Get yourself a basketball or a soccer ball. Turn off all the lights and shine a flashlight at that ball. You will see a "Hot spot" of light appear on that ball. Compare the way that ball looks to the full or full-ish Moon. See how the entire surface of the Moon is illuminated??? Not quite the "Hot spot" which simple science dictates should appear there, is it? Nope. That's because the Moon is either a disc, or it is a holographic projection of some kind. Either way, it's definitely not a Sphere. You can't say that the Sun is illuminating the vast surface of the Moon so evenly, because then you'd have to say that this same phenomena happens to the earth, which we know with absolute certainty it does not. Have fun grappling with this one, Science worshippers. I welcome ALL challenges.
A bare lightbulb in the room is a better analogy. No hotspot on the basketball. The sun is not a spotlight.
Simple science dictates that? What equation? Published by whom, in what journal? Because it seems to me that you've simply confused specular reflection with diffuse reflection. If the dusty surface of the Moon were as smooth as a soccer ball, you'd see your hotspot. It's not, so you don't. Even simple ray-tracers don't make that mistake. I suppose the incurious armchair "scientist" never notices that a tennis ball doesn't have a hotspot either. We'll be waiting.
You might welcome challenges, but the moderators feel your idea is better than others, so it must be true. So much for science.
You have got to be kidding me!! I have no words to express here as if I did they would be incredulous and not worth the effort of typing them. The Moon not being a sphere? LOL!!! Oh Brother! AboveAlpha
We are not taking a position on this matter. And certainly not that position. We're just here to make sure the conversation stays on track, because he has a right to post that opinion. Of course, everyone else has the right to prove him wrong. But that's not for us. Our only role is to make sure that he gets a fair chance to advance his argument, just as anyone else would.
No you don't! Anything a person smokes or injects or injests that would make them say something like that can't be good for you!! AboveAlpha....p.s....Why do you think they call it DOPE!!?? - - - Updated - - - We I certainly hope so. AboveAlpha
Well, all I know, is that when the moon is full, it's the size of a dime, so there is no way in hell we ever landed on it. It just isn't near large enough unless we sent ants. Also, it is variable in size, and sometimes it turns orange when it comes up over the horizon. This is because it oozes orange juice, and given the lower gravity it all gets spun off as it climbs higher in the sky, which makes it smaller as well. If you can get under it before it loses all of that high quality OJ, you can catch it in tubs an bottle it up breakfast. Sometimes people even put vodka in it, and after a gallon of that elixir, you sing lunar tunes. In the key of C, vitamin C that is. I know, I know, some people say it is made of cheese, but that is a conspiracy theory. If it were cheese, you could smell it all night.
moon is a man made machine. if people from other star want to us to know that they visited earth. the moon made by Them is the best proof.
Because I hoped to stir a debate on a scientifically unexplainable phenomena concerning the way light waves/rays behave on the moons surface, as viewed from earth's perspective.
The sun most certainly behaves as a spotlight when it reflects off a placid ocean in a beam of light that runs right up to the observer's feet. Also, if the sun were NOT a spotlight, shadows would not exist. The entirety of the "exposed" surface area of the moon is CONSISTENTLY illuminated.
The simple science I referred to was the spotlight test at the beginning of the OP. So, you're claiming that if the moon had a glossy reflective surface, we would see a hot spot? Then why is there no hot spot on the ISS, the Shuttle, Venus, or anything else in "space"?
Instead of mindless mockery, let's debate the idea in the OP, shall we? Don't be scared to expand your thought processes. It can't do any harm, can it? - - - Updated - - - How else does light reflect off a sphere, then?
Think I, along with many others, will simply laugh at another thread in a long list of threads espousing a claim so ludicrous it is beyond comprehension that anyone could actually believe it has any connection to science or reality. Once or twice is amusing, beyond that and it just starts getting weird. What the OP always forgets is that the rule of debate is that if one makes a claim it is they that have to support and prove it to be truth with Facts, no one is required to prove someone's claim is nonsense, as we see anyone can make any claim that they come up with, what is more intriguing is where the heck do they find this "stuff", now that would be some serious entertainment.
So it's not science of any kind, simple or complex. It's just your personal opinion, based on selected and cherry-picked evidence. Meanwhile, the rest of us noticed that your spotlight test fails for a tennis ball. And you still haven't explained that. Or maybe you could just take a trip to the hardware store and notice that paint comes in flat, semi-gloss, and gloss. Hmmmm. If it did then we would. But it doesn't so we don't. Hotspot in space here: Hotspot on ISS in space; Hotspot on planet in space: Hotspot on Shuttle in space: Hotspot on satellite in space:
I don't even know where to start as you have posted so many incredibly easy to debunk statements it is difficult to chose which one is the most rediculous. First of all you can't compare the manner in which LIGHT or PHOTONS both visible light and light the Human Eye's cannot detect such as Ultraviolet, Visible Light is just a small percentage of the entire SPECTRUM OF LIGHT both visible and non-visable to the Human Eye' directed and reflects or is absorbed dependent upon the material. You can't compare the Light generated by a FLASHLIGHT you aim at a Sphere with the Light generated by the Sun as the Sun directs light in all directions as a flashlight is designed to direct light in a narrow beam. You know is idiotic of me to even involve myself in this topic. AboveAlpha