Trump had a false positive Covid 19 test. He freaked out and started to have symptoms brought on by psychosis. Now, to cover it up, more FAKE Covid 19 positive tests are conveniently coming out among Trump staff and other 'worshipers'. If you can believe that Covid 19 is a Democrat hoax which would take a network of millions of people all over the world to pull off. If you can believe that climate change is a hoax which again would take millions of people to pull off. If you can believe that reptilian aliens actually rule the world (apparently 12 million Americans do). Then you can believe that 30 people connected to Trump can organize and exploite an opportunity (because they're all too stupid to think this up on their own) and also report fake positive Covid 19 tests in order to "prove" that the virus isn't a big deal or that Trump is a superman and deserves to be reelected. "Stupid is as Stupid does"
You certainly have a point Captain. It's funny how many people I've encountered lately who are suspicious/skeptical about this story. It is certainly possible this is staged for some sort of perceived political advantage. I'm neutral at the moment. Yes, the entire Plandemic is staged, so I'm not certain about whether Trump and them are faking this.
They don't actually rule the world, we aren't sure what they are up to. It appears it may be a survival thing.
I know a couple people that had it and it wasn't that big of a deal. I think it's real but the danger is way overblown. Old and sick people are dying, it's like that with all species.