The adventures of FatBack

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by FatBack, Aug 20, 2023.

  1. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    My girlfriend will be getting a PET scan before the next time we see the cancer doctor... Oncologist.

    She has been taking this opdivo now for 3 months and we are going to see what the results are. I hear that it can do everything from completely stop the cancer to absolutely nothing at all. So we are at least hoping that it is closer to the first result.

    If she dies on me I will be a lost and broken man.
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  2. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Last week at Manasota key. I did not warn her that I was taking this picture. She is such a tiny thing. 110 lb. She has been on the back of my bike exactly twice now in one year. I can't blame her because I would not get on the back of my bike my own damn self! Lol. With My precious cargo on the back of the bike I did not go over 30 miles an hour.

    When you hear someone say my better half... She is truly that... She has been keeping her weight at 110 lb for several months now which is a victory for anyone that has cancer.

    Dr recently put her on a fentanyl patch which scares the s*** out of me.

    Her pain medicine prescription would have a street value of about $800 a month but of course she takes it because she needs it. Just completely crazy how much that stuff is worth.
    I have a very unwise young friend of mine and he pays $35 for 30 mg pill of oxy.

    I tell him all the time that he needs a new hobby and that he is a dumbass.

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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  3. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    If any of you know someone that is hooked on pills you also know that they always have this story as to why they need them.... They can't just tell the truth and say that they like taking them.

    My young friend is not even 30 years old. You're under 30 year old ass does not have any reason that you need to be taking this crap. Don't sit there and blow smoke up my ass because I've been on almost every drug at some point in my life and I know what the damn deal is.

    Just tell the truth and shame the devil.
    You take it because you like it. You're under 30 year old ass is not have any legitimate reason to be taking it.

    I told him about my girlfriend getting on the fentanyl patch and of course he wanted to know if he could get one....

    You can get one when hell freezes over or you get cancer and you're over 60 yourself.

    He makes more money than me because he is a mechanic and his ass is always broke because of his habit.

    You know the Johnny Cash song about you owe your soul to the company store? Employees are allowed to charge money to their paycheck.

    And so many of them do that to the point that they damn near don't have a paycheck. Not me buddy!!!!

    I walk around with at least $300 cash in my pocket and I have $1,000 in the house at any given time

    For a "poor" person.... I make sure I have cash at any time.

    Not bad for a former drug addict that was strung out on meth 8 years ago.

    Some people ask me how I just up and quit that drug.... One day I woke up and I looked in the mirror and I asked myself who the f*** was that? I decided I was not going to live that way and I was not going to die that way. This was after 2 years of hardcore addiction, a full-time job trying to kill myself.

    I decided that I was not happy with the person I had allowed myself to become.

    That was the day I quit entirely. I still smoke cigarettes and drink too much beer but I'm okay with that.

    I still smoke a little reefer once in a blue moon but when you don't smoke it everyday it only takes two or three hits and you're good to go.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  4. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I have a saying that I like to say....and @DEFinning has heard me say it before.... Everyone in this life has a purpose even if it is only to serve as a warning to others.

    I suppose the reason she got cancer is because she smoked for decades. But then again there are people with cancer that have never smoked a cigarette in their entire life.

    But I tell both of you the truth. And both of you may remember me telling the story about this..
    She took the first shot of the vaccine and she was fine and then she took the second shot and she got a sore throat the same day and started developing lumps and her neck and that turned into cancer. Also her arm swelled up like a baseball at the injection site.

    Now I can't tell you for sure that the vaccine caused it but one thing I can surely tell you is that she was doing just fine and as soon as she took that second shot she had an obvious reaction and then the cancer.

    I know one thing for certain..... I have seen enough and ask for me.... I will continue to take my chances and not take that damn vaccine

    If anyone's going to stick a needle in my arm, it's going to be me for fun and recreational purposes... But I decided I am through with trying to kill myself and quit that habit 8 years ago.

    But I still think if anyone's going to stick a needle in my arm it should be for fun purposes! But I decided that trying to kill myself is no longer fun.

    Jesus....WTF was I thinking? Talk about having a death wish. But I will tell you one thing... You ain't never got no high in your life like sticking a needle in your arm.

    But Lynyrd Skynyrd was right... Stuck a needle in your arm... You fool you!

    Can I be a drug counselor if I still drink too much beer and smoke cigarettes and once in awhile a little bit of reefer? Lol

    Actually if I knew a drug addict today that I needed to give counseling to I would tell them that they need to eat a large dose of psilocybin mushrooms and go away in the woods somewhere and think about their life
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  5. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    This is so me except I do not smoke crack cocaine. Lol
    Now ill do some toot, but you won't catch me cashing my check and go out hunting it down..... So needless to say that only happens about once every 15 years. It turns out that people that spend good money on that don't want to just go around and give it away to other people for free. Lol

    Another drug I quit about 20 years ago because it wasn't worth spending the money on because you'd spend $100 and get you about $90 worth of bullshit..... But if someone wants to give it to me for free.... It's possible I could be game!

