UK Suffers As A Bystander To Europe's Crisis:

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by janpor, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. tamora

    tamora New Member

    Apr 23, 2009
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    There's nothing morally bankrupt about me or the majority of Britons. My opinion of the Conservatives is already at rock bottom, but for entirely different reasons to yours. They were stuck between a rock and hard place. They're right wing and don't want to leave the EU so they either join the EPP (see earlier post) or they look for another right wing group. Their choice in the EP is limited and are forced to work with a group with which they do not agree wholeheartedly. People playing party politics, especially europhiles, always use character assassination when their other arguments fail, it's an old and failed tactic used to try to discredit them, and it only gives weight to eurosceptic opinions.
  2. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Interesting that you are using the word Ponzi Scheme. Bissmarck invented the state operated social security programs of the world, at the end of the 19th century, and relied on positive demographies and positive job/consumer growths, predominant at his time. The Ponzi scheme becomes Ponzi only if the base of new "customers" stops growing, such as the 21st century negative demography and job outsourcing. From your description then, the key to the solvency of western national retirement schemes is to globalize them, including extending them into countries such as the Ukraine/Russia, Turkey, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The positive demographies and job growths of these 3rd world countries, blended with western funded local retirement plans, will pump in sufficient cash into the newly globalized western social security schemes.

    But these assets have never existed except on paper and will never exist either. A property that is worth $1, then pumped up by pure paper to $1000, is the same as creating 999 assets that have never and will never exist. To me this looks like not economy but pure politics.

    So, can we expect an economy solution to this purely political financial crisis? Can there be a political solution?

    I think that history has showed a few of such solutions in the past, latest when the Soviet Union and China introduced the politics of planned economic production in the mid-20th century. A version of the ancient feudal self-sustaining non-commercial agricultural economy, this results in massive shortages and other problems, but probably still better than making half the EU homeless, like Latin America's domestic landscape for the last 80 years.

    I wish this would play out like this in the future. But for some reson this is not working, the UK workers are still worse off than the continentals.

    For the sake of a new East Europe, I hope that either the failure will be total and absolute, or the victory in the political, financial, and cultural unification of Europe will be total and absolute. (Unification, after Holland/Finnland kicked Romania/Bulgaria out of Schengen, is not as hopeful any more though.)
  3. austrianecon

    austrianecon Banned

    Feb 7, 2010
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    So you would extend Germany benefits to Turkey? Good luck in getting that one to happen. The issue is that France, Germany and the rest of the EU is not growing in population, which in fact makes these programs a Ponzi Scheme and always has been. The programs worked when a larger number of workers entered the work force then the previous generation. But while the decline of population growth happened benefits increased. So a good start would be reducing benefits. Then tackling the larger failure in the system, population. But that would be a faux pas in Europe and people will riot. Rather have a riot then a bankrupt State that pays nothing. This is something Europeans have to get use to.

    These assets do exist as that paper is used to buy something else and that paper is offered as collateral. Remove the collateral from the counter party the counter party has a 100% loss. Do that to anybody and they will never invest in your economy again. They'll take up to a 50% but they will never tax 100% as you wipe them out for good.

    There is no good solution. Politically or Financially. Politically requires the sick countries of Europe (southern and eastern economies) to become surfs. Basically reliant on the Northern economies to approve their budgets and their spending. Financially leads to massive inflation for all of Europe, which ends up with all of Europe being a nobody on the global economy. China will surpass you and have more power. The Euro will be the new Yen and used as a carry trade currency. Then the US will follow suit and then you end up being worse off.

    What happen to the Soviet Union? China rejected in a few years later. So you'll trade your ability to eat different foods, drive where you want, buy what you want.. on the chance that the dumb investors, home owners (who bought more then they should) and uneducated can live just as well as you do?

    It really depends on how the UK handles it.

    Total and Absolute failure is best for all.
  4. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Morally bankrupt best fits the political system,now in the country's that make up the UK.
    When they excluded free speech within the political parties and bought up the free press...your now left with this reprobates in parliament!
    What was it they said.....take business people in public life to improve the type and class of your parliamentarians!
    Right enough....all bloody thieves together! But a better class of thieves!
    They have no character......they re thieves...plain and simple!
    As for the banking system.....ponzy schemes.....all with the aim of relieving the various nation states of there capital wealth, and all with the help of the corrupted practices in the city of London and the reprobates there in!

    Forty percent of the UK GDP earned through the roguery of the city of London!
    That's a lot of hatred aimed at the nations responsible!


  5. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Nothing worse than the lower class ranting about subjects totally beyond their comprehension .
  6. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    But as most here believe in some form of democracy...your allowed your opinion regardless how poorly your informed!

  7. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    That's so called Western Modern Democracy .
    It bears no relation as to how Democracy was practised originally .
    The notion is that because the ill informed are incapable of giving an informed opinion , some sort of " qualification" is needed in order to be permitted to air a public opinion .
    It's a tricky subject because this far improved definition is open to potential abuses .
    It is about the idea of earning the right to voice an opinion as opposed to being given it .
  8. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Mmmmm........Are you possibly a supporter of EDF?

    Earn the right.......bollocks!
    You lot thought the sodomite "Churchill" was a hero!

    Democracy is for all........regardless of colour or creed, and who's to definition...."you" have equal rights?

    One vote! Democracy in action!

    Anything BNP EDF Nazism or Zionism!

  9. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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  10. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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  11. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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