This Cosby bidness

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by Foolardi, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Which creates the puzzle.Why would a Chet Kincaid or Cliff Huxtable feel the
    craving for his weird strange perversion.Maybe he did create in his own mind
    a sort of God-like persona.
  2. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Cobsy knew the kind of persona he had created for himself and used it to take advantage of the women in his life. Many of the sick, warped and twisted minds like his are also very intelligent - they know how to use people and w/o a conscience, they do it for their own sexual gratification w/o any twinge of guilt.....

    He's not the only one to live this depraved kind of life, but one of the worst..... and in his position, he also had the power to intimidate many of his victims, so they kept quiet.

    He'll get his........
  3. Sharpie

    Sharpie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Probably Cosby is guilty as charged. But here's the real point: probably so is every popular entertainer with fans who follow them back to their room.
    It has been the custom of stars to have parties where the drugs and alcohol flow -- and where groupies get taken advantage of. Old timers in Las Vegas have long repeated stories about Cosby, Sinatra, Dean Martin and the rest of their headliners for a very long time. Hollywood has stories that are legendary. Hosts purchased drugs to provide to their guests the same as they would stock their bar and provide food. Quaaludes, were openly sought after in the early '70's, and was not necessarily used in a sneaky/creepy way like we think of ruffies. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll has become part of our culture, like it or not. In that context, Cosby's as guilty as every other entertainer.
    Getting a girl drunk and having sex with her has gone on forever. This type of behavior should be treated as a crime... but I do think Cosby has been singularly picked out. Maybe he has been politically targeted for being outspoken.
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    True as that may be ... However.Cosby starred in 2 TV dramas where he was
    a mentor and father figure.The first was as Chet Kincaid - The Bill Cosby Show -
    which ran during my high school years from '69-'71.It was that TV show where I
    adopted Bill Cosby as my mentor.He was cool and clever as gym coach at a
    large L.A. Public school where the students took advantage of his very casual
    open-door policy.Any student could go to his school office and seek advice on
    a range of growing pains.And he did his level best to personally get involved and
    help them conquer whatever was bugging them.This was the first and I dare say the
    only TV show of it's kind.It was unique.Mostly funny business but also quite serious.
    Plus all the Fat Albert voice-overs.Bill Cosby was not merely an Entertainer.
    To stat that is very short of reality.He was a TV Icon.The 80's hit TV show
    - The Cosby Show - gave him that unique distinction.Do not get confused over
    the difference between a mere Entertainer and a TV Icon. Andy Griffith was another
    TV Icon.Even though he was a splendid actor.
    Shecky Green was an Entertainer.Buddy Hackett was an Entertainer.
    * Wayne Newton was and still is an Entertainer.And only an Entertainer.
    At least Liberace did a couple movies.And Starred in one - Sincerely Yours - { 1955 }.

    * having cameo appearances does not an actor make.
  5. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    All of this Hollywood blather does not MATTER! If Cosby played the role of Jesus in a popular tv series, it wouldn't matter! Hollywood is nothing but make-believe, fiction.....what popular, funny Cosby did behind the scenes, in the privacy of his home, on the pretense of enjoying the company of a female friend or offering guidance to a wanna-be star is raw, ugly REALITY........
  6. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    The thing is ... It was the very fact that Cosby was a huge TV Icon and
    father-figure.He was a clean comic.If he played a character actor who was
    cast often as a villain or bad guy then he never would have been able to
    pull off his Mr.Innocent ... woe is me routine.It's likened to way Obama has
    poetic license as POTUS. He knows that it is virtually impossible to face
    Impeachment.It was build into the cake of his running as First Black President.
    If Cosby was a so-so TV star and failed comic then he never would have been
    able to pull off his sexual encounters.He managed to pull it off due to his star status.
    Like the way Gordon Gekko thought of himself as TOO big to face Insider
    Trading in the classic Charlie Sheen movie - Wall Street -.
  7. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    I had already said this's one of my posts: The only diff is I don't go on about others like Obama, Sheen, etc.......