    There was a time in my life that I was so low, I had to look up just to see the bottom of whale feces.

    But if anyone knows where to get that good Peruvian marching Of course I'm just kidding because I don't advocate that anyone break the law

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  6. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am absolute proof that there is life after intravenous drug addiction.

    Now I won't say that I'll never do some toot.... But there is not enough money on God's green earth to ever get me to even consider sniffing a bag of meth.... ever again.

    Yes I said it.... I used to stick a needle in my arm for fun. But I am still here 8 years later.

    Tell the truth and shame the devil.

    They say a needle junkie has a life expectancy of about 3 years.... Well I am here to tell you that that is not true. Here I am 5 years after the fact and I plan to keep going.

    Going to drink some beer and ride my dirt bike again today and possibly even listen to some Nickelback!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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  7. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I just traded one addiction for another.
    Evidently I still have a death wish but I don't try to take drugs to make it happen

    Some people snort it some people smoke it and some people shoot it and some people jump out of an airplane and some people go 60 MPH on a dirt bike down a dirt road...... And then you have those incredibly stupid people that go 160 plus miles an hour down the interstate weaving in and out of traffic on a sport bike..... I will never be one of those people....SQUID.. stupid quick underdressed and eminently dead... Organ donor... All it takes is one person not signaling a lane change and even if they do use their signal...

    And some people even ride on the back of a angry ass bull but I haven't gotten to that point yet! Lol...... That's a young man's game and then you might even be able to make an argument that you actually need those oxycontin

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  8. Montegriffo

    Montegriffo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    We're all risk taking thrill junkies.
    I sometimes eat cheese that has gone past its use by date.
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  9. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Cue the song.... Dumb ways to die!

    ...... Eat a 2 week old unrefrigerated pie..
    Dumb ways to die!!!

    Going to get me a little bit of sleep and drink some beer and go out and ride a dirt bike again!!! Might even smoke me a little bit of reefer!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  10. Montegriffo

    Montegriffo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I've also never returned a book that I got from the library in 1981.
    ''You'll never take me alive coppers''.
  11. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I got a new tire for ny dirt bike today! A Dunlop 605 .
    Is a 50/50 tire which means it is intended for half riding on the road and half riding off-road.

    A DOT rated dual sport tire. I got less than 4,000 mi from my stock tire. Hopefully I can get about 7,000 mi out of this one. It's a $65 tire which is considered a value tire

  12. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    You might want to slow that bike down and quit living on the edge my friend!
  13. Montegriffo

    Montegriffo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like uncle Bob, not screaming in terror like the passengers of the bus he was driving.
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  14. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I was just thinking about going for a ride on my motorcycle because I don't have to work tonight.

    But then my better sense took over and told me you know fat back... You've been drinking too much and you should not do that tonight.

    And I thought to myself that is something in my life that alcohol took away from me... I told myself now say that out loud and think about what that means...

    That is truly something I need to really consider the gravity of.

    Something in my life that alcohol took away from me.

    Perhaps it is time for me to consider a new hobby. Because drinking certainly isn't new and it's not like... I would be missing out on something.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  15. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    But to play The devil's advocate.... There are things that alcohol has given me that are good. Certain experiences that would not exist had it not been for that...

    At the end of the day, the question is to weigh up the two different things and see which one, is found to be lacking.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
  16. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    But a person does not feel themself, develop cancer. Nor are there immediate signs. It takes a good while, typically, to develop noticable symptoms (if one ever does).

    But I fear I may be missing the the more important thing, here: is your woman still all right, or did her cancer return (or has she met with some other affliction)?

    While it shows great willpower, on your part, that you could kick that habit-- and I assume that this took more than a little effort-- I would still consider myself lucky, to have hopped off that train, before it crashed.

    Today, of course-- even if one is not deterred by the frightening visage of junkiedom, presented by all of society, and maybe instead, figures he'll just sniff heroine, not shoot it-- with the current contamination of deadly fentanyl, anyone who isn't suicidal, has no reason to even consider that habit, anymore.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
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  17. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I can only assume I must have had a death wish and came to my senses at some point.
    The very thought of ever doing that drug again is literally sickening to me.

    First she had cancer of the lymph nodes which was treated with 9 weeks of radiation and chemo and then it moved to her larynx and she had her larynx removed entirely about one year ago. Now they found some in her lungs and near her collarbone and they are treating her with some sort of injection I believe called opdivo.

    She will get a pet scan soon so we will know how she is reacting to that treatment which she has been on now a little over 3 months.

    Hopefully it is going well
  18. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Yes, definitely-- I hope that she's responding well to treatment! I had wanted to add to that, my wish that this will be the last of your lady's necessary battles, in order to beat this-- which, of course, I do wish. However, I don't know how realistic of an expectation, this would be. I have heard of OPDIVO, from their ads, and had been under the impression that this was typically for use when no cure is anticipated, in order only to extend life. I just checked on my impression and, unfortunately, that is what Google tells me, is true: that this monoclonal antibody, immune therapy, is not seen as a cure, at present.

