Came across an interesting technical website about the improbability/impossibility of 9/11 happening the way the government says it completely refutes the government official conspiracy theory.....
It refutes nothing, presents no evidence and merely repeats the same tired debunked lies from twoothers. Do something original and quote a specific part of the 911 commission report which you claim is false and show evidence that it is a lie
Are you sure you can read? You missed lots of proof in the link...maybe get someone to read it for presents a mountain of evidence, which the government has never dealt with...your precious commission report never dealt with any real issues, just like they were programmed to do, ignore the evidence and the facts, and just like you are doing...
No it does not at all. There is zero proof or evidence in the link whatsoever. The junk claims they make have long since been debunked and proven false on many of these various threads. You are not presenting evidence or fact and it is you who is the gullible and naive one. Quote one passage of the commission report which you claim is false and present evidence showing it to be a lie. Your assertions absolutely requires you to do this
You should be able to quote one thing the commission got right in their report....tick tock tick tock...waiting!
I am not the one challenging it. You are my assertions do not require me to do so YOURS does. SO fire away otherwise it is proof you are posting in ignorance
He is trying to reverse the burden of proof, obviously. The US government said, now go prove it's wrong. Typical intellectual dishonesty. And when asked to prove his own claims, all he can do is claim he proved it without ever providing any proof. There is no legitimate discussion to be had with this troll. Watch the response to this post, it will the same tired old nonsense with little variation. It always is.
Wrong and another of your many outright lies. I have asked you the same question time after time and like a typical hypocrite and coward you run in fear and humiliation. You are right there is no legitimate discussion to be had because you are not competent or intelligent enough to provide one. And what precisely do you provide in terms of variation. ? Just to prove you wrong here is how it works The link says this " There would be skin of the plane wrapped around the steel columns. These holes are devoid of any sign of a plane." Exact and direct word for word quote from the link. Clearly what the link is trying to imply is that there were no plane crashes at all. Even most conspiracy fools who claim the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition ( a claim which no evidence of any kind supports ) still admit that yes planes hit the buildings. In addition the link makes a claim from authority that skin of the plane would be wrapped around the columns but then provides no support whatsoever for this assertion. Much as you always do by making assertions calling them facts and ignoring any question Conspiracy theorists who claim there was controlled demolition will typically state planes hit the buildings and controlled demolition did the rest. This is because trying to claim no planes hit the towers is stupid and delusional as millions SAW it happen and many even filmed the crashes. But this stupid website ignores any and all scientific or objective evidence of any kind and tries to state a claim of no planes AT ALL. Which is as idiotic and easily dis-proven as the flat earth theory. That is how it is done junior I did not run from reading the link I read it and i cite evidence that it is completely false. That proves that you are truly a coward and liar. I have asked you to directly quote a passage of the 911 report which you say is false and provide evidence that it is false. you cannot do so because you never read the report and are to cowardly to do so. You never provide evidence but only mindless and baseless assertions backed up by your hatred of the government which is a not a valid argument. So go ahead and repeat your lies ad nauseum I just proved they are lies.
Need I say more? To "prove" me wrong he offers a lot of hot air but no proof of anything, predictable.
Yes you need to say more and you are outright lying I provided proof that the link was wrong and you know it. I also quoted it directly and you know it. Now do the same and quote a direct passage from the 911 report which you say is false and provide evidence that it is a lie.' Common boy I rose to your challenge now you try and summon some manhood and do the same.