    "Moriah, you're forgetting something here.....the pervert carried the image of Mr. Nice Guy - he's known as "American's dad", everyone 'loves and respects' Cosby, he takes time to talk to black kids about 'living the right kind of life', he came off as a 'loving, caring, concerned man' and blah blah heard him yourself for yrs...

    These women and girls, one was as young as 15, TRUSTED him b/c he was Bill Cosby........

    As far as the pills go, he drugged them w/o them knowing......"

    Yes, we all know Cosby played his image as 'kind, caring and trustworthy American's dad' to perfection.........
  8. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Like Bill Clinton got his?

    Its interesting that it appears Cosby has been doing this to women for 50 years, never any hint of prosecution. But after Cosby comes out attacking the destruction of the Black Family and social structure, starts saying Blacks need to look at themselves as part of the problem and not just blame "racism", and starts pointing to "progressive" politics as a cause, suddenly he gets investigated and prosecuted.

    Bill Clinton was just as bad as Cosby, but Clinton is heavily defended and held up as a role model by progs. It shows the extreme hypocrisy of the "progressives".
  9. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    There is a remote possibility that Cosby was being targeted because of his
    Huge TV Icon status which he used to good effect to help the black community
    get their act together.Cosby and his Wife were well read Intellectuals.He didn't like
    the way today's Black families behave,talk and dress.At times he seemed like the only
    popular black out there willing to address head on the huge mouting problem of the
    Inner city Black community.Fatherless,Abortion prone,Illiterate and Illegitimate.
    No work ethic,yet had to have the latest Russell Simmons Hip Hop wear and
    of course best Nike sneakers.So maybe there was a move to frame him with all these
    woman { seems like a lot of them are not credible and maybe getting paid to stir the
    pot }.But I go back to the OP. In the 2 nd post at the bottom in Red and Brown is
    where I smelled a rat.It was when Cosby traipsed into the famous Playboy Mansion
    with some chippie in tow and turned to make a snide comment about Peter Lawford,
    a once important actor.Cosby had no call to say what he did.It was just mean.
    Someone down on their luck and he sneers at them like they a street bum askin' fir
    a handout.That simple depiction of Cosby as he was entering the Playboy mansion
    in son Christopher Lawford's book ... spoke volumns.That being ... That Bill Cosby is
    NOT the Cosby we all know and admire.There's some kind of monster lurking inside.
  10. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Yeah, Clinton is just as bad as Cosby w/the exception of he didn't drug his victims and he was impeached, altho Congress didn't enforce it and it should have been. And of course, we had a First "Lady" Hillary singing "Stand by your Man" thru every scandal, in defense of her depraved, twisted husband.....

    Sorry, but I just don't buy this stuff about Cosby was exposed b/c he was critical of black youths, etc.....I don't recall how the can of worms was opened, except a gal filed charges against him for sexual assault and there was a court hearing where he admitted he used quaaludes to drug a woman for sex.....yrs later someone quietly brought that fact out into the open, then the women started coming forward......

    And here we are......watching "America's dad" being exposed for what he really is - a depraved, twisted old man.
  11. Lager

    Lager New Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    would upset me more if Cosby was into dwarf porn

  12. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Clinton did not drug his victims to get them to be his sex toy, but according to the feminists the imbalance of power between the man and the woman is also considered force. When the President wants sex from a young intern, is it voluntary or forced? The feminists will say forced.

    And Clinton did use his political power to destroy many of those women after using them for sex. And there is that accusation of rape.

