This Cosby bidness

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by Foolardi, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    It may be possible for a regular guy to be a serial rapist but highly unlikely a
    major star like Cosby.It is extremely difficult for a major star to be a lecher and
    pervert and get away with. Errol Flynn tried to overcome it and it almost cost him his
    entire career just as he was beginning his run as a major star.He fought it with
    costly lawyers and tried to paint his victim { a young toots } as some fancy-free,
    sex-crazed nymph.It worked because of buying publicity.
    Not so easy with the Fatty Arbuckle Story or another movie Icon ...
    Charlie Chaplain.
    I am having difficulty believing Cosby could have had such an easy go of it.
    Roman Polanski surely didn't. Many Hollywood types have had scandals.
    A really good guy actor from the 60's { Tommy Kirk } was eventually banned from
    the Disney Lot by Walt because of one incident.Which played into rumors.
    Tommy Kirk got caught going to a Hollywood party that ended up getting busted
    by the Cops for Pot smoking.Tommy Kirk was gay.A Closet gay.It virtually cut short
    his entire career.He was a gifted actor.
    Hollywood is notorious for making and breaking certain actors { generic }.
    Hollywood virtually made Whoopi Goldberg.She was a Junkie earlier in her life.
    She was the Only actor { generic } in a major film that was allowed poetic license
    to use the " F " word throughout the 80's and beyond.That is why she is a staunch
    Democrat.The Democrats and the Jews who run Hollywood made her.And she's
    still allowed to make asinine comments at will.But you won't hear a word about her
    using Heroin.Just like the way you won't hear much about Billie Holiday dying
    because of Heroin.They still put up the front it was from related alcoholism.
    She was heavily into Heroin.It was her demise.But the Jews who run the media and
    Ad Agencies and love jazz,won't hear of it.So it won't be talked about in any mention
    of Billie Holiday jazz.Just that she was one of a kind,unique.It's how Jews treat certain subject.
    Things are far more political than one realizes.Which is why Jews vote almost similar
    to the Blacks.90% + for the Democrat party.*
    As far as Errol Flynn ... it turned out he was Projecting.It was HE who was the
    Nymph { sex-crazed addict }.
    All the easier to bamboozle the public.Just use Projection.

    * God forbide if it ever came to light that Bill Cosby voted Republican,even once, it would
    surely be his death knell.
  2. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    DAMN! Can't you discuss ANYTHING w/o reciting bits and pieces about every damn movie star you can think of?! Cosby is NOT all these people and all these people are NOT Cosby! Everyone is different, everyone has their own experience and yo can't compare one to a dozen others!

    I'm not reading all this's a waste of time.
  3. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    It's like this.Like a parent taking a young Jeffrey Dahmer to a therapist
    because he likes to capture and torture small animals.
    The Therapist just insists for Dahmer to stop it.Just Stop It.Nothing more
    need be said.That is almost a recipe for more trouble.Instead of beating that
    behavior out of Dahmer like an old dusty rug,he is treated with kid gloves.
    That is the problem today. Spare the rod and spoil the serial killer.
    Things were done better in olden days.
    " In the old days we used to do these things better.The man says he's paralyzed,
    we simply throw him into the snake pit.If he climbs out then we know he's lying."
    And if he doesn't climb out Dr. Winterhalter.?
    " Then we have lost the patient,but we have found an honest man. "
    If only things were as cut and dry as you make them sound.
    BTW ... Ted Bundy at his 11th hour interview admitted something key.
    He said it was looking at dirty girly pics that drove him into a lifelong
    interest at Girls and stalking them.Some believe that was an attempt by
    him to excuse his notorious serial killing.Others say it made sense.
    Something had to spark him off.
    What sparked Cosby off.? He had it all.Maybe something in his childhood.
  4. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Yeah, yeah......and I'm sure his 50 victims would cry a river over Cosby if he said he had a bad childhood and that's why he raped them and all would be forgiven...... yeah, right.

    No, he will be held accountable for what he's done. And some people are born evil - no conscience.

