That was a typo, it's all across the globe. No wait a minute, I have a better retort. Don't your kids leave things laying AROUND the house? Huh, is your house a globe, huh? Oh and don't you see your friends AROUND town, huh, is your town a globe ... NO. I've been hanging AROUND this forum tooooo long.
Now first, flat is like a book, it is flat but has depth, not flat like a sheet of paper, although a sheet of paper has depth. Nothing is 2 dimensional. So it has mass, even a flat sheet of paper has mass, the heavier/thicker the paper the more mass. So we have gravity, Albert told me so. Now Now I have shown that gravitational force is directly proportional to mass, but shape is totally irrelevant except the direction of the force. Electromagnetic force: An electromagnetic force is created by a moving charge. It can be moving in a straight line or a circle. Electromagnetic forces have nothing to do with speres.
This has nothing to do with "magnets" beyond a magnet having a small field. The magnetic field deflects most of the radiation that would kill us and everything else. it is produced by rotation of the planets metal core inside a molten medium much like a giant dynamo. This CANNOT be done with a flat surface at this scale and proves beyond any doubt we live on the surface of a sphere.
Lol so am I, it is a distraction from the real problems of politics. This argument reminds me of a book I read, the World of Tiers. Interesting concept.
No, the earth cannot be flat. Earth isn’t flat, cats would have pushed everything off edge by now if it was, confirm scientists
If the Earth was flat you'd be able to see The Statue if Liberty and the Eiffel Tower from London. You see, it's the curvature of the Earth which instead, lets you see stars light years away.