I have to say that the calculated "anointment" to office of AOC (very similar to Obama) took me buy surprise... So typical of us 'big hearted traditional folk' to give the Socialist SLIME - the benefit of the doubt...
Ha, well documented evidence that even AOC admits to (her brother entering her into the casting call) is a conspiracy theory. Such is the intolerance of facts.
Oh well. The video in the OP is yet another Ridiculous Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy (for the Conspiracy Section).
Everyone is bought though. Every single person in congress is there to represent the specific needs of whatever groups voted for them. It's why they got elected.
But can you tell the difference when you and i kick in $10 to fund them vs the millions kicked in to fund her? She is bought and paid for. She mimics what they tell her to say.
Possibly. Groups usually do not create their own candidates though, it's to risky. If it worked you would see corporations running their "yes men" in every single election in every state. It just doesn't work out. It's kind of like betting on a horse race. You put your money down on who you think will work out in your favor but there are never any guarantees. So I don't think she is saying what they tell her to say I think she was already saying it loud enough that they decided to support her.
Typical this ended up in the conspiracy theory forum while all the Russian collusion stories are still in "current events".