time travel is a gross stupidy

Discussion in 'Science' started by polscie, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Even with the acid I would have noticed.
  2. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Well, I dunno.... we always have said that Jimi was generations ahead of his time.... hmmmm.....
  3. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    no wonder hendrix left ahead of us.
  4. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    If you call them on the phone, your audio signal takes 'time' to travel to the other location; whatever this distance might be your signal is only traveling at 186,000 miles per second...the SOL. If the other location is 7 billion light years from you, then your signal will take 7 billion years to reach them and another 7 billion years to return to you. Look how things have changed on Earth in the past 250 years and imagine how different things will be when you're talking about 1000 or 1 million or 1 billion years?
  5. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Yes but now is now.....everywhere. You can live in only one time....now.

    It takes time to travel to the grocery store. But if you leave at six o'clock and arrive at 6:30. It is still 6 o'clock and six thirty at the grocery store. Unless you cross a time zone but then just add or subtract an hour.
  6. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    people have been using this "year" as a form of measurement.
    this "year" if ever is true, only exist here on the surface of the earth.
    once it gets outside the perimeter of the relationship of the earth and the sun,
    "YEAR" does not exists anymore.
  7. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    this unbelievable demonstration of measurement (above) is really really bad.
    there is no past nor future.

    there is only now. and this now is the only thing that counts in existence.
    there is no past, this explains as to why no one ( no now) is ever found there. Past does not exist.
    there is no future, this explains as to why, everything that works within the concept of six senses are tangible. Future does not exist.

    Past and future they exist only in Man made grammar, so that Man can create a story. Actually a stupid and false stories.

    If you cannot be there, (past*future) then practically this "there" does not exist.
    wherever one is found, then that is real in our existence and this is the "NOW".

    that is why time travel is impossible and is gross stupidity, because past nor future is not the "EXISTENCE"

  8. MannieD

    MannieD New Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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  9. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    'Now' time can only exist to the first person in their precise location. If you have a second person across the street, and you talk to them on the phone, their time relative to your time will be slightly different because of the time it took for your phone signal to travel across the street. If your closest neighbor is 5 billion light years away, their time will be 5 billion years from your time. The closest Goldilocks planet to Earth is about 12.5 light years so if we could say hello to them on a phone, they would hear our hello 12.5 years after we said it, then it would take another 12.5 years to hear their response. 25 years of time to say 'hello' and 'hi'. Since we can't be in more than one location at a time, all the light our eyes take in, the phone call, etc. have a different time relative to our 'now' time. I'm too old to grasp this stuff and surely someone on this thread is laughing at my comments...
  10. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I understand that 'year' and all other time measurement is created by humans. We base it on the rotation/orbit of Earth which means in all other locations in the Universe, assuming none are identical to Earth, their time system will be different. But if the constant of light travel is correct, no matter how it is relative to each unique time system, all will come to the same conclusions that when we hear and see stuff...it took some amount of time to arrive at our eyes and/or ears. However others calibrate this to a time system will be different than on Earth...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I understand that 'year' and all other time measurement is created by humans. We base it on the rotation/orbit of Earth which means in all other locations in the Universe, assuming none are identical to Earth, their time system will be different. But if the constant of light travel is correct, no matter how it is relative to each unique time system, all will come to the same conclusions that when we hear and see stuff...it took some amount of time to arrive at our eyes and/or ears. However others calibrate this to a time system will be different than on Earth...
  11. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Michio Kaku:

    “In Einstein’s equation, time is a river. It speeds up, meanders, and slows down. The new wrinkle, is that it can have whirlpools and fork into two rivers. So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out.”

    Kaku says that even if time travel was possible, you would not be able to alter your own past, it would essentially be a version of yourself that you intersect with to change their life.

    In my own understanding, the issue is not only with time travel itself, but alternate realities and dimensions.

    Kaku claims the biggest obstacle to creating a time machine is something to stabilize the wormhole. ” To stabilize a wormhole, you have to have something called negative matter. Negative matter would cheat the gateway open and make sure it doesn’t close on you as you walk through the gateway. Now, we’ve never seen negative matter before, but if it does exist, if we can find negative matter, it would be the key element in a time machine.”

