TP Economic Theory Put to the Test

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Natty Bumpo, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    You still are simply wrong. Independents control the outcome of the elections and independents in the south are favoring the GOP. It does not put the GOP in control of the state.
  2. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    If you refuse to believe that Georgia, with its Republican Governor, Republican-controlled State Senate, Republican-controlled House, Republican Senior US Senator, Republican Junior Senator, majority-Republican US House delegation (firmly in the Republican column in the last 5 presidential elections) is not politically controlled by all those elected Republican politicians, I really can't help you.

    Of course, in Georgia, voters declaring a party affiliation is irrelevant, because it has an open primary system. It is not necessary to be registered with a party. Political partisanship is clearly reflected by who is elected and empowered. (See above.)

    If I might be permitted to get back on topic, whether Brownback can survive with massive funding from the Koch Brothers, it's intriguing to see how the TP zealot has inspired a bipartisanship all too rare these days, as sensible, moderates, appalled by Sammy's trashing the state's bond rating, driving its debt through the roof, and savaging its educational system, have formed "Republicans for Kansas Values."

    Any more years amidst the predations of Brownbackistan will cause those mild-mannered, levelheaded folks to get downright uppity.
  3. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    TPs whistle past the Red State Model, but Sammy's "experiment", administering a mega-dose of TPism to the Sunflower State has it shriveling up like a fiscal re-enactmnet of the Dust Bowl.

  4. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    TPs vehemently resist drawing any attention whatsoever to their own Red State Model. You're not about to see big time TP honcho Jim DeMint touting Sammy Brownback's Kansas "experiment" in the way he promoted Willard Romney's individually-mandated universal health coverage as "something we should do for the whole country!"

    Yet, the nation can benefit from the disastrous consequences of full-blown TPism in the Sun Flower State. It does afford a valuable lesson, and wherever level-headed pragmatists can fend off the hardcore ideological zealots, bleeding Kansas will stand as the cautionary lesson, the self-proclaimed Red State Model for Americans to heed, the unique empirical exemplar of the wacko birds' airy-fairy notions.

    Even enthusiastic Brownbackers can no longer ignore the results of rampant TPism:

  5. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Yes, Clinton signed nafta, which was created by Bush Sr, the repubs and the special interests they represent exclusively. I voted for Perot. For I knew what it would do to American jobs.

    Of course people will always want cheaper widgets. But in the past, we were not foolish enough allow offshoring jobs to get that. And that cheaper widget paradigm was used to fool americans, for what was not said, was that they would not be cheaper for most over the long haul as their living wage jobs would be replaced by service sector low wage jobs. As long as your manufacturing job was still here, the cheaper widgets looked good, but then you lost your job to cheap labor, and you lost the advantage on your cheaper widget.

    We had higher prices for widgets for a long time, but that provided living wage jobs. Which was the way we did it, for we placed importance on a middle class. We no longer do.
  6. proof-hunter

    proof-hunter New Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    The TP's model is America before Carter, Clintons, and Obama. the greatest country in the DAM world. TOP that you socilist.
    oh, by the way, hows it feel to see your party take the most beautiful swan dive this election? feels GOOD hu?

    Now go play with your toys.

  7. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    However, whilst some maunder, "Mr, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again!", others celebrate the nation's greatness achieved by FDR's enlightened policies.

    Meanwhile, Sammy must now confront the plight inflicted by his own unadulterated TPism, after having denied knowing what he had done to Kansas and accusing of those who had told the truth about it of lying:

    This is going to be fun! (Unless you live in Kansas, of course.)
  8. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    As Turtle McConnell and his corporate toady wing of the GOP are about to reign in Congress for two years, he will have Sammy Brownback's touted "Red State Model" as a hefty cudgel with which to "crush" the TPs - as he had taken immense glee in doing during the Party's primaries.

    The Sunflower State is well on its way to becoming an economic disaster thanks to TP dogma gone icky balooky, as Milton Friedman might have described it.

    The spectacle of Brownbackistan stands as an ominous warning for Turtle's radical ideologues.

    If any of the congressional TP berserkers need to be shocked into sensibility, a "scared straight" exposure to bleeding Kansas should do it.

  9. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    TP diehards continue to run away from Shifty Sam the Sham's heralded "Red State Model" as if it were Ebolastan, but being Brownbackistan is bad enough!

