There is no real issues with Obamacare

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by tkolter, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    "Now that's the ultimate stupidity. The words of a complete idiot." So how many years have you worked in Health Care Administration and dealt with Medicaid, Medicare and Private Insurance companies? I venture no experience in the field at all. I post factual information and comment from my own experience. While you, as most progressives only attack factual comments without providing any facts to back up what you post. Just what information I posted do you have proof is inaccurate?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Mr. Truth is anything but truthful.
  2. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Contrary to the delusionalism of the right wing, Obamacare is working and many more are enrolling in health care:

    "Obama administration officials said last night they are still on track to sign up 7 million people in new coverage by March 31, the close of open enrollment, as originally projected by the Congressional Budget Office. "We expect the bulk of enrollment will occur at the end of the enrollment period," said Michael Hash, director of the Office of Health Reform.

    Overall, counting signups through the 14 states running their own websites as well as through, nearly 365,000 consumers have selected health plans -- nearly a third of them in California. An additional 803,000 have been found eligible for Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for the poor."

    Thus, the so called five million "loses" are people converting to new and improved coverage.
  3. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    If they're 'converting' why aren't they being counted?

    5.9 million have lost their ins, but less than 200,000 have signed up. How do you explain that?

    Did you see Krauthammer slam PBS yesterday? They're nothing but Obama mouthpieces... obviously.
  4. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Here's a site that tells the real story.

    Americans are suffering while libs are celebrating. Very sad.
  5. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Here's a site that tells the REAL story contrary to the lies of the far right delusionals:

    Week 12 Obamacare enrollments - including Medicaid Expansion - now exceeeds 5.2 million

    Pulling together numbers on Obamacare enrollments is a complicated business because of different sources and different methodologies and different definitions of 'enrollment'. Actual enrollment into an insurance plan doesn't happen until the first premium is paid and given that benefits wouldn't start until January 1st 2014 there is little incentive to pay before December 15th. The enrollment numbers of people who have completed all of the steps, including paying the first premium, won't be available until January and have to come from the insurance companies themselves.

    The most consistent, careful and trustworthy compilation of people that have gone through the process and qualified for enrollment appears to be done by a blogger by the name of Brainwrap.

    He/she has been posting a weekly update and has links to each states numbers.

    It is possible that there is some duplication of numbers but it is certain that many of the numbers haven't been updated during the time when people going through the improved website has undergone significant increase in volume.

    His latest numbers:

    Private Enrollments 1,389,000

    Medicaid Expansion/SCHIP 3,888,000

    Total 5,277,000

    His spreadsheet with links to his source material here:

    Bad news for the "politically correct" right wingers. Good news for the patriotic majority. :flagus:
  6. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    My fav site for the REAL story. Obamacare's own facebook page. Dont have to read far to see how many Americans are suffering. Seems to be music to the ears of the left. Guess they enjoy seeing people suffering... as long as its not them.

    Heres one from today...

    John Tullock
    I tried over 20 times . The website was screwed up the entire time . I finally gave up . So now I guess your going to fine me . Awesome , that's awesome !! I got laid off , went thru a divorce with my exwife ,and I also been fighting in a custody battle for my son for almost 3 years against my sons mother . But you expect me to come up with $500 a month for insurance or pay a fine . Its so awesome that the government knows what's best for us young people in our individual lives at this time .Like(*)·(*)31(*)·(*)Reply(*)·(*)4 hours ago
  7. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    There are subsidies. And you can submit a paper application or go through a navigator.
  8. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    You should go to their fb page and read the stories. .. then you'd feel silly for even saying that
  9. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    How can anyone be so stupid to think that the ACA has saved anyone yet?

    Are you really using a FACEBOOK PAGE as a legitimate source to back up your claims? REALLY? No wait, you used TWO FACEBOOK PAGES!! That's hilarious! And the HUFFINGTON POST??? So your best sources are facebook pages and a liberal rag?

    The ACA has only signed up 450,000 yet THOUSANDS PER DAY are saved??? Damn, those were some sick ass people signing up! They must have had a heart attack trying to get the website to work! LOL
  10. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Quite the contrary, those who deny the truth about these testimonials are the stupid ones with their brains up their butts.

    And here's more bad news for the angry America hating right wing delusionals who want to see Americans die from lack of health care:

    Six million and counting!

    The numbers are climbing every day - lives being saved, Republicans crying while patriots are rejoicing!
  11. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Pure divorce from reality.