    But Kaku also says the energy required to both create a wormhole and wrap time would be tremendous and out of our technological reach.. for now.

    something called negative matter.
    Negative matter would cheat the gateway open and make sure it doesn’t close on you as you walk through the gateway.
    if we can find negative matter, it would be the key element in a time machine.”

    stupid mind.
  12. Prof_Sarcastic

    Prof_Sarcastic New Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Your deft argumentation and blinding scientific insight has convinced me. That, and you sound like Homer Simpson, and who doesn't like the Simpsons?
  13. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Kaku is caca. He's an intellectual pedophile who takes advantage of childish degenerate escapists addicted to mind-candy. His cult loves to hear dizzy leaps in logic, imaginary re-inforcements built of sand to shore up his spiraling explanations, and conclusions to which they can googoo, "Wow! Cool!" The mantra of New Age physics is, "If it's weird, it's wise."
  14. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    What? Lol, ROLF!!!!!! :wall: Ok let me try this; ahhh' a year exists anywhere and everwhere, just as a nanometer or light year exists, anywhere and everywhere! They are units of measurement just as you said. And just like an inch or anything in that category ie 'measurements' is as valid as anything in our reality. I think you are confusing a tangible reality and an abstract reality. What do you suggest we replace light year with in common talk? A year or an AU are valid measurments. Or maybe you mean a year based on pluto's orbit would be diff than a year based on the earths orbit? Now that would be a 'true' statement.

  15. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    what is the acceptable definition of a year?
    The time taken by the planet earth to make one revolution around the sun.
    That is a Man made measurement.

    If and only if there are form of life that equates to our intelligence
    in any of the rocks that rotates around the sun, do you think
    they would have the same form of observation like ours?

    for a while, come to think, you float in outerspace and you
    don't witness any rotation or movement that is perfectly
    the same to that of ours, would there be this Man made
    measurement which is YEAR?

    Man made things cannot make what the whole of the universe has been.
    The relationship of the earth and the sun as observed by this species
    is just a tiny tiny part of the entire universe.

    This species ....who/what the (*)(*)(*)(*) gives it to represent the universe
    to the universe itself.

    I'd say "hey stupid species, leave this universe alone."

    This species must self extinct.
    This species is so full of bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
  16. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Yes, I generally agree with all that. However, there are several other potentially possible ways to go back in time that do not require a worm hole.

    One of the potential ways would involve steering a very fast moving spaceship towards the space between where two large black holes had just prior closely moved past eachother in opposite directions. Very implausible, but theoretically not entirely impossible. The gravity from the black holes would theoretically pull the space ship back in time. It is important to have large black holes and proper distance so the gravitational tidal forces would be even enough not to rip the spaceship into shreds.
  17. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    oh god, so much easier than to think, what the hell are you talking about?
    black holes, gravitional tidal force, worm hole,

    The gravity from the black holes would theoretically pull the space ship back in time. It is important to have large black holes and proper distance so the gravitational tidal forces would be even enough not to rip the spaceship into shreds.

    why do you think these are all true.

    The gravity from the black holes would theoretically pull the space ship back in time. It is important to have large black holes and proper distance so the gravitational tidal forces would be even enough not to rip the spaceship into shreds.

    the above statement is just a group of words put together to make a complete sentence.
    the above statement has no basis to be ever true.
  18. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    You do not believe gravity from the past exerts a force in the present?
  19. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Do you understand the concept of rest mass?
    An object's rest mass is the energy of it moving through time. Of course, this poses the question of why each particle has a specific rest mass. It remains to be seen whether it would be possible to create a proton with lower rest mass by slowing its movement through time, or whether this energy only comes in quantum for some reason.

    (well, actually much of the rest mass originates from interaction with vacuum energy, but that is another complicated topic)
  20. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    If by ‘acceptable’ you mean ‘correct definition’ of a year is a measure of time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun once, that is correct.

    That depends if they are defining an earthly year or a unit of time measurement of their planet etc. If I asked an ET to define a measurement of time we call a year earthly year yes it would parrot the same definition that the earthling joe blow reads out of Encarda.

    If you never knew earth and our solar system existed a earth year would be the length of time it took for earth to complete a solar orbit.

    But my dear fellow member, even an alien probably has a way of measuring things. So light which appears to be a universal constant would be something they would in all probability measure. Of course they would not say its so many light years They would say they call the distance light would travel in our year a Orion year which equals 1344 of our light years and they are one Orion year from earth~! We earthlings say M42 in Orion is about 1342 to 1344 light years from planet earth.

    We don’t 'represent' the universe to anyone but ourselves in something known as communication. The way I see it humans attempt to describe the universe macro and micro , meta and less, in order to study and make sense from the weirdness of our universe, in fact I can not think of one example where we tried to force our ideas views and such things into anyone’s paradigm save for our own, lol. The apparent chaos the universe is made somewhat understandable by the efforts by humans for humans. What is wrong with that? If we met another race I am sure we would embrace their culture while we stabbed them in the back if history is any indication. Ha ha no really I am sure if the Ets were friendly I would bet both species would h ave something g like star treks universal translator that would translate a light year to the ET’s units of measurements etc. Yep I am sure we would employ conversion calculations just like when Europeans met men from China.

