It shows that you should not rely on your eyes. But if you do then it's the only subject of your personal religion and far away from science.
I'm convinced. My mind is blown. We need to get this published so we can help you earn a Nobel Prize. Well done. With the many supporting facts you provided who can doubt your assertion?
Science is your religion. I am not a follower of ANY religion. Maybe you should try experimenting, instead of accepting the dogma of Big Science, with that unshakeable Faith of yours.
Granted there is dogma in science, no doubt about that. But you are far beyond any dogma, and seem to have quite a bit in common with religion. For religion will not accept the discoveries of men much more intelligent than you are and the proof is there in the technology of the modern world, which you cannot on your best day(nor I for that matter) could ever create using the science that you do not believe in. You are not worthy(nor I) to even shine the boots of these superior men, in intellect. You need to perhaps need to consider something very important. You are basically claiming that thousands of scientists over a few hundred years are wrong, and only you and a scant few others, are right. What are the odds for that? LOL. All of the brilliant scientists over time would have to be in on this conspiracy that you see, and what are the chances of that? Since you will just dismiss, willy nilly, any and all evidence that contradicts your particular views, while not having the intellect to actually understand said evidence, doesn't this bother you at all? If a picture from space shows the earth as a globe, you will not accept the picture as being real, or you will say its trickery, or that a fish eye lens was used. Conspiracy theorists always have to move the goalposts, and it seems to me that you are no different. All of the questions you have raised can be answered logically, rationally, but you even will reject all of that, for you have to. Some people here think that you are just fooling around, but I have known people not that much different from you, and they could never be convinced that their views were just not only wrong, but ignorantly wrong. So no one can ever convince you of the facts. But it takes rationality, the ability to have it, that does that. You and some others just are lacking it is all. But I got to hand it to you, as being the biggest conspiracy theorist ever seen in my 75 years of life. You make the others look like amateurs. I am curious. What exactly do you think reality is, in so far as this world, the stars, the moon, the galaxies? What do all of those scientists have wrong, and why would they join in with your conspiracy? What is the point of it?
Why would you think a "hot spot" would appear on the moon. Your analogy is not comparable to the environment the moon exists in. Your entire argument is a logical fallacy. You welcome all "challengers", but even faced with facts you won't change your mind because you think you're always right and nothing anyone says will change that.
I want to give you a good natured and sincere warning. You above quoted post to me is a MISTAKE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. If it was not for my respect of the Mods you would experiece an occurance you would not enjoy. DO NOT MAKE THIS PERSONAL!!! Keep to that rule and I won't have to embarrass you. AboveAlpha
You know how keen my sense of Right, Wrong and the Billions Shades of Grey in betweeen...right? What he is doing is either a PERSONAL JOKE because I cannot believe ANYONE can possibly be this ill informed.....OR.....he id DEAD SERIOUS and that is even worse than playing a JOKE on all of us. AboveAlpha
I'd like to know that myself. What is it if it's not a sphere and WHY is there this truly huge conspiracy to deceive us all?
The Celestial Mechanics and Gravitational Calculations are enough by themselves to prove it is a sphere. AboveAlpha
No, it's because the source of light [sun] is very far ... take your soccer ball and bring it in a stadium, without artificial illumination. Do you see a "Hot spot" on the surface? No, because sun light is well diffused by the distance and by terrestrial atmosphere.
What are you driving at? Do you mean to claim that the moon, the stars, mathematics and logic are all conspiracy theories? Make yourself clear, or go away.
Quite simply the size of the moon compared to the Sun DOES make it so the sun is illuminating that cast surface evenly especially when you consider what the sun is putting out. You compare shining a flash light on the basketball. A flashlight by design is a spotlight and as such produces a "hotspot" like you mentioned and can be seen with the eye. However to do the experiment accurately you would need a sphere of light that produces more light than any flashlight could AND have it be about 400 times larger than the basketball. If you could do that, your eyes would not be able to distinguish a hotspot because it would be so bright and look even across the surface it was shining on. You should really read up on science, because right now you're comments look very very foolish.