    Even if the GOP takes the House and Senate, Obama still has the veto.
    If the the GOP wants to fight to take money away from states, let them, that will just make them irrelevant even faster.
    ObamaCare will only be replaced, it will not be repealed so we can start over.
    And it will only be replaced with something that the people want, which is more, not less health care.
    Single payer will replace ObamaCare some day, until then small corrections and tweaks will be needed, the sooner congress starts doing it's job, the better for the country.
  12. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    SCOTUS never said the government can't reward states for ACA participation they cannot under the ruling cut Medicaid funding, I'm just saying give a good bump for Federal discretionary funding and contracts to states that signed up we can say 15 points and let the states opt in or not.

    And states who need funding can do this take it from indigent care funding to hospitals and require counties divert county health funds from indigent care programs to some degree to Medicaid, there you go. If people get Medicaid then why keep funding for indigent care at the same levels this could be budget neutral so easily. In Florida 800k people would get Medicaid under the expansion that is 800k not needing indigent care and hospitals would get fixed income from care provided now they usually must write that debt off. Expansion makes business sense for states.

    And may I mention neither party wants the ACA to go away, the GOP was never really for smaller government if it was they would never have rammed the REAL ID law and databases all over into a national ID system or did other things like the Patriot Act. Get real national control of health care is one goal of the government on both sides and its going to happen and there is to much money around to ignore the power of big business to use their leverage to hold votes.
  13. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Stunning new report undermines central GOP Obamacare claim

    A crucial GOP line of attack against the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is that millions of people will supposedly lose coverage thanks to shifting requirements on the health insurance exchanges — a flagrant violation of President Obama’s infamous “if you like your plan, you can keep it” proclamation. The truth has always been more complicated, of course. Republicans are constantly blurring the line between people who lose a plan and people who lose coverage. That is, many people might lose a particular insurance plan but immediately be presented with other options.

    Now, a new report from the minority staff of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has destroyed the foundation of that particular GOP claim. It projects that only 10,000 people will lose coverage because of the ACA and be unable to regain it — or in other words, 0.2 percent of the oft-cited 5 million cancellations statistic.

    The report starts with an assumption that 4.7 million will receive cancellation notices about their 2013 plan. (Notably it doesn’t endorse that figure, just takes it on for the sake of argument.) But of those, who will get a new plan?

    According to the report, half of the 4.7 million will have the option to renew their 2013 plans, thanks to an administrative fix this year.
    Of the remaining 2.35 million individuals, 1.4 million should be eligible for tax credits through the marketplaces or Medicaid, according to the report.
    Of the remaining 950,000 individuals, fewer than 10,000 people in 18 counties will lack access to an affordable catastrophic plan.

    “This new report shows that people will get the health insurance coverage they need, contrary to the dire predictions of Republicans,” said Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the ranking committee member. “Millions of American families are already benefiting from the law.”

    The report is somewhat speculative, of course, since there is no central repository of data on the individual health insurance market. But the methods are clear, and the onus is now on Republicans to explain why it isn’t true.

    As we’ve noted, Republicans have had an awful hard time finding people who completely lost coverage because of the ACA. (Think of the man who starred in Americans for Prosperity ads last week and whose story still hasn’t been fully explained.) Perhaps it’s because there just aren’t that many of them.

    Of course, there’s no doubt that for those 10,000 people, the health-care law left them worse off than before. And by no means is the rocky political ride over for Democrats — back-end problems still present a serious threat to implementation. But as is sadly too often the case, the arguments made by Republicans simply lack a firm factual basis — and deserve much more scrutiny that they’ve received in many sectors of the mainstream press.

    Contrary to the lies of the pro-death delusional far right MILLIONS of Americans are benefiting from ACA.

    :flagus: :flagus: :flagus:
  14. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Maybe you should study history, and how this country works before posting.

    Yes, Obama does have veto power, but with the GOP controlling both the House and Senate they will push a host of bills that follow the Conservative agenda. It will be a dare to veto them all strategy. One of these bills will be a fundamental change to Obamacare. Further, Obama still has to work on his own agenda. So, something will take place that has not happened since Obama took office. It is called compromise. If you want "A" you have to give me "B".

    Also, if Obama did veto a change to Obamacare, then the Congress and Senate could still override the veto with a 2/3rds vote in both houses. Remember this is a highly unpopular law. Once the GOP gains control of both houses, the remaining DNC members will separate themselves from the extremist Presidential agenda.

