The Confederacy: America's worst idea

Discussion in 'United States' started by magnum, Oct 19, 2010.

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  1. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    For the most part I stay away from these quotes, especially Bearss who denies making the statement. Simple reason in SHAPE's Negros In Gray website we more than prove the existence of Black Confederates without using these quotes. It
    May be true we will never be able to document 60,000 Negros serving the Confederacy, but if we are able to finish this project and the information keeps coming we are going to have a sizeable number. Here are just a couple of samples of what we have found or that has been donated to us----

    28. Jenny-- Negro Girl-- Received at the Myrtle Street Prison the 13th day of Feb. 1864 from Peter Coring, US officer. Sent forward from Prov. Mar. Genl on the first day of Feburary 1864. By order of Col. Marsh.

    Jenny "negro Girl"
    Signed William Lonergan--Keeper
    (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)


    Staunton Spectator: October 13, 1863
    The Petersburg Express is informed by Lieut. Daniels, who has just arrived at Petersburg from Fort Norfolk, that some 35 or 40 Southern negroes, captured at Gettysburg, are confined at Fort McHenry. He says that they profess an undying attachment to the South. Several times Gen. Schenck has offered to release them from the Fort, if they would take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government and join the Lincoln army. They had peremptorily refused in every instance, and claim that they should be restored to their masters and homes in the South. They say they would prefer death to liberty on the terms proposed by Schneck.
    Staunton Vindicator: November 13, 1863
    A South Carolina Negro in New York
    (Column 6)
    A chaplain left behind with the wounded at Gettysburg reports that few African Americans captured at Gettysburg took the oath of allegiance to the Yankees. He relates a conversation between a South Carolina African American and Yankee General Morris in which the former refuses to fight for the North.

    Staunton Spectator: February 24, 1863
    A Faithful Negro Prisoner
    (Column 2)
    Summary: Item reports that one of Gen. Stuart's slaves is in captivity for refusing to take the oath to the Federal Government

    George Purvis
  2. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Allies-- Speaking of which----

    “The Confederate Veteran (long published in Nashville, Tenn.) states: “In the Confederate Army and Navy in 4 years there were 605,000 men. In the Union Army and Navy in 4 years there were 2,778,000 men. When we entered the World War in 1917 our Government was sending across to Germany $83,000 a year in pensions. Of this sum $67,000 was for Civil War pensions paid to aliens hired to subjugate the South. If this sum was still being sent 52 years after Appomattox, how much more must have been sent to these hirelings 10 or 15 years after the struggle ended?

    One of my former students was placed in charge of teaching the illiterates at Camp Lee in World War I. At their first meeting a crowded room was asked “who is this Camp named for? And then, what did General Lee do?”

    [T]hen a lanky mountaineer rose and said: “He’s the chap that licked the Huns the other time.”

    When you consider the facts listed above you realize that there was more truth than error in that ignorant reply. With 75,000 more mercenaries, and many of them Germans, in the opposing force than the total enlistments in all the army and the navy of the South, “Lee was the chap that so often licked the Huns the other time.”

    (Some Things For Which the South Did Not Fight, Henry Tucker Graham, Bowman Printing, 1946, pp. 10-11)
  3. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I won't dispute what you say about a quote, but it really has little bearing on the data provided. It's merely a comment that was part of the page. There is also info about Hispanics, Jews, foreigners and Indians that served with the Confederacy on that site and there is a bibliography of sources used. It is a 'Southern' site, and I try to stay away from them as some try to dis-credit the info because of the source. In this case, it was well-cited and I felt comfortable in posting the info. If someone wants to factually dispute it, I'm open, as always, to that. You're website further proves that Negroes actually 'fought' for the Confederacy, a claim some dispute because it's inconvenient to consider.
  4. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And what was Fort Sumter then? I guess the artillery barrage was a gentle knock on the door, to see if anybody would come out?
  5. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Surely you can do better than an ignorant one-liner. The post by George quoted below shows the Union force was not on a re-supply mission. My post below shows just how the Fort Sumter situation was viewed by Northern newspapers, among others.

    Now you come along with an off hand remark in 2011, thinking that you know better? Obviously, what constitutes war and acts of aggression is more than who fires the first shot. By your logic, we could be blamed for starting war with the Japanese if it could be shown that some guy on a ship fired first at one of the Jap planes at Pearl Harbor.

  6. dixiehunter

    dixiehunter Banned

    Jun 29, 2010
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    I wonder just how nice it would all be..... If there was the Confederacy today.

