Unemployment rate falls to 8.5% pointing to continued improvement in labor market

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Iriemon, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    We have clear objective evidence that the economy is moving in a better direction than it was 3 years ago. I can make a logical argument that the Govt intervention policies Obama effected had a positive effect on the economy and help the economy turn around.

    I don't.

    How come a when a conservative is challenged to critical thinking, they respond with claims about how bad things are going to get in the future?
    Well obviously some people think the market is going to improve. No one would put money into a market they thought was going to crash.

    Is there some relevant point you had?

    Depends on what you mean. But sure I'm aware psychology (confidence) plays a big role in the market.

    Why do you think conservative propaganda has been screeching about how terrible things are, dismissing or ignoring any positive news, and blaring every negative?
  2. coolguybrad

    coolguybrad New Member

    Oct 4, 2009
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    My nap on July 15 2005 had just as much impact. There is no "logical" argument because the entire premise STARTS with an unprovable opening statement.

    Take a look. Its basically global demand for dry goods. Check out just before 2008 crash, and check it out right now. Its a forward looking indicator. The last time it got this low, the fed decided to QE.


    I'm pragmatic. People saying things are going to get better based upon some cooked up numbers aren't going to make it rosey for me. Thats how conservatives think. Yes there are positive sings, OF COURSE, but the MSM won't focus on the possible negative signs, such as record numbers of food stamp usage (how anyone can logically disregard this as "normal" is beyond ridiculous), the fact that global demand is slowing down, or that inflation is beating the 30yr treasure note. Its in hopiums best interest to hope. This same kind of hope happened in 2007-2008 and DESTROYED people.

    Research bid stuffing and front-running. Yes it quite easy to melt the market up with liquid when you have all of it. The retail investor has fees, costs, wait periods on bids. Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JP Morgan doesn't.

    I'm not ignoring the good signs. I'm providing in what little area of my world what I can- the news that all the apple pies are still filled with poop. Don't eat the pie!!!

    That and....Obama is a suit and should be worshipped as such. He promised his platitudes (transparency, lower unemployment, guarantee after guarantee). All we got was promises. I'm still waiting....

    He had his chance to do ANYTHING he wanted. He chose to focus on Healthcare reform, which caused a HUGE amount of business uncertainty, IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREAKING RECESSION.

    What a dingbat.

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