Attempts at communication that are factually, logically, and demonstrably incorrect are not information at all. You don't promote watching radio static as the collection of information, do you?
I recommend you watch "PsyWar - The real battlefield is the mind". Then I'll start taking you slightly seriously. Until then, you're just another angry dude, misdirecting hostility at the wrong people, for the wrong reasons. I never attacked anyone in the OP, but all I'm seeing is a bunch of closed minded hatred and vitriolic ignorance being fired at me like its the end of the world, or something.
People who place arbitrary conditions on internet conversations are often disappointed. I don't need to meet any of your conditions to participate in the conversation here. Also, please directly reference the "hatred, and vitrolic ignorance" in my previous post. There is none, and there are none. Therefore "hatred and vitriolic ignorance" is not "all [you're] seeing." Please note your use of hasty generalizations. It's a common fallacy employed by people who construct conspiracy theories. 1. I am not angry. 2. I did not post hatred or vitriol. 3. I did not direct hostility toward you. 4. I never made reference to the end of the world. These all appear to be attempts to discredit a poster's character, rather than address the poster's statements of fact. In other words, the statements you made on these subjects seem to accurately fit your own complaint of misdirection of hostility at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Now back to the point. Incorrect statements are not information. It does no one a service to learn logically inconsistent, factually incorrect, and demonstrably false data. I think you should address your standard to test this data you want us to review for consistency and accuracy. As of the moment, it appears to be: "Does this new information support or refute my position that interdenominational beings manipulate reality to control humanity?" I suggest that standard allows you to accept information that the majority of rational people would reject as contradictory with reality. In common language, this is called a delusion.
Autocorrect got me. In review, I believe you have stated that all these conspiracy theories you promote are the work of inter-dimensional beings, and not interdenominational beings as the typo suggests.
You obviously find my posts intriguing. Otherwise, you wouldn't put so much effort and energy into your responses. The interdimensional beings thing was just one of many speculations I've researched. And the fact that you focus so hard on whatever I'm saying on any given day is flattering. You may not have directed vitriole at me, this time, but the latent anger is quite conspicuously present in your posts to me. You can butter it up, candy coat it, smokescreen it, but I see how the things I say burrow deep under your skin. That's the exact validation I seek, get, and revel in. I'm here to rearrange the thought patterns of strangers, and I often succeed.
It happens to the best of us. I probably wouldn't have noticed. I definitely know what it is that you're meaning to say.
I find the pathology of conspiracy theorists interesting. It doesn't take much focus or thought to discuss the flaws in your arguments. Your arguments are driven by ideology, and thus are blind to basic logic and reason. The contradictions are both obvious, and copious. There's other aspects of the posts that are plainly observed as well. I'll get into that below. Another common line of argument by folks that follow ideology rather than observation and logic. Your evidence is fake but you still assert your conclusions are accurate. These types of statements are commonly made by people who have difficulty making attachments often due to deficiencies in self esteem and adequacy. To cope, they invent delusions to externalize this disability. Rather than seeking to foster healthy attachments, they poison the prospects of healthy attachments, and then heap the blame on the external forces that they vilify. In order to build their esteem they create alternate realities for themselves in which they are kings, scholars, intellectuals, etc and picture themselves as above those that they feel inadequate towards. It's a vicious circle, because the more inadequate they feel, the more convoluted and illogical the fantasy becomes, which deepens the feelings of inadequacy every time they are faced with the actual world that exists outside of their delusion. They isolate themselves from that reality, and the result becomes theories of interdimensional beings that control the horizontal and the vertical on the picture tube that plays out as reality on the TV screens of their minds.
I have a big shaft, I'm the best musician in my county, I make about $17/hr, and have a gorgeous goddess of a girlfriend. I'm not feeling all too inadequate, my stalker friend. I'm feeling quite confident, which is why I post thought provoking material on PF. Get a grip on yourself. Stop projecting, shorty. See the pattern? I create, you guys come along like scavengers and try try try. Yet I come again the next day, never phased by your jealousies, to great even more. And repeat.
All you have done is present a playlist of films concocted out of something like modeling clay, but offensive-smelling, by lunatics and liars. Too bad if we take an attitude of scorn for those works. They are all trash. Not a one of those films presents a coherent theory in a believable manner, nor are the experts the mental giants you imagine them. Marrs is a lunatic, Nelson and Jayhan are liars and Stubblebine is an unethical sleazebag and probably senile.
Actually, I count myself fortunate not to have been trapped into the superstitious crap that scum like Jayhan and Nelson and the rest of that lot have been selling.
I certainly do see a pattern. Freud would smirk at a post like this. Something I said threatened your ego, so you attempt to defend the ego by boasting about the size of your genitals. You try to impress with empty claims of wealth and virility. (Weak ones at that. $17 an hour, really? Am I supposed to be awed by a 35k a year job?) You imagine that I'm obsessed with you because I communicated with you. It's definitely a pattern of defense. Despite Freud, emotional satisfaction is not measured by the length of your wang or how much money you have in your wallet.
Well, its long been established that my intellect and thought processes are superior to yours. I thought I'd point out some other things about me you may be able to relate to. And since you did the math on my wages, I can see that I do earn more than you. I'm just not feeling all too inadequate.
And you were to say that it was fake? And you are just a parrot of conspiracy theories. You are a mindless contrarian. That might be the funniest thing you've ever said. The ignorant don't see the harm of their ignorance. No one cares about your need to justify yourself and your need to brag. LOL....oh, you're serious?! Let me laugh harder! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Obviously you're enamored with my postings. All this does is show me how deep I've burrowed under your thin skin. I never said anything to you, but you JUST HAD to say something to me. I consider you simply a Validation Boy Follower on this site. Because you repeat this juvenile behavior pattern at least twice per month. Go self project, and cry to someone else, tater tot.
