"The dishonest media says I'm in agreement with Assange... The media makes it look like I'm against intelligence. I'm a big fan!" [Jan 5th Tweet] Glad to hear Trump is a fan of intelligence!
I like the one where he calls on Obama to resign https://www.indy100.com/article/presenting-donald-trumps-best-worst-tweets--Z1r35m__Zg I mean - this is the guy who when faced with the fact that RUSSIA has intervened to get him elected is in complete denial
The so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE! 5:59 PM - 22 Dec 2016 I don't even know what that means? What a nut.
Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a..... 3:27 AM - 9 Jan 2017 Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him....... 3:36 AM - 9 Jan 2017 "groveling" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media! 3:43 AM - 9 Jan 2017 Meryl Streep speech - 6 minutes Donald Trump response 16 minutes Did she get under your skin there don don? Ms America, Fiorina, Rosie O'Donnel, Cher, Streep... Trump seems to get his feelings hurt by women pretty easily.
Dude's creating jobs left and right all from Trump tower and he isn't even sworn in yet. It's shaping up to be the most prosperous presidency of my lifetime (I'm 29).
Here's to hoping that Trumpster can get some things done that the establishment pols either cannot or will not do!
Hope is all you have because the reality is that probably little will be done by his administration other than line thier own pockets and bankrupt America
I don't think you understand how the presidency and congress and our system of checks and balances works! Maybe America being bankrupt is your own wishful thinking. - - - Updated - - - You do realize that one of platforms Trump ran on was bringing DOWN the national debt, right? Do you know how much Obama added to the debt? - - - Updated - - - Crony capitalism is something democrats are famous for.
Remember when Obama was elected? The hype was even bigger. They said we were entering a new age. Eight years later, not much have changed. Force is to admit that the governmental machine is closer to a tractor than a Fiat spider. I am a bit older (50), and I don't believe in one-rich-man's-revolutions. Real revolutions happens in the streets, not in the high offices above them. Un-doing the NAFTA accords will be hard - one can't put the toothpaste back into the tube. But let's suppose Trump gets what he wants - more protectionnism. Do you seriously think the car's prices are going top stay the same? That's just an exemple of the far-reaching consequences that I'm not sure Trump comprehends - it doesn't matter to him if the cars' price goes significantly up (it's even a plus as far as he is concerned, I'll bet). He is the 1%. More concretely, I am rather un-impressed by the nominations he made - other billionaires, his own familly members, G&S staffers. Looks more reactionnary than revolutionnary to me. Anyway - I am sure he's got some good intentions, if he communicates them poorly. He obviously loves his country, althought I am sure he loves himself even more (don't we all). As a fellow hater of NAFTA, I wish him all the luck in making his country a better one than when he was elected. Just be careful for what you wish, huh? Now let's get back to some damn cartoons shall we.
And it shows how, beyond making false claims, he spins his ridiculous conspiracy theories - innuendo. Did someone manage to sabotage the plane so that only 1 of 8 people died? And it happened in Dec 2013 - after his reelection! But still the conspiracy theorists went nuts. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/13/loretta-fuddy-cause-of-death_n_4592104.html
Oh, you mean like how Pelosi and many other dems bought stock in corporations that they bailed out and increased their net worth 10 fold? Or how Obama's net worth has increased 400% since being POTUS while the average American household income has gone down? Why do libs live in speculation land instead of reality?
That comes from his book deals and investments. •2004: He earned a salary of $80,287 from the Illinois State Senate and $32,144 from the University of Chicago Law School, where he taught. The president also had assets in four financial funds worth between $50,000 and $100,000 each. •2005: Obama signed a multi-book deal with Random House and received a $1.9 million advance for “The Audacity of Hope,” plus royalties, following his appearance at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Also that year he earned just over $847,000 off another book advance, plus $378,000 off additional book royalties. Meanwhile, his investments grew with the addition of a Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund valued between $50,000 and $100,000. He also reported deposit accounts valued between $150,000 and $350,000. •2006: Obama reported book royalties of just under $150,000, plus $425,000 off an additional book advance. He also acquired publicly-traded assets worth tens of thousands, including funds with Goldman Sachs and Vanguard. •2007: Obama earned $3.3 million off book royalties from Random House and $816,000 from Dystel & Goderich Literary Management. He acquired a Northern Municipal Money Market Fund valued between $1 million and $5 million, in addition to U.S. Treasury notes valued between $500,000 and $1 million. For his daughters, he invested in two 529 college savings plans valued around $200,000 each. •2008: When Obama was sworn in as president, he owned somewhere between $1 million and $5.1 million in U.S. Treasury bills. •2009: Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, which came with a $1.4 million award. He donated it to an assortment of charities. •2009-2015: Obama earned $400,000 a year as president and continued to earn book royalties, as well as interest on his investments. https://www.gobankingrates.com/pers...mas-net-worth-54-happy-birthday-mr-president/ Both books were written before he took office. So what's the problem? His increase in wealth is a direct result of the Obama economy. The stock market and other investments have done extremely well. The Dow has almost tripled since its low, right after he took office. It is funny to consider the difference between Obama, who wrote two books, and Trump, whose thoughts are limited to 140 characters.
1)Before 2008, doesn't lend itself to this discussion. 2)You made my point, Obama has gotten rich off of what he has done in office to better his investments that he so conveniently bailed out with public money. The Dow may have gone up, but household incomes have gone down. 3)Its easy for the dow to go up so much when there is $13billion and month printed new currency for the past 8 years. 4) The book sales seem to not equal his increase from $1.2 million in 2008 to his $12.2 million worth in 2016. If $400,000 salary and $400,000 in royalties doesn't get you $11 million, unless he didn't spend a dime on himself or family the last 8 years. http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/federal_reserve-qe3/money_printing-2012-2013.html
Oh lord, and you think he somehow engineered this? He invested in the same types of fund that most Americans have for retirement funds. And his books have done well. They have been extremely popular. So he's smart and people like his books. Big crime. Anyone with a retirement plan has benefited greatly from the Obama economy. When he took office, most had lost 1/2 of their retirement. Now they have that back and another half again. Anyone with a home had lost up to half its value. Now that have that back as well.
There is nothing funny about the false propaganda posted about liberals or Obama. In fact much of it is just stupid. So quit whining. Trump is true satire even though it is unintentional.