The Word of God and the True Message of Christ

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Heretic, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I have obtained the True Message of Christ.


    Sacrifice is the most important message of God and Christ. This separated Christ from all the other religious and spiritual prophets of the ages. Christ, born from the Virgin Mary with the blood of God in Him, made human and flesh, was granted FREE WILL as all man is granted by God. With this mix of FREE WILL and God's Flesh made REAL, Christ realized that His Sacrifice must take place. And this was Chosen by God, and Christ, a mutual decision. This choice was made on behalf of HUMANITY, and the freeing of man from the clutches of Satan, evil, and SIN.

    The cost of human misery, SIN, is SACRIFICE. The world today has forgotten that for every SIN committed by ALL MEN, there is an equal and opposite, reactionary SACRIFICE. Think about the physical and scientific Law of Conservation of Energy. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every SIN there is an equal and opposite SACRIFICE. The Western world has forgotten about SACRIFICE, and therefore, Christianity and western people have fallen out of FAVOR in the eyes of God. We have lost all sense of GOODNESS and GREATNESS.

    The price of SIN, without SACRIFICE, is ETERNAL DAMMNATION.

    The time for SACRIFICE has come.


    Christ taught a radical message, LOVE THINE ENEMY. What does this mean? If a man strikes you, then do not strike him back. Accept his HATE. Accept his EVIL. ENDURE the SINS of others. This is the second most important message from Christ LORD OF ALL MEN. A TRUE CHRISTIAN endures a heavy burden in life. Therefore, all TRUE CHRISTIANS are strong men. A man who follows CHRIST, bears a burden of responsibility that spiritually weak men will never recognize or feel proud about. As Christ walked with the CROSS upon His shoulders, toward His crucifixion, He knew His fate ahead. But still He walked forward, knowingly, and choosingly. He demonstrated an unrivaled SPIRITUAL strength, to this day, has never become met by any other flesh and blood man.

    NO MAN has ever matched or surpassed the STRENGTH of Christ, to accept SIN, to accept SACRIFICE, and to CHOOSE all of this for the sake and GOODNESS of all other men. How many FALSE CHRISTIAN, NEW TESTAMENT BLASPHEMERS are there out there? How many men who call themselves "Christian", are even willing or knowing to Turn the Other Cheek? If a criminal stabs you, then do not strike him back. If a man comes to murder you, then do not stop him. If a man steals your shirt, then give it to him.

    A man cannot take what is not owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you believe you OWN your shirt, your blood, your life??? You do NOT! You do not own these things! You do not own your wife. You do not own your children. You do not own your property. You do not own your body. You do not own yourself or your life. What makes you believe that you OWN anything? You do not!

    A man can only own his own SOUL!!! This is the message of Christ. All that a man can possibly OWN in life is His own eternal existence, in life and in death. A man who accepts this, as Christ has walked this Path and proved it possible, would not fear DEATH. Such a man would fear LIFE of the miser, and the unworthy, and the purposelessness. A man owns NOTHING except His own soul! Therefore, no crime can become threatened against a man. A criminal cannot steal what is not owned. A murderer cannot kill what is not owned. A man does not own his women, his possessions, his own life. This is the true message behind "Turn the Other Cheek". This message is one of SPIRITUAL OWNERSHIP.

    This second message is one of RESPONSIBILITY.

    Western society has lost its sense of RESPONSIBILITY along with its sense of SACRIFICE.


    The Third Message of Christ is JUDGMENT. Let he who is without SIN, cast the first stone! Christ was against HYPOCRISY. He was against those who judge other men carelessly! A man cannot judge another, lest he judge himself first. This demands evaluating YOURSELF first, before accusing others of SIN.

    But this does not mean "JUDGE NO ONE"!!!! Christ does not say "JUDGE NO ONE". So New Testament BLASPHEMERS, FALSE CHRISTIANS, who say "Only God can judge me", are committing an error and blunder. NO! Other men, TRUE CHRISTIANS, do have the RIGHTEOUSNESS to judge you! And you will become judged, by both men and God in the House of Judgment. Upon all of our deaths, we will all face ETERNAL JUDGMENT by our lives, our sins, and our sacrifices.

    NEW TESTAMENT FALSE CHRISTIANS excuse worthless lives of hedonism, and hide behind the "ALL COMPASSION" of Christ. This is WRONG! This is not the true message of Christ! While it is true that the mercy and compassion of Christ was INFINITE, this does not mean what people commonly believe and say, currently.