  10. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Pursuant to the adage, "The proof is in the pudding," I feel it incumbent upon me to seize the baton from a flagging Sammy Brownback and carry on spreading the gospel of his Red State Model.

    Before Brownbackistan became a reality, it was just a glint in a TP's cataract, an airy-fairy notion with no more empirical substance than a prairie fairy dust storm.

    Even Sammy's finally getting a clue, and whilst some might find his mollycoddling himself with concessions of his "inartfully" expressed falsehoods amusing, those less magnanimous might volubly proclaim, "Liar! Liar! Liar!"

    Oh you naughty Sammy! Just look at the mess you've gotten Kansans into!

  11. truth&justice

    truth&justice New Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Very well stated; and with considerable detail. Great - - accurate post!
  12. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Thank you.

    I'm afraid that my relentlessly following the lurid saga of Brownback's Red State Model has the normally blustering TP ideologues running for cover, but it's important that their touted paradigm be exposed for all to see. Had the Sunflower State bloomed as Brownbackistan, you can be sure that they would have swarmed all over it like flies all over what flies swarm all over.

    In the last election, I was hoping that Sammy would cling to the governorship so that he could inherit the results of his full-blown TPism, and not cravenly conspire to transfer the blame.

    Kansas affords Americans a unique opportunity to see the irrefutable consequences of actually applying the radicals' airy-fairy dogma.

    It won't shake the true believers' blind faith, of course, but practical "Show me" Americans are being shown.
  13. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I'm curious how much time you allow before passing a verdict, so to speak. It looks like the guy had four years with some bad results. Hey, Obama's first four years saw the debt explode with anemic economic growth.

    Don't confuse this - my point isn't "well hey, Obama did worse" or anything of that sort, my point is simply to ask how long must be given to see the effects of a plan, in your own view. Because in this case you do seem to think that just a couple years are sufficient.
  14. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    When is it proper to judge an elected executive's performance in office? It's a valid, debatable question.

    Some would only compare the state of the nation - at peace with a balanced budget - when Bush was sworn into office with how he left it eight years later. Others would have been critical - and were - much sooner, certainly after what he called his "main reasons" for his two-trillion dollar war had been exposed as non-existent. That opulent military adventurism proved quite regrettable - except from Iran's perspective, and that was clear to most well before he entered GOP exile.

    If we refrain from judging the incumbent president based on his complete record, we cannot offer an appraisal before the end of next year, a restraint few of his critics display - even as the economy improves and the nation continues to extract itself from the quagmires he had inherited.

    In Sam Brownback's case, when he touted his radical agenda I believe he invited the scrutiny it is receiving. Had it evidenced impressive success rather than dismal failure, would his fans be deferring their comments for the duration?

    He declared "it works!", not that it will eventually work.

    Might it yet work? For that to happen, he now must first overcome the fiscal crisis that he has created.

    Others have been watching his "experiment" and are not giving him a free ride until he has absconded.

    They can't afford to.

  15. openmindedconservative

    openmindedconservative New Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    The truth is, tax cuts have a positive impact on the economy. In the short-term, tax cuts may cause reductions in revenue but long term, they lead to greater revenue. Federal revenue grew by 99% during the 1980s as President Reagan signed massive tax breaks on businesses and individuals. President Bush's 2003 tax cuts led to 44% greater federal revenue. But, each tax cut should be considered on it's own merit. When you cut personal income taxes, it helps people afford the necessities of life with greater ease. Cutting personal income taxes not only helps people save, it can help drive consumer spending. When you cut taxes on businesses or capital gains, you help the business sector expand and grow, and you help drive investment. This leads to greater job growth.
  16. truth&justice

    truth&justice New Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Contraire, on that Job Growth. There have been no Net, New, Breadwinner Jobs created in this Country since the CY 2000. Millions of Short-term, Temp; and Slave-wage jobs tho. The Four GOP Recessions under Reagan; and, the two Bushes; wiped out Millions of those - - Breadwinner Jobs.

    . . . and, why in the World would any Government give Tax Breaks to Companies that create Jobs overseas. Some - - 20 Million over the past 30 years - - don'tcha, know?

    Your Theories are, "Old School," Realities; back in the Day, when Nation had something closer to Classic Capitalism. Now, that Deformation of Capitalism has occurred (see Stockman), not much Trust left in a System that, "Rent Seeks;" and Profits from Creative Destruction of Capitalistic Enterprises.

