Yep, closed as in your mind. With the limited knowledge you have of Islam I am not surprised it has found a place in the library of concrete opinions you have. Like concrete, once cast it can't be expanded, it cannot be reformed, it cannot even be modified without massive effort. Knowledge is the jackhammer of concrete opinions, but I am sure you dont' have any desire to learn how to wield such a tool.
I made no claim to belief, so you can keep the smart ass to yourself. But I have read it and you're wrong. Guess you forgot to read ch1. You read a passage referring to the garden found in ch2. Try actually reading something before you comment on it next time
Well, if you believe that everyone came from Adam & Eve then you have to belieer that Adam was created before vegetation and animals. If you believe the Chapter 1 version then how can you believe in Adam & Eve?
You are wrong in your analogy. Once you find the Truth then it should be held firmly and caste in concrete. The Truth is not open to compromise. You have never presented a post that refuted anything I have posted about Christianity, Judaism, or islam.
You think Adam and Eve is history? How do you account for the Natufians who lived in the Levant between 12,500 BC and 9,000 BC. They had normal life expectancies.
Two fallacies right out of the gate!
I just easily refuted two of your fallacious allegations so obviously what you believe about Islam is from some disinformation source rather than the Quran itself. So now comes the big test!
Muslims do believe Jesus was born of a virgin.. You haven't read the Koran .. How many of the 60,000 Hadiths have you read?
Religions need recruits in order to survive else they will perish. That is why Christianity encourages proselytizing. Others, like Judaism, rely upon tradition which is explains why it has a tiny fraction of the number of adherents. Fortunately the Constitution gives us the right to freedom FROM religion in this nation so we don't have to obey the theist dogma of others.
That's really just because of how onerous their 'traditions' are. They don't accept anyone not born of a Jewish woman, so... Freedom FROM? Where is that written? I'm not seeing the word FROM anywhere here: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism. Being recognized as a convert does take a little longer but it is still possible for someone not "born of a Jewish woman" to become a jew. There can be NO freedom OF religion WITHOUT freedom FROM religion. And to address your Constitutional question the statement that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" is a de facto legal stipulation that the government of We the People is a secular one free FROM any and all religions.
If you read that article, it sounds pretty clear that this wouldn't have happened for you or me. But I guess it's "possible" Yes there can.
If there is a state mandated religion then the government of We the People is no longer secular so that would mean that there is no freedom FROM religion. Public schools would have forced prayers and religious services that all children must attend. Government offices would require swearing oaths on holy books. That is what it means to not have freedom FROM religion.
Why am I not surprised you believe opinion and truth are the same thing? Generally the only "true" nonsense I take time to refute is holocaust denial. Entrenched inaccurate generalizations are impossible to refute when actual facts and knowledge bounce off the concrete.
However, I fear the Right is endangering the freedom FROM religion. Wackos like Ted Cruz want christian sharia law in the US.
Then why are you here? It seems you admit it is pointless for you to post, so it also seems that your only reason to be here is for name calling.
No, I am more than prepared to debate, but I tend to return snarkiness for snarkiness and bigotry for bigotry (I hate most bigots) ya see, when people post opinions as absolute fact and particularly when those opinions are grossly uninformed of the subject they are opining about, and refuse to accept any other perspective or facts that undermine their closely held beliefs it creates a bifurication in my responses. Sometimes its just "here have some of your own back". Other times I make an effort to point out the fallacy of those opinions with facts and references. then again, I get insulted alot by some members of particular persuasions because I tend to make them look as uninformed as they actually are. I am always open to learning and when I make mistakes or am proven wrong in an opinion, I have absolutely no problem with admitting that. I've even been known to change my opinion on the strength of a posters greater knowledge or if I too get suckered by a good "story". while we don't continually nteract, I cannot recall a single instance of you being able to provide me with new understanding or knowledge and only rarely with a well grounded argument. OTOH, I am absolutely sure that there are any number of things that we can agree on, since the leftist bumpersticker applied to me spans the entire width of the car from left to right depending on the issue at hand.
Stonehenge builders seem to have, as did the ancient Egyptians. However, you're right about the bible, mostly because of the massive number of revisions and alterations since it was written. Al Qur'an doesn't have these problems so we can take that as the true word of God.