The Hypocrisy Of The Pro Life Movement

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by Makedde, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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  2. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Not in the case of identical twins.
  3. RedWolf

    RedWolf Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    I haven't heard anyone say that you can't use birth control, we just want you to pay for your own.
  4. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    JohnConstantine said,

    Well that says something doesn't it? That you Brits don't care about the life in the womb and are content to walk away. What could be more pressing….a life in the womb, or the state of the Royal Family or maybe Islamic takeover since that is a pressing issue….and does deal with life and survival, particularly yours.

    The terminate in this case means KILL. KILL THE LIVING HUMAN PERSON IN THE WOMB. How on earth can you say nobody enjoys abortion? Do people enjoy rape? Well maybe the guy that does it does… but is that right to say? Yes its a terrible world we live in…but honestly speaking its terrible because of people who are willing to do nothing to make it better. The pro-choice, pro-abort crowd that champions this right to kill….doing nothing, saying nothing, pretending to be moral. And it is a moral decision or you would not have said…."nobody enjoys."

    So lets kill the unborn and start there…too many people in the world. Next…lets kill the children who are born with abnormalities. Then the people who are handicapped and then those who are mentally challenged and hey how about the elderly what do they have to give anymore? Say how old are you? Who wants to have these people around anyway, certainly not people who hold a position like you do. No handicap ramps, spaces…and ya don't have to look at those who are not perfect or act perfect. Certainly we don't want to share our water and food with people like this….they are not deserving.

    You are like Peter Singer who thinks a human life has the same worth as an ant. LMAO Absolutely absurd thinking. A cheap way to look at life if you ask me. You are advocating violence in this last post. Because we are ANIMALS…AND THE ANIMALS IN NATURE KILL…..that is ok and natural. Then abortion is not natural….because if it was no abortionist would be needed would they? Do animals do that? Do they hire it done? You are saying that we have the same instincts as animals do. And while there are cases when mothers do kill their children…it is rare…and certainly does not speak to the entire female population. It has only been since 1973 that society said….do it mothers…kill your unborns. What society says today is legal…is moral. Yet when you ask people they always say like you did….oh its a tough decision, no one likes to do it….and that shows what it really is.

    What does that have to do with anything? Look at Obama….voted against the pain bill…and voted for infanticide…killing the child that makes it through an abortion. He said he would end the war….the very first thing after he took office and he escalated it by sending additional 30,000 troops over there. And three years later….the blood is still on his hands.

    Wow….and what is happening in England?….Well last year I came there and every shopping mall including Herrods I might add….was at least 90% Islamic. So honey…..enjoy free speech like you are on this site because sooner than later….you aint gonna have it.

    Sentimental….? Lets look at the hypocrisy and the inhumane position of the pro-abort. What kind of person would think it ok…to hire a hit on a living human child? With what science tells us today about fetal development in the womb…there should be no excuse other than mothers health. What kind of a person…could watch a life like this be torn apart, ripped from this safe place, burned, directed and disposed of in the cold and callous way its done? Certainly not those who are pro-choice….they find pictures of abortions offensive….so like the Germans did while the Jews were marched into the ovens….THEY LOOK AWAY. Oh well…… If that is not cold…inhumane…….immoral…emotionless….I don't know what is?
    Your position is all over the place…and war and Bush and your misguided opinions…have nothing to do with this issue. You bring it up only because ya got nothing else. Your position is immoral…if the shoe fits….I say wear it and you do.

    These are two different issues. Why are women so mad at the life in the womb…so much so that they would want to kill it? Why do you want to condone something so barbaric as abortion?

    Oh thats right…..we are only ants……LMAO
  5. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Your all over the place….you say its not human…..and then here…you acknowledge it is…and then bring something else up.


    Your hilarious. LMAO
  6. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    You would know about being hilarious.
  7. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Its not human is it? Tell me why women hire abortionists turtle? LMAO
  8. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    To abort the fetus....
  9. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    The difference between the adjective "human" and the noun "human" has been explained. They can't be used interchangeably. A z/e/f is human (adj), but not necessarily a human (noun). Your deflection isn't working.
  10. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    That which is life in the womb is alive…..and it is human.

    I don't care about grammar….how you punctuate it……what part of speech it comes from. It is alive….(which is why an abortionist is needed-do you even comprehend that part?) two humans one egg one sperm……created it….so it is human. It is human and it is alive.

    Simple…that even children can understand……sigh.
  11. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    ABort the fetus why? Why does it need to be aborted if its not alive and human?

    What does the abortionist do…..tell me? What is his goal?

    Fill in the blank…….The abortionists job is not done until…________________?

    Can't wait to see how you spin this one. LOL
  12. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    There's nothing to spin. A fetus is alive, just like all the other tissue and organs inside the mother. It is biologically human just like all the other tissue and organs inside the mother.