    History eventually does repeat itself - Ive heard.
  7. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    To put a monument to the Black Confederate Soldiers in stone or even in wood or ironcast somewhere in the South would be a devastating blow to the myths piled up in the last 100 years.
  8. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    The thing is that African Americans have always tried to be friends with the whites, and the whites will pretend to being friends while clinging to the white racism.

    The black "Confederates" were serving the whites but here is the response of the whites from their Confederate Constitution:

    "No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed." Article 1, section 9, line 4, link HERE.

    The rebel Constitution was designed to lock the black "negro" race into slavery forever under the force of their racist laws.

    The black people have always been fooled by the whites, because the whites have the racism engrained within.

    A black woman will make love to a white man and the white man will reject his own blood children simply because the children have their mother's black blood too, and yet still today the white man will pretend he is loving while hiding his racist mentality inside him self.

    Thomas Jefferson did that, and so did the other white rapist.

    And when an African American could own their own plantation or own their own slaves, then they would buy their family members and buy friends from the whites as a way of giving the person their freedom.

    Their State was their home State.

    I myself was born and raised in Maryland so Maryland is my home State.

    You present it as if the slave was being extravagant in making such a claim - since the whites claimed to own everything.

  9. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    It is my belief that if the Confederacy has succeeded then they would have supported Nazi Germany in World War II.

    The racist ideology of the southern States and of the Nazi Party are very much in harmony with each other.

    Link = [ame=""]Nazis defend Confederate Flag II - YouTube[/ame]

    That is the point of remembering history - so that we never let it repeat ever again.

  10. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I would be happy if we just had a country that honored and lived by the Constitution. I'm sure that would be enough for those old Ghosts, too.

    A monument dedicated solely to black Confederates would be a thing to see and is something that is long overdue. There are a couple to black Union troops and there is one Confederate monument where a black man in a kepi is depicted along with other soldiers and various Southern images. Since no weapon is visible on the black guy, it is assumed he was a man-servant rather than a soldier, but that could be debatable. It is mentioned below.


    During the 5oth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1913, arrangements were made for a joint reunion of Union and Confederate veterans. The commission in charge of the event made sure they had enough accommodations for the black Union veterans, but were completely surprised when unexpected black Confederates arrived. The white Confederates immediately welcomed their old comrades, gave them one of their tents, and “saw to their every need”. Nearly every Confederate reunion included those blacks that served with them, wearing the gray.

    The first military monument in the US Capitol that honors an African-American soldier is the Confederate monument at Arlington National cemetery. The monument was designed 1914 by Moses Ezekiel, a Jewish Confederate, who wanted to correctly portray the “racial makeup” in the Confederate Army. A black Confederate soldier is depicted marching in step with white Confederate soldiers. Also shown is one “white soldier giving his child to a black woman for protection”.- source: Edward Smith, African American professor at the American University, Washington DC

  11. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I posted the A. Lincoln quote earlier wherein he assigned superiority to the white race. He would be the better candidate for Hitler's Fascist movement.

    "I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races [applause]: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." -- Reply by Abraham Lincoln to Stephen A. Douglas in the first joint debate, Ottowa, IL; 21 Aug 1858


    Also, did you not see the pictures I posted of the Klan march held in Washington DC? There are thousands of Klansmen there and they ALL are carrying the Stars and Stripes. See post # 411 and click on the thumbnails for a better view. It's a real Kodak moment.


    Remembering history? So now YOU'RE the history expert? are a denier of history and twist history to suit your own personal hate. You're ignorance of history has been on full display throughout this thread.

    Remembering history?? You?? LMAO !!!
  12. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Thank you for making that comparison. Using facts I am gonna make you regret saying that. It won't be today perhaps tomorrow but you are gonna regret ever opening that can of worms.

    George Purvis
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    There were a large number of free blacks in the South though. Especially along the Gulf Coast, in Louisianna, Mississippi, and Alabama. This rapidly decreased but did not dissapear as you moved into the northern areas.

    And no, that claim that the slaves were family and friends has been busted so many times over the years. They owned slaves, like every other plantation owner. P. C. Richards of Louisianna owned 152 slaves on his sugar plantation. Antoine Dubuclet was another sugar plantation owner with over 100 slaves. South Carolina cotton plantation owner William Ellison was one of the largest slave owners in the state, with over 100.

    And Mr. Ellison was rather unusual. a blacksmith, he earned his own freedom when he became skilled in repairing cotton gins. Born in 1790, by 1816 he earned his own freedom. 3 years later he bought 2 slaves to work in his now booming blacksmith shop. By 1850, he owned 37 slaves, and a cotton plantation in addition to his blacksmith business. By 1857, he turned the shop over to his son and retired to the plantation.

