I call it iggy. In March, I started putting people in iggy, because I just couldn't stand to watch stupidity re: COVID, and hate-filled spew about the elections. Saturday, I took everyone off ignore. There were over 100. Four are already back in. Some people are just so partisan, or so much of a one-trick pony, that they have nothing valuable to add. If your biggest contribution is how many names you can call a politician in one post, we really aren't going to have a meaningful conversation, anyway, so I don't see why I should have to look at it. I very much doubt they will all go back in, because it's not about disagreement. So that gets me wondering about how many people have me on ignore? LOL. Random musings, brought to you by me. I'm interested in thoughts on ignore. Do you use it; and what is your criteria?
Is the pursuit of confirmation bias a valid reason to engage in a public forum for politics? One wonders....
I don’t use the ignore button. I’m here to argue with people and entertain myself. Limiting the pool of nonsense would run counter to that goal.
Have never put anyone on the ignore feature. I am perfectly capable of 'walking' by a poster who has nothing of value to share. And that has no political limitations, some people just burn bandwidth to hear/see themselves post words up and pat themselves on the back for doing so.
I never use it. Can't think of a single person I have ever done that too. There are many people that make me roll my eyes, but you have to keep faith that maybe there is something you could say to them. People learn how to be partisan, they can unlearn it. I find it to be a challenge honestly. Ignoring things only makes them worse. It emboldens them because they believe there is no rebuttal to their garbage. I think instead I end up trolling those types of people which may or may not be a positive but sometimes those tactics get through to people. You would be surprised how making someone feel dumb actually cuts through the irrational defenses they often put up and causes them to second guess themselves.
Nope, have no use for it. My reptilian hide makes me impervious to mere words, and I like a good laugh too.
In all the years I've been here I've only put one person on ignore due to personal attacks. But I've recently learned he's passed, so I guess the count is back to zero.
In over twelve years of posting in this Forum, I have only temporarily put two other people on "ignore", and the more recent one of those was over seven years ago. Speaking purely for myself, I hate censorship of ANY kind, finding it abhorrent, galling, and reflective of a cowardly mentality that borders on paranoia. What I really wish is that there were some way we could see how many other posters have put each of us on "ignore". I've often thought I'm possibly the most hated right-wing Conservative in this Forum, and I'd love to see how many radical Leftists have put me into "the outer darkness".... To everyone, pushing any philosophy, Left or Right, I would offer this eternally-true saying.... ... -- "Yeh, but I can put him on "ignore"...."
I've used it a few times, but now I don't even remember who I used it on. I guess that's the beauty of an ignore button.
I don't use the Ignore function. I try to remember and just not reply. After all, some deserving idiot might just stumble on some wisdom to share. Moi
I don't see it as censorship. It's more like building efficiencies into my forum time. Unless you read every single post of every single thread, you are "censoring," what you do read. It's human nature. We can't read, watch or listen to everything. We have to filter some stuff out. I don't know why you think you are the most hated. I don't always agree with you, but I agree with you often enough. It's hard to agree with extremists, IMO. That's not you.
I used it a few times, but I cleared new year the list of people in it, meaning that new year, new beginning, but I didn't used it for at least one year.
Please don't misunderstand -- I wasn't talking about you @Curious Always . I have always found you to be rational, balanced, logical, and well-informed. What I suggested was that as an admittedly 'arch-Conservative' -- especially on economic matters, I'd be a prime candidate to be "most-hated" by hyperliberal, radical Leftists -- and that description surely does not (NOT) include you! In a larger sense, when I decry censorship I mean censorship that is used against anyone who posts here! Thus, I think that even those "hyperliberal, radical Leftists" described above must have every right, free and unrestricted to levy any criticism imaginable -- fair or unfair -- against me or anyone else. And, vice-versa! Generally speaking, those who use unilateral power to suppress free speech are surely the most loathsome and cowardly tyrants of all! And, no, none of us typically has enough time to read every post, but, I'd rather have them there, in free, open expression anyway... maybe it's just the "American" in me that just won't die.... All the best to you!
I don't think the most radial leftie could think you are the most hated conservative. You aren't generally snarky, and your logic is generally sound. /Shrug - maybe I'm wrong, but there are some hateful people on this forum from all sides.
Thank you for your appraisal, Curious... admittedly, I can be very critical at times and go overboard occasionally, but I try to do so using pertinent examples, proof, links to credible information, etc. There are hateful people here, as there are everywhere, I suppose. But I'd rather hear from all of them in free, unrestricted discussion, no matter how 'hot' it gets, than to use any kind of censorship or 'silencing-mechanism' to cut them off. I've always thought that when you censor someone, you automatically give them the victory.
Those I put on ignore are those who overtly display trollish and flamebaiting behavior. As I said many times, I'm here to exchange about and discuss policies not to be part of a sport team. I've been on the right at time and on the left at other, so I don't really care about being in the "team". I presently have 9 persons in my list, but only two are still active. The rest were banned.
I use it sometimes when someone consistently posts hateful comments. I don't understand why adults cannot hold conversations without hatred and rage.
I think the most I ever had was seven - I can't imagine having a hundred people on ignore. For the longest time I think there were three or four and all of them were there for the same reason as your own - said posters were simply one-trick ponies. When I can guess word-for-word what you're gonna say in a post, what's the point? I usually just put people in a temp ignore hold when they're being jerks then clear the cache ever month. But that's the thing, I can deal with people who I disagree with, sometimes passionately - but at least I know they're actual people with actual viewpoints. There is ONE poster I should perma-ignore who I believe is an honest-to-God bot here - but frankly, making fun of it's posts provides rare comedy relief that I need right now so it stays unignored.
I have never and will never use it. I do often wonder if I am on anyones ignore. I figure, If Im not, I've gotta be doing something wrong... Oh! Maybe PF should have a profile display- 'ignored by (#) members'.