Lol wait!! I just remembered that this is all coming from the little stooge who joined a "men's" club that tries to use Luciferian Witchcraft to get an advantage over other people in life. Ha! What a f×××××× tool bag, bro. How's that Satan worship lifestyle coming along for ya? How pathetic and weak would a man have to be? So funnnny.
Actually I was just bored and your ignorance is entertaining. argu Little stooge? Pffft. Like you know where I stand in Freemasonry. And no, Freemasonry has nothing to do with "Luciferian Witchcraft" nor getting an advantage over others. Everything I get in life is a result of my merit, my hard work. I could walk circles around you lil man, but if you want to argue this I have a thread on Freemasonry already. You must be looking in a mirror. I've never worshiped Satan. I worship Christ. Versus the guy who has to demean a group he has no knowledge about.
You've proven, by your actions, to be little more than a PF follower of Validation Boy. And guess what? Your Christ and your Lucifer are the same pagan deity, satanist. Freemasons make me laugh. You guys can sit in your little treehouse and Ask each other "What's the secret password?" as much as you want. It doesn't mean you have integrity. You stooges trade each other handouts to get better slave jobs. Ooooh. So dignified. Pathetic and defeatist, to any rational persons perspective. Hate to break it to you, but Freemasons are Losers. Capital L. And you started that thread so you could get off on how "secret" your stupid little cult of naked dudes is. Complete oxymoron. So you're either lying, or incompetently in violation of the "code" of your sausage club.'ve only been year and a half, I've been on PF for five and a half years. Don't flatter yourself, responding to your posts is but a tiny fraction of my 11,000+ posts. Like I said, you have no idea of what Freemasonry is really about. Now if you could only prove it. And you are not a rational person. Luckily this is only your opinion and it's an ignorant one. I did? Huh...I thought I started it for an open discussion. Naked dudes? LOL Your immaturity and stupidity is astounding. Nothing I've said or posted is a lie nor does it violate any oath I've taken. Like I said, you know (*)(*)(*)(*) regarding Masonry...well, and a whole host of things, and I could walk circles around you.
Lol. You follow ME around on PF. Not the other way around, follower. And why did you join your sad little club? Oh, that's right.. So you could feel special and pretend you're part of something elite. How defeated and hopeless you must have felt to have joined. Greed and materialism paying off yet, satanist?
Simmer down Kanye. I respond to several threads, not just yours. I'm not a member of a sad little club. Now, I joined Freemasonry as I found them interesting from a historical standpoint and I liked the philanthropic aspect of it as well. I fell upon Freemasonry down in NOLA and decided to research them. I read countless books on Masons, by Masons, and against Masons, and it was probably another year and a half before I joined. Once I joined I enjoyed the rituals, ceremonies, and symbolism as well as the camaraderie. It's been a great journey and I've never regretted it once, that's why I stay as involved as I do and have joined the groups I have. Not at all. This speaks volumes of your character or lack thereof as you are projecting and showing that you only see clubs as a means of advancing yourself and your interests. Not at all. The night I was initiated was a great night and I will never forget it. Freemasonry is not about greed or materialism. Like in this case, Freemasonry is often the antithesis of what it is accused of being, but those making the accusations are often ignorant of what Freemasonry really is. You continue to prove that you are a conspiracy theorist parrot who is not looking for opposing thought, but would rather have a bunch of ass kissing sycophants, "yes men" who mindlessly agree with what you say. And I'm not a satanist and he does not have any relevance in Freemasonry.
Nobody agrees with me. Yet I have the gumption to persist, daily. And isn't it so ironic that a Freemason is sitting here trying to squash information that exposes Freemasons and other satanists for their evil belief systems? You couldn't be more obvious. I personally don't have the desperate urge to Fit In and Conform, like you do. That's because I have emotional strength, while those who do not join treehouse style clubs centered around secret "symbolism and rituals". Sorry, but several of my "conspiracy theories" as you love dubbing them, draw zero agreement from anyone on PF. Not even other CT minded people grasp the magnitude of what I say. And I know all about the stupid symbols and nature paganism of your sausage club. Still not sure why you even respond to my threads. You can clearly see that Validation Boy starts the thread. If you hate it so much, then ignore it. But you can't, cause I'm amazing, and you envy my originality and deeply intriguing perspective. If I were to join your ridiculous password club, I'd probably shoot to 20th degree on day 1. I research all the same crap, too. I know what you tools are into. I just forego the satanism, cause its not productive to worship pathetic man made deities designed to prey on the weak.
That's because you are a contrarian. It's not ironic. I'm pointing out false information and the absurdity and stupidity of some conspiracy theorists. I've always stood by truth. It's not me who posts countless pointless threads trying to convince others. Conspiracy theorists are the desperate in particular, everything is a hoax to you. You demean, you bully, and you lie ceaselessly. Who cares? Yes, yes, you're oh-so-clever and witty. Everyone is an idiot compared to you. Well, from what I've seen posted by you, I disagree. Boredom. Wow...there's nothing original about you. LOL Narcissistic much? Hubris much? If you really did, you'd realize there's nothing wrong with Freemasonry.
So, we're both bored, and that's why we do what we do on PF. At least I'm on here, creating. You're just on here, pompously attempting to pass judgement on other, more creative peoples stuff. Is that even fun, bro? Sounds lame.