    How did Cosby get away with his activity for his entire career? It seems he is not a depraved twisted old man but has been depraved twisted his entire life. It seemed to be an "open secret" in the industry, why was it ignored? Because he was black and successful in tv and comedy and made his backers a fortune? Now that Cosby is retired, the money isn't flowing. Now that Cosby has walked off the "progressive" plantation he has lost any protection his race gave him. That's why its now an issue.
  13. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Yes,there is that troubling aspect which speaks infamously one-sided.
    How come a True TV Icon like Bill Cosby is not being rescued by other
    Black Hollywood types or TV fans of all persuation.Was Hollywood,Run by Jews
    who have been given poetic license to make sure Obama stays King,
    given some inner circle marching order to make sure No one in the
    Screen Actors Guild,dare defend or take up for Bill Cosby.
    Like the way huge thongs did for Bill Clinton.Especially in Hollywood.
    That would mean there is some kind of unwritten word that speaks louder than
    words.You best Follow the Democrat Progressive Mindset or else.Become the next
    Mel Gibson.That could very well be what's happening.Make an Example of
    Cosby so that other's won't mimic what he been doin'.That being ... to openly
    crirticize the Black Community for their habits & behavior.Because the left needs
    Blacks to stay on their Plantation.That is obnoxiously a given.In 2012 the entire
    summer turned in the Suppress the Vote Summer.The left and Obama acolytes
    falsely and ludicrously making the case that the GOP doesn't want Blacks the
    right to vote.Especially in those Southern Red States.MSNBC dedicated almost
    entire shows to how the Republican Party is actively seeking to Deny blacks the
    right to vote.Whether redistricting or not allowing extended hours for voting or
    the dreaded mandatory Photo ID.It was all a big con job.There wasn't a single black
    who came forward with a claim of being denied the right to vote.
    This is how Stalinism operates.It also necessitates the use of purging a society of
    those the State feel are " Opportunist ". Was Bill Cosby seen as an " Opportunist "
    for taking the opportunity as a once revered Black TV Icon to address the many
    Dilemna facing the Black Community.Stalinism also places heavy emphasis on
    a " cult of personality ". Was Cosby in effect usurping the role of America's
    black " cult of personality " or namely Barack Obama.
    Can't have any of that now.Bill Cosby out trying to redress the problems in the
    black community which have only worsened under Obama's " cult of personality ".
    Tink about it.
  14. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Yeah, allright. What you say about Clinton is true and where did I say any differently? Of course his position as governor, then POTUS was a position of power, which intimidated his victims into silence. We all know the story of Bill & Hill and you're not saying anything we don't know.

    I had said Cosby is a 'depraved, twisted old men', but of course, the seed of depravity had been buried in his sick brain all his life. That's the way it is w/those people, particularly those of popular fame and power.... they can successfully hide who they really are for a long time b/c they know how to work people.

    You may be right about Cosby's race kept him protected. I don't know and don't care.....just glad he was finally exposed for what he really is.
    Battle3 likes this.
  15. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I think you may be making a Jack$ss of yerself now.You are speaking about
    Bill Cosby as if you were there In His Life almost like some guardian angel.
    Like Clarence in - It's a Wonderful Life - { 1946 }.
    You don't have any documentation as to what Cosby did in his life
    sexually.Can you site some Tabloids at least,where Bill Cosby was
    this monster masher.Bill Clinton was charged and In the Tabloids
    by numerous Women.5 of which were highly credible.
    That is How he got the name { Slick Willy }. He thought it slick to
    use his number one fan,the bald-headed catholic Prick James Carville :
    " Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park,you never know
    what you'll find. "
    Oh is that So Mr.Catholic Prick.? And how do you know such things.
    Probably because he knew his Boss,Bill Clinton.
    NOT So with Bill Cosby.His life was never an open book.
    Why are you talking as if it was.?
  16. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    What the HELL are you babbling about now? Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Anyone who understands Psychology 101 understands that someone like him had had that seed of sexual depravity buried in his brain all of his life. He managed to keep it buried up to a point. It's not any different than a pedophile. They have that sick desire to molest children, but keep it hidden up to a point, then they make it a reality for them........

    "A GUARDIAN ANGEL"??? I have said REPEATEDLY that those women are telling the truth.... you point out just one of my posts where I sounded like his 'guardian angel'...... and can you do that w/o babbling on and on about some damn movie and other actor that has nothing to do w/this topic? And what the hell does James Carville have to do w/this topic? You wander all over the place........

    I wasn't talking about Cosby's life as being an 'open book' - if you'd READ - I was talking about his depraved MENTALITY, which had always been there, but he managed to cover it up w/his persona of being "kind, caring and lovable America's Dad"........

