There are a few weirdo's claiming the earth is flat, but no respected scientists are discussing it. This was not a debate; it was just an opportunity to have a little fun. You really spent a lot of time on this. With your work ethic, you could have done some good in the world. Even if you were successful in convincing 100% of the worlds population we live on a disc, what did you really accomplish?
What do you mean what did I accomplish? As long as I get one person to wake the f()()k up, that's all that matters. Bet you didn't think of your hypocritical statement, what have you accomplished on this site? Bunch of robots acting like you have the solution to the worlds problems, how one's political party is so much better and innocent. You people are comedy, having no idea what's going on in the world, and acting as if you not only know the truth but again have the solutions. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This flipping guy says atheists are smarter than people of faith and that is proven, is it proven with those same ball earth scientists? That's funny I'm still laughing. Can you provide a link that shows this to be true? Or are you making stuff up as your astronomical priests do?
All available evidence indicates the Earth is not flat and that those who promote this Idea are either mentally unstable or purposefully acting that way to get some strange stimulation from seeming strange.
Mentally unstable or purposefully acting........what about somebody that's just dumb enough to believe it?
Sounds like a politically correct statement. You had no problem calling me stupid, ignorant, dumb before, why not now? What is "YOUR" proof that the earth is a ball? Is it the way in which the heavens move? Is it "NASA", is it the light to darkness ratio? Is it that the boat disappears behind the curvature? What's your individual proof? is something as simple as the fact my Cell phone functions as explained. That the satellites required to relay my call maintain the orbit they are designed to,
That's funny. 99% of all communications is ground based. Your claiming that your phone is part of the 1% claimed to come from satellites. Did you know that ground based technology for communications is much faster and better than satellites? Did you know that under ocean cables was laid clear back in the late 1800's?
Your satellite tv is ground based. It's not pointing to the sky, it's around a 45 degree angle, pointing at ground based antenna.
No it is not. I understand you need to pretend that in order to maintain the stupid act (I can only hope it is) but the companies that provide the service invested quite a bit to launch these satellites.
Can you provide evidence for this claim? Oh and photos of the satellites they invested in? American tax dollars paid for those, but actually they just handed money over.
I also need evidence of a satellite mounted to a rocket and sent into "space". Otherwise they just lift them with high altitude balloons. Did you know that blimps are also used for communications. Fiber optic cable is very expensive. However much cheaper than sending satellites to space. So why are we wasting money on technology that does not surpass that of ground based, blimp and high altitude balloon technology? A transatlantic telegraph cable is an undersea cable running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications. The first was laid across the floor of the Atlantic from Telegraph Field, Foilhommerum Bay, Valentia Island in western Ireland to Heart's Content in eastern Newfoundland. The first communications occurred August 16, 1858, reducing the communication time between North America and Europe from ten days – the time it took to deliver a message by ship – to only 17 hours. Transatlantic telegraph cables have been replaced by transatlantic telecommunications cables. So why the f()()k do we need satellites?
Certainly: Please note the curvature of our "Flat" Earth in this one.
Thanks for the evidence. I have to take care of a customer I will respond shortly. So your top link does not show the satellite attached to the rocket. Even though that is what the claim is. I mean I can take a video of a rocket, and using audio convince the viewers that I am in the rocket. Now.....would you fall for that. Or would you ask, is he really in the rocket, show us. Your second link is about to be demolished by your last link/video. Your third link claims, " Two Satellites Significantly Increasing HD and 4K Capacity. Ok so what happens when those two satellites are on the other side of the ball? Your final link/video.....if it is real, is proof those satellites are not up there. After-all did you see any. The ISS is allegedly 259 miles out. Do you know how many we should see with the ISS? UH OH!!!!
Would you please include evidence showing the edges of our planet when you return? Actually anything to indicate or prove we live on a flat surface?
So your top link does not show the satellite attached to the rocket. Even though that is what the claim is. I mean I can take a video of a rocket, and using audio convince the viewers that I am in the rocket. Now.....would you fall for that. Or would you ask, is he really in the rocket, show us. Your second link is about to be demolished by your last link/video. Your third link claims, " Two Satellites Significantly Increasing HD and 4K Capacity. Ok so what happens when those two satellites are on the other side of the ball? Your final link/video.....if it is real, is proof those satellites are not up there. After-all did you see any. The ISS is allegedly 259 miles out. Do you know how many we should see with the ISS? UH OH!!!!
So living a life filled with love, happiness, family, friends, and purpose isn't important to you, but if you can convince one person we live on a disc, "thats all that matters"? It is ironic to read your claims about cheating the American tax payers when it comes to space exploration when you have cheated yourself out of a meaningful life in exchange for the Nothing Burger you are pushing.
It is painfully clear that you either do not understand what space is or are so completely ignorant as to seem retarded. Either way your entertainment value has worn off. Have A Nice Day
Very nice....way to get the last word. Childish.... Oh so you know what space is. Are you sure it's not all in your imagination? Please tell me what space is, tell me how a vacuum can be next to a non vacuum with now solid barrier/structure in between? Does not a pressure system require a solid structure? If not, let me hear it! Is not earth a pressure system? What ya got....go head shoot...let me hear ya!!
Would you like to come to a FE vs. BE (flat earth vs ball earth) live broadcast debate? I can set it up for you, provide the information so you can see who your up against. You know, so you can put this flat earth sh()t to rest. Wouldn't hurt my feelings. Though I am very positive it's flat and motionless, as all "experiments" have proven.
Well since you said please: Think of a Bubble blown by a child. The bubble is not solid, it is formed from a liquid. Pressure creates stability in this liquid , both inside and outside pressure working against/with each other and surface tension. Within said bubble is an atmosphere completely separate from the atmosphere out side of much the same way does our atmosphere create a pressure that works with gravity and our planets spin to maintain an atmosphere. Mind you it is far more complex than that (magnetic field, solar particles....etc...) but hopefully you get the general idea. The vacuum of space is overcome by simple physics in this scenario. Space is a medium composed of small amounts of visible matter, interstellar dust and plasma, unseen yet gravitationally active particles/forces, and vast amounts of nothing. I do not "Know" what space is, nor do I claim to but I understand some of it.