There was a change in the North Atlantic Oscillation. That means that the ocean surface adjacent to that major Greenland glacier is cooler, due to sea currents of the NAO. The result is that ice on the ocean front isn't melting as fast, thus slowing the glacier. But, the NAO is a temporary feature - an oscillation. It's not a change brought about by some new source of heat - just a redistribution of the heat Earth is collecting. When the NAO flips back, we'll be in the same situation as before the last flip - except that Earth's average temperature will have increased due to our atmosphere continuing to be able to collect solar heat and then slow it from departing to space - the driver of Earth's warming.
This October / November has been like the "before time".The air, fresh even if no rain. Times of fog. Last year and so many years before, October / Nov have been HOT & DRY with Santa Ana Winds YES for Moi the cool off is happening now. An Autumn as I remember in the before time cool gray fresh maybe a "rain" event Moi Go figure y'self
Where did I claim that? I claimed two things. 1. The Arctic sea ice melt events in 2005 and 2007 were all over Gakkel ridge, home of Undersea volcanoes And that is why your heroes blabbed about the melt events but never showed you a photo of where the melt was. It was not a "global warming" melt, which would have melted all of the Arctic ice equally. The rest of the Arctic sea ice not over Gakkel ridge was perfectly normal. So if it just got "hot" over undersea volcanoes, what do you think caused that LOCALIZED heat???? Duh.... 2. The 83F Arctic Ocean temp reading the warmers and media got all excited about in the recent past was measured right over those volcanoes right after the warmers detected seismic activity, which is how they manufacture "warning" for morons to parrot and blame on co2...
Ah, I see, you guess ocean currents, which can change temps locally, but never for that long. And, of course, NA and greenland are sharing ocean water on one side. So water got really hot around North America and super cool around Greenland, and it stayed like that for a million years... Lol Except they share (NA east, Greenland west) the same water on one side.... And on that one side Greenland froze While North America thawed.... Cape Cod had a big ocean current effect in the 1970s. Early in that decade, water was warm. Later in the decade, the water was colder. Ocean currents do change, and do have localized effects. But a million years straight .... Laughable....
Exactly. And, I want you to CITE a reputable source of science that suggests what you claim is affecting Earth's warming. You made a claim. I want a cite.
No, what I said is NOT A GUESS:
Engineering a Cool Off A father and son's Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw Moi Hoards Ice
This is certainly one of the more important feedback loops we face. A relatively small change in temperature dumps stupendous amounts of methane into the atmosphere, with methane being FAR worse by volume than CO2 ever has been. By our failure to address climate change, we're multiplying the size of the problem that humans face.
Do Your Part Support Your Local Bog! Environmentalists fight to protect peat bogs essential to balancing carbon emissionsSun, November 7, 2021, 3:39 PM Environmentalists in Scotland are sounding the alarm in hopes of preserving one of nature's best weapons in fighting climate change: peat bogs. Peat bogs make up just 3% of the Earth's land mass but store 30% of all land-based carbon, which is twice as much as all the world's forests. Mark Phillips has more. . . Support The Cool Off! Take shallow breaths. Moi
In the US, one of the big opportunities is to stop burning coal. We are reducing coal, with gas taking over that part of our power requirement. However, this is not reaching an end. Coal emits more than twice as much CO2 /kwh than does gas, and gas is a well known technology that can be grown rapidly compared to other sources. (Note that petroleum is as bad as coal. Two thirds of petroleum consumption goes to transportation - another HUGE opportunity.) The near term plan should be to stop coal ASAP, replacing it with gas. That buys some time to get nuclear and clean energy rolling. This is a GIGANTIC economic opportunity, obviously. This is going to include huge numbers of jobs. Already clean energy employs more people than does petroleum.
Well I'm pleased you have heat pumps and are doing your bit. I disagree about freezing to death, my heat pumps work as well as the gas central heating ever did.
Sure. The up side is that NOBODY of any import suggests doing stuff that will harm us like that. What we need to do is make sensible and realistic moves that leave us fully prospering.
Enough energy hits the earth every day to supply its needs for a year. Energy beyond imagining and all for free. No borders, no politics, just right there in your back yard. Why wouldn't we do this?
Climate or only Weather? My home is in The O.C. 92660 The ole Family home. Lucky Moi We have had some SUPER Fog events lately Planes destined for LA, Long Beach & John Wayne (Manifest Destiny) SNO landing 2 hour drive in no where Onterio International over & over like deja vu from decades ago Decades ago like repeated 30+" rain, not barely 3" Chances of rain in the most distant forecast appearing. No long time Californian would forget "The March Miracle" The year a long term drought , a Winter with no rain then the deluge. Truly reservoirs serving the State critically low and "they" say would take years of rain to refill were worried if their overflows would save the reservoir. The air feels different. This year's air feels like decades ago when I had lots of yard drains installed to avoid my home being flooded. Currently lots of fog events. THE COOL DOWN IS COMING or is this just another local weather event. BTW the big island, Hawai'i has a 2 day blizzard alert Moi They Know The Powers Of Ice
If only we had a worldwide collection and distribution grid, but that would involve borders and politics.
Don't worry, we're building as fast as we can. But we don't need it to be world wide, pretty much every country has plenty of space to generate their own needs. (Especially as we don't actually need a years worth every day)