    When the war broke out, Mr. Ellison was a stout supporter of the Confederacy. When his grandson joined an Artillery unit, he turned over his plantation from growing cotton to food. Even after his death, Mr. Ellison's family continued to donate food, money, and materials to the war.

    There are a number of books on the life of Mr. Ellison. And on other black slave owners in the US.

    And for some reason, nobody ever talks about the white slaves in the US.
  14. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    My understanding of what Lincoln has said is that the white people did have the power and position of dominance and the weapons of warfare and more towering over top of the Africans as we did over the native Indians too.

    The idea of the white race being superior over the black race is true in the regard that us whites have been the greater murderers, greater exploiters, more savage, more barbaric, warmongers, thieves, and more.

    Being violently superior to all other races ever on the entire planet earth is the white superiority.

    If we were ethically or morally superior then we would not have accepted the slavery into the USA, and the civil war would not have been necessary.

    And lets not forget that the German Nazis were white racist of the Caucasian race too.

  15. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I see many of you keep bragging about how the African Americans helped and served the white people, but surely everyone already knows this.

    The African Americans were soldiers and slaves, they were workers, servants, bed warmers, and they did all sorts of things for the white people.

    So what did the white southerner do for the African Americans?
    The black folk gave and did everything for the whites - so tell us what the whites did for the blacks?

    Of course we know what Abe Lincoln did for the African Americans, but what did Jeff Davis offer them? or do for them?

    As already posted the southern rebel Constitution was intended to enslave the entire "negro" race FOREVER under the force of law:

    "No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed." Article 1, section 9, line 4.

  16. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Rather than posting a long read, here is a video detailing some of the war crimes the Union inflicted on civilians in the South. Many of the statements in the video are cited. If anyone can show things in the video that are untrue, that's fine by me as I haven't researched each statement made there.

    [ame=""]Thanks Lincoln...Not Really - YouTube[/ame]
  17. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    The point is not in bragging about but stresses. You put a stress only on one claim: we're good, we're right because we've finished a slavery state. You don't care about historical evolution of different states, their economic development, traditions, mentality, political ideas. You don't even understand that the Southern Society slowly but moved on to the abolition of slavery by itself without revolution and hypocritical war!

    This is understandable!

    Condederates are not enslavers and you're not emancipators -is the first thing!

    Secondly - Confederate society stuck up for its own dignity, evolution and history.You ebtered the war as slave society and proved to be very prompt to use an abolition as a good pretext to overcome an enemy you had no bravery to cope with!

    The sense of your struggle as you call the war, your pride and glory will go bust at that very point when the truth starts to appear everywhere.

    You unleashed not only military hostiles and economic war against the South but a well thought propoganda war against the CSA.

    Your Northern hubris fears such a turn of events!
  18. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I watched that video which was a true waste of time.

    White boys wanting to cry about being whooped in their own rebellion as they do not have any honor even in defeat.

    Of course the whites do not want to talk about the cruelties of the African slavery but they cry and moan about the whites being beaten in their own rebellion.

    And the "Geneva Convention" was in regard to different Countries fighting and not about criminal citizens fighting against their own government. That pitiful video is trying to say that the criminal white traitors would hide behind their women and children inside their plantations and the Yankees did not respect their hiding places.

    The southern rebels used their houses and barns and used everything to support their rebellion so burning down the buildings and trampling over their crops and freeing their slaves were understandable actions by the United States Army.

    The southern people were actually lucky that their rebel generals all eventually surrendered because their traitor leader Jeff Davis actually dressed up like a girl while demanding the south to keep on fighting since Davis cared nothing about the ugly realities his cowardly treason had brought onto the southern people.

  19. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    That nonsense quoted above actually has realistic and verifiable proof that it is not true, in that the whites and the south would not have ended the slavery except by brute force, which was eventually done by the original US Republican Party under President Lincoln.

    As in particularly the rebel Constitution Article 1, section 9, line 4., which declares the African ("negro") slavery would continue forever under the force of their law, which means they had no intention of ever ending the African slavery.

    And we have the white resistance which continued after the war of rebellion in which we whites created the "Jim Crow Laws" which kept the racist prejudice ongoing for another hundred (100) years, and we still have people as your self (several posters in this thread) who demonstrate that the racist ideals are still alive and ongoing today in this 21st century.

