Arguing about time travel seems a bit presumptuous when physicists argue about whether time even "exists" in the first place.
I'll agree with this, actually. I have yet to be impressed by anything he's said. I'm far more impressed listening to a fellow like Lawrence Krauss.
With all due respect and I respect 99% + of the members here at PF. I disagree (a little) because debate can be surprisingly meaningful and productive even when a layman or someone outside the field or discipline being discussed/debated has an strong opinion or idea that is contrary to the accepted theory truth etc. That doesnt mean that I will embrace a weird tin foil hat idea (unless I am really ignorant of the subject and dont know better) but will debate any subject no matter how much other members mock the subject or how questionable etc the subject is. reva
I think Time Travel can be a possibility once man is able to see, and perceive time to where we can design technology that can travel through it, then maybe Time Travel will be possible. But as Hawking said, we live in a 3D plane while time is 4th dimensional.
Really, you can't be very scientific if you confuse results with causes. These experiments would turn out the same if a fourth spatial dimension is used in explaining them. Again, if someone says that angels carry things down, and then drops something down, the fact that it goes down doesn't prove that there are angels. Einstein's math is fudged because he doesn't factor in a spatial dimension and substitutes a non-existent time dimension for it. Also, E = M x (C squared) can be explained as a collision, with C squared being the maximum speed in 4D, which overcomes the drag of 3D space until the first atom in the chain reaction is hit. C squared is the equivalent of 6 light years a second! Using it as a medium, we can easily communicate with the whole galaxy and maybe even go there. So it is space travel that is proved by modern discoveries, not time travel. But just as in the Hollywood Science of time-travel, it is taken without proof that life-forms can survive in interdimensional travel. Perhaps because it wouldn't sell scripts or book fantasies, no one has a scenario where we could send messages or images to another time but not people.
Again time travel (time dilation) has and is occurring and has been proven. Hawking said that space time is the fourth dimension not 4th dimensional. That’s because before Einstein it was thought there were only three dimensions. Now some theorists say there are the awful (according to me) eleven + dimensions of the entirely non-predicting mess called string theory. I wont even go into the infinite universe theory (metaverse) and other 'out there theories' etc. reva
The past is gone or inherent in the present. The reason you can't go back in time is because you can't ungrow a tree or unbuild a home or reverse all that exists in the physical world. Time travel is fantasy.
Also applies to the future. There is nothing already out there waiting for us. It doesn't exist until we get there. This whole idea is childish escapism. Physicists are mentally and emotionally crippled freaks and should not be respected. Postclassical theory is disgusting to anyone capable of thinking realistically and rationally. Character does matter; any young person who looks up to these people as role models is doomed. Do they want to wind up like John Nash? Another wasted generation if we don't have more people thinking straight like you do instead of wandering off into tempting intellectual ditches.
Well, those are both opinions, neither of which can be falsified at this point, so each conjecture is as good as the next, I suppose. I have no problem with people discussing the issue. I just think it behooves us to ask the question, does time actually exist before we can logically discuss the feasibility of time travel.
WE are time traveling every moment, second by second, or whatever. One way, futurally. Moi Senior Time Traveler, that's why I'm No .,
yeah, time does not exist. time was invented to serve the purpose of exploiting the slave by the master. man made time is also used as a tool, device to measure economic exploitation in a capitalistic society.
Time travel into the future has already been proven as true and has already been accomplished in reality and experiment. But like a few replies indicated the technology hasn’t allowed us to do an experiment with a profoundly obvious results,. By that I mean an experiment such as the famous involving the famous twins paradox, where one twin stays on earth while the other rockets off in a star ship at near light speed. One ages very perceptibly while the other in the 'luminal velocity' starship doesn’t seem to age at all. Its not only velocity that effects 'time'. Anything that curves i.e. warps space(time) such as mass also 'effects' time. For example time runs slower for an object at sea level than at the top of Mount Everest, due to sea level being closer to the center of the earths mass. The tiny rate of difference is not noticeable by our senses but change the mass from earth to a several stellar mass black hole, and the difference is VERY noticeable. In fact according to theory time stops for any one or any thing as it or they cross the event horizon of the BH. reva
The maximum velocity in 4D is 6 light years a second. Therefore, if (through fission) we had a window there, we could receive virtually real-time inputs from throughout the Milky Way.
