I like to read opinions: Without the "belief" that they are possible, they would never become reality. Therefore the "belief" changed reality. But, but, but, just because you "believe" something, doesn't make it so, i.e. the world being flat, Christian monopoly on God, the bible being the word of God. How many more examples can be presented? For example: Israel now exists because the religious story said it must.
Belief changes your reality. I realize that you came here to bash Christians, it is obvious in your OP, but do you see this in yourself as well? Belief is vital to all of us, for you see, it allows us to assign value to data and allows us to interpret how they are interconnected.
being 2 faced in not seeking interconnections. It would be like jesus, as a muslim. I didnt come here to bash christians, that claim is a BOLD faced LIE! This thread was a copy of anothers post, which opened up a point of view; that is what I am here for. the good evolve, morons dont
Beliefs are just collections of ideas which hold true in the moment. All are subject to change. Not that you'd notice, of course, when so many fight and die for them. A belief can change reality in as much as they become actioned and turn into a behaviour.
I would say that beliefs change one's perception of reality. It is the actions that are taken in expression of some belief that changes reality. In other words, the connection between belief and changed reality is indirect, not direct.
IMHO, you have just described the process of creation.... belief in an idea (the perception of reality),,, then the gathering together and assembly of necessary components ,,, and bingo... you have altered reality through the manifestation of your belief.... Thus the difference between the commonly accepted story of creation and what is actually described in Genesis 1. Of course that is an overly simplified rendition... but one who has studied the story, can visualize what is being said.
and beliefs transcend time. SO a belief of a thought future event, written of old, enables a reality, before it exists by belief. In a sense, t<o
What came before big bang? http://www.superstringtheory.com/cosmo/cosmo4a.html t<0 is easy to understand
Well, I can easily see that it has something to do with another 'theory' (meaning that it has not been proven) therefore, it might as well mean nothing.