Nice one, you forgot to mention the purpose of the vaccines Gates mentions. Not wanting to go there, because? It will deflate your argument. It's not too difficult to work out the sentiment in his explanation, which you want to vehemently deny.
It's a cognitive function. What I and many others understand, but you cannot with what I've presented to you already more than once. How can anyone cite that? It's as simple as 2+2. But some can't work it out.
NO. You are another one who is making hidden accusations like some total chicken. Have the decency to STATE YOUR ACCUSATIONS.
Just playing your game. Once you begin answering mine, I'll answer yours. It is a mutual arrangement, is it not?
Are you another of the Dennis Tate crowd that accuses Gates of attacking the public so they can't procreate??? I am SO fed up with that kind of CRAP from CHICKEN HEARTS that can't even state their accusations, and have ZERO support for unbelievably STUPID world wide conspiracy theories. Vaccines are NOT made by Bill Gates. They are designed, manufactured, tested and approved by Merck, J&J, Pfizer, and others, under the careful watch of the FDA, CDC, WHO and other medical science authorities in every first world country (and many other countries, too) throughout the world. So, once again. STATE YOUR ACCUSATION. Or, are you just too chicken.
This is NOT a game. State your accusations. Try to make a point. So far, you've proven yourself to be one of the Dennis Tate Chicken hearts, trying to attack people with innuendo, since you've got NOTHING.
You just don't want to admit, that what I've pointed out is true, and you continue to deny it. I have made my claim more than once, you just fail to recognise it. Listen carefully, again to Gate's explanation, it can't be any clearer, " if we get the vaccines and reproductive medicines etc..yada yada yada, we can lower this (remember, he is explaining the "P", representing population in his equation) by 10~15 %. What can it be that he suggests using vaccines, to lower CO2 emissions by depopulating the planet via vaccines and reproductive medicines (inhibiting people from conceiving). Interesting to know that Gates knew Fauci back in the day, and comes from a family of Eugenists. Here is an interesting little history lesson.
Not my fault you can't engage your critical thinking skills. You deny it because you bought the lies and don't want to be led down the path of the truth, which it is. Don't deny it. Good for you, that's your prerogative. You can stay in your bliss of ignorance because frankly, I don't care what you think of me or Tate, we know what is going on because we question everything and research everything and connect dots. Unlike yourself. It's only a conspiracy theory when there is no evidence, there is, I and many others found plenty of it, and because of this, it is now a conspiracy. The only difference is, that you cannot identify that, and you deny any if not all and that my friend is your paradigm. I'm not attacking anyone, that may be your perception, a poor one at that, but my information doesn't come with bias or prejudice. This is where you come unstuck, calling me and Tate out because we can see through all the bullshit that you couldn't.
Who said it was? Oh, that's right. You did. I've lost count of how many times I have made my point. Open your eyes.
Tell me, how does that equate when Gates states, "lowering that number by 10~15%". Lowering what, when he is explaining the component in his equation, POPULATION? He does not mention anything about using vaccines to "fight disease". You better have another listen. It's between 3:50min and 4:50min. Please point out within that timeframe where he states, "vaccines used to reduce or fight disease". Please, entertain us all.
It took a long series of posts for you to get to the heart of it - you will get a better response by argueing with the wall. Some people are not worth the time of day and you have been argueing with one.
No, you better figure it out before you start making accusations like that. Find out what causes people to CHOOSE to have smaller families. And, THINK. Bill Gates doesn't make vaccines, and he has a long record of work toward improving the health care conditions in many places. WHY are you accusing HIM??? What made YOU decide that he flipped to being evil? Start looking at your sources to see which are promoting false information.
It builds up my tolerance, patience, calm and fortitude. I like turning negative experiences into positive ones.
Word salad. I'm not accusing anyone, I'm pointing out the fact that what I can make of his explanation, you can't, you don't want to. It is so plain to see anyone but you can What is Gates? A scientist, a doctor, a geneticist, a virologist? None just a rich nutter who has a family history in Eugenics. Oh, you didn't know that did you? Why? You don't do any research.
The evidence is actually the spoken word by Gates himself, you're just not willing to recognise or accept it. Not my problem that you cannot make 1+1=2.
That's just plain idiotic. You've got absolutely NOTHING on Gates as described to you several times. Think BEFORE you post.
I do, you should try it sometime! You're the one that needs to follow your own advice. What is idiotic? Because you can't make this 1+1=2 work? There is plenty I have on Gates, you just don't want to accept the fact your false prophet is tarnished and soiled, heavily.
I have. - Gates doesn't design, test, manufacture or deliver vaccines. So accusing him of tainted vaccines is STUPID. - Gates has a long history of working on serious medical issues found in areas underserved by first world medicine, in order to help those people. - population growth moderates under certain conditions. Those include families that are confident in economic possibility and experience good health. Yet, YOU just keep making vial innuendo that has ABSOLUTELY no intelligent thought behind it. YOU have absolutely NOTHING on Bill Gates. YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE. You're as bad as Tate.
No, he only makes the suggestions on what these 'vaccines' should do, for those who do make them for his nefarious purposes. You really can't work it out, hey? When Gates speaks about climate change, he questions, how can we REDUCE CO2, He puts up his equation and starts describing each component. Starting with the letter "P" for the population. REMEMBER, HE IS REFERRING TO REDUCING CO2 and in this part of his explanation is that humans contribute a lot to this. ARE YOU FOLLOWING? So why would he say between 3:50min & 4:50min in the video, that if we do a REALLY GOOD JOB ON "VACCINES" etc..WE CAN REDUCE THE NUMBER (meaning the number of the projected population) DOWN BY 10~15%. HOW ELSE DO YOU INTERPRET THAT OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT THE USE OF "VACCINES" WILL HELP CULL A POPULATION? There is plenty of intelligent thought on this topic on my part. You should try it too. Denying it will make it hurt more as the truth doesn't care about your feelings. Are you ready? Will you watch the entirety of them? That's the question and will you accept it? No, I got no dirt on Gates, whatsoever. This is just a snippet. Bill and Melinda Gates Smirk Over 2nd Wave of "Pandemic" Bill Gates: The Psycho Is Rocking Back and Forth a Sign of Mental Illness? The Depop. Agenda - Bill Gates Caught in His Eugenics Lie The Gates family legacy: Eugenics Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates? Producer Of The Hunger Games Exposes Paedophiles Gates, Epstein & The Royal Family Hmm, a real upstanding pillar of the community nutjob. Nothing wrong with this piece of faecal matter. IF YOU EXPECT ME TO APOLOGISE, YOU'RE SORELY MISTAKEN.
I explained reasons for population to reduce. You can look that up. We've seen this in action for many years in the USA and other first world countries - over time, populations of healthy, wealthy folks don't have as many kids. I've pointed that out several times, and YOU have NO response. No, someone such as you is WAY to compromised to recognize when it's time to apologize. And, you just keep propagating absolute unadulterated slime with zero evidence.