You are afraid to believe what the self-appointed authorities ordered you not to believe. Automatic fail.
Think of the lottery. Tremendous odds against winning, but there is a winner. How do you know that there weren't tremendous odds against live forming even on Earth? You are begging the question. These other planets are merely lottery players, that is, they are losers.
We could have an empty universe where nothing happens and there still would be time. Think of a basketball court between games. There is still time, but no game time.
Like so many other things about the Post-clack quacks, this belief in time travel is an extension of irrational religious superstition. Theists claimed that God can know the future, which implies that the future is out "there" somewhere, waiting for us and visible by Someone with super powers. But the future does not exist. It was accepted that God could not create a contradiction, such as a square circle, but, by wishful thinking, it was also foolishly accepted that knowing something that doesn't exist, such as a future, is not a contradiction.
Effects don't prove explanations. If someone said that angels carry things to the ground, and then dropped something, could he claim that the fact that it traveled to the ground proved that angels carried it?
You need a physical process to define time. A mechanical clock ticking, the revolution of a planet, the decay of a radioactive atom, etc. With an empty universe, there is nothing to define time, and nothing to observe time in any case, so time is meaningless in a void. Does a dog know what time is? My dog knows when I exit the front door for 2 seconds vs 2 hours. He may not see time in the same way humans do, be he has some sense of time. When 8pm rolls around, he knows it's time to eat, and pesters me. Does he know what time it is? He can't read a clock (as far as I know), but he feels a circadian rhythm, which is just as valid as any other observable clock if not as precise. Time isn't a human invented process, we just made a definition in our mind and codified it in mathematics. Day and night happens on other planets, we're not there to observe it. Radioactive atoms decay, we're not there to see them. To say time is a human invention is to go back to the days of Copernicus when the Earth and humans were considered the center of the universe. We're just not that far as time goes.
NOTICE; This is a relevant excerpt of a reply to another section of PF. I hope it helps the discussion. Peace to my PF Brothers and Sisters ~ I believe the concept of time being discussed here is a prime example of how the much maligned* subject of Metaphysics based science can be useful assisting Logical Positivism based science in understanding abstract concepts like time which isnt a tangible. Other areas where metaphysics might assist is in making new discoveries and creating theory natural and other processes that LP science has yet to explain. I am discussing that in another thread so I wont elaborate, only to say that in my opinion time is real. However even as I am saying that one must ask what real is! And now that is the beginning of the GOOD STUFF! Its also why I switched from pure science to religion and metaphysical subjects for college study and lifes work. The study of what is real and what is not and what might will I think lead us to a true ToE. If reality can be described fully and in detail I am sure confer to the human race the intellectual equivalent golden treasure chest at the end of the rainbow filled with fabulous knowledge everything the holy grail of science and mans quest for knowledge, a real ToE/GUT*. How can I go now? Lol Notes ; * ToE .. Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎CachedSimilar A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory or master theory refers to the hypothetical presence of a single, all-encompassing, coherent ... GUT . The Grand Unified Theory is a vision of a physics theory that can combine three of the four fundamental forces into one single equation. The four forces are the Strong Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, the Electro-Magnetic Force, and the Gravitational Force. The EM and Weak forces were initially thought to be two separate forces until scientists discovered one theory (the Electro Weak theory) to explain both of them and then went on to observe this unified force in action (much like Maxwell unified the electric and magnetic forces into the Electro-Magnetic Force). God bless this cforum; reva
You are assuming too much. Why does something have to be measurable in relation to something else before it can exist? Why do you think we have to believe that nothing can exist alone?