You still run in fear from any questioning of government or challenge to present evidence. But it is proven you lie about doing so
Anyway the topic is Unanswered questions about 9/11 and because there are far too many to post here and 9/11 has never been legitimately officially investigated, I will list the major general questions I have: 1. Exactly what happened on 9/11 (in detail)? 2. Who planned 9/11? 3. Who carried it out? 4. Why? 5. Who are all those knowingly complicit (other than #2 and #3)? 6. Who are all those duped or coerced into complicity (and/or ignorant of their individual complicity)? 7. How exactly was 9/11 accomplished? 8. What was planned but not accomplished (if any)? 9. What is the history that led up to 9/11 (with regard to those complicit)? 10. Who ordered the destruction of evidence? 11. Who are all those involved in the ensuing coverup (but not involved in 9/11 itself)? 12. What else don't we know about 9/11 (other than #1 through #11)? The above is just a short list of unanswered questions. The topic only asks for unanswered questions, not theoretical answers (which describes the official account/reports and all the popular theories).
The "No Plane" theory was thought up by some public-relations agency to discredit the truth movement. provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents (7:20 time mark) Real truthers believe that empty remotely-controlled planes hit the towers.
Your entire post is proven a lie by the last line. " not theoretical answers ( which describes the official account/reports and all the popular theories)." You have never read the so called official report and have no idea what it states. Your entire position is that it is wrong or theoretical but you have no evidence and cannot even demonstrate how it is wrong or theoretical. Essentially what you are saying is you only want an echo chamber where no one reads or studies the OTHER side of the argument and they only agree with you. That is NOT questioning anything it is in fact FEAR of questions
The " no plane " theory was not dreamed up by any public relations agency it was dreamed up by conspiracy theorists which the link in the OP proves
Yeah I'm so terrified of the US government that I listed 12 major questions that the US government never answered and nearly every single post I write in this section directly and indirectly CHALLENGES the US government at every level to present evidence of their claims about 9/11 (and much more). Further, I've described the US government as a fraud and a criminal cartel in direct violation of the Constitution. That proof is in nearly every single one of my posts I write in this section of the forum. Talk about fear and cowardice, you have never, ever questioned the US government about anything and spend 24/7 defending every single thing they spew (calling it "accurate") because you are a terrified spineless waste of a human being. You are an incredibly lame phony and likely have mental issues.
Real truthers are idiots who believe that empty remote controlled planes hit the towers because that is a stupid claim which has no supporting evidence of any kind
How do you know they never answered those questions when you never read the report and automatically refuse to listen to anything the government said? You are lying. Not one of your posts has ever challenged the government in any way shape or form. Saying the government lies about everything all the time is not a challenge. When you present evidence ( YOU NEVER HAVE ) to refute something specific which the government has said then you might be questioning or challenging the government. You adamantly and cowardly and fearfully REFUSE to listen to or consider or even look at any evidence or any report that the government says. Ye si have questioned the government you have not I look at both sides you do not. I question you because I read what you say and NEVER do you challenge or question anything you only repeatedly preach your belief which you are hostage to. A term to describe this is ideologically possessed. Your ideology by your own admission is the government is a fraud and they ALWAYS lie. Which is something you can provide no evidence for but it guides your life in every way and you refuse to question anything which would upset that ideological view. you won't ever question the government because that would run the risk of compromising your own ideological purity
If thats the best you can do, why don't you waddle over to the fridge, grab another beer, and go and watch WWE..that seems to be your mentality.....that is if the government will let better check with them
When will you bother to read the report and ask pertinent questions? You have not done either yet. While I grab a beer and watch a movie you stay in your moms basement with your tin foil hat on making idiotic assertions which evidence debunks. I'll continue to correct you as I did on this thread.
The government did answer most of the questions asked. Those not answered have no answer by and large.
He's just tossing out his boring repetitive and nonsensical rant as he always does to divert any legitimate discussion (i.e. TROLLING). At least he repeated my questions a couple of times. I would like to hear general questions from others who are not terrified of questioning the US government about 9/11. The 9/11 families had many more specific unanswered questions they asked of the 9/11 Commission, here's the list again:
Wrong, And you are lying once again. What I repeat is a direct challenge to you and corrections to your outright lies which are quite tiresome and cowardly. if you want me to stop repeating then stop running like a coward and answer. It is clearly you who is the troll as everyone knows. You have never questioned the government and are fearful of even trying