    What. Is. Your. Point?
  13. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    You NEED to care, because if you interchange nouns and adjectives, your meaning is unclear, AND you accuse others of saying things they didn't.

    Like I said before, a z/e/f is alive and human, just as the egg and sperm are alive and human, but that doesn't mean they are human beings.
  14. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    No, I know exactly what your position is, have no problem with it…..Your pro-abortion.
  15. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    They are alive and human….yet you say….they are not human beings. Ok Do you even read what you write?

    You said you opposed protection for the unborn….you are pro-abortion.
  16. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    You did not answer the questions. I will repeat them.

    What does the abortionist do…..tell me? What is his goal?

    Fill in the blank…….The abortionists job is not done until…________________?
  17. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    I wrote, "a z/e/f is alive and human, just as the egg and sperm are alive and human, but that doesn't mean they are human beings.. Do you think being "alive and human" makes something a human being? That would mean every cell of one's body is a human being.

    How do you think YOU can "protect" the unborn? Only the pregnant woman can do that. I support a woman's right to make her own reproductive decisions. I am pro-women's rights. Do you get a self-righteous tingle up your leg when you say people are "pro-abortion"?
  18. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    The goal is to end the pregnancy. Obviously.
  19. JohnConstantine

    JohnConstantine Active Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Firstly thank-you for this taking the time to put together this in-depth reply to my post, I appreciate it.

    To answer what this says about Brits, I think with regards to this issue, is that we’re a little more head heavy, more melancholic, less hysterical and less religious. But let’s not get into a national debate – because what I’ve just said, and what you’ve said is largely arbitrary and subjective.

    The more pressing issues would be things like Islamo fascism, along with pending resource shortages, the crises in places like Gaza and Afghanistan, racial tension on our streets, the demonization and ostracization of our youth, nuclear arms races and so forth.

    You can use that word to try and pull on the heart strings all you like – I’m quite happy to say you are killing, in the sense that there is life which you are forcibly ending. The hypocrisy lies in the word “person”, the word relates to personality, of which the foetus has none. However, a pig, a cow, a sheep can all have personalities – are all vastly more conscious than a foetus, fact. It’s all life, so why not so disturbed by the food industry? Because humans stupidly think they are the most important forms of life.

    And since we’re on the subject of murder, are you also campaigning for gun control? Are you putting your mind to solving the perpetual violence in Rio De Janeiro? Or Mexico city? Or within your own ghetto streets? Do you really give two (*)(*)(*)(*)s if a black kid shoots another black kid in Harlem? If you’re so vehemently against murder, then have you been campaigning, or even arguing and calling for an end to the war on drugs? Or do you propose we continue the cyclical nightmare of subordinate drug mules, cartels, gangs and murder in fear that little Johnny might have a joint?

    And I haven’t even mentioned war yet. What did you do when you heard how your army was acting in Fallujah? What about the terrorism you are funding in Israel? The terror you funded in Nicaragua? The Islamists you funded in men like General Zia, the extremists you trained in Afghanistan? Your nuclear programs? What have you done to stop your government from militarizing space? Do you even care? Would all this suddenly be fine as long you could ensure that all women, and girls, whether they were raped, drugged, drunk, manipulated, or stuck in the sex trade; had to go through with their pregnancy by law?

    Ha… well this is so dumb as to not dignify a response.

    Again more heartstring grabbing. Well, little mousy, what I’d say is let’s just hope we don’t end up in a full scale war. I think when the resource war peaks, and if we cannot find a way to stop nuclear programmes we could well see systematic exterminations similar to the ones you describe. There will be less care for the weak after the apocalypse as it were. So again, aim your frustrations at the real issues.

    I don’t know Peter Singer. But I like to look at life as consciousness. Everything alive is conscious. But yes, a non-sentient zygote is no more conscious than an ant. In fact when a zygote forms it is single celled, to give you some perspective a cockroach has 100,000 brain cells.

    Yep, Obama is not a peace-loving man. I don’t believe for a second that you could be president of the United States if you were, but at least in that regard he is not a hypocrite on this subject.

    (It’s Harrods by the way and it’s an overpriced testimony to the bourgeois built for materialistic morons)

    Absolutely pathetic.