    Two points. One, if the GOP gains control of both houses then they will prove that they are still relevant. Two, no one is talking about taking money away from the states. Obamacare pays 100% the “expansion costs” for the first three years. In 2017, that percentage drops to 95%. In 2020, that drops to 90%. If the program is not extended, then in 2022 that percentage drops to the standard 50%. So, this program does not put money into the state's pockets. It forces them to pay out millions of dollars in additional cost.

    The rest of your post just shows how uninformed that you are. Show me a poll where people state that they want a single payer system. The only polls that I can find that supports your claim was from 2009. Of course that was before the Obamacare roll out debacle. I would be willing to bet that the majority of Americans do not want to put our healthcare in the hands of our inept government.
  15. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    The repeal of ObamaCare wouldn't get voted on in the Senate unless you find 60 votes there, so Obama won't have to veto anything.
    They can shut down the government, stop paying military pensions, close the VA, Obama won't flinch, because they'll just be putting Democratic majority in place in 2016.

    So it's not taking money away from the states? What do you call 50% reimbursement, chopped liver?
    And in politics, 2022 is the 25th century, it's way to far in the distance to affect 2016.
    And between now and then you're talking about billions in 100% and then 95% and then 90% reimbursement. BILLIONS.
    That is called taking money away from states, and the states that take that money will be a lot better off than the states who don't.
    Thanks GOP....
    I don't expect you to understand how to read polls, but even today at it's nadir, the % of people who support ObamaCare PLUS the percentage of people who oppose ObamaCare because it doesn't go far enough, adds up to a majority.
    Most people want health care reform, and they will get it, ObamaCare is just a step, just like child labor laws were a step towards time and a half for overtime.
    ObamaCare is keeping with the bigger cultural trends that are happening in the US.
    I mean it was unthinkable that we could even get health care legislation in the US 40 years ago, today it's the law.
    We aren't going back, this is a progressive country.
  16. Defender of Freedom

    Defender of Freedom Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    So far, all I've seen is progressives dividing and destroying the American economy. The website is a failure and the law is a failure and will eventually end as a single-payer system like Canada. Waiting periods, doctor shortages, and medical bills will increase as quality and affordability decrease. This is a pure socialist redistribution policy that only ends in poverty. You say you can name thousands of success stories, but i can name over 6 million failure stories. New study says that over 6 million people lost their coverage because of the ACA. The plans are one size fits all and are very expensive even at the minimum. Every study you mentioned is a hardcore left-winged organization or facebook wall. I too see progressives as haters for they have done nothing but dividing this nation in two. If you do not want to be hater, stop being a progressive, come up with a better argument, and stop the insults.
  17. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Lets for example leave parties out, as we should as this is not a political issue because it affects all Americans regardless of Party Affiliation. Then, lets look at the facts as written in the PPACA and based on what we know are the current impact of PPACA and the Exchanges are. The policies offered through the exchanges for 28+ year olds who are not eligible to be dependents on their Parents health insurance is bleak. If you go to and enter that you are 28 years old and earn less than $20,000.00/yr (even $0 per year) and you live in a State that didn't expand Medicaid or develop their own exchange, thus thrown into the Federal exchange; your insurance options will be few and the the annual premiums far more than your annual salary and the deductible 2X to 3X your annual earnings, thus non-affordable and since your States Medicaid program was not expanded, you will be left without insurance and to fend on your own for your medical costs. But this is probably no worse than being offered affordable premiums if you live in other States but find all policies you can afford to have "deductibles and out of pockets" that are so high that you might as well pay the penalty and pay for health care out of your pocket if you are fairly healthy and your medical costs on average are less than the deductible you are quoted.

    The insurance and premiums and more importantly the deductible offered through the exchanges are a joke.

    All they have done is lower the premiums( in some cases) and raise the deductibles and out of pocket (in 85+ of the cases). Unless you require extensive medical treatment or need a costly surgery, you will not benefit from having insurance. ($100.00/mo, $12,000.00/yr) plus a $5000.00 deductible) an outpatient surgery costing $2000.00 or a diagnosis of diabetes requiring monthly visits and labs will require you pay the first $5000.00 and depending on what month you pay the first $5000.00, it could have been cheaper to just pay out of pocket without having insurance and the premiums.

    Example. I had a heart attack and taken by ambulance to the emergency room in November. Our insurance is $12,000.00/year with a $6000.00 deductible. Between the hospital and doctors our total amount owed was $9000.00 but due to contracts between BCBS and the hospital and the providers; BCBS only approved $3000.00 for the hospital and $2000.00 for the other provider charges for a total of $5000.00So they paid zero as my deductible was $6000.00. What a load of crap.