    And ONLY racist whites wanted any slow SLOW abolition as if there were no hurry.

  20. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I've already told you.
    You 're masters in propoganda war.
    The Society in the South moved slowly to abolishing of slavery.
    You have no and never will have proofs that south would not have ended the slavery without brute force.

    This is you weak point!

    you better apologize for unleashing the war!
  21. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    I knew sooner or later you would be stupid enough to compare the Confederacy to the Hitler’s Nazi Party. It is a typical argument of those who are ignorant of history. I never make the Union comparison unless someone else opens the subject first. You did shame on you. Here are the facts --

    1. Hitler like Lincoln started their respective war by invading peaceful countries.

    2. Hitler and Lincoln both arrested political enemies and newspapers editors who disagreed with them.

    3. The invasion, murder, rape pillage and burning of civilians and their property by Union soldiers is the same as what Hitler’s army did. The scorched earth policy of Sherman and his views toward blacks are more in tune with Nazi Germany.

    4. The attacks on the Native Americans at Sand creek , killing unarmed men women and children by the Union army is the same thing Hitler’s army did.

    5. The removal of the women at Roswell Georgia is the same type of thing the Nazi army did with the Jews.

    6. Abe Lincoln’s quotes regarding blacks is more in (goose) step with Nazi Germany than that of Davis, Lee, Jackson, Stephens or other southern major players.

    7. The racist attitude of the US Army toward blacks until about 1955 when the US military was integrated is more like Nazi Germany. The USCT were not considered to be on the same level as the white US forces. They were paid less.

    8. The Black slaves and soldiers of the Confederacy were paid equal to that of the white CSA soldiers and were even allowed to draw pensions!!!!

    9. Much like the Union soldiers the Germans executed surrendering Confederates at Marianna, Florida.

    10. The Germans and The Yankees persecuted the Jews; see Grant’s order to remove Jews from Tennessee.

    11. Lincoln's policies and ideas of a strong central government (dictator communism socialism) were admired by Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. The Confederacy was exactly what none of them wanted.

    12 The Yankee POW camps were more or less the same as Nazi concentration death camps. The POWs were starved, abused and tortured beyond belief even while medical supplies and clothing was at hand.

    13. It was the Union army who employed Germans within their ranks. This is proven by the German pension information I have already posted. Sorta makes me wonder how many descendants of these German soldiers would later fight against the US or imprison a Jew???

    14. Like the Nazi’s of the 1930’s, for the Yankee sympathizers there is still a hate today for their fellow countryman, even though they are of the same race, state or country. .Most Nazi sympathizers have gone quite while most Yankee sympathizers continue to spew their vomit of hate, bigotry and biased ignorance toward anyone who knows more about the War for Southern Independence. They do this while hiding behind a wall of religion or grasping for some other moral high ground. Shame they have no clue the high ground is located in the truth.

    15. Last but not least, I am not saying there is a family connection, I know this is not the most numerous surname on the planet, but ----

    Adam Hitler (First_Last)
    Regiment Name 16 Massachusetts Infantry
    Side Union
    Company E
    Soldier's Rank_In Prv.
    Soldier's Rank_Out Prv.
    Alternate Name
    Film Number M544 roll 19

    Christ Hitler (First_Last)
    Regiment Name 1 U.S. Res. Corps Mo. Inf.
    Side Union
    Company G,K
    Soldier's Rank_In Pvt.
    Soldier's Rank_Out Pvt.
    Alternate Name Christian/Hittler
    Film Number M390 roll 22

    Note I didn't post any sources like Wikipedia. You wouldn't read them; you have no interest in learning the truth. If you wish to prove me wrong do the reseal yourself, the education will do you good. Prove me wrong.

    George Purvis
  22. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Just look at my previous posting as I do give factual and legitimate proofs.

    Look and thou shalt see.

    Apologize for it - no, I cheer it on.

    In fact if the racist whites want to rise-again then we will apologize in the same way as the last time by whooping the trash into the ground.

    Glory halleluiah.

  23. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Wrong again. Why am I not surprised??? If you would visit Beauvoir, that is Jeff Davis last home located in Biloxi, Mississippi, you will see the almost identical cloks wore by Jeff Davis and his wife on the night they were captured. That is where the story comes from.

    Ok now suppose you tell us ahy he neverwas foramlly charged and tried with treason.

    I'll be honest I have never had anyone make it so easy for me to find a reason to post facts. Thanks.

    George Purvis
  24. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Yeah I was right you are just Preparation H to black America!!! LOL LOL LOL

    US constition Sec 9.