    I’m done.
  20. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    No but your side sure gets hot and bothered. You certainly do not embrace the title do you? I have been banned off of two forums for using that title….that is how much that it bothers the LEFT. They want to be included with those who are moral….and on this issue they are not and they know it. You are pro-abortion. To stand up for the unborn you should oppose abortion, write letters to your local state and national politicians about banning and changing the law, get involved with pro-life work….for starters. If everyone did this…by putting pressure on officials the laws would change back to when our country preserved and valued life. You support death to every unborn in the womb….if the mother wants to kill it.
  21. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    No but your side sure gets hot and bothered. You certainly do not embrace the title do you? I have been banned off of two forums for using that title….that is how much that it bothers the LEFT. They want to be included with those who are moral….and on this issue they are not and they know it. You are pro-abortion. To stand up for the unborn you should oppose abortion, write letters to your local state and national politicians about banning and changing the law, get involved with pro-life work….for starters. If everyone did this…by putting pressure on officials the laws would change back to when our country preserved and valued life. You support death to every unborn in the womb….if the mother wants to kill it.
  22. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    I don't care what you call me or what you think of me. What bothers me is that all of your posts consist of labeling and demonizing the opposition, with not a shred of support for your position. THAT is why you have been banned from multiple sites.
  23. DixNickson

    DixNickson Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 25, 2012
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    A majority (and that starts at five) of Federal Supreme Court Justices, not Medical Doctors, Scientists or even Moral Ethicists but lawyers, acting as justices decided that the unborn (for the most part) have no constitutional standing in an American courtroom (because the unborn are...not human?).

    How was this conclusion arrived at? Did the justices do research and conduct medical experiments or maybe they prayed mightily for Divine guidance? Pay-grades aside, did the majority justices discover to a scientific/ethical/legal/moral certainty exactly when human life begins?

    At a minimum how many human bodies/patients does the abortionist's life ending instruments touch in each abortion? If more than one might we have a problem? Perhaps we are being short-sighted or at least a bit selfish by disregarding another's potential objection if they were allowed to develop an oppositional voice? Funny that mommy's desire plays a pivotal part in how the the unborn child is perceived...a patient or an enemy?

    Did you know that at one time in history doctors had actually taken oaths to do NO harm, nor provide a pessary for an abortion...thank goodness we can now put all that blah, blah, blah stuff behind us in these most civilized of times,

    Hey, just for feces and snickers, since it is mommy's (or egg donor's) exclusive "right" to abort what if the father (or sperm donor) of the unborn child wants mommy to kill the unborn child...should he be made responsible for child support if mommy says "No, I want the child to live?" How can we find a balance with mommy's "right" to abort on demand when a court finds daddy, against his will, financially responsible for someone he did not want to allow to breathe? What of the sperm donor's right not to be a father/financial supporter of a living child? Talk about your choices, Mommy Dearest gets 'em all! Mommy can choose to end her unborn child's life OR she can choose to make another human, through the court system, responsible for financial support of a life that the sperm donor wanted ended. Why must the sperm donor owe the egg donor money simply because he ejaculated in her vagina and procreation took place? Why are there consequences for penises that vaginas are given power over or a pass on?

    One interesting legal distinction/exception the unborn may "enjoy" is when one murders or unlawfully kills the unborn child's mother that individual runs the risk of being charged with a double homicide. That second death after mommy's...another human life or something else entirely? Can you say hypocrisy? Only mommy (or egg donor) can kill her unborn child but no one know why? Maybe this developing human being in mommy's womb is really just her property? What is that you say...lawfully owned human property in this day and age, even in an enlightened America? Yeah, I can see owning a cat or dog but another human, who'd thunk it?

    Dred Scott wanted his right to his own life, to live in freedom...not to be controlled or subject to another's will or acts but he could find no relief from this same (SCOTUS) court many, many years ago. Can you guess why? Well, because Mr. Scott is property too! Unborn (human?) babies and natural born American slaves, at least since Roe vs. Wade, seem to share a common legal and corporal history in our very civilized country...does this declare or at least acutely suggest that the court views each of these human beings(?) as another human's property?

    The "plantation" harvest site has moved from the earthen field to the "Abortion Mill" but human chattel is still the shared commodity.

    Does Abortion keep a woman from becoming a mother or does it simply make her the mommy of a dead, formerly viable developing human baby?
  24. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    While I have no inside knowledge, I have a feeling the justices in Roe simply decided it was absurd to make a law about what happens on the inside of a woman's uterus. Regardless of how you feel about killing and abortion, I think they realized that the state getting into the territory of forcing women to stay pregnant was not only offensive to any sense of liberty and freedom, but could also fall under cruel and unusual punishment. You may say that abortion is cruel and unusual punishment for a the fetus, but the fetus is not a person, and no matter how cute or adorable some may find them to be, being cute and adorable does not make you a person, and does not give you rights or we'd be giving driver's licenses to puppies and kittens.
  25. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Here is the key phrase for pro abortionists.

    Killing is secondary to what someone wants. Since killing, so life cannot continue, is the key to abortion, the anti-abortion crowd is called pro-life. The abortion crowd, by logical definition would then be called anti-life. This is the problem when you allow man to be arbiter of death, there is always a rationalization to take life, one way or another.

    When people argue pro-life/pro-choice, they argue two separate things which cannot be reconciled with logic; therefore, if they argue pro-life/anti-life, or pro-choice/anti-choice, then they argue on level playing fields.

    So the three arguments are:


    Since I am pro-life, pro-choice, and anti-abortion, I would bet you could not guess what I would like to see happen.

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