    So, because of the Contracts between BCBC and the hospitals and the providers, I was only responsible for a total charge of $5000 not $9000 and that meant I had to pay the total $5000.00 as my deductible was $6000.00/yr

    As a member of the medical provider and administrative community for more than 37 years, I kept track of what I felt was a fair charge for each service, test and treatment I was provided over my stay. I believe the initial charge was a fair one
  18. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    "Moderates like my self who see progressives as the haters of America

    You're a moderate and see progressives as America haters?

    Now that's the ultimate stupidity. The words of a complete idiot.

    Progressives want to save American lives which is why they want reform. Reform in the form of universal health, the type of which we as taxpayers pay for in Israel. It is treasonous right wing America haters who rejoice in seeing Americans die for lack of health care. Only someone with their brains stuck up their stinkholes would be stupid enough to deny the same right to Americans."

    Your entire statement is misinformed and delusional. Our health care system has never been based on letting anyone die to their lack of health insurance. Quite the contrary. If you were a doctor or a hospital in our current health care system you would know that there is always a doctor, surgeon and hospital wiling to forgo payment to save a life. My own husband who is a surgeon and the hospitals he is on staff at have done it many, many times over the last 40 years he has been in practice. And, regardless whether Democrat or Republican, you moron, we all want to see lives saved no matter what the cost and regardless whether we are paid for our services or not.

    But let me ask this, are you willing to do a job for no payment or for payment less than it cost you to provide the service? I think not. Yet you are willing to pay an air conditioning//heater person hundreds of dollars and more on weekends than my husband is paid by medicare to amputate a diabetic gangrene foot/toe or for an automobile repair versus an angiogram where you have just suffered a heart attack and required hospitalization and care. Get your priorities straight.

    Nobody wants to see people go without health care/treatment; but realistically, none of us providers can do it for free and deserve to be paid based on our education and experience.
  19. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    LOL, I see you have had the Kool-Aid.

    And your links do not show "thousands of lives saved" at all, thats just more propaganda. Your links just show some people "liked" a facebook page, and some people got insurance (or think they got insurance, who really knows if they actually signed up for obamacare?).

    Of course for every one who "signed up" for obamacare it looks like 2-3 lost their insurance.
  20. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Female is a product of OFA.

    How stupid are some of you folks?

    Wait don't answer that... I think we know.

    Heres a real story...

    "Sebelius should be put in jail for fraud and incompetence. Obamadoesnotcare is the train wreck of America's existence. Thank you losers of America who voted for Obama. Let's see which democrats win in November,,,you can't hide the fact you alone voted for this horsehit bill that doctors and hospitals are calling worthless...and(*)people are finding out daily. My quote is going to rottttttttt in the cart. I am sure Sebelius counts me as a happy customer...NOT!!Like(*)·(*)45(*)·(*)Jan 3 at 12:55pm"
  21. MississippiMike

    MississippiMike New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    You say you "do not want anyone to die for lack of health insurance. PERIOD" but want to regulate private health insurance companies, I say that was already tried and FAILED. Just like the idea of allowing the purchase of insurance over state lines. NEITHER of these options even came close to addressing the issue of NO COVERAGE FOR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. The ACA took care of that and any other needs with the most fair and equitable plan for everyone that has ever been created. Is there room for improvement? Of course there is, as there is with any new and massive plan like this. The T.P and some Republicans never talk about sitting down with Democrats and addressing individual deficiencies in the plan and offering sensible changes or adjustments to the current law. It would sure be nice to see a sensible group of politicians from both parties rise above the politics and actually get to work on some positive results. How can we get this done?
  22. emilynghiem

    emilynghiem Active Member Past Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
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    Hi Tkolter: I guess this is like saying if Federal Govt passed a law banning abortion,
    "it wouldn't matter that much" since such a small percentage of women would be affected.

    how many prochoice activists and Democrats would agree with you?

    What about a law REQUIRING all people to register as bone marrow donors,
    since "such a small percentage" will ever have to go through the procedure,
    but it would save lives.

    How do you think that law would fare? Would you want to be under such a mandate
    enforced by federal govt? under penalty of taxation?

    I know I would like to retain my freedom to own guns, choose
    to believe either prochoice or prolife without being forced by govt,
    free choice of how to pay for health care, and freedom to volunteer
    to save lives without being forced by govt.

    Don't you think the beauty of this country was built on freedom to
    govern ourselves under limited govt where we can reform things by will?