    So, you believe in beating a troubled kid......
  5. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I'm not on some Save/Spare Bill Cobsy at all costs missive,
    But I'm sure as tottin' not out to have Cosby strung up like some
    horse thief in the 1860's like some.Notably You.
    I find it rather depressing how some today are so quick to pass judgement
    over some things and near incomprehensibly negligent to even give a damn
    about other stuff.To me,this says everthing about Society.
    Again why is Bill Clinton heralded even today as some good president.
    He virtually disgraced the office.He wasn't responsible for Good Government
    and balancing budgets.That was Newt Gingrich and his New 1994 Republican
    House.Clinton enabled the Terrorist { 19 of them } with overstayed Visa's and
    any lack of curiosity from his F.B.I while they were here plotting.
    If Bill Cosby is proved in a court of law to have been the Monster he seems
    to have been,then so be it.But I need more to go on than the words of some
    attention-grabbing peons.It was an attention-grabbing PEON who was the impetus
    for taking down Herman Cain.
  6. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    I believe Cosby admitted cheating on his wife. Does everyone agree? If so...Why oh why would anyone try to defend his cashing in on such a clean cut image? Even if he is exonerated of these sexual predator allegations, he is definitely not the man he portrayed and cashed in on. I find that disturbing all by itself. Anyone else feel this way?
  7. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Of many other cases, the true Cosby was finally exposed for what he really is and it took yrs to do it. The idea that 50 women would plot to destroy the image of a popular, loved person, who's innocent of these crimes, is ludicrous........
  8. tsr

    tsr New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The sad state of affairs this has ruin Cosby reputation and lively hood. Prior to all of this, he was considered the model Dad for us to admire. Now the skeletons have come out of the closet to expose him..................sad to see.
  9. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I don't believe so.Cosby is very protective of his wife.She is off limits.
    In fact,I doubt 1/1oth of 1% of the population even knows the first name of
    Mrs.Bill Cosby.
  10. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    " Dressed in a bathrobe and knit wool cap " Immediately set upon and
    physically attacked her tossing the ribs aside.
    This was in 1974 as a woman who appreared on the 1971 - The Bill Cosby Show -
    files the latest rape lawsuit.Katrine McKee first met Bill Cosby in 1964 and
    appeared on his '71 TV show.Seems Cosby contacted her in 1974 to go to a
    Boat Party.But first he asked a favor.Pick up some ribs and then pick him up
    at his Hotel.That is when she entered Cosby World.
    McKee stating ... " Cosby was wild and aggressive and was acting nothing like
    the man Ms.McKee had known professionally ",the lawsuit reads.
    The suit alleges defamation as after she came forward with her story,Cosby's
    former attorney Martin Singer sent a letter to media in which Cosby denied her
    claim and called her a liar.
    McKee further claims Cosby made other false statements about her.
    There is a MO { Modus Operanti }.
    That is apparently how Billo Cosby operated.He quickly nipped in the bud
    using some well connected lawyer with influence within the media to
    squelch any mounting scandal.Then gives a personal accounting that is a
    Huge Lie .The problem is ... there are no witnesses.Just a She said,He said.
    That is the MO. Therefore the need to use a Hotel and Boat Party as
    credible venues for his act.
  11. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    This whole thing has made me sad. I hope Bill Cosby did not do these things, but it does not look too good. I'll wait for the jury to make their decision, but if he did this, shame on him and he needs to go to jail. I loved him as a kid. That makes it even worse if true.
  12. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Having learned something about any upcoming Trial last night from
    the Fox legal eagle cuties { Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle } I am
    reminded of watching morning Judge Mathis who asks those appearing before
    him about some " background ".No don't get me wronged but isn't that prejudicial.
    I know he likes to find out about litigants background.But it's prejudicial.
    Mathis prides himself on overcoming his Youth Gang member status.
    Last night I learned that in Cosby's pending trial the judge will have discretion
    as to allowing any or some evidenciary stuff from any civil trials.The Judge may
    declare everything off limits.
    That would make it much easier for Cosby to get off since his past won't be
    allowed to haunt his character.I never liked that.
    Let's say a guy is a 3 time loser and career criminal.A rap sheet a mile long.
    That to me,should be permissible.It goes to credibility of a litigant.
    And doubly relevant in the case of a criminal matter.
    But then again Defense Attorney's are often paid to make sure and get
    their clients off.No matter how guilty.That is the huge flaw in our system.
    Things were done better in the old days.If a man says he's paralyzed then
    toss him into a snake pit.If he climbs out then we know he was lying.
    And if he doesn't climb out Doctor Winterhalter.?
    Then we have lost the patient,but we have found an honest man.
    Dig Daddios
  13. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I harken back to Charles Manson.He was a career criminal.Spent the majority of his life
    in and out of jail { Juvenile,then on to Prison }.He never murdered anyone.Was not even
    at either the two places where the Manson family commit their heinous acts of slaughter.
    Yet in prison he sits and will probably never be granted parole.
    Because of some legal fancy pants jargon called " Joint-Responsibility Rule }.
    Part of a legal qualification for a " Conspiracy charge " where each member of a
    conspiracy is as guilty as the others.No matter in what capacity.
    Which makes absolutely no sense.So If someone plots a bank heist and
    doesn't physically go on the heist,and the heist goes awry and a couple people
    are killed,then each member of the bank heist is just as guilty as the next.
    How about the ones pulling the trigger.This is like saying the Gun is just as guilty
    as the guy who used the gun.Which is dopey.
    Again ... why is Charles Manson sitting in jail w/o parole.
    He killed no one.Yes,he had a rap sheet a mile long.But we're told that
    shouldn't be used against him in a criminal case.Well then why should his
    associations { The Manson } family be used against him.Because it was.
    He was found just as guilty as the 11 other Manson members.All of which are
    still alive except for Susan Atkins.Leslie Van Houten was up for parole and denied
    in June of 2013 having spent 44 years behind bars.
  14. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Yeah, it is sad when a role model turns out to be not such a 'role model' after all, but a twisted, depraved animal preying on women who believed him to be a trusted friend or mentor.