    The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

    Here is the intent of the law--

    The Law
    Though the US allowed slavery in certain areas until 1863, it had some of the earliest and strictest laws against the international traffic in slaves. In 1794 slave ships were prohibited from outfitting in American ports. In 1800 American citizens anywhere were prohibited from carrying people for slavery from one foreign country to another, and in 1808 (amended and updated by the act of 1818) any importation of people for the purpose of slavery into the United States or its territories was outlawed. And in 1820, participation in the slave trade was considered an act of piracy, and punishable by death. Unfortunately, the enforcement of these laws was sporadic and uneven, rendering them ineffective.

    Of the slavers brought into Key West, the Wildfire, William, and Bogota were seized under the acts of 1794 and 1800, and condemned by Judge William Marvin. They were sold at public auction, and the proceeds were split between the US Treasury and the crews of the Navy cruisers who captured them.

    The Captains were jailed at Key West, but allowed bail – the seamen for $450, and the Captains, $1,000. Eventually charges were brought against Phillip Stanhope, and the crew of the Wildfire, and Washington Symmes (alias William Weston), Master of the William. They were initially indicted under the act of 1820, but eventually tried under the Acts of 1800 and 1818. The Grand jury found “no true bill” against Stanhope and crew, and a verdict of “not guilty” against Symmes. Despite being caught red-handed, they were freed.

    But ----

    Protection Under the American Flag
    Slavers in the 19th century often found protection for the illicit trade by sailing their vessels under the American flag. This unintended haven was the result of a deep-seated distrust of the fledgling United States toward the British, and their policies in Africa. Since the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, Great Britain had been the traditional political rival of the US; and as the young nation’s productivity began to grow, also an economic rival.

    Though all of the former slave trading powers had renounced the trade, and had formed cooperative efforts amongst their navies to intercept and capture slave ships, the US felt the British Navy had too much power to harass American merchantmen. Both nations were interested in developing stronger “legitimate” relations with the nations of Africa. Fearing excessive bullying by Britain, the US refused to allow its ships to be boarded and inspected by vessels of any other nation. This policy, combined with the relatively small effort put forth by the US to patrol the African Coast, made it much safer slavers to fly the American flag.

    Often a game of “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine” ensued between the patrol vessels and the slavers. When the US Steamer Crusader first encountered the slaver Bogota, the following exchange was recorded in the log, “At 1.45 made a Barque to the Eastward, stood for her. At 2.30 hoisted English colors, she responded with French – at 2.45 sounded to ahead of the Barque and hoisted American colors – she lowered her flag and did not hoist it again…” The Bogota had been tricked, and was forced to “take the 5th” by repudiating all nationality. She was later found to be American owned, and condemned.

    And ---

    Many of the ships that sailed for the African coast to Cuba, trading in slaves were American built and owned vessels. Despite such activity being considered an act of piracy by the US Government, and one that was punishable by death, a variety of factors made it too tempting a venture to avoid.

    New York Docks

    Beginning in 1852, there was a frenzy of ship construction among the shipyards of New England, based mostly on hopes of cashing in on the rapidly increasing demands of California. Both construction and demand peaked in 1855. As it turns out, this boom was the last hurrah for American sail. Too many ships had been built, and changing times quickly conspired against them. California’s markets became saturated – shipping rates fell from $25 per ton in the early 1850’s, to $11 in 1857. Increased domestic manufacturing lessened the need for overseas imports. The ships also began aging, and required more money to be properly maintained. There was a glut of sail in the late 1850’s, and ship-owners were eager to make money any way they could.

    Increased effectiveness of the British patrols in intercepting slavers, and slowing the trade on the seas did not mean that the taking of prisoners among the African traders was slowed. The resulting abundance of captives for sale along the West African coast meant lower prices. The opposite resulted on the other side of the Atlantic. Cuban sugar prices were reaching all-time highs, and demands for labor increasing. The price being paid for slaves there soared. Otherwise idle American ships could buy low in Africa and sell high in Cuba, making so much money, it was worth any risk of capture.


    BY the way James, I did not post this for you because I know you really don't care about facts. This is for those who will actually read, research and learn.
  25. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Fort Sumter just happened to be the spark that set of the powder keg. It could have very well been Pensacola.

    Are you old enough to remember the Cuban missile crisis? Pretty much the same thing here, a hostile force able to lob shells toward Charleston, and reinforcements on the way.

    Think of Charleston as your home. A gang is in your front yard ready to harm your family; more gang members are on the way. What are you gonna do?

    George Purvis
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