    Now that a great divide - - a huge disparity in Income & Wealth has taken place as a result of the Great Deformation; aided & abetted by a Crony Political System; who will believe any of the, "righteous," theory; when there is no trust to be found anywhere?!

    You stated the Theory very well. But today; we live in a different World. Capitalism has become Predatory; as the events of the Past 15 years attest. Tough for the Fleeced; to agree to be fleeced again.
  17. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Reality continues to reek havoc with TP ideological dogma, and Sammy's vaunted Red State Model serves an important lesson and empirical warning to Repubs elsewhere.

    TP true believers would be intoning paeans to the glory of their Brownbackistan had Sammy's simplistic scheme evidenced a remote semblance of viability, but they're scuttling away from it like painfully bashful cockroaches dazzled by a suddenly full-dazzling sun. As I predicted, the spectacle of full-blown, dogmatic TPism would have a sobering effect on realistic pragmatists:

  18. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Some may deem it cruel to draw attention to the embarrassed TPs vaunted Red State Model as it actually resembles a square black hole in the middle of a nation whose economic and employment numbers are so upbeat in stark contrast, but Sammy proclaimed it an experiment, and experiments yield empirical evidence that can be of great value. You do not suppress the results of your "experiment" when it does not comport with your ideological dogma, no matter how fervent your faith. That would make your "experiment" truly worthless.

    Sam strutted into office touting his TP agenda, drove centrists from the legislature, replaced them with his rabid true believers, and launched his ideological jihad on the Sunflower State. What is turning out to be the the fiscal equivalent of a scorched earth policy surely compels one to inquire,

    So, Sammy, how's that working out for you?

  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It is estimated that nearly thirty percent of the North American economy is some form of volunteerism.

    My impression of what I have read of Tea Party economics so far...… is that something like the Ithaca Hour..... printed up on a truly large scale..... would fit in quite well with their basic platform.

    Large churches in democratic nations should print their own currencies.
  20. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    The current, pertinent reality is that the economy of the United States is on the way up and the deficit on the way down, even as the Red State Model touted as the TP "experiment" is affording us a valuable contrast on both counts.

    Airy-fairy notions, no matter how dogmatically held and stridently expressed, are no substitute for solid empirical data, and Sammy Brownback is provided us with the latter in dismal abundance.
  21. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I don't believe there is any correlation between tax cuts and an economy, positive or negative. Some companies are drawn to a location because of the tax advantages; other companies are drawn to a location because the community has maintained its infrastructure over the years. That costs money and apparently companies are liking the Missouri model more than the Kansas model these days. My community began giving away the store a couple decades ago and it's hurtin' now. So is the entire state of Nevada.
  22. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    That has been repeatedly demonstrated, but hardcore dogmatists are impervious to demonstrable reality.

    One recalls Clinton's 1993 increase in taxes on the wealthiest that attracted no shortage of strident auguries of economic doom but nary a vote from Republicans in House or Senate. Prosperity - the creation of 22.7 million jobs, a 21% increase in weekly wages, and a balanced budget - ensued.

    Fortunately, pragmatists now have TP Sam's "Red State Model", a deeply anguished "experiment" where fools rushed in and wise men fear to tread.

    The neighbouring "Show Me!" State has been shown:

  23. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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  24. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Nothing speaks as eloquently as TP silence regarding their Sammy's touted "Red State Model", the proof-in-the-pudding application of their previously airy-fairy, faith-based, ideological dogma.

    The Brownbackistan "experiment" does provide a lesson for the nation - even as it shuts some garrulous gobs in such a most delightful way.

  25. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    A becoming modesty, one must assume, prevents the folks who respond to responsible taxation as emotionally as a vampire does to a crucifix jamboree from hyping their "Red State Model"

    Sammy has worked his TP magic in Kansas. He failed to stimulate the state's economy and create jobs as he contrived to lower the state's bond rating and accrue massive projected debt, and he blatantly lied about slashing educational funding whilst absolving corporate interests, businesses, and fat cats such as his Koch masters of their share of responsibility. The hardcore ideologues hide from the empirical data, but his "experiment" has certainly yielded results, and re-affirmed the Micawber Formula for pecuniary equanimity:

    "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen [pounds] nineteen [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness.
    Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

    Brownback's scheme has also failed to stimulate the TPs who had enthused over his scorched earth approach to fiscal responsibility as if it were a mega-dose of Viagra® but has left their spirits drooping. Their Brownbackistan utopia only succeeds in pulp fiction - They'll always have their Aynrandistan.

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