Rigging the jury with all females was not about obtaining justice for the young victim, but was about covering up a murder. Women are not men, can never be men and don't think like men. The intention of a jury with no men just as it turned out was to circumvent justice not obtain justice for the victim in this case. Any man would know deadly force is far from the only option against a 17 year old boy who he claimed "ambushed him". How one gets ambush while stalking someone else is something that makes no sense. The 29 year old man hunted down that teenager, and if he was punched in the face and knocked to the ground it was because he allowed his self to attacked and knocked to the ground so he would have a pre-mediated reason to murder that boy. But it must always be remembered how the Zionist use the media to play Americans against each other to take the focus off all their abundant crimes against every aspect of this nation and the free nations of world. Injustice against one American is injustice against all Americans. What might seem like an attack on one group of Americans has political overtones in terms of grooming illegal aliens who gain citizenship by military service, and ignoring the laws to create pseudo americans who can be used for unconstitutional things true Americans won't do. The Zionist are not pushing gun control and a fast track for citizenship for millions of illegal aliens without having a tyrannical scheme in place.
So then the prosecutor conspired with the defense to throw the trial? What a laughable assertion you have made. I suggest you do some research on the jury selection process in the US.
What an anti woman thread. So are libs now ready to throw women under the bus for thier "martyr" thug hero?
It's obvious the Jury was tampered and bribed ... most likely by the NRA and conservatives ... this can automatically introduce the Feds ...
I'm impressed, bro. I couldn't come up with a better troll response if I tried. Frankly, I'm a little jealous.
If you had all of this "evidence", why did you not go to the prosecutor? If you were there, you may have swayed the jury to your end........................pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh speculation is the same as assumption..... At least admit you weren't there and have no idea what you're talking about
No, one ignorant troll did. He's no more representative of "libs" than he is of "Political Forum posters".
There's opportunity in chaos ... take for instance, Zimmies squealing in delight like schoolgirls .... *My faith in the justice system is restored* Really ... this is what you won ?
I do.............it is one of the most basic tools in the criminal justice system. Now tell us, how was it rigged, by whom (specifically). If you are not familiar with the Trial Rules and Civil Procedures...............well, simply put...........you don't know jack except for self-righteous bleating................
I think that's a ridiculous claim to be making! I have no respect at all for George Zimmerman, and I hope he spends the next ten years in and out of courtrooms trying to defend himself from various attempts to hold him responsible for his criminal negligence. The man is a weakingling, a coward and a liar. But one of the specifications that the jury had to meet in order to convict Zimmerman of manslaughter was that they believed the the evidence supported the scenario you described. They could not do that.
Any moment now, he'll be detailing how the prosecutor conspired with the defense in the jury selection process. He probably has a copy of the kickback check as well. ANY.MOMENT.NOW. Trust me.
Corruption can be found in every aspect of any and all governmental structures. and it's short sighted and narrow minded not to see the big picture in certain select cases that get enomous media attention for reasons that exceed the scope of an murder trial. Divide and conquer has been used through out the history, and if big money Zionist want to use particular cases for their own Anti-American purposes it's not at all laughable for a prosecutor to be bribed; as a matter of fact it happens all the time. It's Zionist money that gotten all of the recent supreme court justices appointed.
Criminal negligence for shooting a thug who is on top of you beating you bloody. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! How do you figure? The HOA rules aren't legally binding. He was lawfully carrying the weapon.
Why is this not in 'opinions and beliefs'? Not a shred of evidence, link or anything, just opinions...
So the Prosecution was in on it all along, is that it? The truth is that there never was an evidence to support any criminal charges against Zimmerman. That is all, no evidence. - - - Updated - - - Shhhh don't confuse him with facts.
Now you are being blatantly dishonest. During the trial YOU admitted there wasn't any evidence presented that would allow a conviction. - - - Updated - - - That one struck a nerve with you did it, GOOD! People like you who want to kill people for defending themselves need to be constantly beat down.
Yes Jebby-boy is now gonna run a GOP 2016 campaign on Zimmy ... didn't learn a damn thing that guns & bibles is not a winning election platform ... LOL. - - - Updated - - - Wait for it ... Zimmy is gonna take over Palin on Faux .... LOL.