The essence of Rightism?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Mr. Swedish Guy, May 20, 2013.

  1. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    yeah, that sounds reasonable. So self reliance would just be a by product of the non-agression principle, which is the basis of it all. Yeah, I agree.
  2. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    Yes you did, you said "strong" and strong implies there being a "weak", which with there being no monetary policy, no requirement of citizenship or residency to start a business, a minimum wage that's barely there, no outspoken defense of copyright, and a regulatory register less than 1/20 the size of ours, Hong Kong is.

    Both at a far lower rate than the private examples, the complete opposite of the U.S. which provides over 80% of grade schools, subsidizes post-secondary, and impacts 3 out 4 healthcare dollars, while directly providing 2.

    Hong Kong isn't driving itself into debt with these things, while the U.S. long term unfunded liabilities outstrips the total production of the entire planet.

    All of which were first introduced in 1997, gee, what happened that year I wonder? Could it be HK was simply giving into the demands of someone else?

    HK? Nope. Granted, perhaps it's because most of these regulations were only enacted in the last 12 years or so, and they simply need more time to catch up to us.

    But you know what I noticed, going through their air quality ordinance, in the section about fuel? No requirement for ethanol. Or some ridiculous biofuel. Nope, just those things needed so that Hong Kong, doesn't look like Shanghai.

    Now you're mixing Hong Kong with Singapore. Hong Kong is Dual-track.

    Hong Kong. Regulations and taxes are among the most lax in the world, social programs aren't running them into the ground, and economic freedom is top notch.

    We don't compare in a vacuum, we compare by relation. That was the modifier "strong" implies, relation, if you didn't mean to do that, then you should have just said "No regulation".

    No, I said people at the time thought it was compared to where they had been living before, hence why people died by the 1,000s just trying to come here.

    As bad as you try to say it was here, it was worse everywhere else. People had no access to education, no expectation their kids would do better than themselves, not even a guarantee that, perhaps today, their sovereign wouldn't flatten their house because they thought it unseemly.

    Here, people had rights, while it was pretty much a given they didn't anywhere else.

    And yet those people (though I don't know about Gays), lived longer and more prosperous here than anywhere else on Earth. Speaks to the state of the world it does, economic freedom is just that much of a game changer.

    ...? Uh, you do realize Asia isn't one large homogenous area of "Chinaman", right? And that Hong Kong, being a port city, is flushed with foreigners far in excess to those who live there?
  3. CHARnobyl

    CHARnobyl Member

    May 20, 2013
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    I don't know how the left-right divide would apply politically, but as a left-handed person, I learned long ago that if the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, then only left-handed people are in their right minds.

    Thank yew.
  4. CHARnobyl

    CHARnobyl Member

    May 20, 2013
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    Horse Hockey.

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