    I KNOW Clinton was charged! In fact, he was IMPEACHED, but it wasn't enforced by Congress and I had said it should have been!........anything else you're confused about?

    And btw, I don't read the tabloids. IF I do, it's for about 20 seconds b/f I check out at the grocery store. It's entertainment while I'm waiting.
  17. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    First of all it is very difficult to talk about someone's psychological problems.
    In a court of law only a trained therapist or psychiatrist is allowed to address one's
    mental facilities.So obviously you are not writing as a professional in that capacity.
    Now if you can cite for us what proof you have that woman are telling the truth
    about what Bill Cosby did to them,then cite it.Rolling Stone magazine just finished
    with a story about Rape that was entirely fictional.They made the whole meme up.
    Like the way this MSM Made up how nice a kid Trayvon Martin was.Then of course
    the " Gentle Giant " { Michael Brown }.Both Trayvon and the " Gentle Giant " were
    acting like Gangsta Wanabee thugs when they met their demise.But to hear and read
    from this corrupted MSM,one would be instructed Not to go There.Why the Hell not.
    It turned out to be the God's Honest Truth.So this Corrupted MSM is not on
    the side of truth.They are on the side of Narratives that play well for Democrats and
    Obama.That's it in a nutshell.
    Should One believe those Women who came forward or believe Cosby.
    That necessitates some degree of firsthand proof.That isn't always a piece of cake.
    It wasn't a piece of cake in the John Wayne Gacy case or even Jeffrey Dahmer.
    Or most True Crime cases.
    I don't know those Woman accusing Cosby from adam.But I think I know enough
    about Bill Cosby to give him some degree of benefit of doubt.
    I mean,it's not like he has some long rap sheet.Or made the tabloids,time and again
    for weird acts.

    James Carville is relevant.He was acting as Clinton surrogate to make it publically
    acceptable to bad mouth a lady { Paula Jones } as mere trailer trash.
    Thus diminishing her credibility as a person Slick Willy mashed.Making it appear
    A-Ok to sexually harass someone who may have lived in a trailer park.
  18. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Wow..... here we go again. More stuff about now it's the Rolling Stones mag, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Dahmer, Gacy, etc etc... geesus!

    Ok, you feel you "know enuf about Cosby to give him the benefit of a doubt" you're saying you met him in person and got to really know him? Can you tell us about your one-on-one w/Cosby w/o dragging other celebrities, movies, politicians and other well-knows into it?

    If you can't understand that some people have serious mental issues that they can successfully hide from others, like pedophilia, for instance, then the day comes when the pedophile acts upon his depraved urge to molest/rape child.... well, what can I say except get educated in Psychology 101 and learn something bout the true nature of some types of people.....and no! A person doesn't need a college degree to understand the serious flaws in mankind.

    And since you like to toss out names at random, I'll toss out one - TED BUNDY......all those pretty young brunettes being found murdered. Gee, whoever would have think it, that this nice-looking, intelligent young man w/the little boy smile was the one murdering these gals? Of course, no one had a clue about the sickness living in his head, not even his own mother - not even Ann Rule who worked side-by-side w/him...him and dozens of others who were serial rapists/murders.....

    You accused me of being like some 'guardian angel' in Cosby's life, yet you turn around and defend him, saying " but I think I know enuf about Cosby to give him some degree of the benefit of a doubt"....

    What you 'know' about Cosby is what he WANTED you to know....

    Me? I'll believe 50 women who have told the same similar story - women who didn't even KNOW each other - than I will ONE, who had ADMITTED in a court hearing that he bought quaaludes to drug women for sex........why do you keep ignoring that fact?..... never mind.
  19. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Oh yeah.....forgot about this 'goody'...criminals don't have rap sheets until they're finally CAUGHT........

