To be consistant, shouldn't "pro-lifers" call for retroactive prosecution of women...

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by Gorn Captain, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Whaler17

    Whaler17 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Your premise here is logically screwed up. there is no back pedaling needed.
    If a business person cons someone into doing something under a false premise, and the result of that act is the death of someone that the victim of the con was unaware of, then who is the guilty party?

    When you are asking people whether or not they would prosecute someone for an act that isn't illegal, you shouldn't be trying to trick someone. You just aren't bright enough to pull it off.

  2. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    What's the false premise? You think women who have abortions...don't know they're going to have an abortion?!?!?

    And don't go "They don't know it's a life"....cuz that simply means you think (like apparently some in Virginia do, with their mandatory vaginal probes) think women are STUPID.

    You can't win. You have now said you'd support retroactive prosecution of abortion-providing doctors as commiters of "homicide". If that is your opinion, than a woman who HAS GONE (past tense) to have the abortion...made the appointment, talked with the doctors, willingly agreed to the the legal "accomplice to homicide" and would have to be equally prosecuted under YOUR system of jurisprudence.

    And if you don't think accomplice, which would also include conspiracy, adds up to real time in prison.....I've got plenty of examples to give you.

    Like most "pro-lifers" just want the politically EASY way out of your beliefs. Hating doctors and calling for them to go to prison for life or execution is EASY...if still fringe.

    You start applying your standard to the WOMEN???.....your support dries up to a few wackos like Randall Terry and "Operation Rescue".

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