Too many people remain in the dark, due to the low amount of exposure some of these great film works receive. These eye opening masterpieces are just a few of the "Must Sees" for anyone out there, earnestly seeking real knowledge. I believe watching these films can do nothing but help anyone who sees them. PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. 1. Psywar - The real battlefield is the mind 2. The Bull God of the Bible 3. September Clues 2008 (full movie) 4. The Other Israel 5. Kymatica 6. TerrorStorm (A.Jones) 7. End Game (A.Jones) 8. Athene's theory of everything 9. Holographic Universe workshops (5 part series) 10. SandyHoaxed 2nd Edition
I haven't seen September Clues but I hear it puts forth the "No Plane" theory about 9/11. That's a disinfo ploy to try to make the truth movement look bad. Real truthers believe that planes hit the towers. (7:20 time mark) Two good documentaries on 9/11 that aren't disinfo are, "Painful Deceptions", and "9/11 Mysteries". Here's a good movie that would never play in American cinemas. "Battle of Algiers (1966)" Here's another. "Ice (1969_R.Kramer)"
another good one that should be mentioned iin there is THE OBAMA DECEPTION. mainly because it talks about the real reason Kennedy was killed and tells the truth that he was our last REAL president we had because he wasnt a puppet for the establishment.
Now I know you don't know what you're posting about...So, you think the Sandy Hook Massacre was a hoax? Are you really that daft?
Actually there's no evidence proving it happened. There's a bunch of Hollywood magic and camera trickery, but there's no tangible physical evidence of a shooting, or of the alleged murder victims ever having even existed. Photoshop, fake names, editing, and there's your Sandy Hoax.
Just my way of pointing out that all of the films you have suggested would be a waste of bandwidth to download. Not a one of them was produced by a totally rational person.
That's a new one on me, but I hardly see what it has to do with the topics at hand. As for the other films, can you name one that was not produced by a drooling lunatic? Edited to report that I have done a search. Oy! More investigations of unicorn poo.
Looks like some people simply Love their Fiction, nothing wrong with that, so long as they know that it IS Fiction.
Wow, you'll believe anything, huh? Let me ask you a simple question....if this is such an obvious hoax, then why hasn't someone from ANY of the papers in the area written an a series of articles to expose this hoax? Every investigative reporter, worth their chops, is out to win a Pulitzer? Why hasn't ANYONE come forward to make themselves rich exposing this "hoax"? Fake names?...what fake names? Explain the children brought to the hospital who died? Explain the teacher brought to the hospital who survived? Explain what the first responders (town police, state police and local EMS) ...explain what they saw? Explain the Lanza family weapons found in the school? Explain why NO ONE in the town has stepped forward to expose the families as "fake"?
Because this thread is about Films, I feel I should recommend you check out "SandyHoaxed 2nd Edition". This film addresses all your questions.
I dont have to. I live in Ct....two towns from Newtown. I know 2 of the first responders (being that my father was in law enforcement)...Lt. Paul Vance is a family friend so, I can tell people are completely full of (*)(*)(*)(*).
Yeah. Because you were THERE, and you actually WITNESSED the event in person, right? Just stop with the blind submissive obedience, bro.
The people who report the accepted narrative were. Whackadoodles who told you it was a hoax were not. Just stop with the blind submissive obedience, bro.
I keep an open mind, but not open wide enough to let a bunch of whacktards like the producers of those films to dump a truckload of compost into it.
These films can only add to your knowledge. I don't see how that could harm you. Wouldn't you rather know MORE information, than know LESS information? Don't be ridiculous.
After the second outright lie or example of smoking-in-the-paint-locker stupidity, I tend to not want to sit through another hour of anything.