    I had also liked/respected Cosby, but there's one thing I'm a firm believer in - listen to the majority of people and ask 'what to they have to gain by lying and why would they'? Why would 50 women, who didn't even know each other or at the very least, very, very few did, want to destroy an old man who had truly been nothing but the epitome of human decency and respect?........they wouldn't.
  15. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    It's as Old as the hills.The reason I mentioned - The Ox-Bow Incident -,where Mob rule
    quickly established itself.In current events it would be considered Piling-On.
    Like the way George Zimmerman was painted with a huge broad brush and literally
    tainted as if he was the one who walked up to Trayvon Martin and smashed him down
    and started pummelling his head into the sidewalk going after his Pistol,eventually.
    Like the way Tricky Dick Nixon was gone after by the Liberal Press.
    And Bill Clinton { a verifiable masher } was given a huge pass by the media.
    If not for Drudge,Monica Lewinsky may never have been a household name.
    So,the number of woman is merely an act of Piling on.Or like a copycat crime.
    One needs to learn how a Narrative works.How a narrative can literally and figuratively
    drive a story to where the Media wants it to go_Often time,like with Trayvon Martin ...
    Facts be Damned.
  16. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    One needs to learn how LOGIC LOGIC can literally and figuratively destroy or pretty much confirm a story. IOW's, if there's no damn common sense, no logical reason why 50 women, who didn't even know the majority of each other, if at all, ALL 50 decided to destroy the life of an aging very 'respectful and moral pillar' of the Hollywood community and beyond....

    Yeah, some of these women who have had successful careers and enjoyed the company of good friend, Cosby, who had treated them w/nothing but respect and kindness thru out the yrs, suddenly decided to turn on him in the worst possible way.... yeah, these 50 women suddenly decided it was time for 'piling on'

    Is it possible for you to stay focused on the topic? Zimmerman, Martin, Nixon, Monica, Clinton.......Geeeez!

    Oh well......
  17. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    You are just swinging at an empty pitch.It is called acclimation.Like how
    Political Correctness was implemented.It is a new form of Totalitarianism.
    Where Politics can now more easily be managed.Just acclimate the public
    thru repeated penalty with words like " Racist " or " Obstructionist " or " Extremist ".
    Are any of Cosby's accusers known publically, aside from that one gal who
    a Model { Janice Dickinson} who it turns out had a lot to say about her
    " Rageoholic Pedophile " Father.
    Women like seems hellbent on going thru life sticking back at males.Which
    explains her nutty marriages { 3 marriages,2 of which lasted less than 4 years combined.}
    Fashion Models are kinda flaky to begin with.
    Claimed Cosby raped her in 1982 but couldn't bring herself to write about it
    in a 2002 autobiography.Claims her father beat her on a daily basis.
    She sounds nutty to me.
  18. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    How apropos to have a - The Retrial of O.J. Simpson -.
    I'll make sure some details are forthcoming.
    Like how O.J. Knew ahead of time how the Jury voted.
    A person involved in security at the Hotel used to sequester the
    jury.5 blocks from the courthouse.Shared 2 TV sets and ate cafeteria
    food.Were allowed out a few times.One to watch a Dodgers game and
    once to visit the Queen Mary.Some restaurant visits.
    A person not with the Jury { Hotel cleanup or security } leaked about
    what he seemed to know was a Not Guilty Verdict.Remembering back that
    over the weekend the Jury came back on a Monday and said they needed to
    revisit a piece of evidence.That delayed the verdict for another day.
    O.J. knew on the day of the verdict pretty much what the verdict was gonna be.
    That is why he didn't seem yellow in the face with worry.The Jury deliberated
    a little more than 4 hours in a 9 month murder trial.
  19. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Why should it matter if any of Cosby's accusers are known 'publicly' or not? Rape victims are just that - rape victims. Human beings who were violated by a predator.....being a celebrity/well-known person has absolutely nothing to do w/the crime committed against her.....