    If a woman commits murder, ABORTION, then another woman who has committed abortion cannot judge her. This does NOT mean that other people cannot pass judgment. We can, and we must. We must judge women who commit abortion, MURDER. We must judge them, because we ought to show these women that murder is WRONG, and these women WILL GO TO HELL! This is a TRUE CHRISTIAN OBLIGATION, a duty, a RESPONSIBILITY!

    A woman is no less a criminal than a man is a criminal. A woman who stabs a man, or murders a child, is no less a crime than a man who stabs another man, or murders a child, right?! Yes, it is obvious! God's JUDGMENT is beyond man. So while we cannot say much about the eternal fate of murderers and criminals, we can speak and judge people ACCORDINGLY to life. Man lives in the realm of LIFE. God lives within life and BEYOND LIFE. God's JUDGMENT is for all time, for all people, and for all existence.

    Western society has forgotten how to JUDGE OTHERS, and judge FAIRLY.

    Western society has fallen to HYPOCRISY. This is ANTI-CHRIST, ANTI-CHRISTIAN!
  2. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Where is your scriptural backing for these statements?
  3. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    The mouth of Christ.
  4. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Could you perhaps provide some quotes?
  5. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I do not appease unbelievers.

    It is not my duty to convert you to the Word of God or give you the impression that your measly doubts, and Satan worshiping, deserves any recognition or fame.

    If you want to KNOW GOD, then SEEK HIM yourself! Otherwise contribute to this message, or go away.
  6. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    A MYTH! How do you know?
  7. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Even the pagan religions called for sacrifice to appease the gods or god.
  8. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Translation: "I do not want to show poeple that I have never actually read the Bible."
  9. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Translation: "I am just another atheist/zionist troll, like Wolverine, who trolls TRUE CHRISTIANS without attempting to understand any aspect of God or Christianity. I reject that Christ existed and will always reject Christian truths, no matter how much evidence is piled in front of my face. My main goal in life is to believe in Satan, disbelieve God, and troll Christians on political forum. My life is meaningless, purposeless, has no moral compass, no values. Everything is culturally relative, and morals are subjective, not objective. Christ is not the enforcer of the Golden Rule, the ethical basis which atheists and secularists COPY from TRUE CHRISTIANS, to this day."
  10. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Wow. Okay. So Jesus says that those without sin can cast judgement. Are you without sin?
  11. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    If you are going to accuse others of ignoring "reality" you might not want to be the guy who claims that atheists made up Confucius.

    BTW, you'd have to be an idiot to think that atheists believe in Satan. If atheists believed in Satan, they wouldn't be atheists by any definition of atheism.

    Oh, and I do have objective morality and it is superior to anything put forward by Christians.
  12. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Dairyair knows the answer to this question, Dairyair, want to answer this one for me?

    Have I ever claimed to be "without SIN"??????????

    - - - Updated - - -

    Your atheist religion is unreal. There is no reality without GOD.

    No, just, no............
  13. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Simple fact: Confucius spoke about the Golden Rule centuries before Christ. That is reality.

    If you reject it, then you are living in a fantasy world.

    Translation: "I can't counter your argument."
  14. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Why don't you just answer the question with a simple "yes" or "no"? Are you incapable of typing either of those words?
  15. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    The Golden Rule has its root and origin in CHRISTIANITY and GOD, not Confuscions. The Chinese are cultureless heathens. They have no significant civilization comparable to those civilizations touched by GOD.

    All the Chinese can do is COPY western technology and society. The Chinese copy and emulate culture. They are similar to the atheist religion. The atheist religion also COPIES TRUE CHRISTIANITY. Atheism models itself after the morality and ethics of TRUE CHRISTIANITY, but wants to reject God and Christ. Atheists do not accept SACRIFICE. This is why atheism is a heathen, degenerate religion, like Eastern religions.
  16. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Quite on the contrary. He knows that you just used Christ's word to directly contradict the lies he told in the OP.

    Therefore, he is trying to deflect.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How exactly did the Chinese copy something hundreds of years before you claim it was invented?
  17. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I don't repeat myself for those who can't read, won't read my posts, and won't accept what I say.

    But, I will do you favor just this once, since I am such a GOOD CHRISTIAN and forgiving....I'm compassionate.

    So i will repeat myself just once...