    Celebrities don't make the tabloids unless they do something out of the ordinary. Cosby made sure he always came across as 'American's dad'.....not hard for an experienced actor to do.
  20. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    You are fielding a dignosis of Bill Cosby before a Trial or any finding of fact.
    That's not how's it's done in this Country.That may be the Obama approach.
    Just decide who are the enemy and Saul Alinsky their arse.Persecute those
    on one's enemies list.Like MSNBC has done towards 2 classy Tea Party gals
    { Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann }.Or Obama using his IRS to attack
    Conservative groups seeking a 501{c}{3} status.When groups like
    Media Matters and openly and very aggressively use tax exempt
    status to smear and target those of Obama's opposition.
    At this point I am not Pro-Cosby or Anti-Cosby.I need far more facts than the
    scant helter skelter stuff coming out.What 50 women.Maybe half of those women
    have a stake in going after Cosby.Maybe the other half have rap sheets or a history
    of crying rape.Like I wrote.Rolling Stone Magazine perpetrated a False story they
    claimed was true about Rape.They were never penalized.Like Obama 's IRS.
    No penalty ... None.Same with Obama's VA scandal.Those caught cooking the books
    were not fired and turned out not even demoted.Lois Lerner gets to keep her pension.
    Right now our country is under Tyranny.A Lawless president.
    I first need to see where Bill Cosby broke the law.That requires proof.
    Hearsay and Innuendo are not admissible in a court of law.
    Don't you ever watch Judge Judy.
    In the Trial of the Century { The OJ Trial } it was discovered in her safety deposit
    box Nicole Brown's journals.They described in graphic language the sorts of
    abuse O.J. dished out in the form of threats and even episodes of physical
    violence.Those journals were deemed hearsay and found to be inadmissible.
    They constituted hearsay evidence.
    I have to go now ... I hear the honorable Judge Judy is set to render
    judgement.You best hope she doesn't have to deal with those of such
    one-sidedness.She don't cotton monkeyshines in her court.
  21. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    And the beat goes on.......

    I'm done it's babble about Judge Judy, Obama, Tea partiers, the Rolling Stone mag - again!, the IRS, Lois Lerner....there's no end to it... sure you don't want to talk about Superman and his fight to right a wrong?

    You enjoy Judge Judy and have a good day......

    Btw, Judge Judy is THEATRICS....unnecessary DRAMA.
  22. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Cuz I beat ya 7 ways to sunday and back.Like I do all liberals.
  23. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Lol~ what are you talking about now? Beat me how? If you want to think you did in regards to Cosby....well, whatever makes you happy - I don't care. IMO, anyone who defends him is living in a delusional world......

    Oh yeah, forgot.......NO, I'm NOT a liberal. I'm an Independent w/Conservative values.

    "Independent" as in 'Independent thinker''s always worked for me..
  24. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Your approach and mindset regarding Bill Cosby is like watching
    - The Ox-Bow Incident - { 1943 } and how Mob Rule takes over the sensibilities
    of average men.Like in Ferguson and # BlackLivesmatter.
    It is Not who we are as a Country.Unless there is bigger fish to fry.
    Take an American Icon like Bill Cosby and pull a Herman Cain on.
    They tried it with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and now with
    career criminal Freedie Gray.This is the New - Occupy Wall Street -.
    I hope I'm wrong but Cosby could be used as a very effective diversion
    from all the negatives associated with Obama's complete malfeasance of
    running this Country.It's is part of Rules for Radicals.
    Rule # 12.
    Pick the target,freeze it,personalize it and polarize it.

    What better target to fulfill Rule # 5: Ridicule is man's most important weapon.
    If the Leftists Authoritarians can make it stick with Bill Cosby then the Worlds
    their oyster.
    Rule # 1 : Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  25. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Your approach and mindset regarding Bill Cosby is like watching someone who lives in the fantasy land of movies and tv shows and all it's movie stars who earn their living by acting out the lives of fictional characters........

    Bill Cosby is not the character he played on tv and after admitting in court that he bought quaaludes to drug women to have sex w/them, that fact right there screams volumes about the real Cosby....and then more and more women found the courage to come forward to tell their stories about being drugged and sexually assaulted by the 'lovable America's dad'......

    If you prefer to disregard what 50 women have said, in favor of one person's who had already admitted his purpose for drugs - that's your choice and I'd say a problem of not wanting to face reality....

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