    I'm not familiar w/model, Janice Dickinson, but your comments about the woman are beneath contempt and very judgmental - seriously.

    You think it's not possible for a person to have an abusive father? Do you really think a rape victim would always be willing and eager to talk about the rape, whether on paper or in person? For many rape victims, it can take them YEARS b/f they can really talk about it.......

    Your statements clearly shows how ignorant and uneducated you are in these areas of humanity where the person's soul has been destroyed thru abuse and more often than not, only long-term therapy can help them get their self-worth, their life back on track.....
  20. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    It's my experience that women who talk openly about abusive fathers are a little
    off in the head.That is not something to talk about openly.That is a cross to bear
    and should be kept quiet.Most women who make a habit of talking about abusive
    fathers usually have some personality quirk and it allows them to vent.
    Just like most of the honorably WW II vets or The Greatest Generation would
    never talk about their Battles.Especially actors.That was a unique standard among
    The Greatest Generation { of which my Father was a part }. Just like
    Tim Russert wrote a book about his Father - Big Russ & Me: Father and Son :
    Lessons of Life -.
    Those of The Greatest Generation didn't blab around about stuff.
    They did their Duty with dignity and honor and No Bragging Rights.
    Unlike todays society.I don't believe I ever heard another Boomer rail
    on about their Parents and abuse.I've seen movies about.Because Parents in
    my day tried not to live secret lives.What you saw and heard was what it was.
    Yes,many Parents of my day verbally fought around the house.Like in the
    Honeymooners { Jackie Gleason }.
    But Loose lips were seldom part of that.Like Actors and War Stories.
    I don't trust women with Loose lips.Or men,for that matter.Especially Men.
  21. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Wow! Particularly the high-lighted is VERY revealing about where you're coming from.....this tells me you're in your 90's, people in that age bracket grew up w/that mindset that any kind of abuse, even incest in the home was a big family secret. If a family had a 'funny uncle', it was not to be discussed, etc... everything of that nature was 'hush-hush'....

    There was no help available for the young victims. They were forced to suffer thru it and shut up about it. Thank God, society grew out of that dark era of silence and now children and women victims are now allowed to have a voice.......
  22. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    OMG ... And I don't like using that nouveau Lettering.Todays parents and kids
    are the most obtrusive combination of selfish drug-addled and sex-obsessed,
    neutered from Reality defiling of all things once wholesome and clean this Country
    has ever beheld.And it happens to be In Plain Sight.Used to be that kind of
    sulliness was limited to Big City places where the Sun was ashamed to shine.
    Like in vacated junk yards where homeless,toothless morons of society could
    pack themselves like sardines in the back of abandoned panel trucks and
    sniff glue till their faces turn purple.Todays Youth and their Moms,actually
    look for purple hairdos and tattoos.Is what
  23. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Granted, there's a lot to be desired in today's drug & sex-obsessed culture, but are you saying that the era where children weren't allowed to talk about the different abuses, including sexual abuse, even incest that they were forced to endure and not allowed to tell anyone was physically and mentally healthier for them?

    As I had said, thank God we came out of that dark era and allowed our defenseless children to HAVE A VOICE, to cry out for help from the abusers. If you can't understand that.....well, I pity you........
  24. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I would love to know why it took so long to arrest him..... I mean the guy sounds like a serial date rapist...

    How many woman have accused him of rape?
  25. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    At last count.....50.

    I wouldn't call Cosby a 'date rapist'. Some of his victims were quite young - no date involved. Some were young wannabe actresses, he'd contact them, offering them a part on his tv show and.......

    And b/c of who he was, the Great Cosby, American's Dad, whom everyone loved and admired, the victims didn't dare say anything at that time.........

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