This in 2017 and 2018: 1. The muslim ban to America. 2. Selling California to Mexico. 3. Trade Vs Poland in begun. 4. Trade twicely Vs Germany. 5. No war against No. Korea. 6. More jobs to the people.
Trumpty Drumphty bet on a wall Trumpty Drumphty had a great fall All of the whores and all the paid men Couldn't put Trumpty together again
"Ryan is probably safe as Speaker because nobody particularly wants to be Henry VIII's next wife." - The Wall Street Journal One pundit suggested that at this point, Trump would normally declare bankruptcy.
It get worse when you blamed current president in USA. Does not you feelings great with the Trump ?! You got USA or do big German smiley ?! Rubio wannabee like me even I does like the Trump ???? Rubio is well a German smiley ?!
I Think now Trump are not my favorite I wannabee next president Warren, Castro or other republican just perhaps.
We wait for next month solution in Congress by FBI Comey and election 2016 if republican must vote the next president next month already maybe true story by Comey in Supreme Court. If not vote by 100 republican Trump are my president but I has good stuff with Swedish militia Dream last night in EU. 6000 concripts and 10.000 in reserves only Army forces.
Maybe I want also Warren and Castro next election. Trump is good man but not even the best well ???? Rubio is my best president.
I Think me now Donald Trump as president not Rubio just now a lession. I Think also maybe Obama not top 2 best president since Reagan in 1979-1986. GW Bush are second best since 1979.
If Trump's 70% approval rating in Russia is holding, then he is about twice as popular in Russia as he is in the US.