    <Google Snip>
    Opdivo (nivolumab) is an immunotherapy used to treat a wide variety of cancer types. How long treatment with this monoclonal antibody prolongs or extends life depends on the type and stage of cancer it is used to treat.Jul 19, 2022 › ... › FAQ
    How long does Opdivo prolong life and what's its success rate? -

    Under the info from the drugmaker, itself, is specified that this is meant for use with another drug, YERVOY, as well as with platinum-based chemotherapy, and is for cases of advanced stage cancers. However, medicines are not all used strictly according to labelling. Maybe since OPDIVO's release, it has been found useful in other applications.

    When I'd read that it was now lung cancer, however, that your girlfriend is dealing with, it didn't sound good to me. I get the impression, though, that she might be protecting you from knowing all the details, so I hope none of this, is information you would have preferred, I hadn't mentioned.

    Best luck, and health, to you both. Enjoy every day.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
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  19. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    She's okay with me sharing her story generically.

    And that's basically what the doctor told us is that this is an experimental treatment that is basically the last resort.

    So hopefully it buys her some time. And pretty much anything she knows I know because I'm right there in the room with her every appointment. Also of course I have to speak on the phone for her since she cannot speak.

    We appreciate your well wishes.
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  20. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Changing my first motorcycle tire myself. You will definitely need some tire irons if not motorcycle spoon levers being more optimal.

    After some sweating and swear words this afternoon I was able to get the old tire off. Now it's just a matter of installing the new tire with the tube. I have done the same thing hundreds if not thousands of times over my life with a bicycle tire and it's the same exact concept only it's one hell of a lot tougher.

    The stock tire that I am replacing did not even get quite 4000 miles. Hoping I can get about 10,000 out of this tire with a harder rubber compound. It is not a task I look forward to doing very often.
  21. Green Man

    Green Man Banned

    Apr 10, 2023
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    Been thinking this over trying to manufacture some kind of answer as to "why?". I'm really just shooting into the dark with this one-

    Maybe the illness in not about her. Maybe it is about you also. It looks to me like her loss is your gain, God has provided you with an opportunity to care about someone else more than you care for yourself.

    Hurts, don't it?

    I beleive that any opportunity to love, when you manage to find one, is to be cherished.
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  22. mswan

    mswan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    We should all be so lucky as to have someone that precious in our lives, I'll be praying for both of you.
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  23. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Today fatback's adventures bring him to the county line between DeSoto county and Highlands county in an area aptly named county line Road.

    I have seen this road from highway 70 many times over the years and always thought to myself that I would like to go down there someday and see where it goes.... But I was always on my way somewhere else with something else going on.

    It is a dirt road heading at least 10 mi south from what I can ascertain from satellite and it is a public Road so I don't have to worry about people mean mugging me and calling the law for trespassing.

    Very little is out here except for orange groves and cattle but I also been told there are many rattlesnakes here and I am hoping to find a pygmy rattlesnake.

    I don't have much interest in a large diamondback as one would need a snake hook and a trash can with a secure locking lid to handle a large specimen like that. But maybe I will find a juvenile as this is the birthing time of year after all...

    My girlfriend is not really keen on the idea of keeping venomous snakes. But I have convinced her that a little pygmy rattlesnake is not terribly dangerous and they're just so awfully cute!

    They're so cute, I just want to boop them on their little snoot !!! Yes I do, yes I sure do !!!

    Come here little snookums !

    But even if I do manage to acquire a specimen I'm sure that she will require the cage to be outside of the home. Some people have a funny hang up about venomous snakes under the same roof.

    So anyhow I always like to let someone know where I'm going in case I should fail to return in a timely manner they know where to send the posse to look for the body. But I'm not planning on getting injured or dying today because I have to work tonight and I cannot afford to die yet.

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
  24. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    So far I am 5 miles down this road and it looks much like it did 5 miles ago. Literally nothing and no one is out here. Should have bought my gun for a bit of target practice.

    The road condition is sugar Sand that is pretty wet and there are some sections that are fairly muddy but I would rather sugar Sand be a bit wet than totally dry because dry sugar Sand is really easy to lose control on if you're not being very careful.

    I am able to safely keep a forward speed of 20 mph on average but I don't try to go much faster. 20 mph plenty fast for these conditions.

    I shall soon look at satellite again and see roughly where I'm at and see what there might be to see around here.

    So far it's not very much but that's why I came out here.

    IMG_20230920_082410_573.jpg IMG_20230920_082402_440.jpg
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  25. Green Man

    Green Man Banned

    Apr 10, 2023
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    Fatback, if you ever tire of hunting for public lands there is app called "OnX" that can tell you everything you need to know about your position. - so long as you get phone reception.

    I got a friend who just bought a small lot of a few aces, in part to access to an 80 acre lot of public land that is "locked" by private land. There is no easement. He found it all using the OnX.
    FatBack likes this.

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