    Isn't it beautiful to be able to build nonprofits and medical schools to provide health care
    by FREE ENTERPRISE and CHARITY. Why ruin this tradition by trying to force and control things through gov
    when it is not necessary?

    I have friends who have saved lives through spiritual healing, which is free and voluntary and reduces the cost of treatment to the minimum,
    Why can't that assistance be offered freely through teaching hospitals, instead of forcing money to be paid only to insurance companies as the "only choice"?

    Why this need to excuse or justify unconstitutional govt intrusion that people clearly did NOT agree to?
    if the whole set up works, then let it run VOLUNTARILY. Nobody is BANNING
    anyone from buying insurance. Yet this bill fines people if you choose any other program for providing health care.

    Why is that necessary to take freedoms away? No one has explained
    why this can't be done voluntarily, except they wanted to force it on others instead.

    so it complies with the Constitution

    the rest can run as is but VOLUNTARILY - EXACTLY!!!
  23. emilynghiem

    emilynghiem Active Member Past Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
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    Hi Mr Truth or whoever posted these points on lives saved.

    1. can you prove the same lives could not be saved using constitutional means.

    such as voluntary participation in singlepayer health care by party or by state

    2. Since SPIRITUAL HEALING saves lives and has been shown to cut costs of disease, crime, abuses, and addictions by curing the ROOT causes internally,
    instead of just placating external symptoms,

    does this mean you would support a MANDATE requiring ALL people to go through SPIRITUAL HEALING to save more lives for FREE

    3. or if spiritual healing, insurance, and other methods are equally free choices that work without forcing anyone to use them

    can't the same lives and benefits be saved
    WITHOUT FORCING any unconstitutional mandates through federal govt which was not designed for this purpose

    EX: since more taxmoney is already spent on the death penalty, health care and education for inmates,
    why not set up a work-study system and student loan program for inmates to pay for the cost of their crimes and living expenses.

    why not use THAT money and credit toward paying for health care
    instead of imposing mandates on LAW ABIDING citizens who DIDN't commit crimes or incur costs to the public

    doesn't it make more sense to charge the people who incur costs
    and not impose mandates on people who did nothing to deserve being deprived of our liberty to choose to
    pay for our own health care WITHOUT penalty and to volunteer to help others INSTEAD of being forced through federal insurance mandates

    can you prove the same or better coverage of more of the population
    couldn't be achieved by state voted on means that didn't violate anyone's Constitutional rights as lawabiding citizens
    where the freedom to choose how to pay for health care is NOT a crime to be fined?
  24. emilynghiem

    emilynghiem Active Member Past Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
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    Hi Mike: I have some ideas that might pass with groups from different parties. I know a conservative who has an idea based on free market without mandating insurance.

    I think the first step in collaborating on the same page, is recognizing this ACA should be implemented by VOLUNTARY means, such as voting on and adopting by state as Romney did in MA. It is problematic to mandate through federal govt, but there is nothing wrong with States choosing to mandate it if voted upon.

    If States don't agree, that is where I suggest implementing it or revisions by PARTY.

    this would REWARD party leaders and members for coming up with effective plans they believe in funding. so they will succeed.
    they can direct their funds/taxes into that business plan and deduct from federal taxes, or set it up as benefits for party membership
    managed per party so they have full control of success, failure, revisions, etc. they don't blame anyone else if the plans need changing.

    the plan I'd like to propose to Greens/Democrats is set up alternative prisons and medical facilities
    in place of the death penalty, and redirect funds wasted on prison corruption into
    education, services, training to provide health care for more people.

    especially implementing medical research on spiritual healing to cure cancer, addictions,
    even criminal illness that otherwise cause worse losses and costs to victims and society not to mention taxpayers.

    this could be the Democrats big chance to set up cost effective alternatives to DP
    that will cut costs of prisons so health care can be provided to more people
    using the same state budgets, such as setting up medical internships where
    service providers work in public health to pay off their education so everyone wins.

    Can you help me contact activists with Singlepayer or with party groups
    that would like to pursue solutions per state or per party without unwanted mandates?

    the mixing with taxation and mandates on a federal level is what threw this reform off.

    if we get it back to states and people's free choice to participate, then people will
    listen; and if we set it up where it rewards not punishes taxpayers and businesses
    for providing health care to more people, of course they will welcome more cost effective sustainable plans.


  25. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    It IS voluntary is anyone putting a gun to yo9ur head making you get coverage all that happens if you opt out you pay a fine, no jail time or anything like that, if YOU want to opt out then don't get covered and pay the penalty.

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