    I AM A SINNER. I HAVE SINNED in the past. However, I work for forgiveness that only GOD can grant me and my soul. I have SINNED. And I can only HOPE for my forgiveness. I REPENT, unlike FALSE CHRISTIANS and atheists. Repentance puts me apart from people like you. People like you, atheists, will never understand what "REPENTANCE" means or "FORGIVENESS". Atheists are not sorry for the crimes and evils they commit. Atheists are proud of evil.

    Secondly, one sin does not apply against a different sin. If I steal cars, and this is my SIN, then I can still JUDGE a man who is a murderer. Because I have NOT COMMITTED THE SIN OF MURDER! Christ was against HYPOCRISY, but not against JUDGING OTHERS.

    If a woman has an abortion, murder, then I can JUDGE HER, because I have murdered nobody myself.

    Christ does not mean "FREE FROM ALL SIN", He meant that people cannot judge others for their own HYPOCRISY.

    Therefore, if I am a car thief, then I cannot judge another CAR THIEF of his stealing. I cannot condemn a man who has committed the same crime as me.

    That is ALL THAT IT MEANS! That is what Christ meant by "Cast not the first stone, lest ye be without SIN". He didn't mean "NO SIN WHATSOEVER". This is just stupid. This is a NEW TESTAMENT BLASPHEMY and lie, a complete blunder. It's senseless.

    Christ almost certainly did not believe that any man is "without SIN" completely or perfectly. If a man is NEAR TO PERFECT and without SIN, then he is closer to CHRIST as a man, and closer to GOD.

    That is why TRUE CHRISTIANS repent. We want to become CLOSER TO GOD, not farther away from HIM.

    Atheists WANT TO BE far away from GOD. Because atheists hate GOD.
  18. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Because you believe in Atheist History, not true world history.

    In TRUE world history, the Chinese actually copied the "Golden Rule" from Christianity. It's obvious. Look at China, as a society. Do they look like a society who creates? No. All they do is COPY. They have little or no creative ability. It's obvious that their morals come from CHRIST.
  19. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Can you post sources to back you and that show that Confucius did not make the statements that he made and were recorded hundreds of years before Christ supposedly said them?

    No you can't. You will just come back in this thread and say something along the lines of the voices in your head tell you that it is false so you are going to believe them instead of reality.

    BTW, who invented gunpowder? After, all the Chinese don't invent anything, right?
  20. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    You're just a historical revisionist, who hates his own culture, society, and religion, and wants to misplace credit and truth where it's due.

    The Chinese did NOT invent gunpowder. They did not create the GOLDEN RULE. This is just stupid.

    You want proof? Look at China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All they do is COPY European and American society. That's ALL they do!!!!! And you actually convince yourself, with your historical revisionism, and your political and religious slant, that these people CREATED the bedrocks of OUR society????

    Did the Chinese also invent the nuclear bomb???????????????????????

    Did the Chinese also first step on the moon????????????????

    To atheists, any stupidity is possible.
  21. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There are only two choices.
    You are an accomplished troll and sit at home and giggle as people respond earnestly to your satirical posts, or
    you are actually and demonstrably unhinged and will probably become a danger to yourself and others.
  22. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Yeah... Your point is contradicted by the context of the saying "he who is without sin cast the first stone." He said this to a bunch of men judging a woman for adultery, correct? So you're saying that all of those men committed adultery which is why they couldn't judge the woman?
  23. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    It would serve you well to check sources before you go shooting off your trap:

    Hardly. If they copied European and American society they would be in shambles.

    This does not sound anything like whats happening in America or Europe.

    And this is the exact reason you get treated the way you do. When all else fails resort to name calling and insults. Do us all a favor. Next time you have a thought, let it go.
  24. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Exactly, though H will say that is correct, when the point of the story is that all have committed some kind of sin, so don't judge others for theirs.
    What would be more interesting as a response would be to recognize that in the oldest manuscripts known to man, this story does not appear anywhere. It apparently was an addition to scripture by a scribe somewhere down the line after the original autographs were produced. Why it was done is a matter of speculation, but the fact the story was not included in the earliest manuscripts is not. It wasn't included.
    Great story though. One of the best in scripture, and most influential and controversial.
  25. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    If Christ meant "Let he who is without ALL SIN" then He would have said "ALL SIN".

    He did not say "ALL SIN". He said "SIN". The point is made as a general point, to the whole crowd.

    And actually, men were very promiscuous then. So promiscuous men judging a promiscuous woman IS A HYPOCRISY!!!!!!! You don't know the exact context, I do.

    Adulterers cannot judge another adulterer of adultery. This is the point.

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