this crap?
    ABSURD! It takes a thought process completely devoid of logic or reason to consider that huge MUST-have list!
  19. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Why is it that "911-truthers" fail to supplement their ridiculous claims with numbers and details. This entire thread has been avoided with nothing but spammed videos that answer none of it and some random operation(USING planes!) which makes not even the slightest mention of not using planes - how absurd is that!?

    All so called "911-truthers" should also argue amongst each other about the numerous batshit sub-categories. To me that is the most worrying of all conspiracy-theorist traits. Even if one of them has a theory that totally contradicts another's, they will NEVER take them to task or argue about it properly. So long as they reject the official line, they're on the team:

    I'm sure there are more!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
  20. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Examining just how many problems were there for this ridiculous enterprise to be any one of the dozen ludicrous claims, requires an enormous number of people to be involved. Not once has any "911-truther" come up with any numbers, nor will they! It's all so very ridiculous.
  21. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I think as my next small project I'll start by putting in estimates of the absolute minimal total required. It's going to be very large. One of the most absurd ones is how the demolition team was engaged and of course the massive numbers to invisibly rig so many floors:

    Super-secret phone-tap.
    Evil 911 plotter: <Dials number>
    Dwight the Demolition Man: Hello, Dwight's Demolition.
    Evil 911 plotter: Yeah, I wonder if you can help. We're looking to employ a company to rig the WTC buildings to collapse.
    Dwight the Demolition Man: Oh wow, is there a problem with them?
    Evil 911 plotter: Not yet, we're going to pretend to fly planes into them!
    Dwight the Demolition Man: Uhuh, and then what. Is it a stunt? I presume the buildings and area around will be all cleared.
    Evil 911 plotter: No. We're doing it with a normal workload of people in the buildings.
    Dwight the Demolition Man: Are you sick? Why would you think we'd do that!?
    Evil 911 plotter: Ok, thank you for your time, please keep quiet about it, or else.
    Dwight the Demolition Man: Up yours buddy, I'm going to the cops.
  22. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Casual viewers will wonder why this subject gets ignored. Not one meaningful reply. A cast of thousands.

    Just the question, how were the invisible demolition experts engaged. See post above!

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