The sun is not a flashlight, it is the lights on a room ceiling.....look for your little "Hot Spot" on a basketball oin the court. Your analogy is completely inaccurate and indicates a weak understanding of many basic things.
And it would have to be a conspiracy that could span hundreds of years, and fool every new brilliant brain that went into science. Is logic, mathematics, reason, rationality also a big part of this conspiracy? Well, it would have to be, right? Yet the principles that are conspiratorial, and therefore false, have given humanity this modern technological world. It would take much more to keep such a conspiracy going....for hundreds of thousands of scientists would have to be in on it, and that is so highly improbable as to be impossible. And then given all of this, we have one guy, validation boy, that somehow figured all of this out? What is the probability of that ? I think we have been far too amiable to this guy, but perhaps that is because most of us know that this sort of thing can only exist as some joke, a tale told by an idiot, and no one actually takes him seriously. You would have to do as he has done, and take a leave of your senses, and intelligence. This reminds me of the 3 year old, who might question his reality, for in his simplistic intellectual capacity has to be taught the facts of existence, as best that we know them, that has come from hundreds of years of inquiry, logic, reason, measurement, observation and so forth. Perhaps he will return and tell us his views of reality, so that we might try to see why he thinks as he does. For that might give us a clue as to whether he is a joker, a midnight toker, or actually serious. I wonder how he can logically explain away the fact that if you keep the same line of latitude, you can circumnavigate this globe and travel west to return to the same place you departed from? How would this be possible if not for a globe? And how could you logically infer anything but that? LOL Perhaps we are living on Nivens' Ringworld, built by Ringworld Engineers? Great sci fi book, BTW, and its main character was an interesting chap, Louis Wu, a wirehead later on, if I recall correctly. And Validation Boy's ideas would make for a great sci fi novel. It would be in one of the alternate universes though.
If I am following VB, he would say that our logic, reason, math, is of course utterly false, as well as most of natural law. We have been duped, but for what reason? He has mentioned the Masons, so perhaps they are somehow involved in this grand conspiracy? For some reason it seems they want to fool all of humanity, but what is the reason? To what ends?
I said something personal? Where, pray tell? I am not responsible if you take offense at the inoffensive.
I've never seen a more disgusting display of Science Worship in my life. Who funds these "thousands of Superior men" and who benefits from their fabrications? NASA pictures are infallable, so if I question ANY of them, its "moving the goalposts"?? Questioning the validity of items produced by those in power is by no means "moving the goalposts". You lack the ability to think critically, yet you accuse me of incompetence. Not sure if you've witnessed my enormous vocabulary, wit sharper than a razor, or keen ability to shut down every single argument thrown up at me. I indeed do make others look like amateurs. That's because I've seen it all, by choice. I lust for the downfall of this Freemasonic world order, brother. You pretty much need to pull your head out of the sand and come join the winning team. The "scant few" you speak of number in the millions, by the way. To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure we actually outnumber you people. You have never seen the curvature of the Earth. Do not lie and say you have. You have never seen the earth move. Do not lie and say you have. None of the evidences presented in opposition to my claims prove anything other than blind Faith in the realm of the unprovable, so yeah, I will continue to dismiss them willy nilly until they start looking even mildly plausible. The reason behind these huge "conspiracies" is a religious reason. I'm no Christian. However the Freemasons who are behind the fake science you so dearly adore do indeed worship a god of their own, and quite devoutly too. Ask one of them why they want us believing we are trapped on a meaningless ball, traveling through infinite emptiness, originating from a giant Orgasm called the big bang. Don't forget= they themselves claim that "something" cannot come from "nothing" on one hand, while simultaneously claiming the big bang was exactly that.....
...on the completely unfounded ASSUMPTION that gravity and Celestial mechanics are provable, which they have never been claimed to be, even by your own "heroes".
So "well diffused" that it reflects off the ocean in a perfectly straight beam, right up to the feet of the observer who is standing on the beach, huh? Next???
Nope. Logic and mathematics prove the Earth is Flat, the moon is not a sphere, and NASA makes up religious dogma to indoctrinate the mindless masses into believing we are meaningless and hopeless, as a race. Once again= Who Benefits??