    I'd say "hey stupid species, leave this universe alone."

    I am not so impressed with us either, look how long it took us to achieve that technological wonder the wheel! A few million years if we count the proto humans.

    I am sure we will nearly commit self-genocide its called Armageddon. Well if you are spiritual (I am very spiritual) The good book tells us two thirds of all human life will die for all the wrong reasons. Jesus returns to keep us from committing total 100% self-genocide,... but, alas, this is the wrong thread for that discussion.~~~

    A bit of photo shop doodling (below). I did resize the original to a much smaller size so it would fit, the original was 18 megs to detail poster size reproductions, cat; science fantasy. title; 'StarshipBlu'

    View attachment 19126

  21. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    aaquntaum rev neither here nor there.JPG

    The photo above is called I am neither here or there , a study of quantum superposition in light and color.

    With all due respect (and I mean that) if you agree with the post I pasted above yours IMO both you and Polsci have very fanciful ideas about both time travel i.e. time dilation AND Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity. They are more personal views than correct theory that have nothing to do with what Einstein said.

    The fact is that time travel doesn’t need anything but a gravitational field (of nearly any strength) and or two moving objects (that means moving relative to each other). Time travel happens even at very low speeds much slower than c.(what an understatement of the century!) For a heads up consider this; Time dilation happens at one mph. However I doubt we can measure it using those variables, even an atomic clock may not be accurate enough to measure the deviance between a control atomic clock and the moving clock. The speed of c (light speed in a vacuum) is roughly 670,616,629 mph according to my and the webs calculations. Lol. Even a 600mph jet was used to measure time dilation, verified by two A. clocks but the Time Dilation was due to the altitude, ie the distance away from the earths gravity well, not the speed of the jet in that example. Even at the relativity slow speed of an orbiting spacecraft ie 17,000 mph + or- the time traveler only jumps ahead of the other clock etc by a fraction of a nano-second. That kind of time travel has already been accomplished and confirmed by empirical evidence too. Measured by atomic clocks. You guys should be more careful posting misinformation because that false info would make anyone who said it to an audience of moderately educated people would make a laughing stock out of them.

  22. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Reply to post number 145 ; 'Chirp chirp chip chirp chip....'

    Reply or rebuttal to post number 146 ; 'Chirp chirp chip chirp chip....'


  23. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You lose me when you use "they, their, them" to refer to a singular antecedent. This causes dumbing down. This illogical grammar, which leads to unstructured thought, was created by femininny titwits. Why do you still obey them? Their emotional, demanding, and illogical behavior long ago disproved their basic premise. Try the equally illogical "was created by femininny titwits. Why do you still obey her?" and, if you still have a mind left, you might see how stupid their PC grammar is. He has always been used for "he or she." The basic and original meaning of he is "this person." It is related to here, which means "this place." No wonder we believe in this fantasy about time if people's minds don't vomit on hearing they referring to a singular antecedent.
  24. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Mumbo jumbo. Begging the question. Time is not a dimension; there is nothing in the past and the present only exists for an instant. It never was and never will be. It only is, and immediately is no more. Einstein refused to consider the obvious answer of a fourth spatial dimension. For starters, that's where the quantum leap goes while it is leaping. This weirdness appears to people who have such sick minds that they have degenerated into a primitive state. If you had explained classical science to the cavemen, they would have found it boring. If you would have preached to them this zoo of weird phenomena and weird explanations for it, they would have made you a witch doctor.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    There is a paradox to time travel that nobody seems to be aware of:

    Suppose a time traveller from the year 3000 arrives in 2013. He is mass and energy, as is his machine.

    In other words, matter and energy have just been deposited into the universe of 2013.

    Now suppose this time traveller is stranded here and ultimately dies here.

    When the year 3000 rolls around, and the time traveller is once again preparing to go back to 2013, he'll be leaving a universe which has a bit more matter and energy than it's supposed to.

    It's a continuous loop in which the traveller removes mass and energy from 3000 and deposits it into 2013.

    Of course, time travel is only science fiction, so it's all moot. (I should know -- I have a MS in cosmology and am an amateur SF writer.)

    Please tell me you're not one of those people who thinks Einstein was wrong!

    How do you account for all of the experiments that have proven relativity true? Hell, GPS won't work unless relativity is accounted for!!

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